From a doctor bewildered at where all
this COVID stuff is going
American Thinker,
Steve Karp
Original Article
Posted By: Magnante,
8/28/2021 3:32:45 AM
Until recently, the practice of medicine was based more on science, less on science fiction. (snip) evidence today has taken a back seat to wishful thinking — or is it an agenda? (snip) This science fiction story begins with the 2019 "virus" and 2020 "vaccine." A selection of the story's chapters include a virus of which the CDC claimed not to possess a reference sample. A vaccine that did not fit the definition of a vaccine. Approval of a vaccine for which the studies had not reached clinically important endpoints.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Kitty Myers 8/28/2021 5:24:35 AM (No. 895538)
FTA: "If this were a vaccine, it would directly stimulate the immune system. It would protect the injected from the disease. It would not claim to protect others from the disease. It would not be in use while mutations arise. (snip) only 10% of the population has tested positive for the virus, or something, by a test that is to be withdrawn by year's end."
My daughter and her husband are both nurses. Yesterday they were told to either get vaccinated by September 27th or lose your jobs. They have chosen to lose their jobs and are seriously planning to relocate to a state which does not mandate vaccination. 30+ nurses also handed in their resignations yesterday, and I imagine that's just the beginning. Btw... My daughter has been working in the COVID unit for more than a year.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
BirdsNest 8/28/2021 5:25:43 AM (No. 895539)
Covid is one giant Fractured Fairy Tale. They are making it up as they go along.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
judy 8/28/2021 5:37:25 AM (No. 895540)
It's all about the elections...they stole the Big they want to take all....
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 8/28/2021 6:42:20 AM (No. 895568)
Instead of a booster shot I think I’m going to give Voodoo a try. Anybody got a chicken?
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Follow the money...hint—Who profit$ from locking us down and masking us and threatening us with the “jab”? Do you know?
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"The cheap, effective treatments available" were not just ignored, WE HAVE BEEN FORBIDDEN ACCESS TO THEM.
Your local doctor and pharmacist are part of this crime against humanity!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Otis Gill 8/28/2021 7:40:35 AM (No. 895622)
# 6 nails it. Excellent point. Why is it that the Nazis won't allow ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to people who are sick? They are verboten!
We have cures but instead they want to push a Frankenstein vaccine. Early on the the "pandemic" I recall a doctor being interviewed who said she had treated 100 COVID patients successfully with these safe, effective drugs. The deep state has probably pulled her medical license by now.
They literally control everything, including the AMA and state licensing boards.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 8/28/2021 7:46:09 AM (No. 895630)
If you are in the Tolly Bon, you can't get Covid, and you don't have to wear a mask.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
JackBurton 8/28/2021 7:51:33 AM (No. 895632)
I have only one quibble with this article otherwise it makes all the points that I would make about the Covid, the mandates, the vaccine, and, without saying the word, Antibodies.
Yes the manufacturers were given immunity from liability. That's also true for all other (real) vaccines--those for measels, rubella, chicken pox, shingles, pneumonia... etc etc, the whole list. And we know why. One person with adverse effects and a lawyer who gets a sympathetic jury and suddenly ALL of us are without that (real) vaccine.
Immunity from lawsuit, here, might be the exception that proves the rule.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
mifla 8/28/2021 8:12:33 AM (No. 895649)
Our church has a ministry that helps poor, single moms with their pregnancies, and there are doctors and nurses that are on call to help us as needed. When asked about Covid, one of the doctors (who works in an emergency room) said that he has treated 37 young men who developed heart problems after getting the vaccine. He had to inform some of them that they would likely need a heart transplant by the time they were 50.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/28/2021 8:22:44 AM (No. 895657)
If doctors do not understand what is going on, how can the government expect the people to take the word of non-experts who work for the government and stand to profit from our compliance? On top of their obvious lies and propaganda, we have to deal with the Mask Karens and the rules randomly applied by private businesses. Time to push back harder.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
udanja99 8/28/2021 8:24:09 AM (No. 895658)
I don’t know about the rest of you but I see all of this leading to the economy crashing. Who is going to keep things running when all of these people are fired? We already have a supply chain back-up on a lot of items and it’s only going to get worse. Not to mention that this is going to put more and more people on government assistance. Where it the tax money going to come from to fund all of it? This is pure Cloward Piven and it’s being done on purpose - intentionally overwhelm the system in order to usher in socialism.
It’s time to prepare for the worst if you haven’t already done so.
73 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 8/28/2021 9:12:55 AM (No. 895714)
There are layers of fraud here. First, the EUA's for all of the vaccines rely on the "fact" that there are no existing alternatives. This "fact" is a lie. HCQ and Ivermectin are both highly effective in treating covid. India proved that - after others who tried to explain it were shut down by the censors.
