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Michigan Democrats tell parents they are
NOT 'clients' of public schools, that
children should be taught 'what society
needs them to know' - and that taxpayers
should stay out of education

Original Article

Posted By: Ribicon, 1/18/2022 11:56:36 AM

Michigan Democrats were heavily criticized over the weekend for telling parents that they are not 'clients' of public schools and that public education teaches kids what society 'needs them to know.' A Facebook post on Saturday shared by the state's Democrats on their official page blasted the idea that parents should be involved in what public school teach their children. The post was taken down on Monday morning following heavy disapproval.(Snip)The Michigan Democratic Party later deleted the post on Martin Luther King Day and retracted its original statement. It is unclear who wrote the post—but Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been blasted for what many see as meddling


If you don't like what The State is teaching your kids, you can pay extra and send your kids to private schools, but you'll still be taxed to pay us, chumps. USA, USA.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 1/18/2022 12:02:33 PM (No. 1042733)
The purpose of school is to teach people what they need to know to have a successful, easy, and happy life.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: MissGrits 1/18/2022 12:07:15 PM (No. 1042744)
The easiest way for parents to “stay out of education” is to quit paying taxes. No taxation without representation. Where have we heard that before?
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: seamusm 1/18/2022 12:07:51 PM (No. 1042745)
Then parents and taxpayers should just tell 'educators' to stay away from our kids and DEFUND public education altogether.
39 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: itsonlyme 1/18/2022 12:11:43 PM (No. 1042750)
The Knotseez within the Michigan Democrat party expect the teacher's union to fund their agenda. Ve know vhat is best for everyvon.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 1/18/2022 12:13:10 PM (No. 1042754)
Achtung! Ve vill tell zem vat zey need to know! Petty little tyrants know what your kids need better than you do, just feed them and send them to the daily indoctrination. (Feeding them no longer required, the benevolent overlords now provide three meals a day.)
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Attila DiMedici 1/18/2022 12:16:04 PM (No. 1042761)
Because that message worked so well for the Democrats in Virginia.
33 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: singermom9 1/18/2022 12:17:43 PM (No. 1042763)
I found these articles 2 days ago. Dems want to TAKE AWAY your children. This proves it. All for the sake of "equity". Kooky Columnist: Parents Must 'Give Away Their Children' to Achieve Equity
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Relyabill 1/18/2022 12:18:26 PM (No. 1042765)
Scary how out of touch these educators have become. Seems they don't know much about the real World and who they work for.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: singermom9 1/18/2022 12:18:50 PM (No. 1042767)
Get rid of the Dept of Ed and DOJ and FBI and many more. Start with Education and all the woke teachers.
33 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: SALady 1/18/2022 12:23:30 PM (No. 1042777)
Gee, how very Communist of them!!! Hopefully Michigan parents are going to get the message and withdraw their children from these socialist indoctrination centers in masse. No students, no tax money. Bankrupt the school systems and start over!!!
20 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Come And Take It 1/18/2022 12:24:29 PM (No. 1042780)
Since I have no children, and have never used public schools, I expect you to refund all of the tax money I have paid into this failed system over my adult life. I do not want my money spent on the likes of idiots like this, who believe parents have no say in the way their children are taught. I do not want to finance propping up communist garbage like this.
33 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Avanti1 1/18/2022 12:27:40 PM (No. 1042788)
“The purpose of education is to give the student the intellectual tools to analyze, whether verbally or numerically, and to reach conclusions based on logic and evidence.” ― Thomas Sowell, Inside American Education
25 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Northcross 1/18/2022 12:31:51 PM (No. 1042797)
This is totally consistent with the Democrat/Socialist attitude that you are not a citizen, but rather a subject.
20 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 1/18/2022 12:33:40 PM (No. 1042800)
Uh, NO. The teachers work for the parents. And if they don't teach what the parents want taught, FIRE the teachers. It really isn't all that complex. NO hate indoctrination.
17 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: LanceLink1 1/18/2022 12:35:37 PM (No. 1042804)
Typical. Mandatory taxes to pay the arrogant to tell you how to live.
12 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Nashman 1/18/2022 12:36:01 PM (No. 1042806)
This needs to be stopped now. Take your kids out of public schools. They’re lost. Gone. Set up neighborhood schools. Home school if you can. Do whatever it takes. These fascists do not care about your children, just the orthodoxy. They’d just as soon kill them if they get out of line in the future. They need brown shirts not individual thinking humans. I’m so disgusted.
15 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 1/18/2022 12:39:42 PM (No. 1042814)
What seems like a bad thing may end up being the salvation of your child - get then out of there!!!
