Joe Biden Marks 20th Anniversary of 9/11
Criticizing ‘Dark Forces’
in America Against ‘Peaceful Religion’
of Islam
Charlie Spiering
Original Article
Posted By: harleynyc,
9/10/2021 10:09:55 PM
President Joe Biden marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by criticizing Americans for the anti-Muslim anger that occurred in the United States after the attacks took place.
“We also witnessed the dark forces of human nature. Fear and anger. Resentment and violence against Muslim-Americans — true and faithful followers of a peaceful religion,” Biden said in a prerecorded video published for the occasion.
The president said that the principle of “unity” in the country was endangered by the attacks but ultimately prevailed.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 9/10/2021 10:13:48 PM (No. 910515)
‘Dark Forces’ live in the White House. If you like your tolly bon, you can keep your tolly bon.
133 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
rytwng 9/10/2021 10:14:07 PM (No. 910516)
The Moron is traitor and should be arrested.
131 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
volksford 9/10/2021 10:14:34 PM (No. 910517)
You may as well put a string on the back of his neck and sit him on obama's lap
137 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 9/10/2021 10:22:30 PM (No. 910526)
I just cannot get a favorable view of people that want to hack my head off with a machete.
134 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
OK state mom 9/10/2021 10:26:06 PM (No. 910530)
Hoping tomorrow when he speaks people enmass will turn their back to him.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bad-hair 9/10/2021 10:34:08 PM (No. 910538)
Oh surely not. Has he already not screwed up enough yet ? Yes he has.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Birddog 9/10/2021 10:37:52 PM (No. 910542)
"There are FINE people on both sides... of the Global War on Terror"- Yusef robins-egg Biden.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
MrDeplorable 9/10/2021 10:45:46 PM (No. 910543)
The sad and horrifying thing is that as outrageous and insulting as Biden’s “peaceful religion” statement was, the pathetic dotard didn’t even realize he had said it. He just read it.
76 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
marbles 9/10/2021 10:51:45 PM (No. 910546)
219 attacks by muslims in 23 countries resulting in 1500 killed and 1300 injured. in August alone. 40,000 muslim terrorists attacks since 9/11. The " religion of peace " ? Stuff it joey.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Lake Dweller 9/10/2021 11:01:23 PM (No. 910547)
Screw you Biden. You will most assuredly burn in hades for the evil you are doing.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/10/2021 11:16:13 PM (No. 910556)
There is no such thing as a Muslim American.
If a person is a true Muslim his cult will not allow him to be an American.
72 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Omen55 9/10/2021 11:17:34 PM (No. 910558)
How stupid are all of dem?
If the islamic got power all of dem would be killed as infidels.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Connor 9/10/2021 11:17:40 PM (No. 910559)
Who does this remind you of?
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
TarAndFeathers 9/10/2021 11:26:29 PM (No. 910573)
“Mister” Biden is stupid, stubborn, senile and foully suborned. A typical Democrat.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
ldb51 9/11/2021 12:11:53 AM (No. 910596)
His whole life is about selling out. To Jihadis, to Chinese, to Marxist/Progressive Satanist/Wokies...
Who've you got? - SOBiden will figure out a way to turn a buck and grind his foot into your throat.
42 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Luandir 9/11/2021 12:20:27 AM (No. 910601)
Twenty years later, and what have we taught those who would attack us? That we will give up the fight, pursue unattainable goals like "nation building," and retreat gifting our enemies, leaving them stronger than before they attacked us. Our enemies have nothing at all to fear from us.
51 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 9/11/2021 12:28:22 AM (No. 910605)
Islam is a violent, barbaric death cult.
We cannot afford to trust any of them. Their religion requires that they enslave, convert or kill us all.
Traitor Joe is lying again.
64 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
SALady 9/11/2021 12:36:47 AM (No. 910610)
I remember living under the pure incompetence of Jimmy Carter. I swore that we could never have a worse president. It just physically wasn't possible!!!
Then came Ovomit, and I was proven wrong. Incompetent and pure evil!!! Once again, I swore that we could never have a worse president. Once again, I was so wrong!!!
Now we have Senile Joe biden!!!! Incompetent, evil, and senile!!! He really is only a few inches away from being Adolph Hitler, and still has over 3 years to get there!!!
