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McConnell admits GOP may not retake Senate
in November

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Posted By: Lucky5, 8/19/2022 10:38:44 AM

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) expressed doubt that the Republican Party could gain a majority in the upper chamber in the midterm elections. He cited "candidate quality" as a reason the GOP could struggle as it hopes to flip several swing seats and ward off Democratic bids for vulnerable Republican seats.


This man needs to go.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: judy 8/19/2022 10:41:18 AM (No. 1253185)
Whey did He quit giving $$$ to Oz...
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Quigley 8/19/2022 10:41:30 AM (No. 1253186)
The chinese don’t approve? They threaten your wife’s income?
70 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BarryNo 8/19/2022 10:44:24 AM (No. 1253190)
He is in on the steal. They can't afford for Republicans to get a majority, because we deplorable would demand Trumpesque action on the Swamp's illegal and unconstitutional acts. They are manufacturing the excuse.
90 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: marbles 8/19/2022 10:53:38 AM (No. 1253195)
He " admits "? More like he hopes.
54 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: atexaslupine 8/19/2022 10:56:54 AM (No. 1253199)
American people admit McConnell will not retake GOP leadership in January. Fixed that for ya.
34 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Starboard_side 8/19/2022 10:58:17 AM (No. 1253201)
Unfortunately, he's right, but the GOP could be helping them improve their messaging, if they wanted to. The Democrats are bashing these candidates as out of touch with the "stolen election" comments. What needs to happen is to change the direction of that conversation, and point squarely at how Democrats are fighting and resisting any/all attempts to even check on the procedures and process in the most recent elections. President Trump could also change his comments and focus on the problems that happened in the last election. He could mention how there were a lot of problems in the last election, and you know because of how hard the Democrats have been fighting any inquiry which has many people questioning if the Democrats have something to hide. But, then push hard on getting the vote out in such massive numbers in November, for any/all Republican candidates. Again, stop talking about any election being stolen. It's over, turn the page, and move on instead of wasting effort where nothing will change the results.
18 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: john56 8/19/2022 11:16:36 AM (No. 1253212)
You mean folks like Uncle Fensterman in PA. is a "quality candidate?" Again, proof of the lesson of my HS history teacher 50 years ago. Never underestimate the stupidity of the national Republican party.
26 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: seamusm 8/19/2022 11:18:30 AM (No. 1253214)
We have wasted far too much time rehashing a stolen election. It happened - get over it and win the next election, boys and girls. Else nothing will matter. For the life of me I don't understand the Oz endorsement. We CANNOT afford weak candidates and we mustn't allow getting side-tracked on messaging.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mc squared 8/19/2022 11:19:14 AM (No. 1253215)
He'll see to it. Most Pubbies like things just as they are: comfortable and still getting paid.
24 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: felixcat 8/19/2022 11:20:29 AM (No. 1253220)
Re #7 - Really? The Dems are destroying this country and they all talk like they're winners, well, they are, but not the country. And so you have a Presidential election corrupted but we're suppose to move on to the next election and then lose again because of corruption and fraud? So just how many Republicans, etc have to get out and vote in 2022 and 2024 to over compensate the Dem cheating? That's not a solution but admitting defeat. Pathetic. You should read this article about the race in PA:
27 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Sanchin 8/19/2022 11:28:32 AM (No. 1253234)
McConnell and the GOP Leadership Do Not wish to have control over both houses going into 2024 BECAUSE 1) They are happy to support most of Biden's plans especially those designed and approved of by the "Deep State and MIC". 2) They know the next 2 years things will be getting worse and they Do Not want to be seen as having control over the 2 branches. Plus, just like Obamacare the have no intention of overturning the Inflation Act. 3) They need the Democrats in a position to where they can continue to attack Trump. The GOP is not a friend to the average American that has supported them in the past. In fact, like the Democrats they believe we are serfs.
