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Awkward: Joe Biden Can’t Explain Why
He Picked Kamala Harris as His Vice President

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Posted By: Imright, 8/25/2021 6:19:20 AM

Well before he became the Democratic presidential nominee and even before then-Sen. Kamala Harris bowed out of the 2020 campaign before the first primary vote was even cast, Joe Biden was being urged, pressured, steamrolled, whatever you want to call it by the mainstream media and “woke” Democrats into picking a female as his running mate, preferably a black female.A number of women were floated as possibilities. And despite numerous allegations of inappropriate touching, hair sniffing, and even one allegation of rape, one by one any of the “#BelieveAllWomen” ladies said to be under consideration by Biden let interviewers know in so many words that they’d be honored to accept

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 8/25/2021 6:29:54 AM (No. 891748)
Diaper Joe Biden picked Camela because that's who he was TOLD to pick... He has no idea why.
64 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Strike3 8/25/2021 6:32:22 AM (No. 891749)
Black, female, hates America. C'mon man, you can say it. It rolls right off the tongue like "Dog-faced pony soldier.
71 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: andyboy 8/25/2021 6:40:52 AM (No. 891754)
The only VP qualifications that mattered to Biden and his handlers were: (1) skin color; and (2) gender. Everything else was negotiable. Neither the media nor Democrats called Biden out on this -- after all, it was "historic."
54 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: rytwng 8/25/2021 6:59:14 AM (No. 891763)
Maybe she used the Willie Brown trick on him.
30 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jinx 8/25/2021 7:05:20 AM (No. 891769)
She's black, female, and has Communist roots. She also won't outshine him.
48 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: F15 Gork 8/25/2021 7:20:04 AM (No. 891783)
What’s not to like? She be a POC, Female (?), incompetent, stupid, a socialist, woke and nobody likes her. She be Dem Presidential material fo sho!
33 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 8/25/2021 7:22:46 AM (No. 891789)
Exactly, #5. They used the same criteria to choose Kamala that Stinky used to select Joe.
30 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: SkeezerMcGee 8/25/2021 7:35:57 AM (No. 891810)
Biden picked Harris in exchange for the endorsement from James Clyburn, Democratic member of the U.S. Hous of Representatives from South Carolina.
27 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: udanja99 8/25/2021 8:29:19 AM (No. 891872)
0bama picked her. But Xiden can’t very well admit that. She called him a racist and then agreed to work for him - which tells you everything you need to know about her.
27 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Bazi 8/25/2021 8:35:22 AM (No. 891876)
Maybe promises were made to leave Hunter alone...if he did what he was told to do. Do what we tell you...or else...
15 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DCGIRL 8/25/2021 8:40:02 AM (No. 891880)
Because Joe Biden did NOT pick Kamala. It was Clyburn and Obama.
21 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: doctorfixit 8/25/2021 8:48:00 AM (No. 891886)
I can explain why. The Drooling Stooge painted himself into a corner by declaring he would pick a female POC. Then people noticed that the pool was limited to rabid radical marxists. One by one, their lunatic ravings emerged from previous statements and tweets. Kamala Harris was a nonentity of questionable color who garnered less than 1% in the primaries - but at least she was in the primaries. Biden's handlers apparently believed Harris presented the lowest threat to Biden's campaign among the available female commie lunatics of color.
18 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Venturer 8/25/2021 8:51:11 AM (No. 891892)
It was her or Abrams, and Abrams was too fat and gap toothed to present a proper picture of a VP.
20 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Hazymac 8/25/2021 8:56:40 AM (No. 891906)
Kommie-la met the profile. Female: Check *** Black: Check It's probably true that Obama (third term in absentia) had something to do with his underling's running mate. In addition, her having a lower IQ than the notoriously intellectually deficient Xiden was an obvious qualification for the second spot. There aren't many pols dumber than Josef Robinette Stolen (h/t Ida Lou Pino). Hell, there aren't many people dumber, but Kamala Sutra is. These people are incompetents surrounded by other incompetents. These Obamaites have no idea what's up and what's down. I pray America survives this perhaps deliberately terrible stewardship.
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: starboard 8/25/2021 8:57:54 AM (No. 891908)
Kamala who? He can't remember Kamala. Actually she's considered high yellow. Since she has a smidgen of color, that qualifies her as a woman of color.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: red1066 8/25/2021 9:24:24 AM (No. 891944)
Heels up was picked for him. They just told him he picked her. He was locked in the basement at the time so they could have told him anything, and he would have believed it.
