NBC News Pretty Much Confirms Tim Walz
Lied About His Military Service
Matt Vespa
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
8/10/2024 12:56:27 AM
It's the Democrat media complex at work, though they’ve become more shameless since the Obama era. After Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, there was a conscious effort to disregard the truth to protect Democrats and help them no matter what. It’s the only explanation for the flurry of ethical and overall journalistic malpractice that we’ve seen, from the Russian collusion hoax to Hunter Biden’s laptop; we do not hate the media enough for their overt corruption.And now, NBC News is reporting through some unnamed Kamala Harris spokesperson that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who the vice president selected as her running mate to appease the far-left elements
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
JimBob 8/10/2024 1:14:12 AM (No. 1775603)
One has to realize something.
Once you do, then it all makes sense.
The Lamestreams are not journalists.
They are the cheerleader Pep Squad for the Leftist Democ'RATS.
41 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
mifla 8/10/2024 3:38:46 AM (No. 1775605)
Didn't they get the DNC talking points?
Walz didn't lie. He misremembered.
26 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 8/10/2024 3:53:55 AM (No. 1775609)
Whoa, the Command Master Chief lied? That's a Democrat medal of honor to attach to his chest. He lied, lied, and lied all over again. IOWs, he's a fraud. A Democrat. Maleficent does it all the time when she's not cackling. No surprises here. They're both frauds.
28 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
bighambone 8/10/2024 4:36:39 AM (No. 1775631)
Unfortunately the far left elements of the Democrat Party could care less about Waltz lying about his military service as they would wipe out all military service if they could get away with doing that. Not only would they defund the police and those who enforce the immigration laws but they would also defund the military and use the money saved for socialist purposes until the country became overrun and destroyed.
19 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 8/10/2024 5:19:54 AM (No. 1775645)
This is just me. But something about this doesn’t smell right.
You mean the Communist machine and their PR firm (MSM) are just NOW discovering Waltzy’s lies? I don’t believe that for a minute.
Which begs the question: why was he chosen? They knew this would surface as an issue, but chose him anyway.
28 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Nimby 8/10/2024 7:02:58 AM (No. 1775669)
The shameless media are running cover for this liar!
19 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
privateer 8/10/2024 7:13:33 AM (No. 1775671)
For years I've been saying that there ought to be a Monday evening, prime time news segment entitled: 'what they tried to hide' (with Friday's last minute news dump). or 'HideDay Story'.
14 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 8/10/2024 7:23:22 AM (No. 1775677)
Setting them both up to make room for Michelle. And you know who.
16 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Heidicat 8/10/2024 7:36:07 AM (No. 1775680)
Does anyone else find it curious that CNN allowed a retired Marine Corps major to appear to defend J D Vance's service along with all Marine's who served in the same capacity, and then Walz's immediate commanding officer to report what really went down with his sudden "retirement"? Fox, yes; Newsmax, yes, but CNN? WTH? just sayin'...
14 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
bpl40 8/10/2024 7:38:50 AM (No. 1775683)
If the US is at war then every (Liberal Democrat) in uniform is a 'war veteran'. Don't you see that? The key thing is - he lied. Today it is his military record, tomorrow it could (and trust me will be) anything else.
11 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 8/10/2024 8:05:50 AM (No. 1775699)
Another desk chair commando. What is it with these crap weasels? They're too dumb to think somebody, somewhere, will check your bona fides.
11 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/10/2024 8:34:55 AM (No. 1775720)
Forget his lies, the man has nothing between his ears and his heart bleeds communism. Kamala is now playing the race card against Donald Trump because he mentioned that she is NOT black. NPR is apoplectic over it.
9 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Italiano 8/10/2024 8:47:29 AM (No. 1775725)
They just might be torpedoing them pre-Convention.
It will be interesting to see what happens, but Putin/Xi would be preferable to Harris/Walz.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
red1066 8/10/2024 9:29:02 AM (No. 1775747)
We didn't need confirmation from NBC.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 8/10/2024 9:58:38 AM (No. 1775770)
John Kerry version 2.0.
The left is desperate to show they serve in the military and are loyal to the country.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
FunOne 8/10/2024 10:16:01 AM (No. 1775788)
Senator Richard Blumenthal, (D-Connecticut), refused to comment on this matter.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 8/10/2024 10:50:24 AM (No. 1775815)
#5: They knew all about this when they picked him. They were pretty sure that they could 'splain it away to the unwashed masses, most of whom never served in the armed forces. I mean, somebody on this thread referred to Walz as a "Command Master Chief" instead of his real rank....
They didn't realize - veterans can't be fooled by this. They know he's a liar and a fraud. Lies like this are important to those who served, and they won't forget it.
7 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
FLCracker 8/10/2024 11:38:05 AM (No. 1775849)
#17: #3 is probably a Navy guy translating Timmy's (acting) Army rank of Command Sergeant Major into something #3 felt familiar with.
My question is: Can they not find a photo of Timmy as a Command or just plain Sergeant Major (same pay grade, E-9; difference in responsibility and prestige) or his real rank of Master Sergeant (E-8, mine also)?
That picture of little Timmy they keep posting has to be from his Basic Training, sometime after his enlistment on 8 Apr 1981. (There can be a delay betweeen enlistment and Basic, especially for the Reserve and Guard, which had a program that allowed a person to enlist while still in high school, go to Basic one summer and go to MOS Training the following summer. Since Walz was 17 on enlistment, it looks like he was doing something like that.)
Now, here's a little secret. There is no ammo in that weapon, and from the time Walz enlisted to sometime during the Gulf War, the only time he was ever issued any ammo for it, was when his unit went to the firing range for weapons qualification. This includes virtually all overseas training and even most overseas assignments. The only time he actually held that weapon was at the range, going to and from there, and cleaning the damned thing back at the armory (and maybe on a flag detail), otherwise, it was locked up in the arms room. The Army believes in gun safety.
If Walz was in a command sergeant major position while in Italy, his assigned weapon would have been a pistol, not a long arm. If this were a combat assignment, he would have been authorized a "combat patch" for wear on his right should sleeve. Does he have one? I do.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
FLCracker 8/10/2024 11:47:08 AM (No. 1775858)
Oh, I forgot about the odd riot. They would have issued weapons for that, but not necessarily ammo. Depends on the riot. You wouldn't believe the paperwork for this.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
whyyeseyec 8/10/2024 11:59:36 AM (No. 1775869)
What was Obama thinking when he chose Walz?
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