Biden administration raises amount of
ethanol that must be blended with gas
Associated Press,
David Pitt
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
6/4/2022 11:43:54 AM
Des Moines, Iowa—The Biden administration on Friday set new requirements that increase the amount of ethanol that must be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply but reduce previous ethanol-blending requirements due to a plunge in fuel demand during the coronavirus pandemic. The Environmental Protection Agency said it would set the 2022 levels for corn-based ethanol blended into gasoline at 15 billion gallons.(Snip)The Biden administration also announced Friday that the U.S. Department of Agriculture would provide $700 million to support 195 biofuel producers in 25 states that faced unexpected market losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
paral04 6/4/2022 11:45:10 AM (No. 1175716)
and how many people will go hungry because corn will be too expensive?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
sanspeur 6/4/2022 11:50:57 AM (No. 1175723)
there will be major damage to engines motorcycles ..but that is the plan too has to buy gas ..then buy the additive to prevent the damage
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
kiwinews 6/4/2022 11:56:04 AM (No. 1175725)
Because in the face of looming fertilizer shortages, and possible famine in parts of the world, it makes more sense to plant, cultivate, harvest, transport, and process FOOD to run cars than to drill for inedible petroleum.
Of course it does.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
raspberry 6/4/2022 11:56:10 AM (No. 1175726)
Corn is food and feed and veg. oil. You destroy it for no good reason when food and feed prices are rising geometrically, and a food shortage is likely worldwide.
Have these politicians no conscience?
24 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Ribicon 6/4/2022 12:02:06 PM (No. 1175731)
There's a shortage of fertilizer, and excess oxygen caused by fertilizer runoff is causing ecological disruption in our waterways. The American solution? Waste huge amounts of fertilizer and water to make a product that's worthless except to the profiteers, and pretend that it's clean and green. Same as with the vaccines, we'd be better off simply paying them however much money they want, and not producing the product at all.
16 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
MindMadeUp 6/4/2022 12:06:33 PM (No. 1175733)
I can't help but think China and some other external interests, who literally want to ruin our country, are behind this and the other insanities coming out of our government. Politicians of both parties are money-grubbing swine who gladly sellout our interests to get rich.
15 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Phantomll 6/4/2022 12:20:13 PM (No. 1175749)
We have a few stations with ethanol-free gas; I hope they remain open! The ethanol gas is guaranteed to ruin internal combustion engines. Maybe that's their plan.
27 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 6/4/2022 12:23:07 PM (No. 1175752)
Burn our food supply because Brandon doesn't like oil? Makes sense to me? Farmers love it...but really? It's terrible on car engines. My old 175 Merc. outboard flat said in the owners manual don't burn this stuff! It eats away gaskets and does a lot of damage to an engine! We can buy no-ethanol up here in MN and I'm thinking about putting 15% of that into my car!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Twinkle93 6/4/2022 12:24:07 PM (No. 1175753)
Biden and the democrats don't care if people starve. They are all about their agenda.
11 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
velirotta 6/4/2022 12:29:18 PM (No. 1175757)
Another day, another idiotic policy from the idiots in the idiotic Biden administration to inflict on the American people. Oh Lord, please bring down this cancer on humanity! Seriously.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
mc squared 6/4/2022 12:46:19 PM (No. 1175774)
I didn't see the percent of ethanol to be mandated but most cars will have their warranty voided if fuel with more than 10% is used. And forget small engines and outboards - they deteriorate on the 10% we have now,
From USA Today: 'The AAA says the Environmental Protection Agency and gasoline retailers should halt the sale of E15, a new ethanol blend that could damage millions of vehicles and void car warranties.'
And we're paying for this to happen: 'The Biden administration also announced Friday that the U.S. Department of Agriculture would provide $700 million to support 195 biofuel producers in 25 states that faced unexpected market losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. '
Then there's the price of Cheerios and bread.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
lakerman1 6/4/2022 12:48:04 PM (No. 1175777)
Youngest son is obsessively compulsive about mechanical things, always runs our 2 cycle outboarf motors dry at the end of a use. The ethanol attracts condensation, ruins the seals in motors, stinks, and now that we bought a bigger boat and will moor it in the lake, we will have to hand carry the gas tanks out of it back home, away from the water.
The day when Iowa caucuses are either eliminated or moved from the front of the line, the political obsession with ethanol will go away.
Until then, we are stuck with the stuff.
10 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
bighambone 6/4/2022 12:54:09 PM (No. 1175781)
Many motor vehicle engines should not be run on gasoline mixed with more than ten percent ethanol or they will sustain damage that is very expensive to fix. Check your owners manuals.
Motor vehicles running on ethanol mixed gasoline also get less mileage than motor vehicles that run on just gasoline. That means that over time, motor vehicles running on ethanol mixed gasoline will use more fuel to go the same distance as motor vehicles running on just gasoline. That also means that motor vehicles running on ethanol mixed gasoline with need to be refueled more often than pure gasoline run motor vehicles.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 6/4/2022 12:54:24 PM (No. 1175782)
I'm not going to argue about wanting less alcohol in gas for many of the reasons list that I agree with. On thing I do want to mention is that when the corn has been used to make the ethanol, the corn mash is still used as feed, so it is not a 100% loss.
