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Hochul urged to send state troopers to
NYC ‘urban crime zone’ Roosevelt Avenue:
‘More brothels than bodegas’

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Posted By: Imright, 10/10/2024 1:53:10 PM

Civic leaders are urging Gov. Kathy Hochul to deploy 100 state troopers to help clean up the “urban crime zone” of Roosevelt Avenue — the squalid stretch in Queens that’s been overrun with brothels, illegal vendors and crime. “It’s an urban crime zone and as a result we have more brothels than bodegas,” the leaders of the group Let’s Improve Roosevelt Avenue said in a letter to Hochul Tuesday. (Photo) Group leaders said the NYPD’s 100th and 115th precincts are “overwhelmed and understaffed” and the area has been taken over by organized crime — drug rings, human trafficking, pimps, prostitutes and shoplifting rings.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bamapreacher 10/10/2024 2:01:35 PM (No. 1810852)
And what are they going to do with anyone who is arrested? They will be back on the street within hours, again and again and again. Until there are more and larger prisons this will just go on and on. Failing that I guess just leave them alone.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 10/10/2024 2:02:59 PM (No. 1810855)
AirRick, iz dayye "crackers"?
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Grateful 10/10/2024 2:06:31 PM (No. 1810860)
What congressional district is "Roosevelt Avenue — the squalid stretch in Queens that’s been overrun with brothels, illegal vendors and crime." Just asking for a friend.
20 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 10/10/2024 2:13:08 PM (No. 1810863)
Don't worry folks, the riff-raff are probably contributing more money to AOC than Ya'll, so you're out of luck...
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: daisey 10/10/2024 2:19:17 PM (No. 1810869)
Hochul has a huge security detail. This doesn’t affect her in the least. My guess is she can’t be bothered. She’ll offer some fighting words, but Alvin Bragg and his team don’t care about this Problem. It doesn’t affect them directly. They do not care.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 10/10/2024 3:06:15 PM (No. 1810903)
I remember some guy saying, "they're not sending their best people." That is an understatement.
22 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: hershey 10/10/2024 3:07:05 PM (No. 1810904)
Ha ha 'clean up' the crime zone she helped create??? What a joke...N.Y. is a pit because of ALL democrap policies...wonder how many of the crims are MS13 that snuck across the democrap open border???
13 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: skacmar 10/10/2024 3:19:50 PM (No. 1810914)
How many of these "entrepreneurs" are illegals? The sanctuary city policies have attracted a lot of people who have a lot of time on their hands and need money since they are unable to legally work. The State or city can come in and clear out whoever they want but they will just pop up somewhere else the next day after they are released.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mc squared 10/10/2024 3:32:00 PM (No. 1810918)
Doesn't look like they're hurting for food, but sheesh!
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Lazyman 10/10/2024 3:50:30 PM (No. 1810928)
I think the people there want that. Leave them be.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 10/10/2024 7:28:43 PM (No. 1811023)
Re #8, all of them are illegal aliens, you can be sure.
8 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Strike3 10/10/2024 7:50:49 PM (No. 1811043)
Remind us again how that sanctuary city thing is working out for New York. These illegals are only doing what they did back home, same professions, different address.
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 10/11/2024 5:23:04 AM (No. 1811236)
Her response will be to ask the state legislature to pass a tax on brothels.
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: privateer 10/11/2024 6:48:56 AM (No. 1811267)
One commenter says: none of these people are going hungry. I'd go further. Most of these fair maidens look like they belong aloft in the Macy's parade.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: chumley 10/11/2024 7:23:00 AM (No. 1811285)
When I think of a professional girl I picture someone with a nice body and maybe a rough face, working to feed a drug habit or a house full of kids. Certainly not the elephants shown in the article. A philandering husband could stay home and get that.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/11/2024 9:13:32 AM (No. 1811352)
What a joke hochul is...she's making a political move to make her look efficient...all it does is make her look foolish...nothing before the election season...but now...because the democrats are in trouble...she makes an empty gesture ....she should go into her little closely watched retreat...and pray...if ever she does that.... not my business...she has to justify her position and it's not working very well for her...