Civil War 2 is closer than we ever feared. In fact, I'm pretty sure the lie-berals in this nation (through their street troops BLM and Antifa) started fighting Civil War 2 a few years ago. We had better get fighting back before it's too late!!!!!
61 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
web 9/11/2021 12:56:31 AM (No. 910619)
It was the true and faithful followers of this religion of war that attacked us on 9/11. Those who caused the fear and anger, resentment and violence were the muslims. Not Americans. Naturally our so-called president sides with the muslims on the anniversary of 9/11. Just as obama did.
55 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
motorcycleboy 9/11/2021 1:01:30 AM (No. 910621)
Well this is entirely consistent with him siding with the Taliban over Americans and our Afghan allies.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Rinktum 9/11/2021 4:46:50 AM (No. 910668)
The disturbing fact is that the democrat party is in total agreement with everything Biden has said and done. There are no dissenters I know of. No one on that side that I can recall has called him out. They are proud of what he has accomplished because it is doing the job they always dreamed of doing, totally transforming this country. Democrats have successfully committed a coup d’etat and the country is being destroyed. Joe Biden is the best friend that these barbarians ever had. He has reinvigorated them, armed them, and set them up in a country from which they can wage war against us. This statement and his presence at the memorials for the victims of 9/11 are an affront to decency, an affront to the families, and an affront to this country. He may be the traitorous face of this heinous party, but he is backed up by the media, the corporate wokesters, and tech demigods. Evil isn’t a strong enough word to describe these destroyers of freedom and all that is good in this life. They are, as some have labeled them here and rightly so, Luciferians.
59 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
DebraAnn 9/11/2021 5:12:12 AM (No. 910674)
#18,, couldn't have phrased it better myself!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 9/11/2021 5:46:22 AM (No. 910689)
Joe Biden is a simple stooge. Someone is the puppet master. People were thinking it was Obama, Jarrett, and Rice. I would also throw in Soros. Some of this stuff sounds like something Soros would want.
40 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
Periwinkel 9/11/2021 6:34:22 AM (No. 910715)
He's worse than Jimmie Carter and his Malaise speech.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 9/11/2021 6:55:46 AM (No. 910723)
Biden is an evil presidential cyborg, the anti-Trump.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Hazymac 9/11/2021 7:01:08 AM (No. 910732)
"Earnest (sic) Hemingway" was a novelist, not a poet, and I'm sick of the Impostor's quotations. He didn't write them, and he doesn't know what they mean. The quisling Josef Stolen (h/t Ida) ought to be driven out of office with a flamethrower directed against his pants seat. Cheater, liar, America destroyer. Get rid of 'im.
33 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/11/2021 7:43:17 AM (No. 910761)
We can clearly see the dainty little hands of Barack Hussein Obama reaching into Joe's back and furiously working the strings and controls. Our muslim president is doing more harm now than in his eight years of mild mischief.
30 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
bpl40 9/11/2021 7:52:29 AM (No. 910777)
'Peaceful religion of Islam' is a bigger lie than 'I won 82 million legal votes and was duly elected'.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Jebediah 9/11/2021 8:04:35 AM (No. 910798)
The only plus to all this horror is that the man is so totally agenda driven (or whoever pulls the strings is) that what he is attempting is blatantly obvious. And unbelievable! OUR problem is that but for a couple of Networks (Fox, Newsmax) and some online columns, nothing is reported: the main stream media is attempting to DROP Afghanistan in the same way they have dropped the border. Were this a Trump administration all you would hear and read is the thousands upon thousands streaming over our border without Covid shots and carrying the disease.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 9/11/2021 8:09:01 AM (No. 910804)
Can you say “Dark Forces”? Sounds mighty racist to me.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Grateful 9/11/2021 8:23:17 AM (No. 910812)
I learned all that I need to know about the 'religion of peace' on September 11, 2001.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
happywarrior 9/11/2021 8:30:41 AM (No. 910821)
I'm surprised he didn't tell us the most beautiful sound in the world is the music those savages play morning noon and night.
14 people like this.