As too a comment about fertilizer runoff hurting waterway, farmers work quite hard a reducing runoff because the environment directly effects their livelihood and any waste of fertilizer is wasted money. Much of that runoff comes from people's yards where it is not applied as accurately and from the fertilizer going down the river due to sewage.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
deerejon 6/4/2022 12:56:16 PM (No. 1175784)
Just another way to get rid of the internal combustion engine.Run ethanol thru it until it is junk.Biden and His advisor croney's are hell bent on people not driving Gasoline cars anymore.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
BarryNo 6/4/2022 1:27:42 PM (No. 1175805)
1. they appease corn farmers. 2. They destroy your gasoline engines, faster. You really want an electric for your next vehicle, right? S/O.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
SkeezerMcGee 6/4/2022 2:05:36 PM (No. 1175836)
Has the U.S. Congress authorized the EPA, without any hearing, public notice, or public comment, to summarily and at its whim, dictate how much ethanol MUST be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply? If so, this is an excellent example of the U.S. having become an "Administraive State."
It seems clealy debateable that this decision is not in the public interest, but is political and, without justification, is picking winners and losers, and the losers are all of us who need gasoline to drive motor vehicles.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 6/4/2022 2:09:27 PM (No. 1175838)
For those of you who still can or has to fill their tank, we will make sure we destroy your engine.
Great joe, you've thought of everything, or should I say somebody in the white house has. And by the way, what's the over/under on when somebody will be triggered by the phrase "white" house?
4 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 6/4/2022 2:32:52 PM (No. 1175871)
That’s going to make the price of corn tortillas necessarily skyrocket and your vehicles fuel efficiency plummet.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
curious1 6/4/2022 2:34:57 PM (No. 1175875)
This points out why you don't let the feddies exceed their authority granted them in the constitution. They do not have the authority to command this behavior, and no, the commerce clause wasn't written to give them carte blanch in a very limited powers document like the constitution. The states need to man-up and kick them to the curb.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
3XALADY 6/4/2022 2:44:35 PM (No. 1175887)
Thanks OP. Pubbies are really no better in the long run than the other side. None of them ever do us any favors. I was sorely disappointed with PDJT because he jumped thru their hoops. When our vehicles die from this, I guess we can always go buy an EV with gooberment $$.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
stablemoney 6/4/2022 3:08:31 PM (No. 1175913)
I don't want these blends in my car. Stations selling these blends should be required to post this information on their pumps.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Fosterdad 6/4/2022 3:23:11 PM (No. 1175934)
There will be major food shortages worldwide and we're putting corn into cars. Could our government get any dumber? I am from the corn belt. My brother and his wife own a farm and grow corn and soybeans. And I am adamantly opposed to ethanol. It is and always has been a major ripoff. Put food into bellies, not into cars.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
DVC 6/4/2022 3:30:17 PM (No. 1175942)
Poison the people, now poison the cars.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 6/4/2022 3:37:37 PM (No. 1175951)
#11 beat me to it. This poorly written article doesn't say to what % the ethanol is to be increased. 10 % is the norm now. ALL of my engines say to not use more than 10% ethanol.
Joebama doesn't just want to use 'food for vehicle fuel'... He / They want to destroy all of poir 'fossil fuel' engines and force us to buy electric vehicles, electric mowers, electric chainsws etc. even before their laws mandating those purchases take effect..
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 6/4/2022 3:43:40 PM (No. 1175959)
"OUR" not 'poir' in my post above. Dang typos.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
Kafka2 6/4/2022 4:24:19 PM (No. 1176000)
A 50% increase in the amount of ethanol in gasoline should significantly lower the miles per gallon you get with the new blend. This is sneaky. Even if it stops the cost per gallon from going up, you will need to fill your tank more often. The extra farm land diverted to ethanol crops will most certainly cause food prices to rise. Both our fuel and food costs will go up together.
Way to go Biden!
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
danu 6/4/2022 5:11:00 PM (No. 1176034)
the mitt tax ... 'he did that' ?
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
TLCary 6/4/2022 5:33:05 PM (No. 1176051)
AHHHHHUUUGHHHHH!!!! It takes more than a gallon of gasoline to make a gallon on ethanol! You pollute the air once by burning the gas, and twice when you burn the ethanol, instead of just burning the gas. And they won't let us forget all the solution from farming, along the way. If people really, truly understood what was being done to their lives, their country, their environment - the war would start today.
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You will buy the ethanol, and the producers of a product that makes zero economic sense will remain wealthy, to the point of enjoying guaranteed profits from the taxpayers. The ethanol mandate is courtesy of Green George the radical conservative, the EPA is thanks to Richard Nixon, and the Department of Agriculture traces back to Honest Abe. Where would we be without such Republicans? Even Donald Trump danced to the tune of ADM and Big Corn.