24 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 8/19/2022 11:32:21 AM (No. 1253243)
The left has installed a failsafe against a Conservative landslide in our government. That failsafe is called the US Senate. The Republicans can have a ten seat lead in the Senate, but it won't matter because there are more than ten RINOs that the left can count on to stay in power. One of those RINOs is Mitch McConnell. It's why the Republicans never present any meaningful alternative to the Democrats. Trump came along and gave an alternative. Look what they did to him.
26 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Jebediah 8/19/2022 11:32:39 AM (No. 1253244)
Tucker Carlson nailed it last night re: matter what happens he retains his post as head of the Senate, even on the losing side. He has no incentive to urge the Republican candidates to run on crime, immigration and the border, etc. And he doesn't! (Probably hates those who are Trumpets anyhow.) Meanwhile, we are going down the tube.
25 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Jebediah 8/19/2022 11:35:34 AM (No. 1253248)
He quit giving $ to Oz because Oz is so out of touch with his hopped for constituency that he wastes valuable time telling those folks in Pa. how inflation is costing his wife so much more in her purchasing vegetables for crudités, and he is not even counting $ for the wine. Crudités in Pa where so many can't pay for gas AND food. Where it is too dangerous to live in the large cities and getting iffy in the small. CRUDITÉS!!!!!!!
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Heraclitus 8/19/2022 11:37:42 AM (No. 1253252)
Weak? Stupid? Evil????
14 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/19/2022 11:44:40 AM (No. 1253258)
Mitch surrenders and concedes defeat, before the election, attacking the Republican candidates as "unqualified". This is the commander leading the charge to re-take the Senate. McConnell has been Republican leader for 40 years, almost as long as the Castro's have ruled Cuba. There are term limits in the Republican Party for Committee Chairmen. Did they forget to term limit the Senate leader? I want the man gone. He is corrupt, a Rino, and useless. We will never save this country with McConnell at the helm.
26 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: bobmadison 8/19/2022 12:06:11 PM (No. 1253276)
Of course he does. The Uniparty - Government of the Elites, by the Elites, and for the Elites. FIVE more years for the man who loves to be minority leader.
12 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: cedar 8/19/2022 12:06:33 PM (No. 1253278)
What the h*** does McConnell know about “quality” when he caves to the degenerate Democrats half of the time? Instead of leading the charge, he wants his party to be satisfied with the lukewarm status quo? What sort of leader does that? He’s more worried about the survival of himself, his wife and their “Chinese” enterprises than the country. He’s a despicable, selfish, evil, etc., etc. man.
16 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Citoyen 8/19/2022 12:07:51 PM (No. 1253279)
The negativity McConnell expressed is more than enough reason for him to be replaced as Republican leader. It is true that the candidates in Georgia and Pennsylvania are surprisingly weak but considering their even weaker Democrat opponents an effective leader would be working like mad to improve Oz and Walker’s standing. Instead he pulls funds from Oz’s campaign. McConnell and the Rinos blame Trump for losing the Senate due to the election of two Democrats in Georgia. The two Republican duds were chosen by McConnell. He is the reason, not Trump, the Senate went Democrat. As an aside Trump bears a lot of blame for Oz being the candidate running for Senate in Pennsylvania. I don’t know if true but I have read that Sean Hannity played an important role in selling Oz to Trump. My advice is never, ever take political advice from Hannity.
17 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: skacmar 8/19/2022 12:15:46 PM (No. 1253283)
McConnell does not want to win control of the Senate. If he does, the Republicans would actually be expected to produce results and do what they said they would do. With the Democrats in control, all McConnell needs to do is sit back and criticize and whine about not being in control of the Senate. He likes the title of Senate Minority Leader as it carries no real responsibility but the name sounds good on a resume. Republicans need someone with a backbone who supports Republican candidates, fights for their candidates, and is not such a passive, boring swamp creature willing to wallow in the swamp mud.
19 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 8/19/2022 12:16:53 PM (No. 1253286)
McConnell is a loser. He's happy being part of the swamp, as it keeps him on the pubic dole. That's all he cares about, and he's more than happy to drag the GOP down with him, as long as he can sit on his a** and do nothing.
