More on Disastrous Biden Interview: Scott
Pelley Has to Help Him Finish Sentence,
Says President 'Tired'
Red State,
Nick Arama
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
10/16/2023 1:47:04 AM
I wrote earlier about a couple of the teaser clips from the "60 Minutes" interview with Joe Biden.
Those were bad, but the complete interview was even worse.
First, we should note that there was a little bit of water-carrying for Joe Biden with host Scott Pelley saying that the president was fitting them into his busy schedule on Thursday. Biden had his 10 a.m. daily briefing and a 4:30 meeting where he just had to sit and listen to CEOs, how is that busy? Maybe it's "busy" for an 80-year-old who has so many issues. But that's why he shouldn't even be there.
Biden seemed completely at sea
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 10/16/2023 3:40:43 AM (No. 1578275)
Even if Scott Pelley threw a blanket over Joe's head, he couldn't cover up the Demented One's incompetence. I couldn't even click on the videos. The still shots of Joe remind me too much of the kid on the porch in the movie "Deliverance". We are so screwed. God help us to get to next year!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/16/2023 3:59:32 AM (No. 1578277)
All those who "help" this disgusting Obama puppet are aiding an imbecile to wreck the country and spend us into oblivion. That includes Doctor Jill, his White House nurses and the disgusting media. Impeach him and pull him back to the Delaware basement out from which he slithered in 2020.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 10/16/2023 5:06:13 AM (No. 1578298)
"Completely at sea"?
He's circling the bowl.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
judy 10/16/2023 5:32:57 AM (No. 1578309)
Pelley reminded me of a kindergarten teacher trying to ask a kindergartener a question!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 10/16/2023 5:43:47 AM (No. 1578312)
"Tired?" How about fried? Joe's had 2 aneurysms and brain surgeries. I'm guessing they didn't find anything.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
FJB 2022 23 24 10/16/2023 5:46:02 AM (No. 1578314)
Oh yeah the "great uniter" just can't resist in trashing Trump or his supporters!
THE worst president in history can't even finish a sentence, half the time he doesn't know where he is and how he got there, can hardly walk and has ruined our country starting on day one. Not one MSM will admit the truth about Biden, his ruinous policies or his mental failing state, so they too are responsible for the degradation of our country. All of them can go to hell. MAGA Vote Trump
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
vrb8m 10/16/2023 6:34:29 AM (No. 1578333)
Another example of how far gone biden is:
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 10/16/2023 7:11:38 AM (No. 1578356)
Scott Pelley is no journalist. He disgraces the profession. Disclaimer, I haven't watched 60 minutes propaganda in decades.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
msjena 10/16/2023 7:15:54 AM (No. 1578358)
Before the interview aired, Pelley made sure to say Biden was tired and his childhood stuttering had returned. 60 Minutes no doubt showed only the best parts of that interview.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
msjena 10/16/2023 7:21:34 AM (No. 1578361)
The Democrats and Never Trumpers hate Trump for his insults but Trump just insults other politicians. Biden insults Republican voters. Hillary did the same. Hey Joe, voting Republican (or any other way) is the key part of "our democracy."
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
southernboy 10/16/2023 7:47:13 AM (No. 1578378)
Just imagine if that was Trump...or any other Republican president, what the comments would be!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
GardenGal 10/16/2023 8:09:14 AM (No. 1578390)
This was actually one of his better interviews, I am sure ir was edited heavily But how Bizarre that he only Focuses on a pipe dream of world peace for reason to run.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
czechlist 10/16/2023 8:21:41 AM (No. 1578398)
World Peace?
One thing at a time. You haven't cured cancer yet.
"The most experienced foreign policy candidate in history" ? Your policies have set the world on fire.
14 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Newtsche 10/16/2023 8:31:59 AM (No. 1578401)
Pelley showed up on 60 Minutes many years ago and he did a long interview with "W" Bush, in the office, on the ranch. Pelley couldn't have been more contentious and disrespectful throughout and W just let it all slide, as usual. I have despised Pelley since and will not watch anything he does. So there's that and his odd translucent appearance makes him all the much creepier. Kinda like FJB in that regard so them together? YIkes!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/16/2023 9:34:10 AM (No. 1578454)
Why should anybody waste time watching a long interview with Joe when you can get the same speech by watching any number of five minute clips that require him to talk?
"Well, y'know, when I was in the um, Senate, yeah, Senate, we took care of uh, the thing, y'know, because of what Trump and his MAGA people did - anyway..... where am I?"
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/16/2023 10:10:24 AM (No. 1578482)
Biden said that the Hamas Islamist terrorist organization in Gaza should be destroyed by Israel, but that it would be a “mistake” for Israel to enter Gaza militarily, obviously to destroy Hamas who Biden referred to as “a group of people”. While claiming that the Palestinian Muslim population of Gaza is innocent in the Hamas terrorist atrocities against Israel ignoring the fact that it was the Palestinian Muslim population that voted Hamas in to politically control Gaza from the get-go. Clearly it’s time for Biden to move out of the White House and into some five star rest home as it is the Iranian position that Israel should not enter Gaza militarily or risk an “earthquake”.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 10/16/2023 11:30:09 AM (No. 1578558)
...and the horse you rode in on Dementia Joe...
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/16/2023 12:09:47 PM (No. 1578601)
What they hid was the Stick in Briben's rear end and the puppet strings!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2023 12:38:22 PM (No. 1578632)
Busy schedule. Right.
Up at 8, breakfast, then nap at 9 am, ice cream at 11 am, then nap. New diaper, then lunch at 1:00, then a nap. Then a quick ice cream and a wave at some reporters as he toddles to the helo for a flight to Camp David for an afternoon nap. Then a short visit to some extreme lefty meeting where he shouts angrily about things that never happened, and stumbles into the curtains trying to find his way off of the stage....then a clean diaper, ice cream and a nap. Then dinner and beddy bye time at about 7 pm.
Yep, can't fit much more of the "important business" into that busy schedule.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
danu 10/16/2023 3:00:53 PM (No. 1578729)
dang-thought the headline read 'president FIRED'
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