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Radical Judge Engoron Punishes Trump More,
Orders Court to Oversee Organization's
Finances for 3 Years

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Posted By: Imright, 3/22/2024 12:28:10 AM

Not content with slapping former President Donald Trump with almost half a billion dollars in fines for a “crime” in which there were no victims, New York Judge Arthur Engoron ruled Thursday that the court will effectively take over the Trump Organization.At least, that’s how it reads, seeing as Trump will have to disclose his every financial move to his government overlords. Engoron wrote: Based on the Court's findings in its February 16th Order, the Court ordered the continued monitoring of Defendants' financial and accounting practices and disclosures, including and enhanced role for the Monitor, for a period of no less than three years, as well as

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 3/22/2024 12:39:01 AM (No. 1682705)
One can understand the French Revolution and its use of the guillotine if 18th century French aristocrats were anything like as arrogant, arbitrary, and drunk with power as Judge Engoron.
124 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Tet Vet 68 3/22/2024 12:56:02 AM (No. 1682709)
This corrupt A Nole needs to be put on trial for coruptiom and convicted then spend the rest of his life in prison
106 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 3/22/2024 1:34:53 AM (No. 1682721)
PDJT really IS the tip of the spear. To paraphrase Sally Field: They hate us. They really hate us.
81 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: judy 3/22/2024 2:19:13 AM (No. 1682726)
Why would anyone want to do business in NY??
84 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 3/22/2024 3:16:57 AM (No. 1682731)
God there must be something that can be done about the relentless persecution of Trump. This little pimp of a judge is on a power trip, along with that *itch AG, who are clearly on a mission of personal hatred and political dirty tricks as there was NO CRIME committed. Why can't Trump go directly to the Supreme court for relief from this persecution.They both have made a mockery of the justice system, and the Dems and Biden are behind all of it. That judge and James are the ones who should be in jail for what they are doing. Our country has just gone to hell, we will never be land of the free because of the people who have taken over the government, and using it to punish their opposition they are as evil as Putin and China and N. Korea. God help us all, because Trump is right, if they can do it to him they will do it to anyone. MAGA please Lord.
131 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: danu 3/22/2024 5:05:10 AM (No. 1682745)
grosssss. as o'keefe can tell you: engorgio can't even go to the gym w/o violating the civil rights and common decency of every woman in the place. james has him on video hitting on all the non-consenting females-at 5 am. eeewwww he should not be allowed to oversee a popcorn maker, much less get within thieving distance of pdt's assets. the mere thought of this orc touching anyone's hard-earned worldly goods makes me want to drink another 1/2 bottle of pink pepto. away, reptile! to 40.000 years in sing sing.
50 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mifla 3/22/2024 5:27:06 AM (No. 1682750)
New Yorkers should treat these two as pariahs when they go out in public. What they are doing is a disgrace.
64 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Trigger2 3/22/2024 5:42:30 AM (No. 1682765)
This rabid judge needs to be removed from the bench.
81 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Timber Queen 3/22/2024 5:53:39 AM (No. 1682775)
Are there any adults left in the New York judicial system? Is there no one to step in and stop this? Do the people of New York realize what this is doing to their "brand"? Well, the governor and mayor wanted to cut down on the traffic congestion in lower Manhattan. It will soon be a ghost town and they'll pay people $15 a car to come down.
59 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 3/22/2024 5:55:21 AM (No. 1682779)
“Judge Eggnog & Tishkabibble” need to be taken down from their puny podium and disbarred.
51 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rinktum 3/22/2024 6:17:36 AM (No. 1682792)
#9, My thoughts exactly. In this country there must be some kind of vehicle to use when a Judge has gone off his rocker and a Prosecutor is clearly using her office to pour out her personal animosity on one man. They both are on power trips that boggle the mind. I believe democrats are achieving exactly what they intended. They want to strike fear into the heart of anyone who would dare defend President Trump and have made it clear that they have the power to ruin you. This cannot stand or I guarantee any opposition to democrats will be treated similarly. This is a shot across anyone’s bow who would even dare to publicly support President Trump. Folks, we are coming to the point where we must make a choice, either we live on our knees or die on our feet. Democrats have one goal and that is to break President Trump financially, politically, mentally, physically, and emotionally. To watch this travesty just keep rolling out is unbelievable. That these two political hacks continue to persecute PDT for spite is disgusting. There was never any “there” there. They know it, we know it, and they know we know it and yet it continues to roll on. This is the democrats ultimate power play. Destroy Donald Trump and everything he has ever built. Please make this madness stop. No one deserves this treatment especially an innocent man.