17 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: dwa 8/19/2022 12:32:15 PM (No. 1253301)
"Candidate quality" means people that McConnell doesn't support because they are not RINOs or will not be supportive of him, ie MAGA candidates.
8 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: broken01 8/19/2022 12:32:53 PM (No. 1253302)
Milquetoasts gotta milquetoast.
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: 49 Ford 8/19/2022 12:33:06 PM (No. 1253303)
The Senate has always been an iffy proposition, given this year's assortment of states, contested seats and the quality of the candidates. You can focus on McConnell if you want to, but he has little to no control over who participates in or wins the nomination races. Mediocre candidates will run mediocre races.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Chiritwo 8/19/2022 12:38:16 PM (No. 1253307)
If Mitch were an honest person, he would resign effective immediately. Where is the head of the Republican Party. Think we may need a 3rd party and let the RINOs have the republican party.
8 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: deerejon 8/19/2022 12:43:16 PM (No. 1253314)
Mitch want's quality Rino POS people like himself in the Senate.Why Trump Backed him in the last election is beyond Me.This fricken Dinasaur Has to be voted out ASAP.
10 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: red1066 8/19/2022 12:43:51 PM (No. 1253315)
In the past, the comfort zone for Republicans was to remain the minority in Congress. This was seen by Republicans as safe since they could not be blamed for any bad legislature and their excuse would be "We don't have the majority to stop anything." Those in charge of the Republican party have been around long enough to remember those days. Basically, they get paid and get a lot of perks for doing absolutely nothing. Then Trump came along, and Trump and Republican voters demanded that Republicans actually do something. In the Republican leadership minds, this could not stand. So, Trump had to go. The Republican leadership is just doing what the Republicans have done for over sixty years. Nothing. All talk and no action is the Republican mode of governing. So, no campaigning for Republicans running for office. No funding effort for any Republican running for office. Just sit back, say nothing for support of those running, and hope the Republican voters don't notice.
8 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: watashiyo 8/19/2022 12:52:26 PM (No. 1253324)
Remove this weasel, the weakest link.
10 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Venturer 8/19/2022 1:03:53 PM (No. 1253336)
Whether Republicans take the Senate majority or not, THEY DON'T NEED MCCONNELL AS THEIR LEADER.
12 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Red Ghost 8/19/2022 1:24:15 PM (No. 1253361)
Is there a bigger traitor to this country than Mitch McConnell? NO. By his statement and signal of defeat three months out from the election, McConnell has just GUARANTEED the republican loss. He just signaled all the big donors, however many there are, to close their check books. And the very much needed small contributors are being told don't waste your money. Can you imagine this? Can you imagine any democrat leader doing this? We know that Biden and his entire family are in the pocket of the chinese, but someone PLEASE needs to take a look at McConnell and his wife and her family and expose them all for the traitors they are. This statement by McConnell is astonishing and sickening.
11 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: 49 Ford 8/19/2022 1:29:51 PM (No. 1253366)
# 32, who is going to credibly challenge McC for the party leadership spot? There may be a few who would like to, but without a reliable number of vote pledges from their colleagues no one is going to make a move.
5 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: RayLRiv 8/19/2022 1:31:17 PM (No. 1253368)
Work on Manchin becoming Independent (or switching to the GOP) - after he got bamboozled by Schumer on those WV oil and gas leases. Ta-Da! Senate nuked! Of course Mitch would never do that...
3 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 8/19/2022 2:09:34 PM (No. 1253401)
Also, why the hell does he always sound like he has a mouthful of marbles????
