Fox News Dominates Cable News Ratings
In May – Despite Banning Any Mention
of “2000 Mules”
Gateway Pundit,
Pro Trump News Staff
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
6/4/2022 1:34:22 PM
The American people are turning away from the hard left left networks.Fox News dominated the ratings again in May — drawing 2.27 million viewers in primetime. This was despite the network banning any mention of “2000 Mules” on its airwaves. MSNBC averaged 1.02 million — CNN averaged only 660,000. Deadline reported: Fox News’ audience continued to grow in May while its main cable news rivals saw viewership declines. The network drew 2.27 million total viewers in primetime, up 4% from May, 2021. MSNBC averaged 1.02 million, down 32%, while CNN averaged 660,000, down 28%. In the 25-54 demographic,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
snakeoil 6/4/2022 1:45:11 PM (No. 1175822)
Two things that are never mentioned on Fox. The Theft of the 2020 election and the most evil human being on the planet, George Soros. But you've got to take what you can get. Greg Gutfield, Tyrus, et al are entertaining and most of the women are hot. And they don't have commercials featuring ex football player selling insurance.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
deerejon 6/4/2022 1:48:45 PM (No. 1175825)
Where I live,I have six liberal news networks and Fox news.So I don;t have no choice. If I want somewhat of conservative news I have to listen to Fox news.Which I don't like sometimes.They are sometime as bad as the liberal news outlets.won't mention certain things like 2000 mules,election fraud, George Soros..These are all taboo subjects can't talk about that.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
sparky joe 6/4/2022 1:55:36 PM (No. 1175831)
Don’t Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson often assure their viewers that Fox NEVER tells them what they Can or Cannot cover?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
wakeupcall 6/4/2022 2:11:50 PM (No. 1175843)
Quit watching Fox. The're just as evil as the rest of the mass organizations garbage. They produce propaganda and pornography as their main products, as they, too, are servants for Lucifer (Satan) who stimulates man/woman with their productions that invigorate evil against our creator 'I AM THAT I AM' which gave us laws of decency and honor to live by.
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If you combine the two left wing networks, CNN and MSLSD their numbers equal Fox’s viewership. Unfortunately Newsmax and OAN never seem to be able to gain traction.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
columba 6/4/2022 2:30:28 PM (No. 1175868)
I have no TV. I have no cable stuff. I do not need them. If I want to lisen to lies, I can contact my ex wife.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
seamusm 6/4/2022 2:33:32 PM (No. 1175874)
I liked Carlson, but have never been able to stand the unbelievably repetitive Hannity. I haven't watched Fox in 2+ years and don't miss it. I was gone before the 2020 election night when Fox called the results early. I wouldn't know about Fox and its own current silencing of 'forbidden' speech but I am saddened by it. There is a reason CNN is no longer trusted and its ratings are in the toilet. Fox is on a sure path to follow.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
3XALADY 6/4/2022 2:37:30 PM (No. 1175880)
I left Fox for Newsmax, only watch Schmitt, Kelly and Stinchfield (?) but may have to rethink on Schmitt. He reported from the Ukraine last week and I'm not in Ukraine's corner. I really like Kelly's news reports, totally different than the usual news.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
stablemoney 6/4/2022 3:03:47 PM (No. 1175906)
Maybe so, but I have tuned out of Fox. I am against everything in Ukraine, am tired of the rants over 5 year old news that no one is going to do anything about. All these networks are dependent on a continuous supply of new listeners to replace those tired of it all.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 6/4/2022 3:17:41 PM (No. 1175926)
I refuse to ever watch Fox, they are frauds, only pretending to be conservative when actually putting a lid on critical stories, like the massive election fraud in 2020
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Phantomll 6/4/2022 3:19:49 PM (No. 1175931)
We quit Fox and watch Newsmax.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Daisymay 6/4/2022 3:28:02 PM (No. 1175940)
#1, Fox may not have commercials featuring Ex Football Players selling Insurance, but they sure do have plenty Commercials by our old friend Governor Huckabee! I am SO tired of him and I wish I could tell him all that Facial Hair makes him look like a Homeless Person! Also, I watch a bit of FOX in the morning with Breakfast, catch Outnumbered at Lunch Time and Hubby and I like to watch The Five at Cocktail time (it's the best show on FOX)! The Five is very entertaining with the Judge, Jesse and Greg. If they can keep Geraldo off as a guest it's perfect. I like Jessica (Democrat), but Hubby hates her Voice. Personally, I feel sorry for her as she probably hates it too! Dana is mostly a Guest these days as she is missing a lot and has a Guest in her Chair. Fine with me! I do wish FOX NATION would show 2,000 Mules! Never gonna happen though!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 6/4/2022 3:52:10 PM (No. 1175969)
I only watch Fox for the foxes ;-)
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
judy 6/4/2022 4:01:58 PM (No. 1175976)
I prefer Newsnax. I haven’t watched Fox since election 2020 & I never will !
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Zeek Wolfe 6/4/2022 4:07:30 PM (No. 1175980)
After the early call of Arizona triggered the election steal in swing states and the outright ban of any discussion of George Soros, I stopped watching Fox News. The suits at Fox aided and abetted election deceit leading to what has become under FJB a national disaster. LetsGoBrandon!
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 6/4/2022 4:46:09 PM (No. 1176015)
Carlson once said that his contract allows him to report whatever he wants. Except "2000 Mules", apparently. Murdoch you took a pass on a mega-scoop here, pal. All eyes would have been on Fox News. A missed marketing opportunity.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
privateer 6/4/2022 6:34:14 PM (No. 1176081)
If POSoros doesn't own Fox News, he owns the people who do.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
The Remnants 6/4/2022 8:23:03 PM (No. 1176117)
Pulled plug on cable nine years ago. Miss nothing. I do like to watch - Home Real America's Voice News on line. (There are two with same title; I don't know why, but I always choose the second one) I enjoy all the reporters and interviewers, but when I watch War Room with Steve Bannon, it is the only time in my life that I've yelled at a screen. Bannon keeps interrupting his guests, which surprises me because he is a professional.
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