Jill Biden pushed President Biden to pardon
disgraced son Hunter: report
New York Post,
Victor Nava
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
12/2/2024 11:59:16 PM
First Lady Jill Biden may have convinced President Biden to pardon his disgraced son, Hunter Biden, according to a report.
“Clearly there was pressure inside the family,” Jeff Zeleny, CNN’s chief national affairs correspondent, said during an appearance on the network Monday.
“We were told really in recent weeks that Dr. Jill Biden – first lady Jill Biden – was very supportive of the president doing something like this,” he added. (Photo) Zeleny claims Biden, 82, “was not sure” about the pardon, suggesting that the 73-year-old first lady’s push may have been the deciding factor.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 12/3/2024 2:12:48 AM (No. 1847202)
Have a heart folks! Dr. Jilly's heart is breaking over the persecution of her dearly beloved step-son. Why, he is like her own...seeing how she moved in on the family immediately after the first wife's death (suicide by car), the death of their baby and Hunter left with brain damage. Hasn't this family gone through enough? Quit picking on Hunter!
/sarcasm Hat Tip to Ida Lou Pino
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
john56 12/3/2024 3:14:00 AM (No. 1847205)
I think I might share Hunter's opinion of his step-mother.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 12/3/2024 3:40:00 AM (No. 1847206)
I’m on the other side.
I think DOCTOR Jill did the right thing, which makes me lose some respect for Xiden, The Big Guy.
The whole fam damily has been enjoying the largess of Hunter’s labors. If ole Joe didn’t have sense enough to pardon Hunter out of appreciation, then, yes, DOCTOR Jill should make sure Joe Bob did the right thing.
8 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
mobyclik 12/3/2024 6:41:45 AM (No. 1847246)
I've got to think criminal Hunter has the passwords/account numbers on many of their hidden accounts around the world. Gotta keep him free.
21 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
LadyVet 12/3/2024 7:06:30 AM (No. 1847262)
Hunter's sentencing was coming up and there was a risk that he would be hauled off to prison, so his pardon could not wait. There was always the risk that Joe could croak at any time before Jan 20 and a newly sworn in short-term President Kamala might not pardon Hunter. It had to get done. The pardon for the brother and sister-in-law will be done on the way out the door. It is probably already signed (just not disclosed) in case Joe leaves the White House in a hearse.
23 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 12/3/2024 8:57:29 AM (No. 1847324)
FTA - "Hunter was scheduled to be sentenced for the gun case on Dec. 12 and for the tax case on Dec. 16 but will no longer have to face the court for his convictions thanks to his dad swooping in before he leaves office."
This explains why Frau Doktor was pushing da Big Guy to pardon Hunter. The candle wick was growing mighty short. Leaving her life of privilege in the WH in disgrace was just too much to bear.
10 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Kafka2 12/3/2024 9:05:49 AM (No. 1847336)
It’s not Joe Biden’s fault. The Devil made him do it.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Kafka2 12/3/2024 9:11:23 AM (No. 1847340)
Besides if he hadn’t, Hunter might have turned states evidence on Joe to get a lighter sentence.
12 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/3/2024 9:36:49 AM (No. 1847352)
Easy to believe since Jilly Bean has had a hold on Joe's "string" for a long time. She is probably the one who thought he should run for President, against King Hussein's advice.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Venturer 12/3/2024 9:42:16 AM (No. 1847358)
Horse Dung.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
ControlFreak 12/3/2024 10:30:59 AM (No. 1847389)
I doubt that Joe has a clue that he pardoned Hunter.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Zigrid 12/3/2024 10:34:24 AM (No. 1847393)
I have no sympathy for Jill...or Dr. Jill as washington likes to call her...no credentials...no degrees...and most important of all ...no regard for a pathetic demented husband who everyone knew was incapable of being president....all those years as she watched ole Joe stumble and lose his way...she said nothing....she must have gotten very fond of the perks of office and didn't want to give them up...any wife who parades her husband before the cameras in his condition isn't much of a wife....
16 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
little guy 12/3/2024 10:38:04 AM (No. 1847396)
Cover story. Sorry.
This was all planned years ago.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
dbdiva 12/3/2024 11:15:31 AM (No. 1847433)
FTA: "Jill is widely regarded as one of the most influential first ladies in the last 100 years."
Really??? However, we do have to remember that not all influences are good ones. Any advice jill gives is always going to benefit.....jill.
10 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 12/3/2024 11:36:26 AM (No. 1847444)
Does anyone here at Lucianne have any respect for "Dr." Jill Biden? I most certainly don't.
1. She was the power behind Joe's grifting. At least she was the enabler.
2. She doesn't care/love her husband as she watched his dementia get worse and did nothing to protect him or the U.S.
In fact, she used his dementia to her advantage...see Jill run a Cabinet Meeting instead of Joe, for example.
3. She loved the money that her step son brought in and did nothing to stop the thieving/stealing of national secrets to give
to foreign nations for filthy lucre. That spells treason in my book.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 12/3/2024 12:24:29 PM (No. 1847463)
Could it be that Whoopie Goldberg was right /s; about Jill being an awesome doctor?? (You've got to know I'm giggling way down deep inside!)
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
MickTurn 12/3/2024 2:10:50 PM (No. 1847525)
That cinches it, Dokotor Jilly Bean wears the PANTS in that family and SHE IS A DICTATOR! Any Questions?
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
rochow 12/3/2024 4:18:43 PM (No. 1847595)
This trashy dame is anything but a 'lahhdy'. And the DR. crapola they bought, this dumb thing had someone lift passages from 4 sources, reglue them together. She would not know what 'she' supposedly wrote. I believe this trash piece tried to become the new resident in the WH, witness the cabinet meeting.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
JimBob 12/3/2024 10:15:04 PM (No. 1847776)
This article brings to my mind the time Warren Beatty opened the 'Best Picture' envelope, read the card, realized something was wrong, showed it to Faye Dunaway who glanced at it and confidently announced the Winner..... but the card was wrong!
Wouldn't it be sweet if 'Ed.D'. Jill pushed an unsure Sniffer into issuing a pardon for Huncher.... but then at a later time Huncher could not claim 'the Fifth' and had to answer questions from investigators.... who then wind up charging and convicting the Sniffer of being part of the very crimes for which he pardoned Huncher!
What's that old saying?...... "What a Tangled Web we Weave.... when First We Practice to Deceive"
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