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Put a Chick in it and Make Her Gay. And Lame.

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Posted By: Judy W., 11/18/2023 8:48:48 AM

I got sucked into The Morning Show on Apple TV, because sometimes I just like to hate-watch. I don’t watch violence anymore or sex, and if anything starts with someone on a toilet, I’m out. (Snip) Or stupid women talking, like the Housewives or even more offensive, The Buccaneers. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men. YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST WOMEN WHO EVER LIVED.


Only a woman could write this piece, but I'll bet it's what a lot of men would say to women of a certain and numerous type if they weren't either too gallant or too fearful.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/18/2023 9:19:51 AM (No. 1600790)
Ms. Nickson is a compelling writer and an intrepid woman, a good thinker. And, as OP says, only a woman could have written this. FTA: "Every news network in the world is worth its real estate and nothing more. They are only surviving because the cabal is funding them to brainwash the Borg women and their tamed and terrified families." Many of us have been saying for years that 95% of the Legacy Media, which usually lies and misinforms for the benefit of the Left, should be in some other profession--just not that one. Their news organizations should be out of business, bad memories. These professional leftists are just not trustworthy people. If they want to be revolutionaries, let them be revolutionaries, like AP's combatant photographers carrying hand grenades on the way to the slaughter. Let them face what they encourage.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 11/18/2023 9:48:25 AM (No. 1600810)
This cheapskate is going to have to subscribe. Such persons need support.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chumley 11/18/2023 9:52:24 AM (No. 1600814)
I used to enjoy women shows. They thought differently than us guys and werent so quick to punch or shoot, yet they still got the job done. They had heart. Then they went into a competition to see who could be the bigger slut. Cagney and Lacey was the first I noticed, and more recently Two Broke Girls and New Girl. No wonder I keep the TV on Bugs Bunny nowadays.
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Msquared112 11/18/2023 9:52:56 AM (No. 1600817)
Link is bad. Here's the right one:
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Msquared112 11/18/2023 9:54:28 AM (No. 1600819)
This is an excellent essay.
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Italiano 11/18/2023 10:03:05 AM (No. 1600835)
There is not one Democrat woman in politics qualified to lead a city, state or nation, and very few Republicans, not one of which I could name offhand. Forget Soap Opera Sarah Palin, look at the Meg ("Talk to Meg") or Christine Todd Whitman's and Carly Fiorina's we've had to listen to in the past, and now Nikki OMG Haley? Forget it. And we'd probably not get started in on the ABW
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: spacer 11/18/2023 10:18:34 AM (No. 1600854)
#2.. She's worth every penny.
2 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Jen103143 11/18/2023 10:55:21 AM (No. 1600871)
Ms. Nickson could not have been more explicit about the new-age woman! All visages of the 1950s women seem to have disappeared with the onslaught of feminism, but what did they gain? Now they want to whine that they don't have a man around to comfort or protect them? Why aren't they complaining about the men who want to be women and who have been taking advantage of them in the sports world? Hopefully, cancel culture will cancel themselves out of this absurdity, but it seems to be getting a foothold in society.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Borderboy 11/18/2023 11:20:54 AM (No. 1600888)
Posting a reply is like adding a moustache to the Mona Lisa...
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: kono 11/18/2023 11:21:08 AM (No. 1600889)
Terrific grist for the mill. The whole world is being systematically reduced to camps of automatons, parroting their side's dogma without understanding any side's position, even their own. We need to take care not to let conservative thought fall victim to the same dynamics.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: privateer 11/18/2023 2:45:50 PM (No. 1601022)
This brutally honest analysis details and deliciously excoriates a certain type of The Modern Woman, and Women's issues. It's a splendid contribution! Sadly, the Decline Of The West is to a large extent, the Decline Of Womanhood.
2 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: anniebc 11/19/2023 7:18:15 AM (No. 1601345)
The piece was difficult to read, but I get it. Almost everything she writes makes sense; it's just not written well.
0 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: franq 11/19/2023 7:48:01 AM (No. 1601355)
Good article, and it brutally describes the current state of Western culture. Too bad no mention of Christianity as a solution or bulwark, but maybe she'll get there someday.
0 people like this.

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Put a Chick in it and Make Her Gay. And Lame. 13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/18/2023 8:48:48 AM Post Reply
I got sucked into The Morning Show on Apple TV, because sometimes I just like to hate-watch. I don’t watch violence anymore or sex, and if anything starts with someone on a toilet, I’m out. (Snip) Or stupid women talking, like the Housewives or even more offensive, The Buccaneers. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men. YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST WOMEN WHO EVER LIVED.