80 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: chance_232 3/22/2024 6:21:25 AM (No. 1682796)
A federal judge did essentially the same thing to my brother-in-law many years ago. He eventually won on appeal, but the courts had dismantled and bankrupted his company. And no, he never recovered a dime. This is the plan for Trump. Destroy his companies and bankrupt him. The appeals will take years, the damage done and the government and its actors walk away without a care in the world. Neither The judge nor AG will face any charges. They are just doing their jobs. The judicial system is far more corrupt than ya’ll realize.
71 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Highlander 3/22/2024 6:30:11 AM (No. 1682802)
# 9; I regret to inform you that all the adults left NY long ago. Trump should have sold everything and move to Florida a lot sooner. Rush Limbaugh had to get out and move to Florida for the same reasons. Now, who, in his right mind, would want to go to that Rotten Apple?
51 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: anniebc 3/22/2024 6:33:23 AM (No. 1682804)
Raise your hand if you think PDT should "retaliate" against these evil cretins.
47 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Venturer 3/22/2024 6:50:58 AM (No. 1682816)
The persecution of Donald Trump is historic. Probably the most shameful use of the law that has ever occurred.
65 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Muguy 3/22/2024 7:24:08 AM (No. 1682849)
Is there some possible higher authority to reign in this Judicial tyrant?? Prosecution on vague antiquated stretches of charges that violate the basis of Law where a CONTRACT is offered and made between two parties and a loan offered is paid back? How much government intrusion in private business should there be before it becomes an entity unto itself violating person rights of due process which is a foundation of an individual's rights to prevent government tyranny??? If this is allowed to stand, evil and vindictive prosecutors will be inventing charges to come after YOU.
33 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Krause 3/22/2024 8:00:57 AM (No. 1682882)
When you see these actions by this 2-bit judge and DA, it's sure isn't hard to believe that there is massive cheating going on in our elections by the left. It's an American tragedy playing out before our eyes.
37 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Daisymay 3/22/2024 8:03:09 AM (No. 1682885)
There is something that could be done, it's called the Supreme Court. It's way past time that they get off their Dead Rear Ends and slap Both the Judge and the AG down! They are acting like they are King and Queen of New York. NOBODY should be able to take away another's Life Work. This Circus needs to come to an end and the Supremes are the people who could stop it...if they wanted to!!
38 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: bpl40 3/22/2024 8:08:18 AM (No. 1682891)
The disgust and fury that this is causing could affect some fence sitters. What if it is done to you? The only way to ensure it doesn't is to vote Trump in November.
30 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 3/22/2024 8:18:07 AM (No. 1682904)
Are we sick and tired of having the dims' communist boot on our neck yet? How disgusting is this behavior. And for what? Just for the ugly fun of destroying someone who believes in the United States of America, as founded. But as we saw in yesterday's Must Read articles, this has Blackrock 's fingerprints all over it. Fink, you care to comment, pal? Engoron is doing Blackrock's bidding. And I am sure that Georgie Boy Soros is chiming right in. No, TQ, there are no longer adults of integrity in NY's judicial system. Sadly, ignorant NY voters think this abuse of a former President is just totally funny. How much more of this police state behavior are we willing to accept? The reality check - either we stop this now or we can expect see more tyranny such as this soon and at our own doorsteps.
27 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: downnout 3/22/2024 8:25:56 AM (No. 1682920)
The judge and AG may one day discover they are not immune to the consequences of their actions. One of the things that most worries me is that someone may decide to eliminate the vermin infesting our legal system. When that happens, and I believe it will, all bets are off.
20 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: 3XALADY 3/22/2024 8:59:51 AM (No. 1682955)
Amen #11. On Rob Schmitt's show last night on Newsmax, someone who is in real estate said that no one is stepping up to help PDJT with the bond because they are afraid they will be targeted next.
