What irony! The deranged defence of Hamas
on campuses across the West is fuelling
a counter-revolution that could finally
loosen the stranglehold of wokeism
Daily Mail (UK),
Niall Ferguson
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/27/2023 5:24:56 PM
Has wokeism jumped the shark? In other words, have the radical Leftists who for years have exercised increasing power in our universities finally gone too far?
I dare to hope so. The recent disgraceful responses to the attacks on Israel that we have seen — from American university campuses to the streets of London and Sydney — have dramatically increased awareness that something is rotten in the state of higher education in the English-speaking world.
Some of us have been battling against the ideological takeover of academia for close to a decade. Each year, we have been getting better organised. But we have struggled to convince people
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Catherine 10/27/2023 5:41:02 PM (No. 1587057)
Ideological, maybe. Loss of donations from alumni, more likely.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 10/27/2023 5:49:59 PM (No. 1587071)
I went to a well known engineering school and live near the school. There have been NO protests on or near that campus. Students ( many from foreign Nations ) attending this college are there to study, learn, graduate and succeed in life. They have no time nor desire to protest. Most students get job offers long before they graduate. I would be amazed if anything changes. The type of protests going around the Nation are Hate protests inciting violence, and are unlicensed.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Encore 10/27/2023 5:57:16 PM (No. 1587077)
Kids that know nothing of real life. Have probably never known responsibility, probably don’t even respect the parents that are sending them to get a ‘higher education’. Privileged children that most likely will never live in reality until it’s too late.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Trigger2 10/28/2023 1:50:41 AM (No. 1587270)
Close down goobermint funding would do the trick too. They can rely on their massive endowments. See how they like it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
mifla 10/28/2023 4:26:07 AM (No. 1587306)
Bud Light lost money and is now finally rejecting wokeism.
Disney has lost money is now finally rejecting wokeism.
Money talks, everything else walks*.
*Except Hollywood. Hollywood is stupid.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/28/2023 7:43:02 AM (No. 1587378)
You can always depend upon the DMUK to conjure up sensationalist, exaggerated language like the poor writers that they are. Wokeism is an obnoxious fad that is on the way out. The usual suspect universities draw a lot of attention because they are populated with the rich, entitled class of snowflakes from all over the world and attention seekers like David Hogg are their show pieces. They have never had a stranglehold on anything except for the wealthy parents who dump their kids there for the sake of appearance and enroll them in a bunch of "studies" courses in socialism that allow biased and racist professors with huge egos to spew their nonsense in front of a a captive audience of mush-heads. The schools that you never hear about in the news are unfortunately the better ones. The average American is weary of wokeism and we are sending strong messages at the box office and in the TV shows and the ridiculous ads that we mute and ignore. Obese people dancing, mixed race marriages made to look like mainstream life and loud-mouthed athletes gobbling down pizza and chicken have the opposite affect on our buying decisions.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/28/2023 8:48:57 AM (No. 1587403)
Niall, I hope you are right. Strange isn't it that the more mature lefties are starting to wake up some.
By the way, Staff, how much longer before that annoying reminder in red is taken down.
24 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/28/2023 9:07:00 AM (No. 1587409)
As long as the commie and Marxist professors are brainwashing our youth the colleges will remain a place that is dangerous to the their minds.
21 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
janjan 10/28/2023 9:42:42 AM (No. 1587433)
These protesters are a mix of foreign students from terrorist hosting countries (who should be immediately deported), woke liberal groups who will insert themselves into any anti-American cause, and snot nosed brats who are dismally ignorant of history and have no idea what they’re talking about.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
jimincalif 10/28/2023 9:54:06 AM (No. 1587434)
I have to partially disagree with #6, the woke universities do have a stranglehold on GOVERNMENT. Not only are all the agencies filled with their alumni, but they have a pipeline to the government trough, funding “research” that turns out more woke, biased garbage studies that support and further their causes, as well as indoctrinating the next generations of bureaucrats, politicians and NGO staff. The leftists use the alleged research to justify even more government intrusion and control over our lives, increasing their power, rewarding their cohorts and persecuting, canceling, lawfaring, legislating or regulating against everyone else, and use the halo of academia to call it The Science™.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Rather Read 10/28/2023 10:12:07 AM (No. 1587444)
Sadly there were about 50 protesters in my small town. No one paid them any mind and they haven't been back.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Kafka2 10/28/2023 10:27:55 AM (No. 1587450)
The claim that the Gaza Palestinians are all innocent is pure propaganda. A major portion of the Palestinian population elected Hamas leaders to govern Gaza. Obviously, there are enough Palestinians that approve of what Hamas is doing to Israel for them to win the elections. I guess every time I see Palestinians dancing in the streets after every atrocity Hamas commits against Israel, I am suppose to believe the propaganda, not believe my lying eyes.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/28/2023 11:06:32 AM (No. 1587475)
I THINK THE PROTESTERS HAVE DONE US ALL A FAVOR...IT HAS SHARPENED THE SUPPORT OF ISRAEL...so always remember....every adversity has an equivalent benefit....and I think it awakened the citizens as to how dangerous these stupid students are...and I'm thinking soros goons are part of this....BLM and Antifa thugs are at these rallies....no worries...soon it will be winter and these fools are afraid of the cold weather....
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
BooneBoy 10/28/2023 2:38:15 PM (No. 1587550)
I graduated from college in the 60's after serving my country in the US Navy. I was married, my wife and both worked part-time jobs, had 2 children. I did not have time to protest anything. I went to one football game during that time; I worked and studied.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/28/2023 4:45:54 PM (No. 1587626)
Somebody with some political go-power in the wimpy Republican ranks should be asking who decided to give all those aliens from terrorist supporting Islamist Middle East countries U.S. student visas so they could gain entry to the USA and be in a position inside this country to publicly demonstrate and protest against U.S. foreign policies that support Israel. That is not a trivial matter since Congress passed an immigration law provision to the effect that alien supporters of foreign terrorist activities and groups are excludable from the USA making them ineligible to receive U.S. visas. Such aliens when located inside the USA are to be considered to be deportable aliens subject to deportation proceedings. However it has been reported that the Biden Administration has announced that they will not take immigration enforcement action against such aliens? Remember Biden does not want to discombobulate the Iranians, who absolutely stand behind the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations because he intends to reach a bogus nuclear agreement with the Iranians before the 2024 election, putting himself into a position to be granted an international peace prize!
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/28/2023 7:29:52 PM (No. 1587711)
Biden should get an International Piece Prize because he is a piece of garbage shoveled into office by a criminal DNC after making himself and his family rich through years of criminal activity. This prize will be more applicable than Obama's was.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Roberto 10/30/2023 1:04:06 PM (No. 1588712)
Wishful thinking. The Wokerati are too far sunk into their religion of Identity Politics to ever actually SEE reality. Who are you going to believe - Joe Biden's talking points, or your own eyes?
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