Memo to Hamas: Settler Societies Aren't Evil 3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/17/2023 7:44:11 AM Post Reply
In the nauseating demonstrations celebrating Hamas' slaughter of Israelis, one hears repeated, again and again, the refrain that Israelis are "settlers" and "colonists" -- and therefore, in the catechism inculcated in universities in recent decades, oppressors not deserving of mercy or sympathy when tortured and murdered by those who deemed themselves the oppressed. (Snip) Of course, people -- and peoples -- don't always fit neatly into these categories. Jews have been living in the lands "from the river to the sea," between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, since Biblical times, in varying numbers. Their claim to the supposedly morally superior status of the indigenous has as much strength as
The Struggle for Black Freedom Has Nothing
to Do with Israel
3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/16/2023 9:45:35 AM Post Reply
As the Israel-Hamas war drags on in its second month and shows no sign of abating, many Westerners have drawn comparisons between the state of Israel and Jim Crow-era America or apartheid South Africa. In their telling, Israelis are the white people, Palestinians are the black people, and the ethics of the conflict mirror the ethics of Jim Crow and apartheid. Once framed this way, the correct view becomes obvious. Israelis: racist oppressors. Palestinians: noble victims. (Snip) But close-to-home analogies rarely explain distant events. Whereas Europeans had no claim to belong in the New World, Jews are indigenous to the land and have lived there continuously for millennia.
'Anything Can Happen Now' 12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/16/2023 8:55:53 AM Post Reply
Our real lives have become Black Mirror episodes. (Snip) I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, and neither have you. In fewer than 48 hours, TikTok has convinced tens of thousands of Americans to take the side of the man most responsible for 9/11. Think about that. The Chinese Communists have created a weapon that compels Americans to cheer for 9/11, the same as people throughout the Arab world did at the time. They are endorsing it because in the epistle, the leader of al Qaeda condemns the Jews and tells Americans he committed terror against them in part because of America’s support of Israel.
Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury
reports, barely follow up: investigation
11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/14/2023 8:17:30 AM Post Reply
Federal public health agencies are reportedly withholding the most accurate and up-to-date reports of vaccine injury from the public, allegedly to protect privacy. Patients don't necessarily see it that way, and it's not clear the feds told Congress. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, jointly managed by the CDC and FDA, has a secret "back end" privy only to regulators, an FDA official told advocates of VAERS reform nearly a year ago, according to a British Medical Journal investigation published Friday. "Anything derived from medical records by law" cannot be included in the "front end system" accessible to the public, Narayan Nair, director of the Division of Pharmacovigilance, allegedly told
Exodus and Remembrance 2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/12/2023 9:19:59 AM Post Reply
In recent days I have been seeing a lot of old images. I have been looking at pictures of London as it was, and Britain as it was. It is just a tiny fraction over a century since the Cenotaph, which honours Britain’s war dead, was completed and unveiled. It is a starkly simple monument, with an elegance characteristic of its era, and fitting to its purpose. A century, in the life of old nations, should be a little thing. And yet the world, and this nation, could hardly have been altered more radically if we had lost both the great world wars of the 20th century.
Lizard King? Philanthropath? Genocidal Maniac? 5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/11/2023 2:58:55 PM Post Reply
The month before 9/11, I was in Seattle interviewing the new digital titans for the Sunday Telegraph. (Snip) A new book, The Gates of Hell,Why Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World by Daniel Jupp, manages to dissect all of Gates’s activities since September 2011 and has he ever been a busy psychopath. Jupp is one of the several gifted polemicists called forth by the gnarly times we live in. He soared to recognition with witty, but somehow soothing Facebook blasts that combined PJ O’Rourke with Jonathan Swift with Steve Bannon. Jupp, if that is his real name, hails from working class England, Essex to be precise-ish,
The "Genocide" Canard Against Israel 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/11/2023 9:07:52 AM Post Reply
The word “genocide” may be the one rendered most meaningless in our discourse. It has some steep competition, of course. “White supremacy” now means asking someone to show up on time. “Trauma” means being referred to with the wrong pronoun. And “genocide” can, among other things, mean debating experimental sex reassignment procedures for children. (Go look up #transgenocide on Twitter and weep.) But the supporters of Hamas and of the Palestinians have seized the g-word with particular zeal. And who can blame them? There’s a real, adolescent frisson in accusing the victims of the worst genocide in modern history of being genocidal themselves.
Why they hate Snow White 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/10/2023 11:34:29 AM Post Reply
Rachel Zegler is the go-to token Hispanic in Hollywood. Steven Spielberg hired her to be Maria in his remake of West Side Story. The film bombed like it were dropped from a B-52 as did her next movie, Shazam! Fury of the Gods. Her third movie premieres later this month. We will see if she is box office poison or box office toxic waste. Of course, that is not her third movie. The Disney remake of Snow White is. Disney shot the movie in England in the spring of 2022. Its release date was scheduled for this year, then next year and now it is set for 2025.