20 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: ironchefw 3/22/2024 10:07:36 AM (No. 1683012)
Real criminals don't even get punished this hard. How can a fake crime have such a huge punishment?
16 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Lawsy0 3/22/2024 10:16:49 AM (No. 1683020)
Looks like Engoron has ceased using reasoned judgment and is headed into a more feline retribution. He needs to engorge-on the flesh and blood of his victim. Need more garlic and a bigger crucifix. Garbage men in black robes. Is this a wake? Agree with poster above about how "Is this any different from those bee-chez in Georgia. We be black an We rulz ya'll whyte azz."
9 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Zigrid 3/22/2024 10:25:07 AM (No. 1683027)
Not a surprise..this judge is drunk with power....he thinks he can "manage" President Trump...he's in for a big surprise....the leftie washington establishment thinks they can frighten President Trump...even attacking Baron Trump on his 18th's showing Americans just how cruel and envious they are of a successful businessman compared to their pathetic little keep it up...this ruling only moves more voters into President Trump's column....
16 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: moebellini3 3/22/2024 10:31:23 AM (No. 1683036)
Where is the supreme court. When is enough, enough. We are so far into communism it's pathetic. This should be fast tracked to the S.C. and any democratic judge that tries to block it should be over ruled immediately. Zero evidence of a crime and this man and his whole family have been targeted by one hoax after another. And, think about it, not one freakin low life democrat has ever been held accountable. This has been going on for over 8 freakin years. Wake up already.
17 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/22/2024 10:42:23 AM (No. 1683057)
Hey SCOTUS, what happened to the BAD JUDGE POLICE????????????
15 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: lana720 3/22/2024 10:44:41 AM (No. 1683061)
This is freakin outrageous! It’s time for the American People to monitor the books of the US Goob’mint to see why and how it functions to destroy us!,, OUTRAGEOUS!!!
9 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Felixed 3/22/2024 11:24:23 AM (No. 1683098)
"This corrupt A Nole needs to be put on trial for coruptiom and convicted then spend the rest of his life in prison" #2 Poster Prison costs money. Money that could go to many the far more worthy cause. Execute him. And set a good example doing it.
4 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 3/22/2024 11:53:10 AM (No. 1683122)
Political persecution. The likes of which never ever witnessed any time in the history of our country.
7 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: dwa 3/22/2024 11:57:27 AM (No. 1683130)
#18, The Supreme Court doesn't just step into a case, it wait until the case is brought to it and then it can either accept or reject the case. Second, you have way too much faith in this Supreme Court under Roberts. It is not, as many claim, a conservative court, and by that I mean a court that strictly interprets the Constitution. It has two staunch conservative justices, three radical leftist justices and four wishy washy justices.
11 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: rochow 3/22/2024 12:10:45 PM (No. 1683138)
This low life 'judge' seems to think he is the Czar of all the Americans and whatever he decides needs to be done. And the law be damned.
5 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 3/22/2024 12:15:54 PM (No. 1683141)
#14 Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord, I will repay. Yesterday, our Calvary Chapel church prayer group of over 12 (mostly men) went inside the Capitol in Boise, ID and prayed for our nation and our State. We prayed for President Trump fervently and we had the assurance in prayer that God heard our prayers. We don't know how the Lord will answer our prayers and yours for President Trump, but we know He will! God's timing is not our timing. But when it happens and looking back, we will know it was the perfect timing. Keep praying. God is still on His throne and He hears and answers prayers.
13 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Sully 3/22/2024 2:51:00 PM (No. 1683243)
Engoron is not furthering his cause, which is to hurt President Trump's election chances. Every single savable person in this country is thinking the same thing: if angry state lawyers can ruin a man who has $3B, they could ruin me without one drop of sweat. Trump's persecution threatens us all.
7 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Foghorn 3/22/2024 3:10:02 PM (No. 1683258)
Think about this action. It means the government can take your property under its wing and run a private business for 3 or more years. This is a national disgrace to financially beat up a person that technically did not break a law or cause harm to any. The law the NY court is using is incantational. Not only that the judge have overstepped his power. This is a personal hit job by the AG.