8 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: judy 8/19/2022 2:23:45 PM (No. 1253412)
He's just upset because Liz lost Big! Mitch has no right to talk about Quality....he is a horrible leader. He should be talking about open borders, highest inflation in 40 years, high gas prices, corruption in the government obscene withdrawal from Afghanistan...Mitch, do us all a favor if you can't say anythIng positive about your party step down Please!!! McCain, Romney, Coryn, Flake are more his style...and he wonders why Trump does not support him! Have you ever seen Mitch campaign for anyone???? If he is so concerned, which he is Not, he should get out DC & help elect Trump does!!!
7 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: moebellini3 8/19/2022 3:04:01 PM (No. 1253441)
This little communist sympathizer is terrified because if republicans take back the senate he is gone. Just another Rino biding his time. He's the first one that has to go. Got it..
7 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: rochow 8/19/2022 3:24:23 PM (No. 1253454)
That's due to 'leaders' like you. Add Kevin McCarthy and the insipid Rona Mcdaniel. Put a bag over this ugly man and drag him out, he is the worst POS for the Republican party!
4 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: DrOstrow 8/19/2022 3:29:18 PM (No. 1253462)
#3 summed up the 'plan' and 'the why' in the first 6 words !! Wish I'd said that. There ain't no big mystery or complex machinations here folks. Just simple GREED without regard to who gets left in the wake. I wonder how many of these worthless fools are going to handle it when they learn that they can't 'take it with them when they go'.
2 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: DVC 8/19/2022 3:30:32 PM (No. 1253464)
China Mitch working hard to make sure Republicans don't win seats.
5 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: mifla 8/20/2022 4:54:01 AM (No. 1254015)
Then why don't you retire with all your millions?
1 person likes this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/20/2022 5:00:40 AM (No. 1254025)
MItchie, Failure Inc.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 5:27:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/22/2024 2:56:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2024 8:27:31 AM Post Reply
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25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 4:18:58 PM Post Reply
Liberal media spiraled into a meltdown on Sunday afternoon following the historic news that Democrat Joe Biden stepped out of the 2024 presidential race. CNN's Van Jones broke down in tears live on-air while speaking about Biden's decision to back out of the race and give the Democratic ticket up to Kamala Harris. Meanwhile on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow gave viewers an emblazoned speech about how Biden's decision to shy away from the election is not what he would have truly wanted - instead it's something he's done for the good of the country.
Fauci Diagnoses Trump 24 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/22/2024 2:35:55 PM Post Reply
"It seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear, and that’s all. . . I don’t think there is much more to it I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear, according to the physicians who examined him. There was no other further damage." That was Dr. Anthony Fauci last week on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Dr. Fauci changed his diagnosis from Trump’s “wound” to “injured,” as though Trump had been involved in an accident. In reality, Dr. Fauci never wanted to treat gunshot wounds, and that’s why he became a
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22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/22/2024 3:09:08 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle failed to answer whether shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks carried the firearm to the rooftop or if it was already there before the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Cheatle also failed to answer when the last sweep occurred ahead of Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. “Director, your agency has a no fail mission, and on Saturday, July 13, your agency spectacularly failed. The failure resulted in the death of Corey Comperatore and serious injury of two other rally attendees,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) noted during Monday’s House Oversight Committee at a hearing,
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22 replies
Posted by sunset 7/21/2024 4:36:49 AM Post Reply
The Treasury Department is warning that state laws that restrict banks from considering environmental, social and governance factors could harm efforts to address money laundering and terrorism financing. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter sent Thursday to lawmakers. The letter singled out a law signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May that says it would be an “unsafe and unsound practice” for banks to consider non-financial factors when doing business. The letter concludes that “such laws create uncertainty and may inhibit” national security efforts. Conservative Republicans such as DeSantis have sought to block environmental and socially conscious standards for investing,
Where's the President? Biden MIA After
Bailing From His Campaign
21 replies
Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 12:49:04 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden hasn't been seen in public since last week when the White House announced he contracted COVID-19 and was headed to his Delaware beach house to recover. "Earlier today following his first event in Las Vegas, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19. He is vaccinated and boosted and he is experiencing mild symptoms. He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. The White House will provide regular updates on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation," White House Press Secretary
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