Why they hate Snow White 9 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/10/2023 7:59:01 AM Post Reply
Rachel Zegler is the go-to token Hispanic in Hollywood. Steven Spielberg hired her to be Maria in his remake of West Side Story. The film bombed like it were dropped from a B-52 as did her next movie, Shazam! Fury of the Gods. Her third movie premieres later this month. We will see if she is box office poison or box office toxic waste. Of course, that is not her third movie. The Disney remake of Snow White is. Disney shot the movie in England in the spring of 2022. Its release date was scheduled for this year, then next year and now it is set for 2025.
"Almost Everything Scares Me These Days" 7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/9/2023 6:30:30 AM Post Reply
This is a synthesis of brutal information, so here is lighter fare to start. (Snip) Some of the following disasters are forced on us, and others are suppression or concealment of effective treatments. For example, iodine restriction is obviously purposeful. For the rest, ask yourself, “Could this have been solely caused by chance, greed, or incompetence?” The answer is mostly “No.” The following hazards are in rough order of importance. Medical abuses Using therapies that do not work, that cause active harm, or for which simpler, safer, or more effective alternatives are available. This is at least half of modern medicine, and it is the biggest risk on this list.
I’m an expert in urban warfare. Israel
is upholding the laws of war
6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/7/2023 5:19:06 PM Post Reply
All war is hell. All war is killing and destruction, and historically civilians are inordinately the innocent victims of wars. Urban warfare is a unique type of hell not just for soldiers, who face assaults from a million windows or deep tunnels below them, but especially for civilians. Noncombatants have accounted for 90% of casualties per international humanitarian experts in the modern wars that have occurred in populated urban areas such as Iraq’s Mosul and Syria’s Raqqa, even when a Western power like the United States is leading or supporting the campaign. The destruction and suffering, as awful as they are, don’t automatically constitute war crimes
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Biden invokes emergency wartime powers
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 11/18/2023 10:57:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden will use special wartime powers to boost US production of heat pumps, by funding nine manufacturing projects with $169 million from last year's climate bill, the Energy Department said on Friday. The awards were granted under the emergency authority of the Cold War-era Defense Production Act (DPA), which Biden invoked on the basis of climate change to boost spending on clean energy technology. 'The President is using his wartime emergency powers under the Defense Production Act to turbocharge US manufacturing of clean technologies and strengthen our energy security,' said Biden's National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi
NIGHTMARE: EV malfunctions, locks driver
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and ignites
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Posted by DVC 11/18/2023 12:02:58 AM Post Reply
Here’s a story that by my account, flew relatively under the radar—according to an October Facebook post by an organization of firefighters in Hollywood, Florida: On Sunday Oct 1st, a Tesla Model S [sic] was attempting to back a jet ski into the water at the Polk Street boat ramp, when it lost traction and slid into the inter-coastal [sic]. The salt water reacted with the the [sic] vehicle’s electronics causing them to short, sparking a fire that burned underwater for an extended period of time. The fire was allowed to burn underwater until it extinguished itself.
Army Scrambling to Get Back Soldiers It
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Posted by Imright 11/18/2023 3:06:20 PM Post Reply
The Army now appears to be trying to bring back into service soldiers it kicked out over the Biden administration’s policy to remove servicemembers who rejected the coronavirus vaccine mandate, according to a letter from the Army several former soldiers posted online. The letter, addressed to “Former Service Member,” states that there is new Army guidance that would correct military records of those kicked out, which would enable those who were removed and had their DD-214s marked with a certain code barring them from reentering service to be able to return. The letter instructed former soldiers on how they could get their records corrected, then added:
Oregon Democratic candidate vows to 'reclaim
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Posted by Beardo 11/18/2023 6:06:54 PM Post Reply
A Democratic Congressional Candidate is 'reclaiming her sexuality' after a clip of her working at a Manhattan BDSM dungeon was leaked. Courtney Casgraux, 41, is a self-described 'international businesswoman' who is running for a seat in the United States House of Representatives for Oregon's first district. The single mother of a teenage son was exposed in a video leaked on Reddit for working as a dominatrix in Manhattan during hers 20s and 30s. Casgraux would charge clients $500 for playing the dominant role in BDSM activities.