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/11/2024 11:07:24 AM (No. 1811427)
One Guarantee, Democraps OWN all the brothels!
2 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 9:02:46 PM Post Reply
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 8:55:53 PM Post Reply
A life-threatening hurricane didn't stop illegal immigrants from landing on Florida's beaches, as a boat full of illegal aliens arrived in the state just hours before Hurricane Milton made landfall. Border Patrol agents responded to an illegal immigrant landing on Wednesday night and encountered 11 undocumented aliens from Haiti, Guyana, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas. Officials said illegal maritime migration voyages are already dangerous, especially in severe weather conditions.
Left-Wing PAC Makes Cringey ‘Man Enough’
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and It Backfires Terribly
8 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 8:47:57 PM Post Reply
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3 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 8:45:12 PM Post Reply
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Harris Campaign Actually Accomplishes
Something: It Gives Us 'The Gayest Political
Ad of All Time'
2 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 8:43:18 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris had a problem, and like the savvy political operator she is, she set out to solve it. In doing so, she has bestowed upon us an invaluable gift: the most cringeworthy political ad in the history of the known universe.The genesis of this masterwork was simple: numerous polls showed that Donald Trump had a massive lead among men. That was understandable. Look at Trump and JD Vance, and then look at the weak half-men, men who think they’re women, and effeminate males that populate the Harris campaign. As Tim Pool remarked, “It's like Kamala has never met a man before.” Margot Cleveland, senior legal correspondent for The Federalist,
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0 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 8:36:00 PM Post Reply
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Joe Biden Threatens People “Spreading
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Says They Will “Pay the Price For It” (VIDEO)
11 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 6:34:31 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday provided an update on the federal government’s botched response to Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene. The federal government failed to help Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia in a timely manner. Search and recovery efforts were delayed because Joe Biden was lounging at the beach and Kamala Harris was busy fundraising in California. The Biden-Harris Regime is purposely slow-rolling assistance to the hardest-hit areas in North Carolina.
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Posted by DW626 10/11/2024 6:38:33 AM Post Reply
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Our Democracy: Jamie Raskin and Other
Dems Already Signaling They May Not Vote
to Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins
26 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 12:52:08 AM Post Reply
All of the talk about how sacred ‘our democracy’ is from Democrats in recent years might go right out the window in November. Rep. Jamie Raskin of California and other members of his party are already signaling that they may not vote to certify the 2024 election if Trump wins. This would not be a big change for Raskin. He objected to certifying the 2016 election when Trump won. It’s almost like they don’t really care about ‘our democracy’ at all. Almost. Breitbart News reports:
Hillary’s new book STILL bemoaning 2016
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25 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/11/2024 12:02:43 AM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest book is a flop, selling only 27,000 copies in its first week, according to the Washington Free Beacon. That’s significantly less than the 167,000 copies of her previous book, “What Happened,” that were sold in the first week after its release in 2017. [Tweets] Speaking of “what happened,” what exactly happened here with her book’s latest sales? Critics like the Beacon’s Andrew Stiles say this latest book is just “another memoir about how unfair it was that she lost to Donald Trump and why you still owe her an apology for being right about everything.”
Arkansas Dad Arrested After Shooting Alleged
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Posted by JoElla Bee 10/11/2024 11:19:05 AM Post Reply
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Trump, Harris locked in dead heat in 7
battleground states, poll finds: 'Could
not be closer'
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/11/2024 2:29:39 PM Post Reply
A new Wall Street Journal poll has found little separation between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris in seven battleground states, prompting a Democratic pollster to say that the 2024 election "really could not be closer." The survey of 600 registered voters in each of the states, which was conducted Sept. 28-Oct. 8 with a margin of error of +/-4 percentage points, found that in a head-to-head contest, Trump and Harris are tied in North Carolina and Wisconsin.//snip//They preferred Harris when it comes to housing affordability, abortion, health care and having someone in the Oval Office who cares about you.
