Joe Biden’s incoherent, fear-mongering
COVID vaccine speech
New York Post,
John Podhoretz
Original Article
Posted By: harleynyc,
9/9/2021 7:45:43 PM
Joe Biden’s speech on COVID was bizarrely incoherent.
He told the American people without qualification that fully vaccinated people are at incredibly low risk: “Only 1 out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day.”
Then he promised to shield them against the evil people who are threatening their very lives: “We’re going to protect the vaccinated from unvaccinated coworkers.”
But Joe, you just said the vaccinated were already protected!
Reply 1 - Posted by:
bamapreacher 9/9/2021 7:51:30 PM (No. 909339)
He makes no sense at all. It's obviously just a power grab. Anyway, "my body my choice" is going to come back to bite him real bad. Hopefully it is going to be funny when he goes to any 9/11 events and gets heckled.
21 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 9/9/2021 7:55:07 PM (No. 909344)
Joe "Dementia" Biden
"A person with dementia may seem different from his/her usual self in ways that are difficult to identify or explain. A person may become suspicious, irritable, depressed, apathetic, anxious, or agitated, especially in situations where memory problems are causing difficulties."
A few pulling the strings:
Ron Kaplan - White House Chief of Staff
Susan Rice - Domestic Policy Advisor
Enemies Of The People
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Blue-Z-Anna 9/9/2021 7:57:28 PM (No. 909346)
"This is not about freedom".
No, it certainly isn't.
And any excuse to trash our freedom is good enough.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Urgent Fury 9/9/2021 8:04:21 PM (No. 909355)
In the article, Podhoretz calls unvaxxed people "incredibly stupid".
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Blue Hen1 9/9/2021 8:07:45 PM (No. 909359)
Clown ran out of the room again, taking no questions
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
anonymous 9/9/2021 8:12:26 PM (No. 909364)
Podhoretz points to the obvious contradictions in Bidens' speech.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bogeegolf 9/9/2021 8:22:27 PM (No. 909368)
Hey John. It’s too early to say who is incredibly stupid. Except ,of coarse, our POS White House occupant
15 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
SALady 9/9/2021 8:29:55 PM (No. 909377)
Simple, if I have 110 employees today, 11 of them are getting laid off tomorrow. Sucks to be them.
More people on the welfare plantation. More unemployment to support the Demon-Rat's multi-trillion-$$$ "free stuff" handouts programs.
Not-my-president Lyin' Joe biden may be a doddering old senile fool, but his handlers know exactly what they are doing.
23 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 9/9/2021 9:14:45 PM (No. 909418)
Correction to my post, #2
Should be:
Ron Klain - White House Chief of Staff
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
daisey 9/9/2021 9:22:51 PM (No. 909425)
What bothered me was his constant reminding us of his power and authority.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
anniebc 9/9/2021 9:33:43 PM (No. 909440)
Biden completely bombs on Afghanistan, yet he comes out swinging hard against US! That's how the left does it. Get a clue, our side. Even the vegetable in his senile state is fighting to win. They believe this is the last chance that they'll get to destroy America, and they're not backing down.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Namma 9/9/2021 9:36:09 PM (No. 909443)
My body
His choice
No way!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
danu 9/9/2021 9:36:31 PM (No. 909444)
Many say the Devil sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear.
This devil in the ear piece sounds just like obola.
13 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 9/9/2021 10:23:32 PM (No. 909471)
Hello John. Call me stupid all you want, but I have antibodies after getting Covid, and I’m not getting the vaccine. Joe can stuff it too.
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We don't recognize kings in America, Xiden. Nor do we recognize the bleatings of a phony POTUS, either.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 9/9/2021 10:29:02 PM (No. 909477)
Sorry OP.
I couldn’t read this.
If I recall, Johnny P was an early sanctimonious Never Trumper.
Well, John, your wish came true.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Omen55 9/9/2021 10:56:33 PM (No. 909493)
In a few months John will be wishing Trump was still POTUS.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 9/9/2021 10:58:06 PM (No. 909495)
Close the Border if you ever want to be taken seriously. Just stop with the vaccine. Everyone knows it's just a ploy to gloss over your absolute disaster is Afghanistan. Have you no shame at all?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Nimby 9/9/2021 11:08:44 PM (No. 909499)
Time for pitchforks!!
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 9/9/2021 11:28:28 PM (No. 909514)
I have great reflexes for my age. At no time since January 19th of this year have I endured more than 3 words of any sound byte the MSM tries to pump over the airwaves, including the few bytes that get through on conservative radio. Like Quick Draw McGraw, I can sense a video, audio of the 21st Century Scourge, Joe Biden coming up and hit mute on the remote or the steering wheel. My mom had a 3-letter word for TV preachers and all politicians: ''Urp!''
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
mathman 9/9/2021 11:28:53 PM (No. 909515)
1. There is no vaccine. A vaccine (like those for whooping cough, diphtheria, polio) protects against contracting the disease. None of the COVID-19 "vaccines" prevent coming down with the disease. They may make it milder.
2. There are known side effects to the "vaccine", many of which are not known yet. Some are immediate, like death. And expanded hearts, which are also immediate.
3. Experimenting with single strand RNA viruses has a strong resemblance to Russian Roulette. We do not know what will happen in the long term. Such studies have not been done.
4. If COVID-19 were really a problem, those medications which are known to cure the disease would be allowed. Instead there has been an intense propaganda campaign against a) hydroxyquinone, zinc, azithromycin; this treatment has been forbidden because it was promoted by President Trump, not because it did not work;
b) Ivermectin; this treatment is forbidden because it also has a use with animals. As if penicillin were not used in animals. Or antibiotics. As if the Nobel was not given for Ivermectin.
c) monoclonal antibody treatments. These have been forbidden because they do not make enough money for Big Pharma.
5. The Government cannot determine that COVID-19 originated at the Wuhan Virus lab in China, which was funded by the U S Government. The Government is also unable to determine that Dr Anthony Fauci was responsible for funding the Wuhan lab, which made bat viruses work better in people.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 9/9/2021 11:38:09 PM (No. 909519)
Biden lies. He blames the unvaccinated while knowing the vaccine is doing an inadequate job. He is protecting the pharmaceuticals. Close to 200 million have been vaccinated. Millions more have already caught COVID, and should have herd immunity. In spite of that COVID is on the rise. The United States opened up when COVID was on the decline. Biden is now flaming the pandemic panic. He will likely try to mandate another lockdown this winter. After all, according to Biden our freedoms are secondary. He will also claim the last lockdown helped to stop the spread of COVID.
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