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: smokincol 8/25/2021 9:28:37 AM (No. 891950)
diapers biden can't even explain why he has to wear diapers, never mind why mattressback is his vice premier - mattressback wasn't picked to be vice premier because of anything other than she opted out of the primary race early because she was looking like such a fool, a perfect fit for diapers as vice premier - she was a declared loser which fit into the narrative the demcommies wanted because they wanted to show the country that two demcommie imbeciles could trounce our President in a "free and fair" election because that's who the people of our country REALLY wanted as President - another fabrication that the Pravda media pursued with much gusto because that story line fit nicely with their agenda of commies good / patriots bad
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Reply 18 - Posted by: bigfatslob 8/25/2021 9:32:54 AM (No. 891954)
Tulsi Gabbart would have been a better pick correct plumbing but she wasn't 'colored'. Harris was the correct color (not black though) and correct plumbing with the extra bonus of a big thick head of hair like a blanket. Joe Biden might have been able to 'sneak a sniff' maybe. Who ever made the choice for clueless Biden sure went beyond Affirmative Action and went all the way to stupid and dumb. Harris is so moronic it's hard to understand why she is where she is. They are both frauds and they both know it. We are doomed on the world stage but will we ever recover?
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: envirodude 8/25/2021 9:51:22 AM (No. 891979)
#18-biden won’t sniff her. He only sniffs white girls.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: RayLRiv 8/25/2021 10:04:31 AM (No. 892000)
Affirmative Action
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Reply 21 - Posted by: padiva 8/25/2021 10:17:38 AM (No. 892016)
Harris brings the best snacks to the party. (Puns were unintended......but very humorous.)
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Reply 22 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 8/25/2021 10:31:15 AM (No. 892032)
She gave Joe a sniff of her honey pot, and he was sold. That’s how the whore works.
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Reply 23 - Posted by: john56 8/25/2021 10:39:41 AM (No. 892047)
Heck, I'd settle for Sleepy Creepy Crooked President Uncle Joe just KNOWING that Horizontal Harris is his Vice President.
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Reply 24 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 8/25/2021 11:05:52 AM (No. 892099)
#9 - "Hee! Hee! Hee! It was debate!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
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Reply 25 - Posted by: DVC 8/25/2021 12:03:53 PM (No. 892206)
Traitor Joe didn't select her. The PuppetMasters selected her, and INFORMED Joe.
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Reply 26 - Posted by: GoodDeal 8/25/2021 12:55:10 PM (No. 892292)
That's because Kammie gave Ole Joe the best lewinski he has ever had in his life.
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Reply 27 - Posted by: mifla 8/25/2021 2:58:59 PM (No. 892456)
Because quotas need to be filed. I hope this helps.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: Southron 8/25/2021 3:04:19 PM (No. 892461)
There were photographs and headlines that surfaced months before the "election" showing Kamala sitting and smiling and shaking hands with Soros and Soros Jr. The Soros family interviewed "a lot of candidates" and finally decided on having her instituted as the VP candidate. Story disappeared from media news like quickfire.
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Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 10:08:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 10:05:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 9:41:26 PM Post Reply
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1 reply
Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 9:35:10 PM Post Reply
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Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt says he
was 'prepared to do the same thing'
to protect Trump
22 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 9:30:59 PM Post Reply
The Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 defended himself against criticism from former President Donald Trump and others who claim he should not have used lethal force on the 35-year-old Air Force veteran.In his first public interview since the Capitol riot, Lt. Michael Byrd said it was "disheartening" that Trump, in particular, said Babbitt was "murdered," adding he would take the same actions if he was in charge of protecting the former president.
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14 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 5:50:08 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris has canceled her Friday rally with California Gov. Gavin Newsom after at least twelve Americans died during several terrorist attacks in Afghanistan.Harris had initially planned to hold a “car rally” with the California governor Friday in the San Francisco Bay Area. The rally was intended to whip up support for Newsom before the governor faces a recall election on Sept. 14.Harris and Newsom canceled the rally Thursday following several terrorist attacks outside of the Kabul airport that left at least twelve Americans dead, Politico first reported. Newsom’s campaign spokesman Nathan Click confirmed the reports
Top US Official Says Kabul Attack Was
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15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 5:40:15 PM Post Reply
Commander of the United States Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie told reporters Thursday that the U.S. expected to be attacked “sooner rather than later” following a deadly terror attack in Kabul, Afghanistan.Suicide bombers attacked the throngs of people just outside of the Kabul airport, killing at least 12 U.S. service members and injuring at least 15 others. The number of injured and dead Afghans remains unknown. Hours after the attack, McKenzie spoke to reporters at the Pentagon press briefing, announcing the evacuation mission will continue and admitting the attack wasn’t a surprise.
Was This Where Biden's Detachment from
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10 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 5:13:05 PM Post Reply
Biden botched out withdrawal from Afghanistan. He caved to terrorists. We’re following their timeline. There was chaos at the airport in Kabul. Our allies feel betrayed, thousands of Americans are still stranded in the country. And now, we have US troops dead on the ground from today’s bombings around the airport. At least four US Marines are dead. A total of 11 service members have been killed. Given the chaos around the airport, this was coming. ISIS is on the prowl as is al-Qaeda and contrary to what Biden has been saying—it’s not easy to get to the airport if you’re an American marooned.
