Positively Stunning - Nikki Haley Campaign
Manager Sends Letter Saying the Haley
Plan Is to Use "Open Primaries" and Democrats
Conservative Tree House,
Original Article
Posted By: 4250Luis,
1/24/2024 12:46:11 AM
Sometimes the reality of the fraudulent plan just hits you harder when you see the people who construct the fraud write it down and promote it.
In a letter from Nikki Haley’s campaign manager Betsy Ankney, the corporate-funded plan to use “open primaries” is not only admitted, but also espoused as the core element of the Nikki Haley strategy. [SOURCE] The only Republican politician I can remember campaigning with such an open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter was Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010, who lost the Republican primary to Joe Miller,
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 1/24/2024 2:17:48 AM (No. 1643044)
Okay, so Nimarata is not a Republican, but a Deep State politician with no scruples. Is this supposed to be a surprise? Shouldn't be. She is 45's Brutus. 45 will outlast her. Then she will ask 45 for a job in his administration. Again, she has no scruples.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jayjeti 1/24/2024 2:29:24 AM (No. 1643045)
Is there a bigger reason not to elect RINO Haley than her courting crossover votes from Democrats. If Democrats like her I don't.
116 people like this.
The hedge funders who first supported Ron DeSantis and then Nikki Haley and threw a few dimes to Chris Christie along the way are mostly interested in softening Trump up before the general election. As long as Haley continues to attack Trump the hedge funders' purses will remain open.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Trigger2 1/24/2024 3:39:36 AM (No. 1643049)
I keep saying she's a RINO and this proves it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
FJB 2022 23 24 1/24/2024 4:35:01 AM (No. 1643063)
Her fraudulent plan makes her on equal footing with Biden and the Dems, no better than the basement dwelling fool and the slime that installed him in office. This won't end well for her, because people are sick and tired of being lied to and used and abused for the political aspirations of power mad jackasses like her and Biden.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
anniebc 1/24/2024 6:22:31 AM (No. 1643095)
May she spend her backers into poverty with nothing to show for it. She's such a cheap, low down attention whorr. . .er sellout.
56 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
skacmar 1/24/2024 6:37:37 AM (No. 1643100)
Seems like Nikki Haley is running her primary campaign against Trump like it is a general election. Smart? Yes, if you want to increase your number of votes in the primary elections by people who hate Trump. Not necessarily smart in the actual general election when these party switchers drop Haley like a hot potato.
52 people like this.
Haley is the uniparty.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Krause 1/24/2024 7:23:00 AM (No. 1643116)
Can't imagine supposedly smart big donors throwing their money away like this.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
bpl40 1/24/2024 7:27:23 AM (No. 1643121)
What Haley said in her (non)concession speech is that the man who beat her twice will lose in the general election and she will win. At least to me it defies logic.
46 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
snapper451 1/24/2024 7:39:58 AM (No. 1643126)
Nikki is a total fraud. She does not even make the level of RINO she is so liberal and a Democrat in sheep’s clothing. I have seen ambitious women in my day, but she is Hall of Fane material. 70% of her NH votes for MASS-Hole liberals who escaped Taxachussetts and in Iowa it was similar. Now she wants a national primary campaign to embarrass and weaken Trump.
28 people like this.
I will never vote for NIkki Haley. Should she somehow win the nomination, I will not vote for President. That box will remain unchecked and it will be counted as an undervote. Sign www.nevernikki.net and let her know she's not wanted.
32 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Trapper 1/24/2024 8:34:04 AM (No. 1643155)
For a candidate who runs against the will of her pary's base, it is a very short hop to governing against the will of the people. The GOP elite make a huge error in judgment if they think they can trust her to do what they tell her to do. Who is she, and what is her REAL agenda?
35 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/24/2024 8:50:03 AM (No. 1643175)
Just like the Biden people, Nimarata knows that she can not compete against Trump on a level playing field so she is encouraged to resort to trickery by the billionaires who think they control things. She will be embarrassed more when she loses in spite of the scheming and blind ambition.
25 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Rama41 1/24/2024 8:54:12 AM (No. 1643181)
One thing's for sure. No one will ever accuse Donald Trump of reaching out to independents and Democrats.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Clinger 1/24/2024 9:17:06 AM (No. 1643202)
The democrats get two shots at defeating Trump, in the GOP primaries and again in the general election and Nikki has chosen to support that instead of the GOP and the voters. If for no other reason this should close the door any any support any non-democrat should ever throw her way.
22 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
VietVet68 1/24/2024 9:25:03 AM (No. 1643212)
It looks like we're seeing the death throes of Nikki Haley's political career. But...she's such a dedicated republican look for her to announce her defection to the democrat party after Trump mops the floor with her in the rest of the upcoming primaries.
