Video: Police Officer Finally Admits That
Patriot Front Was Infiltrated By 'Several'
Law Enforcement Members And That They
Were Working With The Feds – 31 Arrested
Near An Idaho Pride Event
Defiant America,
Kellyanne Richardson
Original Article
Posted By: Black Conservative Voice,
6/12/2022 11:30:09 AM
Authorities arrested 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front near an Idaho Pride event Saturday after they were found packed into the back of a U-Haul truck with riot gear.
The men were standing inside the truck wearing khakis, navy blue shirts and beige hats with white balaclavas covering their faces when Coeur d’Alene police stopped the U-Haul and began arresting them on the side of the road.
“They came to riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said at a news conference.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Northcross 6/12/2022 11:37:44 AM (No. 1183670)
Dem leadership- "Quick, we need a news story that crazed Trump supporters were planning to kill a bunch of sweet harmless gays."
DOJ leadership- "We are on it!"
Democrat Media- "Just let us know the narrative, and we will amplify it 100X."
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
BarryNo 6/12/2022 11:38:44 AM (No. 1183671)
I want to know how much input in the planning the cops had. I don't trust this kind of operation at all, anymore.
Which is a shame.
51 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Namma 6/12/2022 11:42:36 AM (No. 1183679)
yea sure! looks like FBI agents dressed up to cause trouble for Patriotic Americans. Will we get to see their mug shots?
probably get paid with "infrastructure" money
50 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Kutchk 6/12/2022 11:43:11 AM (No. 1183680)
Meanwhile … on the other side of town …
The FBI rented a fleet of U-Hauls to facilitate the movement of 500 Antifa peace-keepers.
52 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
hershey 6/12/2022 11:48:05 AM (No. 1183690)
Ya just needs ta be curful who ya let jun up to da movement....
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
volksford 6/12/2022 12:03:05 PM (No. 1183713)
Today's Kabuki theater brought to you by..........
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
MissMann 6/12/2022 12:09:36 PM (No. 1183724)
Now do Antifa!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 6/12/2022 12:12:09 PM (No. 1183727)
ALL of these "patriot groups" are started by, run by and controlled by the FBI and such. They have to CREATE these "problem right wing groups" since they don't actually exist in reality. It is necessary to invent them and fool a few actually people to join up so that they can be arrested later.
Never, ever trust anyone who comes to you with some hare brained scheme about this sort of stuff. Odds are about 90% he's an FBI plant.
It's like the morons who go to a bar to "find a hit man" and find an undercover cop or an FBI agent every single time.
47 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
gramma b 6/12/2022 12:13:10 PM (No. 1183732)
Has this group ever once destroyed or looted someone’s property? Has this group ever initiated an assault? Have they ever touched anyone other than in response to violence by the left? Inquiring minds want to know.
37 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
mean Gene 6/12/2022 12:14:10 PM (No. 1183734)
If a bunch of American men joined this group, based on what they'd seen it do, their participation would have been totally peaceful and supportive.
All the PF has ever done is join rallies and parade.
Since when it that illegal?
And who said they would, or even could "start a riot?"
Everyone knows they are feds on parade.
26 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
cor-vet 6/12/2022 12:17:37 PM (No. 1183740)
When do they infiltrate BLM?
39 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Enoch Powell 6/12/2022 12:24:47 PM (No. 1183746)
The out of control government fears the people. Good. They should.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Highlander 6/12/2022 12:32:20 PM (No. 1183757)
That song, “Bad Boys” takes on a different meaning here. It’s the FBI, not the typical street thugs.
16 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Krause 6/12/2022 12:38:02 PM (No. 1183765)
Hey stupid Dems, 70% of the people aren’t buying your crap. If you haven’t noticed.
26 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 6/12/2022 1:26:11 PM (No. 1183807)
Watch the narrative here.
Trump supporters and Republicans are racist white supremacists. That's the narrative. Our 'independent' mainstream media tells us this all the time.
The Patriot Front is made up of racist white supremacists even though they were going to disrupt a gay pride event. Whatever. Apparently, there is overlap between gays and blacks.
It's an election year. We are going to see stuff like this over and over.
What percentage of Patriot Front is made up of undercover agents? Considering how they were all over this, they knew everything the group was doing. How much did they influence the group's actions? Who supplied the group with their equipment? Where did they get the money to purchase it?
Classic sting operation but consider the timing. It breaks during the Jan 6 'hearing' where we first heard all Trump supporters and Republicans are racist white supremacists. Note that the hearing was also timed for gay pride month. This is all coordinated and politically motivated.