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Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 4:54:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/26/2021 1:30:11 PM Post Reply
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Sometimes there really is a conspiracy
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Posted by DVC 8/26/2021 12:11:35 AM Post Reply
One of the most effective ways for the MSM to shut down an inquiry into misconduct is to say it is all a conspiracy theory. Besides avoiding an unwanted discussion, the charge also invites scrutiny of the "theorist" instead of the issue itself. Notice how quickly some even start off saying something like "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but..." Expecting their reaction, we have become almost trained to do this. But are there really no big conspiracies? It has been claimed that the phrase "conspiracy theory" was invented by the government to discourage the questioning of official explanations for important events, especially the JFK assassination.
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/26/2021 1:33:36 PM Post Reply
Four U.S. Marines were killed and three were wounded in an explosion at the Kabul airport Thursday, The Wall Street Journal reported. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby later on Thursday confirmed "a number of U.S. service members were killed" in the airport attack, though he did not provide a number on the casualties. "A number of others are being treated for wounds. We also know that a number of Afghans fell victim to this heinous attack," Kirby said in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones and teammates of all those killed and injured." The U.S. ambassador
BOMBSHELL: U.S. Officials Handed Taliban
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Posted by Ruhn 8/26/2021 7:39:01 PM Post Reply
In a move no one can grasp, U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies, believing the Taliban would allow them to enter the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport. Lawmakers and military officials are outraged. The insane move was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Kabul by the August 31 deadline. It also came as the Biden administration began relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport. ISIS-K has since set up forces around the soon-to-be-renamed Hamid Karzai International Airport.
White House Confirms: Joe Biden to Campaign
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25 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/26/2021 11:49:59 AM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Wednesday that President Joe Biden still intends to campaign for Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in the Sep. 14 California recall election, despite the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan. “I can confirm, the president does still plan to go and campaign for Governor Newsom in California … that is still certainly his plan,” Psaki said. Psaki added that she did not have any particular dates or details about Biden’s plans to travel to, and campaign in, California.
Top Republicans Plan Joint Investigation
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24 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 8/26/2021 6:09:45 AM Post Reply
The top Republicans on the House Intelligence, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs Committees announced in a letter to President Joe Biden on Wednesday they plan to investigate his withdrawal from Afghanistan, and his administration should preserve all records on the issue. Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (CA); Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (AL); and Michael McCaul (TX) sent a letter to Biden.
Biden’s dog Major bit Secret Service
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23 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/26/2021 6:29:29 PM Post Reply
Washington—President Biden’s German shepherd Major attacked many more people than the White House has disclosed, according to newly released emails. The documents indicate that Major bit members of the Secret Service eight days in a row in early March—though only one such incident was publicly acknowledged. At least one White House visitor also was bitten in early March, according to the emails, which were released Thursday by the conservative transparency group Judicial Watch, which slammed the “cover-up” of the incidents.(Snip)A Secret Service employee whose name was redacted emailed three colleagues on March 8: “At the current rate an Agent or Officer has been bitten every day
Nikki Haley, other Republicans call for
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/26/2021 1:26:38 PM Post Reply
Several GOP congressmen and congressional candidates are calling for President Biden to either be impeached or resign from office after the deadly attack on Harmid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan. "If President Trump can be impeached over a phone call, then the time has come to IMPEACH Biden for gross negligence in Afghanistan," said Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas. "Americans deserve better. We deserve better than someone who willfully ignores the worst crisis in decades." In another tweet, he added: "There will be time for investigations and assigning blame later, but we do need a new Commander-in-Chief
Australia starts building 1000 bed concentration
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quarantine facility’
23 replies
Posted by Magnante 8/26/2021 9:24:36 AM Post Reply
Australia is planning ahead for mass detentions of people in the name of suppressing COVID. A thousand bed facility that won’t be ready until the end of the year is being constructed about a hundred miles inland from Brisbane, in Queensland Australia. The left-wing Labor Party premier of Queensland celebrates the news: BREAKING: A dedicated regional quarantine facility will be built at Wellcamp Airport near Toowoomba. As we contend with the dangerous Delta variant, we need fit-for-purpose quarantine facilities. #covid19
Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt says he
was 'prepared to do the same thing'
to protect Trump
22 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2021 9:30:59 PM Post Reply
The Capitol Police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 defended himself against criticism from former President Donald Trump and others who claim he should not have used lethal force on the 35-year-old Air Force veteran.In his first public interview since the Capitol riot, Lt. Michael Byrd said it was "disheartening" that Trump, in particular, said Babbitt was "murdered," adding he would take the same actions if he was in charge of protecting the former president.
At least 10 US service members killed,
3 injured in ISIS blasts outside
Kabul airport
22 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/26/2021 2:53:31 PM Post Reply
At least 10 US service members have been killed and another three injured in two suicide bombing attacks outside Kabul airport Thursday, according to US officials. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed earlier that US troops had been killed but did not disclose the number. “A number of US service members were killed in today’s complex attack at Kabul airport. A number of others are being treated for wounds. We also know that a number of Afghans fell victim to this heinous attack,” he said. Initial estimates vary, but an Afghan health official told the New York Times that at least 40 people had been killed and 120 injured.
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