6 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Foghorn 3/22/2024 3:40:21 PM (No. 1683273)
All of the actions taken in this case are unconstitutional and will be thrown out by higher courts. You can't violate the Constitution by using it to interfere with an election and blatant violations.
3 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 3/22/2024 4:34:27 PM (No. 1683312)
The Trumps are much nicer and more tolerant than I am. I'd have already gone "Wyatts Torch" on everything I own outright in New York. And with this abominable miscarriage of JustUs by Engorgon, I'd be seriously considering going "Ragnar Danneskjöld" on New York.
3 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: KAG 3/22/2024 7:31:24 PM (No. 1683474)
This judge is so evil. He better realize he will have to face God for all his transgressions like all of us some day!
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 5:43:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 5:39:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 5:28:26 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 7:28:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 8:21:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 3/23/2024 1:01:47 AM Post Reply
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15 replies
Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 12:42:09 AM Post Reply
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Judge Tosses Challenge, Upholds Law Allowing
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14 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/23/2024 7:47:25 AM Post Reply
A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit challenging a District of Columbia law allowing “noncitizen residents” to vote in local elections. Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an appointee of President Barack Obama, found that a group of seven citizen plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the legislation. (snip) The judge concluded: “At bottom, they are simply raising a generalized grievance which is insufficient to confer standing.” (snip) Additionally, in combination with other laws, the Noncitizen Voting Act permits illegal immigrants to serve as D.C. mayor, to serve on the D.C. Council, and to serve on the D.C. Board of Elections.
Frank Luntz on CNN: If Letitia James Starts
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14 replies
Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 12:44:15 AM Post Reply
Frank Luntz recently appeared on CNN and was asked about the possibility of New York AG Letitia James seizing Trump’s assets. He gave the far left network a stark warning, saying that if James does this, she will essentially make Trump’s case for him and he will surely be elected. The point Luntz is making is a good one, but it may have already happened in the mind of the public. People already see this happening. The mere possibility of it is as real as if it already happened.
McCarthy: ‘Republicans Lost the Majority’
When Gaetz Led My Ouster
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/23/2024 5:08:04 PM Post Reply
As turmoil continues within the House Republican caucus, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime” and weighed in on that turmoil and the decisions his successor, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), is facing. According to the former California lawmaker, the beginning of the end for Republicans came when Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) led his ouster last year. “Kevin what is going on with the spending and what just happened with Johnson?” host Jesse Watters asked. “I don’t know what they’re doing spending now, but when I became Speaker, I instituted a 72-hour rule that got not just the members the opportunity to read the
United Steelworkers union endorses Biden,
giving him more labor support in presidential race
13 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/23/2024 2:22:07 PM Post Reply
The United Steelworkers Union has endorsed President Joe Biden, giving him support from another large labor union. The announcement Wednesday by the Pittsburgh-based union came less than a week after Biden voiced opposition to the planned sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel of Japan, saying it’s vital that the company remain American owned and operated. The USW, which represents 850,000 workers in metals, mining, rubber and other industries, said Biden has a track record of supporting retirement security, affordable health care and laws that help workers, all important issues to its members.
Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities
in Voter Database
13 replies
Posted by Imright 3/23/2024 8:25:25 AM Post Reply
In the spring of 2021, volunteer investigators from Ohio acquired publicly available voter data for all 88 counties and started their analysis. Over the next year the researchers found hundreds of thousands of records in their state’s voter rolls with irregular data for which they couldn’t identify consistent explanations, no matter who they asked. In late summer of 2022, they reached out to Marly Hornik, co-leader of New York Citizens Audit, whose team had identified similar inaccuracies in the New York State data. In 2023, Hornik and Harry Haury, an expert in cybercrime and election law, founded United Sovereign Americans and developed a legal strategy for securing the validity of
Bernie Sanders’ four-day-work-week scheme
is a prescription for poverty
13 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/23/2024 7:57:05 AM Post Reply
Karl Marx would be proud: Bernie Sanders has urged taking another step toward the philosopher’s envisioned utopia by proposing to mandate a four-day work week In communist society, Marx wrote, workers would be liberated to “hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, raise cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have in mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd, or critic.” Needles to say that’s not how communism turned out. Yet the belief that work is basically a capitalist imposition that is unnatural and bad for people still holds sway on the left, and Sanders is, accordingly,
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