“Every Time Someone Ascended, He Would
Knife Them in the Back” – Rep. Nancy
Mace TELLS ALL on Kevin McCarthy’s Sinister
Actions During Speaker Fight (Video)
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/26/2023 7:55:58 PM
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Thursday after conservative outsider Mike Johnson was elected House Speaker on Wednesday.
Rep. Mace was one of eight Republicans who voted to remove Kevin McCarthy after just nine months as Speaker. (X) It took several votes by House Republicans before a Speaker was chosen and agreed to by the caucus. Now we know why. According to Matt Gaetz and Nancy Mace, McCarthy was working behind the scenes to derail any potential candidate for Speaker including Jim Jordan, arguably the most popular Republican in Congress.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
thekidsmom66 10/26/2023 8:00:07 PM (No. 1586527)
This may all be true, and good to know if so, but I don't care much for anything Nancy Mace has to say after her inappropriate remarks at that prayer breakfast, as well as other dumb stuff she's said. Not a fan.
36 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Vitaman 10/26/2023 8:00:09 PM (No. 1586528)
So, where is the "hate Gaetz" crowd on this?
I'm pretty sure I already know.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
formerNYer 10/26/2023 8:03:21 PM (No. 1586529)
It does not surprise me, I think the last politician from commiefornia I liked was Ronald Reagan.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
thekidsmom66 10/26/2023 8:12:31 PM (No. 1586534)
#2, I still maintain Gaetz is an attention whore, who is interested in promoting himself. That said, if Johnson sticks to his conservative principles and gets things done, of course that's a good thing. The stunt Gaetz pulled, vacating the chair with no viable replacement planned, was still stupid and could have put Hakeem Jeffries in power. As to Mr. Johnson, as Dan Bongino said, so far he's got all the right people mad, so that's a good start.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Quigley 10/26/2023 8:29:53 PM (No. 1586541)
I heard his tweets were mean.
29 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
jalo1951 10/26/2023 9:01:23 PM (No. 1586547)
Nancy, it's over, give it up. Your explanation sounds like a CYA moment. I don't think much of you either. I imagine McCarthy was just doing what a lot of politicians do on a daily basis. Not making excuses just pointing out facts. Can we please just cool off the middle school behavior? On both sides. Leave each other alone. Trust me, most Americans do not hold any of you in esteem. The only people who think you are special might be a few of your close relatives. And that doesn't count. Amazes me how you guys thinks so highly of yourselves. LOL
22 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
justjana 10/26/2023 9:38:53 PM (No. 1586556)
To me Gaetz is the guy that says what I want to say. How many early colonists were afraid of speaking out? Without someone to take an extremely bold move against the establishment and lobbyists we would continue to stare at the light of the on coming train. Call him want you want. I absolutely love this guy for his brave stand and will continue to support him and the others that understand that business as usual is not sustainable. Change is hard. If not now, when?
66 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 10/26/2023 9:42:48 PM (No. 1586559)
First, they couldn't agree on anyone and all of a sudden, 180! What changed? I don't trust anything being said, and nobody is talking. Johnson doesn't have much notoriety. They gathered round a virtual unknown and it doesn't smell right. What are we getting? Who knows?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
pros7767 10/26/2023 9:57:22 PM (No. 1586563)
I've gotta say this, more than anything, shows that God is in charge!
Jordan was good. Johnson is great! Providence is all around us if we are willing to look!
34 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
kono 10/26/2023 10:07:37 PM (No. 1586569)
Some here are treating Nancy's statement as if it's credible. I trust nothing that comes from her mouth -- even her exhalation is somehow corrupt, conniving, and cynical.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Amoeba 10/26/2023 10:38:39 PM (No. 1586575)
Boner, ryan, Mccarthy....all the same. dump their bodies in a ditch
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Nimby 10/26/2023 10:40:46 PM (No. 1586577)
Huh? She expects me to believe the 8 clowns who had no plan B!!
8 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 10/26/2023 11:14:46 PM (No. 1586587)
I agree with #4. From what I’ve heard about Mace, I wouldn’t believe anything she says. I believe she used to be a Democrat who bad-mouthed Trump, then she does a 180 and wants to be his vice pr. She and Gaetz are 2 of a kind.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 10/27/2023 12:08:30 AM (No. 1586595)
I've said it dozens of times here. I never trusted McCarthy.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
judy 10/27/2023 1:12:47 AM (No. 1586612)
Like a congressman said years ago…McCarthy has one goal…be speaker of the house. Be very wary of anyone who’s on TV 24/7 they’re not going their job! Kevin loves Kevin! Mitch, Ryan, Boehner….all poor leaders. Sorry if I had to choose between Kevin & Gaetz ..,I would select Gaetz….mouthy but better than Kevin!
