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Kamala's VP Pick Tim Walz Has History
of Embellishing His Military Record and
Claiming He Fought in Iraq

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Posted By: FlyRight, 8/8/2024 7:26:38 AM

Kamala Harris hired Eric Holder to do the background vetting on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, prior to the announcement of Walz being her VP candidate. Keep in mind, Barack Obama and Eric Holder do not have any issues with Tim Walz as the VP candidate. Factually, Walz is a very unstable person, prone to an intemperate disposition, has no problem targeting children for his fetish ideology under the guise of gender reassignment (cutting off the genitals of children), and is a proud Marxist. Against the backdrop of ‘who he is’ the difference between ‘who he presents himself to be‘ is the real issue.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 8/8/2024 7:53:24 AM (No. 1774687)
Snoop Harris and Folksy Walz. What a ticket. Two monumental liars, backed by all the media has to offer.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/8/2024 8:26:26 AM (No. 1774715)
The party of DEI that espouses diversity, equity, and inclusion put in place a WHITE MAN who embellished his accomplishments and became governor of Minnesota. I should change that to governor of Minnesordid. We are all lectured on DEI practices but somehow Democrats/liberals fail to practice it themselves.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bighambone 8/8/2024 8:44:03 AM (No. 1774728)
Not surprising, as in the past leftist and progressive Democrats have been known to embellish military records for political purposes! as an example, check out current US Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut who claimed to have been a US Marine Commissioned Officer in Vietnam during the Vietnam War when in actuality he was not in Vietnam during that war, with his false claim turning out to be an episode of “Stolen Valor”. Still after that the Democrat run State of Connecticut elected him to represent Connecticut in the US Senate. I think I am qualified to comment on that false claim as I spent the entire year of 1968 on the ground in Vietnam during which over 15,000 members of the US Military were killed in Vietnam during the year that I spend as a soldier in Vietnam. No doubt the leftist and progressive Democrats will do or say anything to gain or maintain their political power!
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 8/8/2024 8:57:02 AM (No. 1774736)
Everything about Walz is despicable. The perfect democrat.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/8/2024 9:27:28 AM (No. 1774754)
Another comment. So Tim Walz embellishes his record and makes his white-self look good falsely? What about the person/people running against Tim Walz that might have been a minority with very good standing but his lies got him to the position of governor. So much for DEI.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Ruhn 8/8/2024 9:29:22 AM (No. 1774758)
The margin of fraud will not be plausible with a Harris/Walz ticket. Both are far left ideologues with too many skeletons in their closet. Add to the legitimate stolen valor issues w/ Walz, he will not be able to shake that as easily as he had in Minnesota.
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Italiano 8/8/2024 9:31:52 AM (No. 1774761)
"Outrageous." -John Kerry. "Unacceptable." -Richard Blumenthal
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Reply 8 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 8/8/2024 9:56:35 AM (No. 1774774)
Embellish? How about outright LIE!
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: navybrat 8/8/2024 10:31:18 AM (No. 1774804)
Stolen valor seems to be a thing with democrats.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: mifla 8/9/2024 5:38:08 AM (No. 1775107)
Kamala picked a loser because she was afraid that Shapiro would make her look like a loser.
12 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/9/2024 5:57:45 AM (No. 1775119)
The Democrats had Sen. John Glenn, a TRUE American hero, who had walked the talk and was a very real threat in the Presidential campaign of 1984. However, the Democrats kicked John Glenn to the curb and opted for a true idiot and his bigger idiot sidekick, the team of Mondale and Ferraro. Think of this Walter Mondull vs. John "the Right Stuff" Glenn. But guess what the leftwing Democrats did? His own Dem Party forever tainted Sen. Glenn with 1) Voting for Reaganomics and 2) Being one of the "Keating Five." Most voting Americans were fine with Reaganomics and the Keating Five issue could have been resolved with clever messaging. However, the Democrat Party had decided to take a hard left in favoring leftwing candidates and "identity" politics. It forever stuck with me that the only person at the time who could have successfully challenged and defeated Ronald Reagan at that time was Sen. Glenn... yet they called upon Mondull. Their every candidate has been a hard leftist ever since.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: broken01 8/9/2024 7:16:02 AM (No. 1775166)
Number 11it is funny how things turn out. in 1984 we all know what happened to the Mondale/Ferraro ticket. One of the worse defeats in history. Fast forward to 2004 and we have John Kerry getting shellacked by the Swift boat Veterans for Truth because of his despicable conduct during and after the Vietnam War. It helped that doofus GWB get reelected. Now in 2024 we have the radically leftist governor of Minnesota Tampon Timmy Walz lying about his military rank and service. This loser and the dolt at the top of the ticket must not be allowed anywhere near the WH.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: VietVet68 8/9/2024 9:26:15 AM (No. 1775227)
This is an insult to all of us who served. I hope someone takes him to task for this stolen valor.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/9/2024 11:36:46 AM (No. 1775292)
Did he fight in Viet Nam, Right along side the COWARD John Effin Kerry! Ask him and there's a 99.9999999% sure answer.....Uh, Yea, I did that too! WHEN Trump takes over in 2025 he can prosecute Walz for Treason with the Chicoms during his time in the Military...Oh, drat, that would cause a Firing Squad to take action!