Harris on How She’d Differ from Biden
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Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 1:00:32 AM Post Reply
During a town hall with Univision on Thursday, 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris responded to a question on what she’d do differently on the border than President Joe Biden by stating she “was the top law enforcement officer of the biggest state in this country, California.” And “will put my record up against anyone in terms of the work I have always done and will always do to ensure we have a secure border” and saying that she has done work on trafficking. Harris also stated that she’ll “do the work of focusing on what we must do to have an orderly and humane pathway to earn
Pro-Kamala Harris spot targeting ‘real
men’ ripped as ‘cringiest political
ad ever’
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 10/11/2024 3:27:06 PM Post Reply
How do you do, fellow dudes? A 90-second video of “typical” men expressing their support for Kamala Harris was widely mocked online Friday — with critics trashing the awkward spot as the “cringiest political ad ever” and an “absurd piece of rubbish.” The clip features a slew of apparent farmers, car enthusiasts and gym junkies boasting about their masculinity as they repeatedly insist, “I’m a man” and “I’m man enough.” The script then takes a hard feminist turn as the presumed actors — most of whom were filmed doing outdoor activities or perched on trucks — start rattling off ways they aren’t afraid to support women. “You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor?
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of the most bullied people in the world'
while meeting teenagers in California,
charity boss reveals
18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 10/11/2024 2:14:08 PM Post Reply
Meghan Markle surprised a group of children and teenagers last week as she joined them for an afternoon of games and crafts. [Snip] 'We did an activity where we talked through a bunch of scenarios, and Meghan talked about being one of the most bullied people in the world,' [Snip] Meghan talked about social media use and claimed most of the online hate she experienced happened while she was pregnant with her two young children. [Snip] A description of the network on the Sussexes' Archewell Foundation website says: ... and our mission is to prevent anyone else from suffering the way we have.
Michigan gov feeds kneeling female podcast
host Doritos while wearing a Harris-Walz hat
17 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/11/2024 12:37:30 PM Post Reply
A video showing Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D., feeding a kneeling "feminist" podcast host a Doritos chip while wearing a Harris/Walz cameo campaign hat, prompted questions and criticisms on Thursday. Author and filmmaker Liz Plank shared the video on her Instagram account "feministabulous" showing Whitmer feeding her a Doritos chip while she is kneeling. "If he won’t, Gretchen Whitmer will," a caption under the Instagram video post reads. "Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk."
Is Kamala's Glock Her Dukakis Tank Moment? 15 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 5:22:26 PM Post Reply
Many of us are old enough to remember Mike Dukakis's disastrous outing in a tank during the 1988 campaign, which is still to this day generally regarded as the big turning point that led to Dukakis losing the election. He looked ridiculous, it was patently a campaign stunt, and he paid the price for it.Over at RealClearPolitics, scribe Shane Harris has made the interesting speculation that Kamala Harris' "Glock moment" may well be the same kind of misstep. But there's one big difference. Vice President Kamala Harris’ comments about owning a “Glock” are proving to be,
Israel Turning UNRWA’s Jerusalem Compound
into 1,440 Housing Units
14 replies
Posted by sunset 10/11/2024 3:09:53 AM Post Reply
The Israel Land Authority on Thursday announced the takeover of the headquarters in Jerusalem of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which will be replaced with 1,440 housing units. The 8.89-acre UNRWA compound in the Ma’alot Dafna neighborhood of Jerusalem has been declared illegal following an inquiry by Minister of Construction and Housing Yitzhak Goldknopf to the CEO of the land authority and the prime minister’s office. It turns out the UN agency owes more than $7 million in rent for the space.
Trump won’t appear in Oregon voters’
informational pamphlet —here’s why
12 replies
Posted by Imright 10/11/2024 12:18:42 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump won’t appear on a voters’ pamphlet mailed across Oregon because the 2024 GOP nominee missed the deadline to submit a statement in the informational guide, officials said. Trump, along with his running mate Ohio Sen. JD Vance, will still be on the state’s ballot in his quest to retake the White House this November, but will be one of three presidential candidates that won’t show up in the booklet recently sent out to 3 million voters, according to reports. Along with not submitting a candidate statement, his campaign did not fork over a fee of $3,500, the Oregon Capitol Chronicle reported last month.
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