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'Why would you do this to a grandma?' What
former California senator Barbara Boxer, 80,
asked when she was attacked and robbed
of her cellphone by a 'kid' in crime-ridden
Oakland, California

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/27/2021 6:49:52 AM

Former US Senator Barbara Boxer was assaulted and robbed of her cellphone on Monday in Oakland, California. The assailant, who fled the scene in a waiting vehicle, pushed 80-year-old Boxer in the back and stole her phone, her son, attorney Douglas Boxer, confirmed.A tweet published on Boxer's verified account said 'she is thankful that she was not seriously injured'. Oakland police said a robbery occurred around 1.15pm local time in the Jack London Square neighborhood

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: spacer 7/27/2021 7:00:24 AM (No. 858319)
That's nothing compared to what Senator Boxer and her ilk have done to America. Enjoy what you created Babs.
130 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: homefry 7/27/2021 7:01:42 AM (No. 858321)
WHY? Because you are old and easy, dumbass. AND unarmed.
96 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 7/27/2021 7:12:21 AM (No. 858333)
Wrong premise. Why would you do this to a guilt ridden, wealthy, white, liberal, woke, progressive democrat? I'm on your side dumb ass.
66 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Lazyman 7/27/2021 7:17:16 AM (No. 858338)
Wow, she couldn't reason with a predator. How does it feel to be a mouse in the defund and handcuffing of the defender world?
62 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Donna M 7/27/2021 7:18:24 AM (No. 858340)
I hope this happens to every single one of them, and more.
67 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Donna M 7/27/2021 7:34:29 AM (No. 858363)
And one wonders why she was in Oakland, in Jack London Square, all by companion. Heck, when I was in my 20s and was in the area, I got nowhere near Oakland which was Murder City.
38 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Grateful 7/27/2021 7:38:21 AM (No. 858367)
If the phone is valued at less than $950 then there is nothing that can be done to the perp in the socialist state of Kalifornia.
74 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: valinva 7/27/2021 7:42:52 AM (No. 858371)
They did it to you because they have been taught you are a racist oppressor who owes them reparations. They will get it from you by force if you don't give it to them voluntarily.
64 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: padiva 7/27/2021 7:51:52 AM (No. 858382)
Afterwards, did she call the police or a social worker? Is there anything on her phone for which she can be blackmailed?
47 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Pucky1 7/27/2021 7:56:52 AM (No. 858389)
Not to worry. the value was under $900, so its just a misdemeanor. Ditto for the shoving.
36 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Are You Serious 7/27/2021 8:06:19 AM (No. 858403)
What a shame that there were no police there......oh DEFUNDED the police, didn't you ?
40 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Blue Hen1 7/27/2021 8:07:54 AM (No. 858406)
You clowns have made your bed, now sleep in it
46 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 7/27/2021 8:11:58 AM (No. 858410)
I’m just enjoying reading the comments because they’re so right on. The smart alecky woman gets no sympathy from me.
38 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: sw penn 7/27/2021 8:16:41 AM (No. 858414)
Democrats love roosting chickens. You worked your whole life for this Barbie. Welcome to it...
28 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: JrSample 7/27/2021 8:22:45 AM (No. 858419)
If she were to provide a description of the criminals that might help with understanding the ''why''.
20 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 7/27/2021 8:22:57 AM (No. 858420)
FTA: he came behind me, pushed me hard, and then before I could fall it was like he grabbed my phone in front, so it's just hard to put all together.' She was pushed hard in the back, “and then before I could fall it was like he grabbed my phone in front.” How is that possible? If I read this right, she did not fall. Apparently Boxer was alone. The article said nothing about witnesses. And, “ police are working to collect surveillance footage.” I think this story is a big lie.
20 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 7/27/2021 8:24:57 AM (No. 858422)
Oh thank goodness! I needed a little schadenfreude this morning. Couldnt happen to a more deserving Marxist witch.
25 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: TJ54 7/27/2021 8:26:51 AM (No. 858423)
Because, moron, he is one of the points of light according to Pelosi
23 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: bpl40 7/27/2021 8:27:11 AM (No. 858425)
Sow the wind you witch and reap the whirlwind. And the first letter of that word should not be a W.
20 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Oldenoughtoknowbetter 7/27/2021 8:28:26 AM (No. 858428)
Interesting they only think it will happen to others when they created the situation.
23 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Ebenezer 7/27/2021 8:28:50 AM (No. 858430)
she wasn't too unhappy about it--he addressed her as "Senator" during the assault.
29 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DW626 7/27/2021 8:29:15 AM (No. 858432)
Ya know as I’m reading about this and sifting through all the great comments here, I’m beginning to smell a rat and poster #16 articulates my suspicions perfectly. Methinks there’s a little more here than meets the eye.
23 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: FlaDiver74 7/27/2021 8:43:24 AM (No. 858449)
This could end up being more fun than Hunter's laptop.
15 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: bigfatslob 7/27/2021 9:10:15 AM (No. 858473)
You think maybe the phone was misplaced with information that could be incriminating so do a fake crime making up the attack to CHA. Why was she in Oakland alone it doesn't make sense to me. If it did take place it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. You own this Babs.