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Reply 15 - Posted by: sherlock1 8/9/2024 12:19:00 PM (No. 1775320)
Eric Holder is a lawfare snake, so I didn't think he was dumb enough to give a clean bill of health to Grandpaw Tampon! Maybe it came from the same problem John Le Carre's Russian spymaster had in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" - a fanatic's arrogance ?!
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/9/2024 3:39:12 PM (No. 1775402)
This doesn't surprise me...they're democrats and democrats like to iie and steal their way in government Kerry of swift boat fame...and the senator who lied about his service from an eastern state....don't recall which one...and then there's bent billie clinton...who lied about flowers and Paula...and Monica....his justice is...a very bitter wife who blames him and his reputation for her down fall from power and control....
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Reply 17 - Posted by: Miss T 8/9/2024 3:44:02 PM (No. 1775405)
What is an "NPC"? It is bad writing to use an acronym without explaining what is means.
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TGIF: To the Window, to the Walz 5 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/9/2024 9:41:24 AM Post Reply
→ A VEEP of her own: Fresh from poisoning Joe Biden’s cornflakes, Kamala Harris announced that Minnesota governor Tim Walz will be her vice presidential running mate, leading the population of the 49 states that aren’t Minnesota to shout out a collective: Tim who? Personally, I find it kind of bizarre: she could have gone with a literal astronaut, but apparently Harris preferred the guy who’s never even seen the earth from outer space and whose biggest claim to fame is making “weird” happen.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/9/2024 9:33:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/8/2024 7:37:10 AM Post Reply
Former President Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio), torched Kamala Harris’ V.P. pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, over his military record Wednesday, telling his law enforcement audience that Walz’s decision to dodge deployment to Iraq after preparing his unit to go there was “shameful.” Vance was speaking in front of the Macomb County police department during a campaign stop in Michigan. Harris and Walz will be in Michigan later Wednesday, visiting Detroit in the evening after visiting Wisconsin earlier in the day.
Kamala's VP Pick Tim Walz Has History
of Embellishing His Military Record and
Claiming He Fought in Iraq
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/8/2024 7:26:38 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris hired Eric Holder to do the background vetting on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, prior to the announcement of Walz being her VP candidate. Keep in mind, Barack Obama and Eric Holder do not have any issues with Tim Walz as the VP candidate. Factually, Walz is a very unstable person, prone to an intemperate disposition, has no problem targeting children for his fetish ideology under the guise of gender reassignment (cutting off the genitals of children), and is a proud Marxist. Against the backdrop of ‘who he is’ the difference between ‘who he presents himself to be‘ is the real issue.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/8/2024 3:38:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2024 7:54:15 AM Post Reply
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1 reply
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2024 7:51:02 AM Post Reply
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Five percent of all the global Syrian
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4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2024 7:30:10 AM Post Reply
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Harris-Biden administration gets sucker-punched
a second time by Venezuela's dictator, Maduro
2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2024 7:28:19 AM Post Reply
There's stupid, and there's Harris-Biden administration stupid, and now the U.S. is about to get it good and hard a second time from the deal the White House cut with Venezuela's dictator against all advice from diplomatic experts who understand that regime. According to Miami-based news outlet UHN Plus:Here's a Google translate: THE LATEST Dictator Nicolás Maduro said that if the United States continues with its “madness” of imposing a Guaidó 2.0 in Venezuela, the oil and gas fields signed with them would pass into the hands of the BRICS.
Keep America Weird. Plus. . . 3 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/5/2024 6:43:50 AM Post Reply
On today’s Front Page from The Free Press: The Pennsylvania governor is the veepstakes favorite. But is he too pro-Israel for the Democrats? The fastest man in the world is an American. And more. But first, our lead story. “Threat to democracy” is out. Now, the GOP ticket is being hit with a new line of attack: They’re “weird.” Kamala Harris first tried out the salvo at a July 27 fundraiser in Massachusetts. “You may have noticed Donald Trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record. And some of what he and his running mate are saying, it’s just plain weird,” Harris said.
Sen. Mark Kelly posts tweet that may have
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8 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/5/2024 6:21:13 AM Post Reply
Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly added confusion to the Democratic Party’s veepstakes Sunday when he put up – and then quickly deleted — a social post where he said his focus was now on “serving Arizonans.” The VP-hopeful raised eyebrows when he issued the statement on X that nearly suggested he may be out of contention to serve as the running mate to presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris before the post disappeared. “My background is a bit different than most politicians,” the now-scrubbed post read. “I spent my life serving in the Navy and at NASA, where the mission always comes first. “Now my mission is serving Arizonans.”