16 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/27/2023 3:46:53 AM (No. 1586652)
You know I noticed that once these Rinos are exposed comes the cry from the peanut gallery to just move on. That’s just the way politics is done in Washington. I beg to differ. That is the way the Uniparty does politics, but we can do better and I hope and pray that Speaker Johnson will make the kind of difference that can change the trajectory of this country because right now men like McCarthy have had a huge part in putting the Republic at risk because he went along to get along. We need new thinking and a principled game plan that does not include the status quo. If you ask me, Matt Gaetz did the country a favor. It may have been messy but politics often are. The result is what we should focus on and getting a backstabbing Rino out of a position of power if a good start if you ask me.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
avital2 10/27/2023 4:45:20 AM (No. 1586672)
because she is a publicity hound and somewhat taken with herself, she seems to often operate at quite an immature, gossipy level. she voted for the CR before voting McC out (?), has quite a sailor's vocab and thinks nothing of sharing her personal life details at inappropriate times. this flap has left her open to a primary challenger, self-inflicted. she has a few flip flops to reckon with and her vote on Bannon. she seems to have a rocky road ahead. sniff.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
anniebc 10/27/2023 5:16:11 AM (No. 1586680)
I don't understand how we get the Washington pols that we get here in SC. Lyndsey, Tim, and Nancy! Neither of them can be trusted, and they're not truly conservative, yet they're the most active of all Washington SC pols. Nancy must be up for reelection. Ah, there you have it. She is. She dumped on Trump and dumped McCarthy. She's all about self; once reelected, she'll be for sale again to whoever or whatever can advance her. We accept her vote and everyone that helps us leading up to the election, but after that she needs to go!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Safari Man 10/27/2023 5:39:34 AM (No. 1586685)
Oh McCarthy is so wonderful. He would never try to drag out the fight to make the people who ousted him look bad. Yeah, he's the good guy and we should turn over all our trust to him, because that's what the media wants.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
franq 10/27/2023 5:52:35 AM (No. 1586690)
I wasn't aware of the Prayer Breakfast incident, so I looked it up. Lord have mercy.
This is on par with a woman who came to our church on Easter with a dress revealing half her chest.
6 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Amoeba 10/27/2023 7:06:29 AM (No. 1586708)
I fully believe Ms Mace and Mr Gaetz. And thats because I would not trust Patrick 'Pee Wee' McHenry to do anything unless McCarthy told him to do it. Pee Wee is the MOST liberal R in the NC House delegation. He may possibly be a D undercover. So, some of yall can carry on about Gaetz and Mace, but Pee Wee is much much less honest. He is in DC to collect as much money in graft as he possibly can and does not listen to his conservative constituents unless they write him checks.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Rama41 10/27/2023 8:32:23 AM (No. 1586752)
"Eight of us had the audacity to listen to the American people and vote to vacate the former Speaker." If you think you speak for the American people, Nancy, you're delusional.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Kate318 10/27/2023 10:07:25 AM (No. 1586807)
Whoa…I think I woke up in the Twilight Zone this morning. We got rid of one of the king RINOs, a poster child for the GOPe, and people are STILL kvetching. These are the very same people that decry the state of the union and wonder how we got here. Lord have mercy.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
DVC 10/27/2023 11:46:30 AM (No. 1586872)
Re #13. I have done a bit of online research on Mace, nothing huge, and none of your claims seem to be accurate. Her first political involvement was reportedly working for Ron Paul, hardly the Democrat background you claim. Paul is a VERY "conservative" libertarian. She graduated from The Citadel, an old line southern military school, also not a Dem bastion, but the opposite.
From what I found she was an early Trump supporter, and only criticized him after and about the events of Jan 6th. Mace was probably being disinformed by Nutty, Nasty Nancy's lies and the massive media disinformation campaign.
I find no reasons to not trust this woman. If you have some sources for your assertions, pleas provide them, I'd like to learn more about her if you can provide it.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DVC 10/27/2023 12:04:03 PM (No. 1586880)
Re the "prayer breakfast incident"....good grief, people. She is a representative, not a pastor. If we absolutely insist that every representative will be a perfect person at all times - we'll have very few representatives.
Give it a rest. If you can agree with someone's politics about 85%, then support that person because she will be a massive amount better than any RINO or worse, a Dem.
Old engineering saying: Perfect is the enemy of the good.
Holding up your good product while you work endlessly and expensively to make it a perfect product can be an economic disaster. Same thing for politics. Carping at your good candidates because they aren't perfect candidates is just destructive as can be.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
RubiconDan 10/27/2023 12:06:24 PM (No. 1586882)
#16 spot on. I did not like McCarthy from the beginning and I believe his is a full scale RINO. I fully support Gaetz and the 8 who voted to oust McCarthy are heroes. They took a huge risk and won. I do believe McCarthy backstabbed Jordan. I don't know Johnson, but so far almost everything he has said is very good.
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