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What JD Vance’s Federal Land Bonanza
Means for the 50 States

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Posted By: DVC, 10/5/2024 11:35:41 PM

The ground is shifting in the 2024 presidential campaign. If Donald Trump and JD Vance win this November, that will be literally a true statement because Trump and Vance want to use federal land to create more housing and wealth for Americans. Needless to say, green liberals hate the idea. Most Americans are only vaguely aware that the federal government owns 28 percent of the land in the United States. There was never any particular reason for this federal land-grabbing. It just sort of happened in the 19th century, as nobody wanted to live on arid or remote swathes of territory.


Good idea. It's OUR land.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 10/6/2024 6:19:19 AM (No. 1808334)
Much of the federal land was stolen from the original indigenous owners for the purpose of mining gold, harvesting timber and building railroads. We the People have more right to it than Washington does. The Greenies can't argue that nobody can live on it when the government is giving away much of our land to illegal invaders.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: anniebc 10/6/2024 6:36:06 AM (No. 1808348)
Give us back our country. Start with the IRS. The American people are paying taxes through the nose and getting very little for it. What happened to taxing us for roads and infrastructure? Things are falling down and away and we're being told there's no money. Yet taxpayer dollars are flying out of the country to be laundered to support criminal entities. They're playing in our faces by enriching themselves in plain sight with their shopping sprees and parties. Trump needs to be a wrecking ball, but he can't do it alone. I don't think we can depend on congress even if Republicans control both the House and Senate. All they do is hold hearings. Do we expect them to suddenly become doers instead of talkers?
34 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: RuckusTom 10/6/2024 7:04:27 AM (No. 1808360)
Teddy Roosevelt was a great president and man among men, but he was a 'progressive' when it came to setting aside land deemed 'pretty'. All told - national parks / forests, bird reserves and national monuments - he took 230 million (that's Million with an "M") acres of land out of the hands of private citizens. Sure, it can be used by the public but talk about regulations. The government and environmental freaks decide when, where, why and how land can be used, and they usually have the final say on what can and can't be done with it (e.g. hunting, fishing, camping, endangered species, oil leases, grazing, wind farms, nuclear power, etc.).
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: raspberry 10/6/2024 8:35:48 AM (No. 1808420)
Almost 3/4 of the states of Utah and Idaho are federal land. Private land is scarce.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: VietVet68 10/6/2024 9:44:04 AM (No. 1808454)
Here's a thought...lets take the most arid, godforsaken, remote pieces of land the government "owns" and relocate all the alphabet agencies from DC to that location. Lets see how long it is before those swamp dwellers resign.
34 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 10/6/2024 10:25:02 AM (No. 1808496)
For about the 716th time - - I ask this question - - - - - Why is there any "federal" land outside the District Of Columbia? Isn't this country called the United STATES? President Trump and Vice President Vance shouldn't be pussyfooting around about different uses of "federal" land. They should get behind a law or amendment which turns all "federal" land back to the states in which they are located. Eliminate "federal" land - - NOW!
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/6/2024 10:27:48 AM (No. 1808499)
Looks like Harry Reid will have to give back some land he grabbed...he's been using OUR land for private use for years...and WE should hold an investigation just how that happened....he threw cattle grassing on the land off...and insisted he had the right to do so as a member of DC's ruling elites....lots more to uncover when WE take back the White House....
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Reply 8 - Posted by: danu 10/6/2024 1:56:11 PM (No. 1808607)
what we hear worries us: 1] bloclrock is said to own the coveted land of ukr; 2] they want the coveted land of north carolina; 3] they may own much more-or covet much more...some ppl put maui in there. we've heard these pigfunds are grabbing our electric grids, and turning our living spaces into dumps, even getting eminent domain procedures to allow them to grab public lands forthemselves. none of this is very clear or publicised, sadly. one expects pdt will have to put on the full armour of God to get it back.
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What JD Vance’s Federal Land Bonanza
Means for the 50 States
8 replies
Posted by DVC 10/5/2024 11:35:41 PM Post Reply
The ground is shifting in the 2024 presidential campaign. If Donald Trump and JD Vance win this November, that will be literally a true statement because Trump and Vance want to use federal land to create more housing and wealth for Americans. Needless to say, green liberals hate the idea. Most Americans are only vaguely aware that the federal government owns 28 percent of the land in the United States. There was never any particular reason for this federal land-grabbing. It just sort of happened in the 19th century, as nobody wanted to live on arid or remote swathes of territory.
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Posted by DVC 8/4/2024 1:08:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 8/3/2024 12:19:21 PM Post Reply
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Federal judge says New Jersey’s ban
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12 replies
Posted by DVC 8/2/2024 6:40:59 PM Post Reply
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Kamala reportedly ignoring her daily presidential
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Posted by DVC 7/29/2024 4:43:00 PM Post Reply
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Whistleblower reveals why Trump rally
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Posted by DVC 7/24/2024 4:54:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 7/22/2024 2:30:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 7/21/2024 11:31:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 10/9/2024 5:54:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2024 11:31:41 PM Post Reply
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