15 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: red1066 7/27/2021 9:13:40 AM (No. 858480)
A social worker would have stopped that attack. I guess her cell phone was under the $950 limit for shoplifting as well.
11 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Come And Take It 7/27/2021 9:16:14 AM (No. 858482)
Bet you are still glad you spent your career trying to destroy the Second Amendment, aren't you? I am sorry your former voter didn't apply a brick bat to your face on the way out.
13 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: paral04 7/27/2021 9:16:52 AM (No. 858483)
Reality finally hit her. This what the rest of us had to put up with for years. Hopefully, she will contact her idiot party members and let them know what they are doing to this country. Or maybe not.
10 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: formerNYer 7/27/2021 9:24:34 AM (No. 858491)
Something isn't right in this article and this whole robbery??? Cell phones are worthless once they are turned off by the provider they can't be turned on again by any other provider. and like other posters said how could he push her in the back and grab the cell phone ion the front? Also she was all alone? I doubt that.
19 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 7/27/2021 9:39:29 AM (No. 858513)
Criminals don't reason through their motive, but they sometimes reason through risk assessment (when they are not high). They have determined that the risk of punishment is very very low in liberal areas where the police are standing down. "Law and order" seldom works when that risk of punishment is removed.
7 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 7/27/2021 9:40:27 AM (No. 858515)
Welcome to our world elitist snob.
9 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Maggie2u 7/27/2021 9:44:04 AM (No. 858522)
At first I didn't understand why posters here are suspicious of the theft of the phone but now I understand. Having it stolen in a random attack is better than smashing it with a hammer. Right?
16 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Pete on the Coast 7/27/2021 9:49:28 AM (No. 858531)
Actually, No. 21, she scolded the Air Force general for saying yes "Maa'm" or no "Maa'm" in answers to her questions. She instructed him to call her "SENATOR" because she had "worked so hard" for that title. But point well taken, how rude of the thief to attack Her Exalted Highness Senator".
10 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: JubilationTCornpone 7/27/2021 9:56:08 AM (No. 858538)
You need to check your white privilege, old lady. How else he s’pose to get he books fo astronaut school?
16 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Philipsonh 7/27/2021 9:57:49 AM (No. 858542)
Whine me a river, you freak. Democrats ruin EVERYTHING they touch.
15 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: udanja99 7/27/2021 9:59:16 AM (No. 858545)
Chill, Babs. It’s just karma doing what karma always does.
11 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Dr. Constant 7/27/2021 10:04:58 AM (No. 858556)
She got off easy. If she was Asian or Caucasian, they'd have bashed her head in and danced on her corpse.
9 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Donna M 7/27/2021 10:32:32 AM (No. 858601)
Isn't it Oakland which has almost totally defunded the police? What's suspicious is that she only got pushed (apparently she didn't fall) and only stole her phone. What about the purse and jewelry. Color me suspicious that she wasn't robbed and really, really hurt.
5 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: ROLFNader 7/27/2021 10:33:54 AM (No. 858603)
There but for the fear of Beelzebub go I.
4 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 7/27/2021 10:36:39 AM (No. 858611)
As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
4 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: bighambone 7/27/2021 10:38:40 AM (No. 858613)
You can safely bet that the “kid” was not a White Supremacist type!
5 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: scottj 7/27/2021 10:47:41 AM (No. 858633)
Chickens coming home to roost?
5 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: bobn.t 7/27/2021 10:51:42 AM (No. 858644)
So - it's hitting home now huh? I want to see it hit Hollyweird. I want to see i hit Silicon Valley.
4 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: BirdsNest 7/27/2021 11:08:08 AM (No. 858669)
Sham attack. Cell phone was taken for another reason. Also she should have been hurt badly, just because.
2 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: DVC 7/27/2021 11:20:24 AM (No. 858685)
This is why, when we were writing our CCW training and testing regulations, I made a great effort to ensure that our concealed carry licensing requirements weren't so restrictive that older people couldn't qualify. Older people are generally seen as easier targets of criminals. But, she did everything she could, her whole nasty career, to disarm people, so I grin when I see this.
3 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: john56 7/27/2021 11:27:08 AM (No. 858699)
As vile and disgusting a creature that Senator Boxer is, I sure don't like seeing 80-year old women (or anyone) mugged and pushed to the ground. Often, in elderly women, such activity results in broken bones and joints, including the hip. Medical studies show that a broken hip in elderly women is a significant risk factor leading to immobility and premature death. Knocking down an old lady, even Senator-who-worked-hard-to-get-that-title-and-cashed-in-on-it-as-well Boxer, should be an attempted mirder charge.
2 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: RuckusTom 7/27/2021 11:59:29 AM (No. 858757)
Ha Ha Ha. Welcome to the real world you helped create, senator.
5 people like this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: stablemoney 7/27/2021 12:00:52 PM (No. 858761)
Nobody likes you, Barbara. Not even your grandchildren.
4 people like this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: Italiano 7/27/2021 12:02:02 PM (No. 858763)
Ask the "grandmas" who were busted in connection with the 1/6 panty raid. Dingbat.
2 people like this.

