Critics erupt over 'cringe' Pence campaign
video: 'No clue how to pump gas'
Fox News,
Andrew Mark Miller
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
8/10/2023 2:44:32 AM
Former Vice President and current GOP presidential candidate Mike Pence was blasted by conservatives on social media this week over a video at a gas station that showed him appearing to fill up the tank of a pickup truck while criticizing the Biden administration.
"Remember $2 gallon gas? I do," the Indiana Republican said to the camera as he worked the gas pump. "And then Joe Biden became president of the United States and launched his war on energy."
But the video, seen over a million times and meant to promote his energy independence plan, was mocked by many on social media who pointed out a beeping noise
Reply 1 - Posted by:
IceQueen 8/10/2023 2:56:32 AM (No. 1531477)
Fakery Fakery.
This campaign is vanity, vanity! So sorry (NOT). Another "candidate" in the race for the $$$ and his own aggrandizement. Reminds me of the behavior of Esau in The Scriptures, who sold his soul for a bowl of pottage.
This just might get pence as much and as far as Esau gained. . .
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 8/10/2023 3:50:23 AM (No. 1531484)
Out-of-touch doufas deepstater who doesn't know to how to start a gas pump is the exact opposite image the ad agency wanted to create. He's tanking in the polls. You know this ad was especially made to highlight his "every man" image, his middle-class bona fides.
This was probably around "Take #15"; not many of us get out of our trucks with a microphone attached to our shirts, with a camera crew ready to film our words of wisdom. I'm sure there must be takes where he pushed the gas-grade button, but he flubbed his lines. This was the best of the lot and either no one at the ad agency, or on the campaign, noticed the missing every day, every man gesture of selecting the gas grade - along with the helpful clue of the chirp. Or they are not blind nor deaf, which leaves us to conclude the released video was the best of the day's work. About what you'd expect for someone who's polling behind "I Don't Know" and "Undecided".
I haven't clicked on any video of 30Pence for a long time, having only seen pictures of his two-faces. Is is just me, or has Mikey packed on a lot of weight? Could a guilty conscience be driving him to consuming Ho's Ho's and Nasty Pelosi's favorite ice cream? (Meow)
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
MissNan 8/10/2023 4:20:38 AM (No. 1531495)
He’s become a laughingstock.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
FJB 2022 23 24 8/10/2023 4:25:17 AM (No. 1531499)
Give it up Pence, you haven't a snowball's chance in hell, and you just keep humliating yourself, which is fine, most could care less.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 8/10/2023 4:58:19 AM (No. 1531503)
Pence penced himself and it was running down his legs. He's burnt toast. Done for. Has no chance. Go home to Indiana.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
jayjeti 8/10/2023 5:01:38 AM (No. 1531505)
I don't like Pence, but to be fair Biden has warred against energy and affected the price at the pump, and to be honest, where I get gas a light flashes to select the fuel grade, no beeping noise.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Terry_tr6 8/10/2023 6:21:12 AM (No. 1531524)
well, at least he wasn't pumping fuel into Mike Dukakis's tank...
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
TCloud 8/10/2023 7:35:39 AM (No. 1531555)
Next he will explain why work gloves are actually great winter socks!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
philsner 8/10/2023 8:06:28 AM (No. 1531583)
As Bugs Bunny once said: "What a maroon!"
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
philsner 8/10/2023 8:07:45 AM (No. 1531584)
Anyway, gas prices are just a symptom. Someone has to treat the disease.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
felixcat 8/10/2023 8:14:10 AM (No. 1531593)
Pressed and clean pretty blue shirt. Clean pretty red pick up truck - both look brand new.
BTW - under Trump's first term, USA became energy independent, actually an exporter within 2 years of taking office. Pence says he will do the same by the year 2040?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
vhs68 8/10/2023 8:58:51 AM (No. 1531622)
Pence is just channeling John Kerry. (“Can I Get Me a Hunting License Here?”)
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 8/10/2023 9:13:22 AM (No. 1531630)
Little Mikie at the gas pump - - is just like another Little Mikie - - Dukakis - - careering in a military tank around a parking lot.
Two tiny fools - - pretending to be tough grownups. Pathetic.
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Hopefully, he will stick the nozzle in his mouth
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Venturer 8/10/2023 9:49:18 AM (No. 1531665)
When does he put on a helmet and get a ride in a tank?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Namma 8/10/2023 9:51:02 AM (No. 1531668)
i dont like pence but does the media think hussien pumps his own gas.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 8/10/2023 11:53:42 AM (No. 1531784)
Like I believe that clown drives a pickup truck like John Kerry wanted a license to hunt ducks or game. What is loser.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 8/10/2023 12:50:19 PM (No. 1531841)
Probably hasn't pumped his own gas in 25 years. And the way pumps work has changed massively in that time.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
udanja99 8/10/2023 1:36:32 PM (No. 1531878)
Did he even drive the truck to the gas station or did someone else do that and park it at the pump? He could be like Hillary who hasn’t driven a car in 30+ years.
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