CNN and MSNBC are slammed for muting Trump's
mic to chime in with fact checkers - as
Jake Tapper speaks over the former president
to condemn his 'anti-immigrant rhetoric'
Daily Mail (UK),
Will Potter
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
1/24/2024 9:07:01 AM
CNN and MSNBC doubled down on their decision not to air Donald Trump's primary victory speeches in full, again cutting away from his New Hampshire rally to offer fact checks to viewers.
As Trump boasted on Tuesday night that he had won the Granite State for a third time in a row, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interjected with a laugh, 'So, there we go, this is part of the issue here.'
She then corrected Trump's false assertion that he won the state in the 2020 general election, and only in the GOP primary, at the same moment CNN's Jake Tapper followed suit.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 1/24/2024 9:20:57 AM (No. 1643205)
Why would anyone be surprised? Anyone tuning in to CNN or MSDNC are not tuning in to hear Trump, but to hear these two DNC networks badmouth him. Their few viewers got what they came for.
21 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
FJB 1/24/2024 9:22:46 AM (No. 1643207)
It's too late for these leftist fools to "wake up and come around." And they can forget their pedo pal, China Joe, and further elections. America is now a Marxist state.
13 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Californian 1/24/2024 9:23:21 AM (No. 1643209)
Anyone watching either for their election news is already a lost soul anyway.
These are the same people who believe he works for Putin and hired hookers to pee on a bed all the rest of their crazy.
24 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
bighambone 1/24/2024 9:23:55 AM (No. 1643211)
Trump’s rhetoric is not anti legal immigrant, it is anti illegal alien and anti mass uncontrolled illegal immigration.
25 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
PostAway 1/24/2024 9:26:18 AM (No. 1643214)
Is it any wonder that the public, especially conservatives, hold the MSM in such contempt? It is not enough for the likes of Maddow and Tapper to get their mugs on TV every day and make seven figures. They have to spew garbage, vilifying half of their countrymen, passing judgment from their ivory perches to help their elitist friends get elected and rip our country apart.
21 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Namma 1/24/2024 9:45:12 AM (No. 1643236)
no one is against LEGAL immigration. Soi Jake, tell the truth. PRESIDENT Trump and supporters are against ILLEGALS and you calling them immigrants. I wonder how you would feel and act if you just told the truth, once!
15 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
downnout 1/24/2024 9:46:24 AM (No. 1643239)
CNN and MSNBC still shoveling manure to their viewers.
18 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
slipstik 1/24/2024 9:51:53 AM (No. 1643246)
You know how contentious Trump's next term will be
The pool of potential cabinet secretaries and staff was shallow and often sinisterly disloyal in his first term. Things will be no better in the next one.
Our entire political elite class should be exiled to Yemen.
Our entire military has been castrated, both by DIE and the covid vaxx. Every officer above brigadier general should be fired or retired.
The civil service is a fortress of commie radicals and probably the single biggest voting block in the country.
The rot goes all the way down to the postal service. Remember the '20 ballot shuffle?
I will vote for no one other than Trump, but there is only so much one hero can do, especially in only 4 contentious years.
Unless the hand of God comes out of the sky to smite evil, we are at the end of the line with Trump on the bridge as we sink. We've had our 200 years.
13 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
wilarrbie 1/24/2024 9:52:00 AM (No. 1643247)
No one, including Trump, is against immigration. What we are experiencing is NOT immigration. We have a purposeful usurping of established immigration law. Like they tell us - you don't like the rules - change the laws! But you can't disregard them. (but they do regularly.)
16 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 1/24/2024 9:59:25 AM (No. 1643254)
They have...what...something like 20 viewers combined? I bet The Accounting Channel has more viewers
12 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 1/24/2024 10:19:58 AM (No. 1643278)
Not "anti-immigrant" Jake, it's being anti-illegal. As we've seen for 12 years of Demonrat rule, they want to turn the Office of President into an excuse for breaking the law.
10 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
coldborezero 1/24/2024 10:48:38 AM (No. 1643304)
Re#6: Bien au contraire, mon ami! I, for one, am adamantly opposed to any further immigration. I also fervently support mass deportation of every single criminal alien invader, wherever and whenever they can be captured. We are full. We don’t need any more. Will I get my desire. Doubtful. But, it is a dream I have.
8 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Lazyman 1/24/2024 11:11:00 AM (No. 1643323)
The state run media. What do you expect?
6 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
MindMadeUp 1/24/2024 11:14:07 AM (No. 1643328)
Pure propaganda spewing from our main news outlets. It ain't right.
7 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Highlander 1/24/2024 11:14:51 AM (No. 1643329)
The Left always fight dirty.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
scottj 1/24/2024 11:22:19 AM (No. 1643333)
Looks like Jake Tapper and his fellow Democrats are pro-invasion.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
mc squared 1/24/2024 11:42:42 AM (No. 1643341)
Not the first time DJT has been cut off mid-stream by the networks.
9 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 1/24/2024 11:58:05 AM (No. 1643352)
Propaganda nets gotta shut down the truth, it frightens them.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
jasmine 1/24/2024 12:19:34 PM (No. 1643372)
Well, of course Jake Tapper prefers to use the euphemism "anti-immigrant rhetoric."
When you want to dismiss legitimate objections to Biden's misplaced priorities, and the burden everyone in this country is now saddled with, you have to cast President Trump and his millions of supporters as the real problem. By pretending "illegal aliens" are "legal immigrants" are interchangeable terms.
We've reached a point where our own ELECTED leaders in our states aren't allowed to protect the citizens in what is supposed to be a representative government. Instead, three former presidents and unelected NGOs, none of whom are answerable to the American people, are working AROUND our laws to benefit non-citizens at the expense of our own people and their national interests. Enough!
7 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Penney 1/24/2024 3:37:55 PM (No. 1643491)
The biased MSM keeps proving its political coverage is worthless
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
billp 1/24/2024 4:14:04 PM (No. 1643525)
I don't know that it makes any difference. Who watches these two moron channels other than the terminally brain dead anyway?
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
DVC 1/24/2024 4:38:11 PM (No. 1643561)
"fact checkers" = Leftist liars putting out propaganda
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
judy 1/25/2024 6:09:36 AM (No. 1643817)
Consider it a compliment when cnn & comcast msnbc mutes you...
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
MickTurn 1/25/2024 12:55:34 PM (No. 1644233)
The Crap News Network, CNN, and PMSnbc are both Marxist outlets. Their "News" is nothing but Nasty LIES!
0 people like this.
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