9 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 1/18/2022 12:56:30 PM (No. 1042834)
In this state, schools get tax money according to daily attendance. Fewer kids, less tax money to school.
7 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Penney 1/18/2022 1:06:17 PM (No. 1042847)
Michigan dems should be held accountable for their tyrannical policies at the next election and thereafter. Voters need to pay more attention to the policies of each person whom they elect, starting with the local school board and every other opening on the ballot! Otherwise, this sort of political power grab is what can be expected. America needs informed voters but the dem pols control the press but they are not doing their First Amendment duty to inform the public about candidates and their intentions. Infact, the dems,' 'journalists,' have become worthless regarding investigative reporting and supplying factual information about most every issue!
5 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: MDConservative 1/18/2022 1:06:59 PM (No. 1042849)
FTA: ..."public education teaches kids what society 'needs them to know.'" If that's the case, we can cut our school curricula by three-quarters, with commensurate staff cuts.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/18/2022 1:14:33 PM (No. 1042861)
The GOP should use these statements in the November election cycle, and not allow any democrat a free pass. This is what they believe, and want. Do not let them fool you into thinking otherwise, even if they try to say things that make them sound like they're not on-board with that opinion. Then, ask many in the inner cities if they know realize why their schools aren't doing better with the question being if they don't see a correlation to the democrat party official policy holding their schools back.
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 1/18/2022 1:14:54 PM (No. 1042862)
One more example of why we call them Libtards. The example set by Terry McAwful is plain to see by anyone paying the least bit of attention, yet here is another bunch of Libtards repeating the same mistake. They are completely incapable of learning. But hey, keep it up, dumbasses, and soon you'll have your very own version of Governor Youngkin.
8 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Chiritwo 1/18/2022 1:40:53 PM (No. 1042884)
The people employ the education dept. Teachers etc are paid for by tax paying citizens, therefore, they work for the tax payers. Maybe the teachers etc should have listened better while they were in school and learned this lesson.
5 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: red1066 1/18/2022 1:46:18 PM (No. 1042888)
Before everyone thinks this is just a Michigan problem and only Michigan demosluts and school board members think this way, this attitude is held by every school system administrator, school board, and teacher's union in the country. As well as many teachers in general. This is what one gets with no accountability, endless buget increases, and a mindset held by many in charge of education that they are the Kings of education, and peons who pay taxes don't know what they're talking about.
7 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: anniebc 1/18/2022 2:03:21 PM (No. 1042913)
They are correct; parents are not clients; they're bosses. Schools don't pay parents; parents pay schools. I have clients who can dictate to me based on their contract with me; they don't tell me how to run my business. The Michigan dummies would do better saying parents are clients rather than not.
5 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: GoodDeal 1/18/2022 2:05:18 PM (No. 1042916)
These are government schools, not public schools. They want kids to be taught the things the government needs them to know. You know the importance of racism and sexual perversion and how terrible this country is, and stuff like that. Things that will make a lasting impact on their world view and how God doesn't exist and that Jesus was a fake dude that just did magic tricks to fool people. They want kids to disrespect and disobey their moms and dads because they are smarter than their parents and their parents are dumb. So far so good.
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Birddog 1/18/2022 2:09:36 PM (No. 1042921)
Parents are members of the Public, children are members of the public..EVERY location where children are gathered to be educated is a Public School. ALL schools derive their funding from the Public. What the Dems are referring to here is "Govt Schools". Parents are not the "Clients" they are the Employers, not just of the people who work for THEM in the schools, but also of the Politicians that are supposed to work FOR them. The easy solution? Take the daily expenditure the Govt uses for schools, have it attach directly to every child..and the parents then can decide where that dollar goes, which schools, for what type of education/training. It could also go into an educational savings plan, those parents that decide to homeschool, barter school, small group school, online school during periods of their child's educational journey can then have an account built up to pay for Higher education when the children need it. Way tooooo much of school costs go to administration...some places have three admins for every teacher. Way tooooo much of school costs got to architecture, school design/construction costs are second only to churches/cathedrals in costs per sq ft., "Soaring Edifices to the God of industrialized Education". There is no reason EVERY school has to have a different and unique custom designed building. Local school systems should be able to access a Library of already built school plans, from similar districts, that have been PROVEN effective designs for their purposes. And pay a minor royalty fee at most. Pay for minor architectural design changes, cut sheets as needed to fit their local needs perhaps. But there is NO need for a ground up, "New" design taking years and costing $millions for every new school building. Average elem/middle school holds 528 Students, takes 3-10 years of planning design construction before it is opened, at an average cost of $3-15Million. Illegal Border crossing children numbers alone dictate the requirement for Three new schools a WEEK, some days three schools worth cross per Day. THESE have become the Govt schools "Clients", and The Industrialized Educational MegaCorp, made up of Teachers Unions, educrats and contractors are the "Clients" of the Democrat Politicians. NOT the people who live there already, founded the school systems, Pay the Taxes, ARE the Community.
