Exclusive — Rep. Elise Stefanik: GOP
Ready to Provide Counter Programming to
‘Illegitimate’ January 6 Hearing
Breitbart Politics,
Hannah Bleau
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
6/4/2022 10:59:30 PM
Republicans are ready to provide counterprogramming to the “illegitimate” January 6 Committee hearing, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told Breitbart News Saturday.The committee announced it will be holding its first primetime hearing on Thursday, June 9 at 8 p.m. Eastern. The upcoming hearing gained even more attention after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro for refusing to testify before the committee.Stefanik said the committee is about nothing more than punishing political opponents and targeting “patriotic Trump supporters.”
Reply 1 - Posted by:
smokincol 6/5/2022 12:11:26 AM (No. 1176227)
well, if they get the House they had better do something other than investigations and ff they don't 2028 will be a clean sweep for the demcommies, which means President Trump will have to deal with the demcommies for another 4 years
Kevin McCarthy is not the kind of leader we need to head the House repub delegation
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 6/5/2022 7:08:36 AM (No. 1176344)
I've admired Congresswoman Stefanik in the past, but her statement reads like a prescription for hopium, "really all of the House Republicans will be pushing back in a rapid response fashion." She adds, "We will be telling the truth to the American people sharing the facts and also really pointing out how unprecedented and unconstitutional and illegitimate this committee is, ..." She assures us the Repubs have media bookings to talk about issues that matter to the American people (which are?), and that the Dems have failed to focus on the issue of securing the Capitol. I also noticed that every time she mentions Kevin McCarthy she adds Jim Jordan, rounding out the House "leadership" team, as if she knows McCarthy alone sets off alarm bells in the minds of thinking conservatives.
It appears the House Republicans are most upset about "Congress as an institution." Elise details, “...they are invading on the privacy and really the speech and debate rights of all these elected members of Congress,” she said. “And they’re targeting everyday citizens, young staffers who worked on the Trump campaign.” I brightened up the mention of targeting everyday citizens, however she only means the young staffers in politics...but it did give her an opportunity to drop The Donald's name. Not one mention of the J6 political prisoners languishing in the D.C. communists' homage to the "Hanoi Hilton". The Dems openly support and defend Antifa and the BLM rioters, but the Republicans just can't bring themselves to champion the Constitutional Rights of American citizens.
Unless and until the Republicans begin to champion the Civil Rights of the J6 political prisoners, I'll take a pass at buying a ticket for the beltway's latest Kabuki Theater production.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
privateer 6/5/2022 7:25:29 AM (No. 1176352)
She, and more so MTG, give some optimism for the future, particularly of the Republican party. But Craven McCarthy and Midge McCornhole are as courageous, useful,and loyal, as Petain and Quisling.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
laurenc 6/5/2022 7:44:33 AM (No. 1176369)
This seems to be a way for the GOP to fight back against the media circus of the J6 hearings. Being out of power, I don't know what more they can do. At least it's something.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
SycamoreHills 6/5/2022 8:16:49 AM (No. 1176395)
God, I love Elise Stefanik. She and Jim Iordan have more guts and political acumen than McCarthy, McConnell, Crenshaw and the rest of Republicans serving the fiefdom of the Uniparty. I hope Pelosi shows up sober enough to gracefully hand over the gavel to the woman who should be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, Elise Stefanik. She is the exception to the rule that every New York pol like Schumer, DeBlasio, AOC and the rest is a self-centered dimwit.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Gordon Mills 6/5/2022 8:49:12 AM (No. 1176433)
Blah, blah, blah. It must be time for elections.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
chance_232 6/5/2022 8:56:58 AM (No. 1176442)
I guess 16 months late is better than never.............
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 6/5/2022 9:26:22 AM (No. 1176479)
GOP ready? The American people are more than ready. You should have been pounding on Pelosi's door months ago. 95% of Congress should be thrown to the wolves, democrats for being idiots and republicans for being spineless.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
john56 6/5/2022 9:45:29 AM (No. 1176501)
I still think Republican members of Congress and their staffers should fill EVERY chair in that hearing room and be ready to go CODE PINK tactics as the lies are told.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
janjan 6/5/2022 9:58:35 AM (No. 1176513)
Voters complain when the Republicans do not push back on Democrat tactics then complain when they do. Which is it?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Luandir 6/5/2022 10:13:52 AM (No. 1176532)
Good luck getting the Demmunist media to carry any of your pushback.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
stablemoney 6/5/2022 10:52:33 AM (No. 1176587)
Stevanik vs. Cheney. Stephanik will be fighting for the Republicans. Cheney will be fighting for the Democrats.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
jacksin5 6/5/2022 1:01:35 PM (No. 1176711)
Ms.Stefanik states in the article that their hearing will be "All over the airwaves" Am I missing something, or did the Republican Party buy out the MSM? I'm sure one will be able to watch this lice on C-Span, and the news outlets like OANN.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Zigrid 6/5/2022 4:07:47 PM (No. 1176837)
WE must remember the Washington DC swamp has infiltrated all our government agencies...and the FBI big shots send the agents out to break into homes at 6:00 am in the morning hauling off President Trumps followers in chains...no wonder the swamp is afraid to act on illegal information...they've been shut down by fear to themselves and their families...
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