37 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Venturer 1/24/2024 9:35:40 AM (No. 1643227)
A couple of more losses to Trump and I expect her to turn Independent and run in the general.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
janjan 1/24/2024 9:51:13 AM (No. 1643245)
What’s stunning is their open admission that the Republican voters don’t want her so they have to go court the bottom feeders to try to eke out a win. They don’t seem to get that the sleazy Democrats who vote in the Republican primaries will vote for Biden in the general and the Republicans won’t vote. She would lose.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/24/2024 10:38:32 AM (No. 1643295)
The results in New Hampshire prove that the strategy will not work. The state was declared by the "experts" to be the place most likely to give Nimarata a victory and she lost again by double digits. I'm looking forward to the coming massive humiliation that will be handed to her in South Carolina and those "victory" speeches she is giving will cease. Everybody is getting tired of the "Little Brown Girl" story.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
NotaBene 1/24/2024 10:46:25 AM (No. 1643302)
Could it be it is not Democrats but the Sikh-American vote ?
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Zigrid 1/24/2024 10:53:04 AM (No. 1643307)
This absolutely amazes me...never Nicki wanted to play in the big boys game...and she go whopped....rather than admit defeat...she's gonna be a spoil sport and continue attacking President Trump...so biden can hide in his basement....that was the game plan all along with rove and Ryan....trying to damage President Trump's chances at 47....with the help of the rats she's tarnished her chances of ever holding public office again....suck it up...honey...you lost...and thinking the rats will put President Trump in jail so she can be the nominee won't work either....
23 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
cold porridge 1/24/2024 11:13:34 AM (No. 1643326)
Ikky Nikki's career is over. Even if she were to declare herself a democrat I doubt that they would even want her, If she for some crazy reason were to get enough states to be the republican candidate for the general, I would not sit out the vote, but write in Donald J Trump anyway. Your underhanded play won't work Ikky Nikki.
20 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
DVC 1/24/2024 12:04:42 PM (No. 1643360)
Switch parties and challenge Traitor Joe, then, witch.
15 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
bobmadison 1/24/2024 12:23:25 PM (No. 1643375)
Is Niki Haley a "RINOCRAT?"
11 people like this.
Reply 26 - Posted by:
udanja99 1/24/2024 12:31:53 PM (No. 1643379)
If she wasn’t already DOA, this news will take care of it.
11 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
udanja99 1/24/2024 12:35:31 PM (No. 1643381)
#12, rather than not voting, write in Trump’s name. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if Haley was the nominee but 100 million people wrote in Trump?
17 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
dwa 1/24/2024 12:52:18 PM (No. 1643390)
Maybe Haley should stay in the primary race. She won't win, but all those never Trumpers and others who support her but would not vote for or donate to Trump, can waste all their money on her and reduce what they have available to support Biden in the general election.
13 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 1/24/2024 1:43:31 PM (No. 1643417)
Haley's "open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter". Nikki Haley is a snake. She will never get our vote.
12 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
Gallo3 1/24/2024 2:15:59 PM (No. 1643429)
Trikki Nikki's gameplan is twofold:
1. Continue bleeding Trump to facilitate Biden's re-election, all the while setting up
2. The Buzzard Gambit, in collusion with Lawfare, preparing for the day Trump is jailed and she is the last Commy standing.
IMHO, Trump should cut Nimarata off at The Pass by naming his VP running mate now, so that if The Buzzard Gambit takes place, he has already positioned someone who will continue MAGA success.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
bighambone 1/24/2024 3:30:52 PM (No. 1643487)
The fact of the matter is a lot of supposed Republicans are really not Republicans.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
oldmagnolia 1/24/2024 3:51:56 PM (No. 1643506)
Is Nimrata auditioning to become the democrat nominee????
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
ronbet 1/24/2024 6:09:11 PM (No. 1643608)
So, Haley is not a Republican, only an opportunist. I suspect she may in fact be a Democrat.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
paral04 1/24/2024 6:33:29 PM (No. 1643617)
Using Cross Over Democrats is immoral. This tells me a lot about her character. Winning is everything even if you have to cheat is not what I want in a leader.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
Omen55 1/24/2024 6:53:15 PM (No. 1643620)
Nikki has chosen the Liz Cheney route to political oblivion.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
jigzsaw 1/25/2024 6:39:01 AM (No. 1643833)
Rush Limbaugh was the first person to advocate Operation Chaos against the Dems during the Obama/Hillary election.
I guess Nikki was a fan.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 1/25/2024 7:53:23 AM (No. 1643891)
Haley, you just painted yourself into a corner and shoot yourself in the foot while whistling by the graveyard as The Donald looks on.
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Reply 38 - Posted by:
MickTurn 1/25/2024 10:54:08 AM (No. 1644053)
No Surprise for this RINO. Lie, Cheat and Steal your way into office.
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Reply 39 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 1/25/2024 4:55:06 PM (No. 1644424)
Whether you love, hate or are neutral about Trump, at least you should appreciate that he somehow forces people to reveal the truth about themselves.
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