6 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Namma 1/18/2022 2:10:30 PM (No. 1042923)
Seems to me the parents need teach the democrats and teachers how a Representative Republic works.
7 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: singermom9 1/18/2022 2:24:10 PM (No. 1042943)
You take my money you take my advice.
5 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Birddog 1/18/2022 2:51:14 PM (No. 1042962)
Keep in mind it was at a Michigan campaign stop that Biden got into a Union Carpenters face and shouted.."B*llshit I don't work for you!" and threatened to slap him.
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: gramma b 1/18/2022 3:19:04 PM (No. 1042986)
Yeah. We should leave the education of our children to that "brain trust: who, collectively, call themselves "educators." When I was on a school board, and we were hiring teachers, it was well known that most new teachers came from the bottom third of the college graduating class. It appears to have gotten worse since then.
2 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: YorkieMom 1/18/2022 3:56:28 PM (No. 1043026)
When I taught school, I always told the parents I wanted to work with them to do what was best for their children. I wasn’t a union member and always thought they were worthless.
4 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: bpl40 1/18/2022 5:38:44 PM (No. 1043094)
This is not so much about what should be taught but what should NOT be taught and has no place in a school room. And that is exactly what the Left does not want parents to know. We are not born yesterday.
1 person likes this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: rikkitikki 1/18/2022 6:17:13 PM (No. 1043141)
How did Michigan Democrats come to believe they had the right to indoctrinate and brainwash t school children in public schools with their own perverted religious views? Because that's exactly what they are doing.
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Reply 35 - Posted by: rochow 1/18/2022 9:33:21 PM (No. 1043359)
Dear Michigan, dem morons, try to understand this with your empty brain box cavity: we the taxpayers pay your highly inflated salaries and pensions. AND yes, we the taxpayers, wholeheartedly approve that PARENTS should be involved in what kids learn. Not you cringeworthy undereducated party line jackasses should ever make a decision like that. Parents don't want their children to be as laughably stupid as you are.
1 person likes this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: EQKimball 1/19/2022 12:31:28 AM (No. 1043463)
So should voters also stay away from school board elections, including recall elections?
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Posted by Ribicon 1/19/2022 2:53:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 1/19/2022 1:33:06 PM Post Reply
The president of Emirates has slammed the 5G fiasco as the 'most delinquent, irresponsible' mess he has seen in his 50-year aviation career and blamed it on Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who he says knew about the impending chaos but failed to warn anyone in time to stop it.(Snip)Sir Tim Clark, the president of Emirates, appeared on CNN, Wednesday that American airlines knew about the risks before the rest of the world, and that it forced them to scramble to cancel flights then bring them back once it was safe.(Snip)'Let the truth be known, we were not aware of this until yesterday morning
Democratic senators insist mail-ballots
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31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/19/2022 12:34:16 PM Post Reply
Senior Senate Democrats are insisting that universal mail-in ballots and voter drop boxes, measures included in their election overhaul legislation, help to fight racism. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Democrat and chair of the Rules Committee, said the federal voting measure is needed to counter what she called efforts by some states to suppress the vote. “They’ve rolled back things that they’ve changed during the pandemic, like witnesses for mail-in ballots in South Carolina,” she said. “No matter which way they did it, it all adds up to one thing. And that is voter suppression and limiting people’s freedom to vote.”
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Posted by Ribicon 1/19/2022 10:19:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 10:36:00 PM Post Reply
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Federal government will allow TEENAGERS
to drive big rigs from state to state
in apprenticeship test program in an effort
to ease supply chain backlog
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 10:17:24 PM Post Reply
The federal government will let teens drive transports throughout the nation in a move it hopes will alleviate the supply chain crisis—but the initiative is being panned by critics who fear it could lead to disaster. The new apprenticeship program deviates from current law—which requires truckers crossing state lines to be at least 21 years old—by allowing 18- to 20-year-old drivers to travel beyond their home states.(Snip)But safety advocates say the program runs counter to data showing that younger drivers get in more crashes than older ones. They say it's unwise to let teenage drivers be responsible for rigs that can weigh 80,000 pounds
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Posted by Imright 1/18/2022 7:11:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/18/2022 4:40:54 AM Post Reply
Michael Phelps says the controversy surrounding transgender NCAA swimmer Lia Thomas is “very complicated.” Thomas, a transgender swimmer on the women’s team at the University of Pennsylvania, competed for three years as a male. NCAA bylaws permit transgender athletes to compete as women if they have undergone testosterone suppression for a year. Phelps, appearing with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour last week, spoke to the issue as one of doping, saying he doesn’t believe he’s competed in a fair field in his whole career.
