Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release
Statements Holding Israel Responsible
for Hamas Attacks
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft
Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight,
10/7/2023 11:02:30 AM
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar have released official statements concerning the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian factions, including Hamas. Both nations have expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence and have called for immediate de-escalation and the protection of civilians. Interestingly, both statements hold Israel responsible for the current situation, albeit with nuanced differences in their approaches. Qatar’s Statement: A Direct Accusation Against Israel
The State of Qatar’s statement is more direct in its accusation against Israel. It holds Israel “solely responsible for the ongoing escalation” due to its “ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people.
Remember our Strategic Petroleum Reserve that FJB sold to China? It would have come in handy when the Saudis launch an oil embargo next.
Thank you Obama and Biden.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
marbles 10/7/2023 11:25:15 AM (No. 1571548)
Saudi Arabia, take your " peace process " and shove it. Same with the two state " solution". Israel, I hope you retaliate big time. Bomb the hel out of Gaza.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Krause 10/7/2023 11:25:27 AM (No. 1571549)
Between Joe and Camela they’ll get it resolved asap.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/7/2023 11:45:42 AM (No. 1571573)
So much for the so-called near future Israel-Saudi “Peace Deal” that Biden was hoping to take credit for and inject into US election year politics.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 10/7/2023 12:00:47 PM (No. 1571583)
How dare Israel defend themselves!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
philsner 10/7/2023 12:14:43 PM (No. 1571591)
Go play golf in Saudi Arabia Mr. Koepka. But don't come back.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/7/2023 12:44:54 PM (No. 1571620)
"...calls for the establishment of an “independent state on the 1967 borders,"
Which MONTH of 1967 Borders? The month BEFORE the combined attacks on Israel?
Or those lines held by Israel following just ONE WEEK of fighting back??
IF,,, as the muslims assert/believe/proclaim "Nothing can exist unless Allah WILLS IT!", and 100 times they have attacked Israel, and 100 times they have LOST, and lost by 10:1 or greater numbers, often 100:1 numbers, how long will it take before they realize it is BECAUSE "Allah WILLS it"
They claim they want a "2state" solution, they have it...Gaza has been "Unoccupied" since 2005, it IS a Palestinian State, self governing. And Jordan is a Palestinian State, having taken over the "Palestine" areas of the trans-jordan.
In past prisoner exchanges, Palestinians have demand 1000-1500 of THEIR people back for every single Israeli they have captured, THEY set the "Value" rate from that point on. For EVERY Israeli wounded/killed/captured Israel is "Entitled" to wound/kill/capture 1000/1500 "Palestinians" and have it considered a "proportional response".
Israel should announce that they are automating all future responses to rocket attacks, computers will independently, automatically, and immediately send 100 artillery shells or rockets to the precise coordinates of EVERY individual rocket or shell launched from any "Palestinian" location, thus ALL targeting will be determined by the Palestinian "leaders" themselves. No Human will intervene from the Israeli side to stop it. ANY/EVERY Palestinian "Leader" that threatens or Brags about attacking Israel, or killing Israelis will be targeted as well...they are fair game anytime,anywhere, regardless of location or surroundings. The "People" of Palestine can decide whether they will "Allow" attackers of Israel to set up near them, in their neighborhoods, knowing full well that any response will land right there. They can decide whether they want to be anywhere NEAR any "Leader", knowing that area is an automatic target as well. If under that automated system Gaza or some other enclave ceases to exist? Oh well..."Allah willed it", and THEY chose it.
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15 of the 19 hijackers on September 11 were Saudis. I shall never forget that.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/7/2023 1:55:24 PM (No. 1571686)
A couple of weeks ago Brent Baer of Fox News interviewed the Saudi Crown Prince who told Baer that there would be an upcoming Peace Agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia with the concurrence of Biden and his crew. Fox News has been playing up and plugging that “breakthrough” interview ever since.
Now comes this sneak attack on Israel. So you have to figure that both Baer and the Biden crew were successfully “bamboozled” by that Saudi Crown Prince and others, and that Israel let its guard down thinking that there was going to be a major Peace Agreement upcoming.
You have to figure that because the Palestinian terrorist groups that are conducting those attacks are closely allied with Iran who Biden just handed six billion dollars, along with Saudi Arabia is now blaming Israel for the attacks. I am not inferring that the six billion dollars that Biden handed to Iran was directed used to finance the Palestine terrorist attacks because, no doubt, those attacks were being planned for a long time, but it just shows how easy it was for Iran to “bamboozle” Biden and his crew. They say that the armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinian terrorists, and who knows who else, is likely to go on for some time. In the past Saudi Arabia, during prior Israeli armed conflicts have manipulated big oil embargoes, so if Saudi Arabia were to do that again, how could that effect the American people, as Biden has already emptied out much of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve and sold it to China?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 10/7/2023 2:11:16 PM (No. 1571694)
Is this a joke?
1. there is no historical country of Palestine, nor a historical Palestinian people...only the refugees displaced in the 67 war.
2. Israel won, and Jordan and Egypt lost, the 67 war, which also violated international law, so their gripes should be directed back on themselves for starting the whole mess.
3. The so-called Palestinian refugees are those who voluntarily left their homes and property in advance of the 67 war...too bad, so sad, but they chose to leave rather than support the nation of Israel, and choices always have consequences.
