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How Were the Universities Lost?

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Posted By: Moritz55, 12/8/2023 11:43:09 AM

After October 7, the public was shocked at what they saw and heard on America's campuses. Americans knew previously they were intolerant, leftwing, and increasingly non-meritocratic. But immediately after October 7 -- and even before the response of the Israeli Defense Forces -- the sheer student delight on news of the mass murdering of Israeli victims seemed akin more to 1930s Germany than contemporary America. Indeed, not a day goes by when a university professor or student group has not spouted antisemitic hatred. Often, they threaten and attack Jewish students, or engage in mass demonstrations calling for the extinction of Israel. Why and how did purportedly enlightened universities become incubators of such primordial hatred?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Scribelus 12/8/2023 12:18:08 PM (No. 1613227)
Yes, Oh yes, and yes!
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Mofongo 12/8/2023 12:30:17 PM (No. 1613236)
It’s not just the universities that are lost. A conservative cannot get hired in any of the opinion-influencing professions. Academia, journalism, Hollywood, publishing, museum management, high tech. television. clergy ((mostly),. Is it any surprise that Americans are as baffled as they are?
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 12/8/2023 12:32:41 PM (No. 1613242)
They were bought out by the Chinese and the Muslims.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: john56 12/8/2023 12:50:41 PM (No. 1613257)
And the worst part is that each of those Univ. Big shots didn't just review their notes on the plane or train to DC. They were all coached by high dollar consultants and lawyers. Here's what to say to befuddle those stupid Republicans. Say that and you're okay. Our bill is in the mail. Heck for $100 bucks and a three minute phone call I could have told any of these educated-beyond-their-intelligence eggheads that the last thing you want to say is that you understand that the pro-Hamas folks on campus have the right to call for the genocide of any group, including their Jewish students.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/8/2023 1:16:49 PM (No. 1613274)
Real simple, Communism is Alive and Well at all Universities, Media, Corporations, Unions, Political parties, yes Democrats and Republicrats (RINO's).
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BarryNo 12/8/2023 1:18:14 PM (No. 1613278)
I'm 66. When I was in college, the heads of history and religion would not graduate a student who didn't pass their philosophy of Marxism. If they weren't satisfied you were their revolutionary, you didn't get your degree. You tell ME what was wrong with that!
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Reply 7 - Posted by: snakeoil 12/8/2023 1:22:33 PM (No. 1613280)
I don't have any statistics. But, I believe or at least hope that most of the hooligans are not American citizens. What a strange world we live in. If you use the wrong pronoun on a college campus you could be expelled and charged with a hate crime. But if you threaten to kill someone because of their religion or ethnicity it's just free expression.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 12/8/2023 2:25:49 PM (No. 1613330)
They were losing back in the 80s! At least 3 of the professors I knew at the time were loudly professing counter culture leftist hippies.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: JimBob 12/8/2023 3:42:08 PM (No. 1613381)
It seems to me that the rot really got going as a result of Lyin' Lyndon Johnson's bungling, first getting the USA into Vietnam, and then his ineptitude in running the war, combined with the Draft and college deferments. Huge numbers of draft-age Leftist high-school graduates went to university not to get an education, but to avoid the Draft and resulting military service in Vietnam. These people hid out in the University system, earning one degree, than another degree, then some advanced degree..... all the while partying, protesting, and avoiding the Draft. In the years following, these same Leftists, having grown at home in the university system and not capable of working in the commercial world, and also having multiple degrees that they accrued while avoiding the draft, came to dominate the ranks of the staff and faculty of universities across the nation. Refusing to hire anyone of any different political persuasion, they continued to fill any and all vacancies with hard Leftists, until we have reached the condition we find at the universities today.
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How Were the Universities Lost? 9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/8/2023 11:43:09 AM Post Reply
After October 7, the public was shocked at what they saw and heard on America's campuses. Americans knew previously they were intolerant, leftwing, and increasingly non-meritocratic. But immediately after October 7 -- and even before the response of the Israeli Defense Forces -- the sheer student delight on news of the mass murdering of Israeli victims seemed akin more to 1930s Germany than contemporary America. Indeed, not a day goes by when a university professor or student group has not spouted antisemitic hatred. Often, they threaten and attack Jewish students, or engage in mass demonstrations calling for the extinction of Israel. Why and how did purportedly enlightened universities become incubators of such primordial hatred?
Biden’s Venezuela Failure 6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/7/2023 4:29:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/6/2023 5:49:14 PM Post Reply
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Disinformation starts at the top — with
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Posted by Moritz55 12/6/2023 2:17:43 PM Post Reply
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4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/6/2023 12:34:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/6/2023 9:35:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/6/2023 9:28:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/5/2023 5:49:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/5/2023 5:44:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/5/2023 11:59:00 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 1:02:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 12/9/2023 10:16:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/8/2023 6:37:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 12/8/2023 11:42:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 12/8/2023 7:01:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/8/2023 9:55:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 12/9/2023 8:10:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by thekidsmom66 12/8/2023 1:50:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/8/2023 8:44:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 12/8/2023 7:02:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/9/2023 4:59:49 PM Post Reply
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