Reply 33 - Posted by:
bighambone 9/11/2021 8:48:09 AM (No. 910846)
“Tollybon” was Obama’s pronunciation for the Taliban Islamist terrorists of Afghanistan that has now been retrieved by Biden from the political grave. There is no way that Biden could stand behind a podium at ground zero before a large crowd of concerned Americans and give a coherent and spontaneous speech as his cognitive decline would not permit that, so again we find him alone in a room reading a phony speech off his trusty teleprompter referring to Islam as a peaceful religion. If Islam is a peaceful religion the heavily armed countries of the Islamic world would have dealt with the Taliban and other Islamist terrorist organizations without the USA and the NATO countries having to invade countries like Afghanistan or Iraq. So in essence, Biden’s political speech concerning the 9/11 attacks that were perpetrated by Middle East Islamist Terrorists was as phony as Biden’s current head and facial features that are obviously big time creations of plastic surgery.
19 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
Bluefindad 9/11/2021 8:53:02 AM (No. 910854)
Does this guy ever give a speech that doesn't castigate and criticize some segment of America?
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
walcb 9/11/2021 8:55:29 AM (No. 910856)
The withdrawal from Afghanistan at the time it was done was all for a speech that was written long ago that would celebrate the end of the conflict and victorious retreat that was to be given on 9-11-2021. That didn't work out so well did it Joe?
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
Vincent Vega 9/11/2021 8:56:45 AM (No. 910859)
Believe as we believe or you must die...............the religion of peace.
Biden, you are one serious idiot.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
msjena 9/11/2021 8:56:46 AM (No. 910860)
Dateline last night had a special report on Flight 93. Very sad. I was crying. They played the tapes of the Arabic voice of the hijacker and reported that as the plane went down they were screaming Allah Akhbar! Religion of peace MA.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 9/11/2021 9:16:04 AM (No. 910872)
I'd like to air drop Biden, Miley and Austin along with Obama in the middle of Kabul to be among the peaceful Islamic hoards.
The Schmuck Biden just plagiarized George Bush didn't he use those words "religion of peace" shortly after 9-11-01? Of course I know the low IQ idiot, Joe, doesn't write his own speeches some flunky does that.
17 people like this.
Reply 39 - Posted by:
PageTurner 9/11/2021 9:20:03 AM (No. 910876)
Disgusting. Fraudy Joe is nobody's president.
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Barry, is that you?
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Reply 41 - Posted by:
marbles 9/11/2021 9:58:07 AM (No. 910924)
The speech ran a bit longer than 6 minutes. The camera angle changed 70 + times..70 + cuts and splices. Which means that joey cannot speak for 6 minutes without screwing up, but you knew that.P.S. I played it without sound, I can't stand listening to him
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I would like to tell you what I think of this worthless pile of offal, but I would be banned forever. Suffice it to say that a 10th ring in hell is going to have to be created for him once he sheds this mortal coil.
14 people like this.
Reply 43 - Posted by:
jhpeters2 9/11/2021 10:19:42 AM (No. 910951)
Speech was written by 0bama and JarJar. If we read between the lines the speech provides a ready excuse for more terrorist attacks here and abroad. We are bad according to the speech and we will deserve what we get. 0bama and JarJar just can't help themselves, they are excitedly anticipating the marxist overthrow of the USA, using their muslim shock troops.
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Reply 44 - Posted by:
lakerman1 9/11/2021 10:20:56 AM (No. 910952)
There are muslims who practice their faith peacefully.
And there are filthy islamofascist terrorist pigs.
The problem is in telling them apart.
And we have now seen the U.S. flooded with Afghans - tens of thousands of them. How do we sort them out?
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Reply 45 - Posted by:
Zigrid 9/11/2021 10:25:42 AM (No. 910958)
Some clever tech guys should photo/shop obama's face as biden speaks...because WE know it's all obama's words not biden...obama even said to Kimmel on television that he would put an ear/piece in a deficient president's ear and tell him what to say...he admitted he watch his back...soros will not like the power obama is taking from him...and then there's always crooked Hillary and her suicide squad....
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I cannot say what I want to say against this puppet of the #JihadJunta, or I would be banned for life. Suffice it to say that he just confirmed that my hashtag IS CORRECT.
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Reply 47 - Posted by:
JackBurton 9/11/2021 10:39:04 AM (No. 910995)
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Reply 48 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 9/11/2021 11:22:41 AM (No. 911049)
Is this the price of becoming president Joe? That you read words that Obama is telling you to say? We know Biden's brain is gone, but his wife Jill, the so called "medical" doctor has her faculties. Is she so far gone in wanting the prestige and power of the WH that she would go along with this charade? Doesn't she care about what the Obama/Soros crowd is doing to her husband?