4. Any prior claims on the land of Israel, by the Ottomans, for example, are predated by the Crusaders, then before that the Byzantines. Those in turn are predated by Israel. And those are predated by the Phoenecians, which are predated by the Canaanites/Moabites/Mosquito Bites. How far back shall we go?
Again, the "Palestinian People" is a purpose-made myth: they only exist in the minds of those who desire to wipe out Israel.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
BarryNo 10/7/2023 4:17:45 PM (No. 1571762)
Sounds like the Islamic neighbors are lining up for some nuclear deterrent.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Rinktum 10/8/2023 7:42:45 AM (No. 1572083)
#10, Thank you for that history lesson. Like every issue democrats support, this whole mess is based upon a made up premise. Israel won the 67 war against ALL odds. The land belongs to them as it has since God made a covenant with Israel through Moses. The land mass of Israel is insignificant in the greater scheme of things but because the Jews worship God Jehovah, the godless usurpers want it and must have it. Let these godless third world terrorists go pound sand. Israel is going no where. God will protect the covenant he made with Israel.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 10/8/2023 7:59:53 AM (No. 1572092)
Drill baby drill. Stop all oil imports from Saudi Arabia. Throw scraps of stale bread at the 5th Century savages when they drop to their knees.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/8/2023 8:47:04 AM (No. 1572128)
Yep, the Sauds sure are singing a different tune lately since joining BRICS.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
mifla 10/8/2023 9:02:02 AM (No. 1572147)
With friends like this, who needs enemies.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Kate318 10/8/2023 9:21:51 AM (No. 1572171)
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/8/2023 9:44:18 AM (No. 1572205)
Good historical points, #10. If countries exist within a given time period then Ukraine is still Russia so why are they fighting themselves? The United States is owned by the hundreds of Indian tribes that lived and hunted the wide open land that is now occupied by us, a bunch of European invaders. All of Europe is Germany. The Palestinians have never owned anything because they don't exist and they certainly have no rights. After slitting the throats of many Israeli women and children they no longer have the right to claim to be human beings. Human beings do not do such vile things, savages do. Saudi Arabia needs a good lesson and George Bush should have bombed Mecca right after 9/11/01 but instead he bombed Afghanistan because he thought one man was there and then took out Iraq because Daddy Bush had a grudge against Saddam. One of these days we are going to get it right.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/8/2023 9:56:21 AM (No. 1572215)
Right on schedule, Arab nations blame the Jews. The invaders of Israel obviously do NOT want to prosper. (a Biblical promise Hamas doesn't want)
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
moebellini3 10/8/2023 10:08:39 AM (No. 1572229)
Both of these countries are totally wrong and they speak through hatred and not logic. The statement reiterates Qatar’s “firm position” on the “justice of the Palestinian cause” and calls for the establishment of an “independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. You see, this statement is total B.S., why, the reason a two state solution never worked and has been tried many time, is that the Palestinians will not recognize Israel as a state. It is that freakin simple. It goes all the way back to Yasser Arafat. The deal was made but he refused to recognize Israel as a state. What do people not understand. Ask Saudi Arabia and Qatar that simple question and see what happens. Got it.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
moebellini3 10/8/2023 10:12:12 AM (No. 1572234)
And we are back depending on Saudi Arabia for oil. Biden says Israel has the right to defend itself until he says it has to scale back any response to this attack. Remember, democrats hate America and Israel. Years ago Yasser Arafat was at the Clinton whitehouse so often he had a freakin mail box there. Got it.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
felixcat 10/8/2023 10:22:24 AM (No. 1572242)
From the memory hole:
"Permitting Hamas to run in the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections without the terrorist organization disarming first was “a mistake,” former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice acknowledged this week.
In a wide-ranging interview with Politico that was published on Monday, Rice — who led the State Department during ex-President George W. Bush’s second term in office — said she had “undiminished faith” in the importance of elections, but added, “the question is, can you improve the context in which they happen?”
Rice continued: “I think one mistake we made with Hamas was we really should have said they had to disarm if they were going to participate in the elections, along the lines of what was done in Northern Ireland, for instance.”
In the January 2006 vote held in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Hamas soundly defeated rival Fatah, winning a clear majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council. A year later, Hamas violently ousted Fatah (which controls the Ramallah-headquartered Palestinian Authority) from Gaza, causing an intra-Palestinian divide that remains in place today."
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/8/2023 10:36:35 AM (No. 1572250)
And of course....Americans and Israelis must play by the nice guy rules....Well it's time to take the gloves off....I recall the 6 day war years ago...and how shocked the muslims were at Israel's thorough response....Iran had better move the Iranian moolah around...he has no safe harbor.....all's fair in love and war....
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
cor-vet 10/8/2023 12:19:13 PM (No. 1572333)
It's going too be hard, but the Israelis need to wipe the palistinians off the face of the earth, from the grandfather's and grandmother's down to the smallest children, and then announce that apparently, allah willed it.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
mk213 10/8/2023 5:18:29 PM (No. 1572488)
The kingdom love those savage barbarians so much it FORBIDS the Palestinians from emigrating there.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 10/9/2023 10:47:03 AM (No. 1572960)
I was waiting for this. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are Muslims. Muslims hate Jews. Muslims have been marrying their first cousins for 1,400 years. The ones who aren’t psychotic aren’t very smart. They’re reverting to type.
Israel needs to destroy everyone in Hamas, and blast the Gaza Strip into dust.
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