Second, as a number of articles point out, this "approval" does NOT grant full approval to the Pfizer shots. It approves a vaccine down the road under another name, but not what they're shooting into people today, tomorrow or for months to come. This whole situation is government supported fraud committed at an international level. And only now is Fauci mentioning the risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
ArizonaGal 8/28/2021 10:01:19 AM (No. 895766)
Johnson and Johnson one shot has next to zero side effects. That is why they took it off the market for a while. I will do that to placate the Nazis.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Zeek Wolfe 8/28/2021 10:27:32 AM (No. 895793)
Antiques like me remember Thalidimide, a medicine give to women back in the 50s. This medicine was not properly vetted and as a result women started giving birth to babies that looked like seals with flippers instead of arms and legs. In 5 years recipients of covid vaccines might show disasterous effects of a mis-thought 'cure' for this virus. I have no intention of getting vaccinated with an unproven concoction promoted by devious politicians and multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical corporations.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Speedypetey 8/28/2021 10:30:18 AM (No. 895796)
There are other real "immune response" vaccines like Ocugen but unlike mRNA gene altering these are crawling through Phase III. China engineered virus and USA engineered genetics is reason to pause.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
TXknitter 8/28/2021 10:38:15 AM (No. 895803)
Also, #1, we have registered nurse friends in Ft. Worth now who are being pressured to get the vaccination. The social pressure inside the hospital system is real and devastating EVEN if technically it is not “mandated.” There are resignations as well of medical professionals whose conscience will not allow them to jab others with such a dangerous concoction.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
frew 8/28/2021 10:47:42 AM (No. 895814)
"A vaccine that did not fit the definition of a vaccine."
The vaccines cause people to be immune to the virus, hence they are vaccines.
"Approval of a vaccine for which the studies had not reached clinically important endpoints."
Two hundred million people vaccinated, few if any side effects, and obvious excellent efficacy against infection and severe disease. What more do you want?
"The lack of time to understand the vaccine's intermediate and long-term effects."
Nit picking. There's plenty of experience with the vaccines already. "
"The lack of legal liability placed on the manufacturers."
Normal for an emergency situation like this.
"The cheap, effective treatments available but ignored."
Ignored because they just don't work.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 8/28/2021 10:50:23 AM (No. 895817)
Reply to #2: Yes, you are correct: the COVID19 scandal is just a way-overblown panic response to a virus no more lethal than the flu.
For example, CDC stats show that 57 children (aged 0 - 19 yrs) in Texas have died from CV19 (Jan-20 thru Aug-21). That is from a population of 8.2 million children. And all 57 had comorbidities. That mortality rate is 69 per 100,000, or 0.00069%, about the same as that for homicides and auto crashes.
Bottom line: the Covid crisis only exists in the minds of the policy-makers promoting it.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 8/28/2021 11:06:52 AM (No. 895828)
None of this passes the smell test. The line in the article that stuck out most to me is 'We don't know what we don't know'. This stuff hasn't been tested adequately. It isn't a real vaccine. Its new technology.. How does it work? What does it do? We'll all find out together because NOBODY KNOWS. That's becoming apparent now. People are getting the virus from vaccinated people. Was that suppose to happen? How would we know. Nobody has clearly defined what the vaccine was supposed to do.
Now we are all being told to get the vaccine. Employed? Not for long if you aren't vaccinated. Probably 200 million have been vaccinated. Has anything changed? Not much. People are wearing masks, social distancing, and self-isolating. Strongly suspect another round of lockdowns is on the way. Certainly in blue states. its clear this has all become political, and it shouldn't.
Left my house in New York and flew to Florida in September of 2019 for the winter. I never went home. Don't want to travel. Florida has become my new residence. Wasn't my plan yet there it is.
The Lady Chihuahua has COPD. I get irregular heartbeat whenever I get sick. We have both been vaccinated. We have to try and protect ourselves. Ironically, neither of us has had a sick day in over a year. Doubt the vaccine has anything to do with it. We don't get sick because we don't socialize. That's harder on the Lady Chihuahua than myself.
When does it end?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Chiritwo 8/28/2021 11:18:14 AM (No. 895838)
I was just on a plane last week - was so looking forward to getting away. We had to wear masks while at the airport, had to wear masks on the plane then again while we were leaving the airport - vaccinated or not. Masks do nothing - I was sick for the first day and half. Alcohol is not served on the plane yet - other soft drinks are. If I hadn't been tipped off by the announcement that the Federal Government forbids alcohol to be taken on the plane, my poor husband's arm would have been black and blue. I'm terrified of flying so it just relaxes me. I've never seen so many signs saying "Federal Gov't" says... It's getting a bit scary out there. The dems just have to keep this farce going for their power. Interesting to see how they're going to get Afghanistan off the front page.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Urgent Fury 8/28/2021 11:39:25 AM (No. 895867)
#1 what I would do in that situation is fight it as long as they can, and leave only when fired. Take as much cash as they can before leaving.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
OK state mom 8/28/2021 12:00:23 PM (No. 895901)
The US healthcare system will completely implode if they fire all employees refusing the vaccine. If you think it is bad now...wait until they fire those who refuse. I've never been a fan of hospital administration and am less so now. Glad I'm retired.
14 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
kono 8/28/2021 12:01:15 PM (No. 895905)
One year in development and testing, #18. One. That is simply not sufficient to justify forcing people to take it. It still barely qualifies as "experimental" after such a short period of time.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DVC 8/28/2021 12:10:20 PM (No. 895918)
Some of the best, most compact commentary I have seen.