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Posted by Wetenschapper 8/10/2024 6:03:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/10/2024 3:20:06 PM Post Reply
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A-Walz ‘Misspoke’ When Claiming to
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Posted by mc squared 8/10/2024 1:13:19 PM Post Reply
Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) “misspoke” when claiming he carried weapons “in war,” the Harris campaign claimed Friday night after struggling to move past four difficult days of escalating stolen valor controversies. Walz has suggested on multiple occasions that he carried weapons into war — including in a video shared by the Harris campaign — despite having never served in a combat. “We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,” Walz said in a 2018 video advocating gun control. That clip was shared Tuesday by the Harris campaign.
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Posted by mc squared 8/10/2024 6:15:06 PM Post Reply
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NBC News Pretty Much Confirms Tim Walz
Lied About His Military Service
20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2024 12:56:27 AM Post Reply
It's the Democrat media complex at work, though they’ve become more shameless since the Obama era. After Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, there was a conscious effort to disregard the truth to protect Democrats and help them no matter what. It’s the only explanation for the flurry of ethical and overall journalistic malpractice that we’ve seen, from the Russian collusion hoax to Hunter Biden’s laptop; we do not hate the media enough for their overt corruption.And now, NBC News is reporting through some unnamed Kamala Harris spokesperson that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who the vice president selected as her running mate to appease the far-left elements
Kamala Harris Can’t Articulate The Case
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Posted by earlybird 8/10/2024 10:46:32 AM Post Reply
In a discussion about Vice President Kamala Harris’ stunning surge in the polls last week, podcaster Joe Rogan stated the obvious: “She’s the least popular vice president of all time, and then in a moment in time, all of a sudden she’s our solution.” Rogan is right. The vice president who has been a national joke for four years, tapped by President Joe Biden because he’d promised his base he would choose a woman of color, has suddenly become a serious contender in the presidential race. And now she’s picked a radical Minnesota governor with a disastrous record to round out her ticket.
Shameless Kamala Harris Rips Off Trump’s
Idea for No Taxes on Tips at Las Vegas
Rally (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2024 11:01:26 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris is proving once again that she has never had an original idea in her life. During her rally in Las Vegas tonight, she plugged the idea of no taxes on tips for people who work in the service industry. Her supporters cheered for the idea, many of them probably not even realizing that they were cheering for an idea that came from Trump. This is especially ironic because Kamala Harris’s campaign has been extremely short on policy proposals. Now she finally puts one forth and it’s a Trump proposal. Watch: (X Video)
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Posted by Judy W. 8/10/2024 6:16:42 AM Post Reply
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Kamala's VP pick Tim Walz is mocked for
bizarre behavior on stage at Las Vegas rally
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/11/2024 3:11:04 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate 'Coach' Tim Walz was criticized for his display of unbridled enthusiasm during their latest rally in Las Vegas. The duo had held their fifth rally in five days in the swing state late Saturday night in hopes to win over undecided voters - and Walz was pumped! In a video circulating on X, the Minnesota Governor can be seen joyously clapping as the crowd goes wild and he walks around onstage from the podium. As the music blasts through the speakers, Walz overflows with exuberance in the short clip.
New: Internal Tensions Roil Kamala Harris
Campaign Even As Press Declares Nothing
But 'Joy'
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/10/2024 9:13:25 PM Post Reply
The thing about putting lipstick on a pig is that underneath the lipstick, you've still got a pig. That's the Kamala Harris campaign right now, at least according to a new report on the internal tensions roiling her operation. There's no doubt the vice president turned presidential nominee without winning a single primary vote has some momentum. There is a sheer jubilance among Democrats simply because they have someone other than Joe Biden to vote for. Much of what is bolstering Harris isn't organic, though. It's the result of a relentless press campaign to redefine her as a talented,
JD Vance's Commanding Officer Goes on
CNN and Shuts Down Host Who Attacked His Record
14 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/10/2024 11:59:18 AM Post Reply
CNN host Brianna Keilar attacked JD Vance’s record, referring to it yesterday as if it were a trip to a resort. Vance’s deployment wasn’t spring break. It’s not a cushy job either, which was the gross insinuation. It’s well that Maj. Shawn Haney (ret.) came on CNN to shut down the notion that Vance did nothing in Iraq. Haney, a public affairs officer, also corrected Keilar, noting the dangers of being a combat correspondent, citing 130 individuals who did not make it home.[snip for tweets] Also, Keilar didn’t apologize or backtrack but instead engaged—to cite liberals—'bothsideism,’ going on a prolonged monologue about the perniciousness of the attacks on military records.
Walz Used COVID Relief Funds for Things
That Had Nothing to Do With the Pandemic
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/10/2024 11:06:21 AM Post Reply
The $3.8 trillion that Democrats in Congress authorized for pandemic relief ($2 trillion was passed during the Trump administration) contained $800 billion for state and local governments. Admittedly, the states had some flexibility in how they spent their cut. Some states used the money to shore up their employee pension programs. While not specifically authorized in the enabling legislation, given the broad authority granted to states to spend the money, no one is likely to challenge it. How about a governor spending $4.3 million to cover parking costs for state employees "and visitors"? Or $1 million on a feasibility study for paid family leave?
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