Penzeys Spices CEO sparks fury by renaming
MLK Day 'Republicans are RACIST Weekend'
in letter to customers - just two weeks
after branding the GOP the 'number one
threat to this country'
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 9:09:15 PM Post Reply
Penzeys Spices CEO sparked outrage after he renamed Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Republicans are Racist Weekend, in a promotional newsletter for customers. Bill Penzey Jr., 58, who founded the company in 1986 and does not have any shareholders to answer to, sent out the letter on Friday. It promised to 'Cheese Off Racists for Free!' as part of a spices promotion that includes ten Black Lives Matter stickers, because they have 'earned our respect!'(Snip) 'I'm a Democrat and liberal and all that and I know not all Republicans are racist. I think this is going a bit too far with the generalizations,' one customer wrote
Michigan Democrats tell parents they are
NOT 'clients' of public schools, that
children should be taught 'what society
needs them to know' - and that taxpayers
should stay out of education
36 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 11:56:36 AM Post Reply
Michigan Democrats were heavily criticized over the weekend for telling parents that they are not 'clients' of public schools and that public education teaches kids what society 'needs them to know.' A Facebook post on Saturday shared by the state's Democrats on their official page blasted the idea that parents should be involved in what public school teach their children. The post was taken down on Monday morning following heavy disapproval.(Snip)The Michigan Democratic Party later deleted the post on Martin Luther King Day and retracted its original statement. It is unclear who wrote the post—but Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been blasted for what many see as meddling
Trump v. DeSantis: Advantage, DeSantis 35 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/19/2022 3:09:31 PM Post Reply
Things keep changing. A few months ago I thought Trump would not run. Then I thought he would run. Now, I don’t think so once again. And one of the tells is the subtle shot he took at DeSantis over vaccines. The fact is that Trump, if he runs, is not a shoo-in. And this could be an epic battle for the chance to beat Kamala Harris like a drum in 2024. And, at least according to people like you who took my most recent Twitter poll, Trump is not a shoo-in. He’s dropped to just one-third support from nearly half six months ago. If he wants to win
January 6 committee subpoenas the phone
records of Eric Trump and Don Jr.'s fiancée
Kimberley Guilfoyle: The first time the
investigation has targeted a Trump family member
34 replies
Posted by Imright 1/19/2022 3:15:21 AM Post Reply
The congressional investigation into the January 6 attack has reportedly obtained records of phone numbers associated with one of former President Trump's sons, Eric Trump, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr. It represents a fresh escalation into probe as the select committee for the first time targeted a member of Trump's family. The phone records were subpoenaed from communication companies, multiple sources told CNN. The details reportedly include logs that show incoming and outgoing calls, as well as text messages, but not the substance or content of the messages.
Biden will hold full press conference
for the first time in 78 days today: President
will face difficult questions on the pandemic,
doomed voting right legislation and poor
approval rating ahead of his first anniversary
of taking office
33 replies
Posted by Imright 1/19/2022 3:13:34 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden will hold a rare solo press conference on Wednesday evening, the day before his one-year annivesary in office, where he is expected to defend his tenure in the White House and preview his plans for the next three years. He will also likely face questions on the issues of the day - voting rights, his Build Back Better bill, his declining approval rating, Russia and the Ukraine, inflation and the Omicron variant of COVID. His last solo press conference in the White House was in March and his last formal press conference was in October, when he was in Glasgow, Scotland for COP26.
Federal government will allow TEENAGERS
to drive big rigs from state to state
in apprenticeship test program in an effort
to ease supply chain backlog
32 replies
Posted by Ribicon 1/18/2022 10:17:24 PM Post Reply
The federal government will let teens drive transports throughout the nation in a move it hopes will alleviate the supply chain crisis—but the initiative is being panned by critics who fear it could lead to disaster. The new apprenticeship program deviates from current law—which requires truckers crossing state lines to be at least 21 years old—by allowing 18- to 20-year-old drivers to travel beyond their home states.(Snip)But safety advocates say the program runs counter to data showing that younger drivers get in more crashes than older ones. They say it's unwise to let teenage drivers be responsible for rigs that can weigh 80,000 pounds
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