Exclusive: Senate Republicans Sound Off
On Leaked Border Deal Proposals, Say They
Will Absolutely Not Vote For Them
Daily Caller,
Henry Rodgers
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
1/24/2024 6:37:21 PM
A number of Senate Republicans are extremely concerned with the ongoing border deal negotiations between the White House and GOP leadership, expressing their frustration with a number of leaked proposals that are being considered and saying they would never vote for the bill, in exclusive conversations with the Daily Caller.
According to sources engaged on the border bailout, the proposals go beyond past already reported leaks. The current framework under consideration would drastically change immigration law in the U.S. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz all spoke with the Caller about what they have heard about the ongoing negotiations and reacted to leaked proposals
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
slipstik 1/24/2024 8:26:25 PM (No. 1643672)
There is no "negotiation" to be had.
There is precisely one single answer.
Round up each and every one of these invaders and send them back.
This is Cloward and Piven on steroids. We can't handle this flood. We don't have the resources. Our schools can't handle our own children let alone non English speakers. Our health care system, already precarious, is now overwhelmed by diseases we conquered 50 years ago with new mutations we can't cure. We can't house our own people but now have to find housing for 6,000,000 people who can't perform the simplest tasks in a modern society.
What a LOT of them are good at is CRIME. Already, some cities have organized burglary/robbery gangs made up entirely of illegal aliens.
The only answer is "get them out of here".
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
bighambone 1/24/2024 8:29:01 PM (No. 1643674)
Any Republicans who would vote for the Democrat designed deal that is nothing more than a massive "path to citizenship" amnesty for illegal aliens would be handing the leftist and socialist Democrats tens of millions of new foreign born supporters and voters in future years, and would be committing long-term political suicide for themselves and the Republican Party.
If the Republicans really want to take politics out of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration they would be pushing for a Constitutional Amendment to the effect that any alien who entered the USA illegally by way of the borderlines would be deemed to be permanently ineligible to be granted US citizenship. If that happened and illegal aliens could never vote in future US elections, the leftist and socialist Democrats would rapidly loose interest in supporting unlimited numbers of illegal aliens entering the USA unlawfully. Common sense will tell you that the leftist and socialist Democrats would not be supporting any "path to citizenship" amnesty if they ever thought that any illegal aliens would ever become Republican supporters or voters in the future.
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Remember how Mitch McConnell pushed through a Federal Budget extension in 2022 to deny the incoming Republican House a voice in spending? The problem isn't this McConnell scheme or that McConnell scheme but Mitch McConnell himself. McConnell needs to be removed as minority leader and Republican voters need to make it clear that if Republican Senators refuse to remove him they will be defeated in primaries and removed as well.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
chagrined 1/24/2024 9:09:05 PM (No. 1643691)
Proposals my *ss. This is more like concessions you WILL take, and like it.
This is THE big Achilles heel of the Republican Party. There are far too many Republicans who STILL want to reach across the aisle and compromise with the uncompromisable. This is how all the rinos keep getting elected to office, and demonrats keep getting EVERYTHING they want. You just can't get it across to otherwise Conservative individuals, the time for compromising is OVER. We are dealing with communists, fascists, maniacal megalomaniacs, otherwise known as the demonrat party. Unfortunately too, many of the already elected rinos are not much better. I expect many of the primaries will be nauseating again as rino after rino keeps taking the nomination for the general election.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
edgar 1/24/2024 9:45:52 PM (No. 1643698)
They will approve it. Just like they approve each Continuing Resolution to keep funding Nancy Pelosi's budget, while telling us they are going to reign in uncontrolled spending. Actions speak louder than words.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
walcb 1/24/2024 10:27:47 PM (No. 1643716)
Doesn't matter the dims will vote unanimously to pass it and a few pubes will join in to get it passed. So more money will get thrown at the border and it will get diverted into the dim coffers--as always.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
TXknitter 1/24/2024 11:23:03 PM (No. 1643732)
The Senate Republicans objecting can prove they mean business by declaring a big NO vote on yet one more poison bill that basically gives a form of amnesty. We have been watching these sneaky efforts to do this by any number of Senators on our side for YEARS. You mean business? Say you vote NO on all this even if it shuts down the whole government!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Trigger2 1/25/2024 12:27:37 AM (No. 1643754)
I wouldn't vote for it either.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
judy 1/25/2024 12:33:24 AM (No. 1643760)
Republicans should vote Mitch out!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
tootall 1/25/2024 8:19:42 AM (No. 1643915)
Where are the rest of the Senators? No more money, NOT ONE CENT, until the invasion is stopped.
I say its time to look into the who made contributions to the Senators that won't make a stand. If they're compromised somehow ... time to out 'em. That is what will happen next January anyhow.
I do believe an effective 'dealmaker' will give them the chance to walk their talk before quietly fading away into retirement at the Cliffs or somewhere similar.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 1/25/2024 12:13:06 PM (No. 1644166)
China Mitch, working hard to stab us in the back one more time.
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