This is how a country loses its freedom.
31 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
SALady 6/12/2022 4:19:04 PM (No. 1183935)
Antifa and BLM -- known and proven domestic terrorist organizations -- blatantly looted, burned, and destroyed whole city blocks over the last few years. They didn't need to be "infiltrated" by law enforcement since they publicly announced their intentions and plans well in advance.
Yet nothing was done to stop them!!!! Very few of them were ever arrested, and always got slap-on-the-wrist punishments when they were.
When are we going to see these Antifa and BLM domestic terrorist hog tied and kneeling on the ground in mass arrests?!?!?!?
28 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
berthabutt 6/12/2022 7:47:00 PM (No. 1184028)
Previous headlines called out astro-turfing fedboys. Watching for Netflix series in pre- production: U.S. Khaki Killers Inc.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Rinktum 6/13/2022 7:08:02 AM (No. 1184290)
Khaki’s? Really? This matchy matchy thing screams democrat strategy. These people are crazy and desperate which is a very bad combination.
17 people like this.
Maybe next time don’t bring a megaphone which is marked FBI.
11 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
czechlist 6/13/2022 7:39:27 AM (No. 1184314)
The City of Portland allowed antifa to use a couple of blocks in the city for a camp during days while they rioted at night. I believe it was Andy Ngo who filmed, documented and interviewed "residents". The city did nothing to prevent the riots but actually facilitated them.
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The so-called Patriot Front is the equivalent of a honey trap, but with fake white supremecists.
The entire group was cooked up by the feds. Most members are feds.
They exist for two reasons: false flag operations and to lure the unwary into the group and then entrap them with bs.
15 people like this.
#11 When do they infiltrate the BLM?
You can’t infiltrate yourself.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Strike3 6/13/2022 8:21:49 AM (No. 1184356)
It's what they do, it's a trademark of the Feebs. If your group is bigger than two people you can bet that you are being monitored for domestic terrorist activity, especially if you are white.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Clinger 6/13/2022 8:27:40 AM (No. 1184365)
Nothing goes further to prove that there is no significant Right Wing threat than the fact that the leftist controlled government has to manufacture it.
Would any such thing happen at all without the FBI? Is there some violent apparatus on the verge of action that is tipped into action with FBI encouragement? Is it 100% an FBI action? Have they enlisted ANTIFA patsies to serve some time as the fall guys and if so can we see what lifestyle changes they afford pre-arrest to post incarceration?
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
janjan 6/13/2022 9:43:09 AM (No. 1184427)
Is the FBI really this stupid? ‘Undercover’ in their khaki pants uniforms and masks outside which no self-respecting conservative would be seen doing? It is LOL hilarious that these dorks think they’re fooling people. Kind of scary that they think they’re being serious.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 6/13/2022 10:02:29 AM (No. 1184437)
What in the hell is our national police force, the FBI, doing in a Red State framing locals like they did in Michigan? Guess these FBI scaredy cats don't like doing real work like chasing terrorists or stopping them from coming into our country via the border. It's time to get rid of the FBI and this rotten, corrupt DOJ Merritt Garland who sent them.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
FLCracker 6/13/2022 10:24:36 AM (No. 1184467)
Open Notice to all White supremacist groups:
The only White-dominant group that consistently supports you is the FBI.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Zigrid 6/13/2022 10:39:48 AM (No. 1184483)
WE know how the government works...paid for by soros...the jan 6th show trial isn't working for the they needed a new narrative...preferably with they can slide through their confiscation of our firearms...well...looks like it didn't work this time...
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 6/13/2022 11:08:47 AM (No. 1184516)
Cops arresting the FBI hilarious joke what were the charges? Dressing like a group from a fraternity house carrying their signature 'Tiki Torches'? FBI form a white supremacist group to collar white supremacist. They look pretty peaceful to me unlike the terrorist group Antifa along with BLM supported by cops and FBI.
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What was the purpose of riding in a U-haul? They could have all carpooled in eco-cars...meh. And what crime did they commit? Illegally riding in the back of a U-Haul truck? This story is retarded.
3 people like this.
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Cops arresting government employees, you love to see it All detained in cuffs… with their faces & any identifying marks still hidden… Let’s see the faces of PF Why are they being detained, for failure to signal while driving a Federally in the slow lane? If this is a moving violation that’s only 1 dude. Unless these boys were playing with the gear shifters and half of the boys are feds at least!