'We Will Fight Them to the Gates of Hell':
Republican Governors Declare
War on Biden's Vaccine Mandates
Leah Barkoukis
Original Article
Posted By: mc squared,
9/10/2021 9:36:24 AM
Amid rising Covid-19 numbers across the U.S. and falling approval ratings on his handling of the pandemic, President Biden announced draconian new vaccine mandates on Thursday, targeting tens of millions of Americans. In addition to forcing federal employees and federal contractors to get the vaccine or get fired, with no option to opt out through testing, Biden’s “Path Out of the Pandemic” plan also targets private companies with more than 100 employees, using a not-yet-written OSHA rule to ensure compliance or require those who remain unvaccinated to go through weekly testing. The rule will affect over 80 million people, according to the plan. Employees at health care
Reply 1 - Posted by:
cor-vet 9/10/2021 9:42:09 AM (No. 909869)
80 million people will be affected. That's nearly all the people that voted for him.
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Oh sure... sure. (You will fight until the check clears).
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 9/10/2021 10:01:14 AM (No. 909912)
Every day I see more deaths from covid here in Texas. It was going down until this new regime opened the southern border. There is no testing, no isolation and they are sent all over USA. This keeps the infection rate and deaths up for Biden's political agenda. Can someone please suggest they close the border. He has kept the Canadian border closed until Sept 21 for cars. What is that all about. Let's see if he deems to open it then.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
reefdiver 9/10/2021 10:16:59 AM (No. 909935)
The fight will have to be against a lot more then just the vaccine mandate, but for our very way of life.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
columba 9/10/2021 10:57:32 AM (No. 909972)
I am offering a helpful explanation for readers who may be atheist:
"fight them to the gates of hell" is a phrase that shows one can attempt to help a person who is headed in the wrong direction only until that person finds himself in Hell. The fighting stops then, because the person entering Hell will NEVER come out of Hell and will never change his mind while he spends eternity there.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
anniebc 9/10/2021 11:03:06 AM (No. 909979)
This is what my South Carolina governor said; "Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian."
— Gov. Henry McMaster (@henrymcmaster)
What about your governor?
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Sanchin 9/10/2021 11:09:52 AM (No. 909987)
Oh, the Obamacare song and dance has started again. I imagine Chief Justice Roberts has been reminded of the role he is to play, and I am sure we will have several State AGs make the headlines for their own exposure. AND the lyrics and dance moves to the song will remain the same.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
anniebc 9/10/2021 11:10:57 AM (No. 909990)
Updated list of states (22) that are suing Biden — Alaska, West Virginia, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Arizona.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 9/10/2021 12:22:14 PM (No. 910046)
#6, my governor is a stupid democrat so he’s all for mandates. Just as our economy was coming back, he’ll close down the little places, but continue to take donations from the fat cats. 😡
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/10/2021 1:04:43 PM (No. 910078)
Governors, glad for the defense, but I want offense. I want you to go after the Biden administration every second, every day, in every way. I want you to weaponize and use after thing you have to sear the hair off their ears. When you do that, I will regard you more favorably.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
smokincol 9/10/2021 1:12:56 PM (No. 910082)
I hope they're all prepared to do what they say they will do.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 9/10/2021 1:25:20 PM (No. 910092)
It now appears the Gates of Hell have been relocated nearer to Washington, DC, nearer to Pennsylvania Avenue.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mifla 9/10/2021 1:30:16 PM (No. 910099)
I am willing to give the Republican Govs the benefit of the doubt until they give me reason to think otherwise. As to the Repubs in Congress, I no longer take you seriously.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
dickiedeeb 9/10/2021 1:48:42 PM (No. 910109)
Hey trump syncophants and ballwashers Wheres your hero your leader in this? Hear that deafening silence? What courage and conviction!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
SALady 9/10/2021 2:42:05 PM (No. 910155)
President Trump, and a handful of Republican governors and legislators, are all that give me any hope for saving our republic!!!
Sadly, all of the Demon-Rats, and 98% of the Republi-can'ts are just fine with turning the USA into the Soviet Socialist Republikkk of Amerikkka.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/10/2021 2:51:42 PM (No. 910165)
Pretty sure my Faux Republican Governor, fat Larry Hogan will not fight.
Unless he fights to get a chance to kiss Biden's buttocks.
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