Reply 49 - Posted by: SALady 7/27/2021 12:06:19 PM (No. 858774)
Gee, Barbara, that sounds like your "white privilege" talking. That poor young black person was just trying to equalize the playing field. Isn't that what lie-berals always try to tell us? How dare you fight back. You are just a big old racist now, aren't you?!?!?!? /sarcasm off That evil vermin that attacked her saw her as an easy victim. And you can't blame them. Between politicians like Ovomit and AOC, racist thug groups like BLM, and the preaching of the evil Demon-Rat Party, he has been raised from birth to believe all white people are evil and deserve whatever violence can be thrown at them!!!
3 people like this.

Reply 50 - Posted by: WesternTradition 7/27/2021 12:15:10 PM (No. 858793)
Welcome to the world that you helped create, Barbara.
4 people like this.

Reply 51 - Posted by: Birddog 7/27/2021 12:21:10 PM (No. 858804)
yet again no description of the perps(other than they looked to be under 18, hardly a primary descriptor), and no description of the vehicle...not make, not model(they all loook sooooo much alike) let alone even partial plate number.
3 people like this.

Reply 52 - Posted by: MickTurn 7/27/2021 12:32:27 PM (No. 858835)
She IS a Democrap, and deserves everything her party has SUPPORTED...Criminal Activity!
2 people like this.

Reply 53 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 7/27/2021 12:35:37 PM (No. 858839)
Other people have come out of such attacks much worse off - knocked out cold, concussions, blurred vision, knocked out teeth, broken bones. She was lucky all she lost was a cell phone.
2 people like this.