Pope Francis’ Removal Of Conservative
Texas Bishop Exposes More Cracks In The
Vatican’s New Agenda
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/18/2023 12:29:15 PM Post Reply
The inevitable occurred last weekend when Pope Francis ousted Bishop Joseph Strickland from his Diocese of Tyler, Texas for reasons not yet provided, after “an exhaustive inquiry into all aspects of the governance and leadership of the diocese” was initiated back in June. (snip)It just so happens that Strickland received the June 24 “apostolic visitation” days after he returned from leading a prayer procession in response to the honoring of a blasphemous, anti-Catholic hate group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, on the Dodgers’ 10th annual “Pride Night,” a date which coincided with the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Vatican’s timing in all of this was,
One More Gone Woke: Girl Scouts Stick
With BLM, Will Train to 'Decenter' Whiteness
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/18/2023 10:20:38 AM Post Reply
Sure, your daughter slings a mean pack of Do-si-dos, but how's her anti-KKK game? The Girls Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) aims to ensure it's badge-worthy. In case you're unfamiliar, "antiracism" isn't the mere absence of prejudice. Rather, it identifies people as oppressors or victims -- the former category being congenitally Caucasian. UCLA Law Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw puts it this way: “Antiracism is the active dismantling of systems, privileges, and everyday practices that reinforce and normalize the contemporary dimensions of white dominance. This, of course, also involves a critical understanding of the history of whiteness in America.”
Trump Praises Johnson for Having the ‘Courage
and Fortitude’ to Release the Full January
6 Tapes
15 replies
Posted by Imright 11/18/2023 4:56:12 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump praised Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday after Republicans began releasing the full security footage from January 6. The Committee on House Administration shared the footage. Approximately 90 hours of the 44,000 hours of footage had been released on Friday, but the full trove is expected to be uploaded by Monday. “Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours,” Johnson said in a statement. “This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves
Watch: 'Journalist' Slips Up and Admits
Exactly Why He Published a Third Anti-Trump Book
14 replies
Posted by Imright 11/18/2023 5:10:44 AM Post Reply
ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jon Karl is without a doubt one of the most liberally biased reporters you will ever come across inside (or outside) the Beltway, a claim that is backed up when one considers how at one point during the Jen Psaki press secretary era, you couldn't distinguish Karl's "reporting" from Psaki's daily press briefing claims.(Snip) Karl was there to promote his third anti-Trump book, titled "Tired of Winning," which debuted Tuesday. During the alleged interview, Karl explained why he wrote the book -- to influence voters to make another choice in 2024: "There's anxiety in the country. People have economic anxiety.
Jamie Raskin Cries About Mike Johnson
Releasing J6 Footage, Claims It Gives
'Diagram' to Insurrectionists
13 replies
Posted by Imright 11/19/2023 4:05:20 AM Post Reply
Democrats are now beginning to deal with the fallout of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) decision to release all the video footage related to the January 6, 2021, riot at the United States Capitol building. While folks on the right lauded the move as a bold step toward transparency, Democrats are crying foul and already trying to salvage their narrative that the event was some huge plan to take over the United States government. During an appearance on CNN, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), one of the more prominent House Democrats who spearheaded the Select Committee to use the riot as a political cudgel against former President Donald Trump
Put a Chick in it and Make Her Gay. And Lame. 13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 11/18/2023 8:48:48 AM Post Reply
I got sucked into The Morning Show on Apple TV, because sometimes I just like to hate-watch. I don’t watch violence anymore or sex, and if anything starts with someone on a toilet, I’m out. (Snip) Or stupid women talking, like the Housewives or even more offensive, The Buccaneers. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men. YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST WOMEN WHO EVER LIVED.
WATCH: German Police Use 'Pain Grip' on
Climate Protesters Blocking Roads, Absolute
Hysteria Follows
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/18/2023 8:52:42 PM Post Reply
A new controversy has broken out in Europe over the use of the so-called "pain grip" by German police. More specifically, it's a restraint technique being used to remove climate change protesters who are blocking roads and otherwise causing chaos in public. A recent viral video showed police using the move on a man who was sitting in front of a bus, ignoring orders to get up. As he's carried onto the sidewalk, you can see his right hand being forced down to put pressure on his wrist. The man can be heard screaming as if he's feeling the worst pain ever visited on any human in history.
Sen. Mike Lee calls for investigation
of J6 committee after tapes released:
'Deliberately hid from us'
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/18/2023 11:47:37 AM Post Reply
Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee is calling for an investigation into the now-defunct House January 6 committee, accusing former and current lawmakers who served on the committee of "deliberately" hiding some of the footage from the Capitol riots. Lee's comments came after House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., began releasing more than 40,000 hours of footage taken at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, when protesters angry about the 2020 election results stormed the halls of Congress. Highlighting the release of the footage in a series of posts to X, formerly known as Twitter, Lee called into question the character of former Republican representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger
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