"A selection of the story's chapters includes a virus of which the CDC claimed not to possess a reference sample. A vaccine that did not fit the definition of a vaccine. Approval of a vaccine for which the studies had not reached clinically important endpoints. The lack of time to understand the vaccine's intermediate and long-term effects. The lack of legal liability placed on the manufacturers. The cheap, effective treatments available but ignored."
This 'did not possess a reference sample' thing is totally bizarre. We also have recently found out that the "Gold Standard, super accurate PCR test" for the virus was made in the absence of an sample of the virus, so they used another available coronavirus. to create the primer, which is the precise series of amino acids that the PCR test 'amplifies'.
And CDC has recently "retired" the PCR test because ....well, it was NEVER actually testing for the Wuhan virus specifically, it was testing for .....some OTHER coronavirus that they had handy at the time. So, ALL those "gold standard, super accurate PCR tests" were pure BS from day one. And we can chalk up another MASSIVE lie.
We have passed through the looking glass.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Proud Texan 8/28/2021 12:16:01 PM (No. 895930)
#18 Dr. Falsie, is that you?
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
DVC 8/28/2021 12:24:46 PM (No. 895942)
I see we have a new name for the pro-government "believe us, not your lying eyes" view point.
Same old person with a new screen name, or a new person?
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#18 - take a look at the cdc’s VAERs website and see the number of adverse reactions to these vaccines. If the products I used to produce had these kind of adverse results in the short time they are on market, they would have been pulled from market and thrown back to R&D, or simply given up on.
Get educated before you spew talking points. People arenKt immune. The vaccines were released to “lessen the severity of infection”. Having 200,000,000 guinea pigs doesn’t make the vaccine safe or tested thiroughly. It means they have put 200,000,000 people at risk. The alternatives do work.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
TXknitter 8/28/2021 1:25:22 PM (No. 895990)
Yes and #23, there are many nurses who leave nursing anyway. (The dirty little secret about why there is always a nursing shortage as we both know.) More will leave as the medical system continues to deteriorate - its not just about this vaccine anymore.
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
NotaBene 8/28/2021 2:01:43 PM (No. 896014)
The response of the American Medical Association (AMA) to this event has been disastrous. They blocked HCQ and Ivermectin, which work. They promoted Remdescivir and respirators that do not work.
This is a hoax. There is no Covid-19 in Afghanistan where the Muslims defeated US. We run away in flights carrying 600 packed people. Illegal Aliens invading from Latin America supposedly do not have Covid. BLM and Antifa destroyed our Democrat cities and broke windows in the Capitol J6 and there were no infections…
All epidemics burn themselves out by herd immunity. Remember the Zika scare? The virus should be allowed to infect children and we will reach herd immunity without vaccines. The vaccine-induced pericarditis and myocarditis in the young are very dangerous in the long term for they cause heart fibrosis.
Quarantine is for the sick, not the healthy. The NIH is responsible for hundreds of thousand Americans deaths, while the poor countries of the world skated through the Wuhan flu as has always happened throughout human history. The vaccines do not work and cause antibody enhanced disease.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
udanja99 8/28/2021 3:02:11 PM (No. 896088)
I think that #18 is Iowadad posting under a new name.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
ussjimmycarter 8/28/2021 3:22:38 PM (No. 896113)
Israel has a vaccination rate of 80% yet CIVID D is burning through the country! Tell me again that the vaccine works! It’s NOT a vaccine! We are being lied to! Keep those masks on outdoors you happy warriors for wolk though!
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
LTCTed 8/28/2021 6:16:09 PM (No. 896226)
#4 was seeking a chicken for voodoo. Check the White House Cabinet. It's full of them, and they are full of chicken "droppings"
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
Geoman 8/28/2021 7:20:00 PM (No. 896311)
As one of the many Covid-recovered, and having had periodic antibody tests, which should have demonstrated that I did not need the juice, I received an ultimatum from my employer, which has some federal contracts, all related to scientific R&D. The company had received notice of a Biden ultimatum about which they did not push back, even though they knew better as a scientific research outfit. I decided that I would accept one dose, as the most recent scientific data indicates that there is some value in one does of Moderna but not two. Plus, the side effects for the second dose are more pronounced than the first. My wife , also Covid recovered, as she showed clinical symptoms the day after I did, decided that if I was finally going to be strong-armed to take the needle, then she would as well. I wasn't too terribly affected by the shot but for five days afterwards, I thought my wife might not make it, as her reaction to the juice was worse than having Covid. Given the information available, she says no way is she getting the second. I have five years before planned retirement, Lord willing. For now, I have no plans to submit to any more mRNA tinkering, which is anything BUT a vaccine. A vaccine introduces an attenuated virus into the body to stimulate a natural immune response. The mRNA juice is more like a pumping Frankenstein ichor into a healthy human body and professional considerations notwithstanding, I'm done with it unless a competent medical authority of my choosing can convince me otherwise.
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