Reply 54 - Posted by: vinegrower 7/27/2021 2:33:18 PM (No. 858994)
Many people here are wondering why she was in Oakland. According to another account that I read, last night, she has a condo in the area. I can't imagine why anyone would have a condo in Oakland if they didn't have to. Of course this is all about virtue signaling.
2 people like this.

Reply 55 - Posted by: ColonialAmerican1623 7/28/2021 1:23:20 AM (No. 859621)
Guess they didn't know who she is. Perhaps the good news is We aren't paying for SS for her too.
1 person likes this.

Reply 56 - Posted by: mifla 7/28/2021 5:36:08 AM (No. 859684)
Because you are an easy target, Babs. Life outside of your gated community kind of sucks, doesn't it?
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Magnante 7/28/2021 3:35:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 7/28/2021 10:29:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/28/2021 5:22:19 PM Post Reply
Democrat Seattle Mayor Jenny Durken is calling for more police after six shootings over the weekend and a loss of 250 officers within the last 17 months has left her city in chaos.Five of the six weekend shootings occurred within blocks of one another and left four people dead and seven injured in their wake.“As a city, we cannot continue on this current trajectory of losing police officers,” Mayor Durkan said at a press conference. “Over the past 17 months, the Seattle Police Department has lost 250 police officers which is the equivalent of over 300,000 service hours. We’re on path to losing 300 police officers.”Like other Democrat-run metropolitan cities
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Posted by Ribicon 7/29/2021 11:46:21 AM Post Reply
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Olympics ads portray blacks
as America's good and dominant race
31 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/28/2021 11:56:37 AM Post Reply
My TV has been broken for over a year (OK, maybe I don’t know how to work the remote) but I watched a little of the Olympics at a friend’s house this week. I learned something from the advertisements. I learned that most people in this country are black, and all of the good ones are. Blacks, who comprise about 13% of the U.S. population, comprise most of the actors in the advertisements. Aliens in faraway worlds receiving television signals from earth are apt to conclude that the most powerful culture on Earth is run by good black people.
San Francisco shoplifting: Women caught
on video allegedly bolting from CVS with
bags full of stolen goods
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/28/2021 10:48:13 AM Post Reply
A witness captured a group of women running out of a San Francisco CVS Pharmacy with bags allegedly stuffed full of stolen items as a spree of retail thefts continue to plague the city. The incident, first reported by KTVU FOX2 reporter Henry K. Lee, happened around 5 p.m. Monday at the drugstore located at Van Ness Avenue and Jackson Street.Witness Steve Adams told Lee that the four women were "picking the place dry" and that when he asked store employees if they were going to call police, "they just shrugged."
Simone Biles Withdraws From
Individual All-Around Competition
30 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/28/2021 4:52:59 AM Post Reply
Simone Biles, the superstar gymnast from the U.S., will not participate in the individual all-around competition at the Tokyo Games and will instead focus on her mental well-being, USA Gymnastics said in a statement early Wednesday. The decision comes a day after she pulled out of the team all-around competition. Jade Carey, who finished ninth in qualifying, will take Biles’ place in the individual all-around competition.
Greta Thunberg gets her first Covid
vaccination and tells others to have the
jab—before then blasting rich countries
for 'hogging all the vaccines'
28 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/28/2021 1:24:56 PM Post Reply
Greta Thunberg said she is 'extremely grateful and privileged' to receive her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination—and blasted the distribution of the jab worldwide as 'extremely unequal'. The Swedish climate activist, 18, tweeted a photograph of herself wearing a fox-print face covering with a plaster on her upper arm, using the hashtags '#VaccineEquity' and '#VaccineForAll'.(Snip) But she went on: 'The vaccine distribution around the world is extremely unequal. 'According to New York Times; "84 percent of shots that have gone into arms worldwide have been administered in high- and upper-middle-income countries. Only 0.3 percent of doses have been administered in low-income
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