In all that is happening, the curtain is pulled back and we see what a politically craven wife will do. Does anyone think by what is happening to Joe, that she loves him by standing there and allowing the manipulation of a cognitive mind that is gone? Joe has been a grifter, a liar, but don't think he's been this unAmerican. This looks and smells like Obama.
13 people like this.
Peaceful religion? My @@@@!
Islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. Islamites do not assimilate into American life.
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Joe sure has a knack for pissing off half of America just about every time he opens his yap. I remember him as being a dumb blowhard all those years in the Senate and then as Veep, but his handlers have taken his obnoxicity to a whole new level, as they know they must finish taking down our constitutional republic before the 2022 mid-terms. Full speed ahead to totalitarian socialism.
Ya' think Obama's calling all the shots?
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Reply 51 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 9/11/2021 1:10:30 PM (No. 911160)
Anyone who defends islam is immediately complicit in its 1,400 years of genocidal hostility and aggression. The pattern is obvious and undeniable: it is the religion of pieces, not the religion of peace.
So...either islam is a peaceful religion that has persistently bred genocidal, misogynistic, pedophilic maniacs (just like mohammed himself), or, as their own books teach them, it is not the religion of peace it claims to be ("slay the infidel wherever you may find him".
Either way, nothing and nobody can coexist with islam...just ask the Tollybon.
Buck Joe Fiden.
I wipe my left hand on him, and the memory of his people on which I spit.
4 people like this.
Reply 52 - Posted by:
rochow 9/11/2021 2:22:27 PM (No. 911212)
Bush was making similar comments today in PA. Who asked this jerk to blab??? He is also denouncing the division that exists today in the US. Really? I guess we are all allowed to trudge along what our 'betters' decide for us! 8 years jug ears did not comment on anything, suddenly Bush is all over the place! Go away!!
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Reply 53 - Posted by:
jasmine 9/11/2021 4:29:23 PM (No. 911322)
FTA: “We also witnessed the dark forces of human nature. Fear and anger."
Fear and anger are emotional states. In America, citizens still get to consider the circumstances behind those emotions for themselves. Mass murder evokes fear and anger in normal people. It's not, as Joe Biden imagines, his job to attribute normal revulsion, and emotions of fear and anger to "the dark forces of human nature," because self-defense is not provocative.
We witnessed the REAL "dark forces of human nature" when Joe Biden and his Party turned their backs on American citizens and our allies. "President" Biden left billion$ in military equipment behind FOR THE TALIBAN.
Bottom line that is never going to go away: Team Biden deemed saving the lives of people they left behind enemy lines less important than Joe meeting his deadline. The deadline the Taliban set for him.
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Reply 54 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 9/11/2021 4:57:11 PM (No. 911336)
This dolt is a TRAITOR to the U.S. Constitution!
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Reply 55 - Posted by:
NotaBene 9/11/2021 6:27:07 PM (No. 911386)
Joe Biden surrendered 85 billion in armaments to our Muslim enemies. We lost the 20–year war. Hope the military and GW Bush understand white rage now.
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Reply 56 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 9/11/2021 7:24:59 PM (No. 911442)
Sickeningly, George W. Bush, my used to be beloved President, made dangerously similar remarks today in Pennsylvania. I just shake my head and my heart aches, truly, truly aches, at what he has become in these last 20 years. In particular, in the last six years during Trump's election and presidency. His remarks today combined with Biden's total surrender to the Taliban, and the "inauguration day" of their new and soon to be US affirmed government, all on the 20th day of the 9/11 attacks, make this day unbearable. Especially to those of us that were involved in NYC with the 9/11 attacks and who were overwhelmed with pride and love of country, when George W. Bush stood on the pile with that firefighter. Utterly and desolately unbearable.
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Reply 57 - Posted by:
suejeanne 9/11/2021 8:24:35 PM (No. 911475)
This is the link to the Getty Images website for the photo of President Biden pulling down his mask - to yell, scream or shout at somebody -
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Reply 58 - Posted by:
local500 9/13/2021 11:54:32 AM (No. 913223)
We have a jackass in the White House. Nothing else would accurately describe Joe Biden.
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I am losing it. If he isn't removed soon I will go insane.