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Slouching Towards Ekaterinburg: The Case
for Constitutional Monarchy in Russia

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Posted By: earlybird, 3/16/2022 8:58:39 PM

Once upon a time there was a dashing Russian prince who died in a beautiful American town. The world had known him, in the later bloom of his adult years, as a wealthy New York entrepreneur, publicist, socialite, and man about town, the toast of Manhattan society, (snip) there was a quality about the prince that was somewhat inscrutable, intangible. He had been a hero. But a hero of two worlds, two civilizations, and, in a sense, two centuries, in Russia and America. A childhood companion of the young Tolstoy counts, a constitutional monarchist trained in British law, and a member of an early-20th-century generation of aristocratic reformers


Long article, not for drivebys, though an interesting history lesson for those who confuse Russia with the USSR that two great men - Reagan and Gorbachev - managed to break up. Some still think Russia and the USSR are the same. How poorly educated.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 3/16/2022 9:03:05 PM (No. 1102128)
FTA about a counterrevolutionary noble who ended up an American citizen, an officer in Sullivan’s OSS… well, read about him... The life story of Prince Serge Platonevich Obolensky is superficially an adventurous chronicle of an exceptional man. On another level it is symbolic, within the person of this one individual, of a once-conceivable Russian-American relationship now destroyed. The prince was the best of both countries, both worlds, merged as one mindset and outlook: the wizened, aristocratic survivor of “History,” on the one hand, and the energetic, optimistic idealist (at least as America meant at the time), on the other.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: earlybird 3/16/2022 9:04:46 PM (No. 1102130)
In #1 I wrote Sullivan’s OSS when I meant Donovan’s OSS. I knew better. Distracted.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: earlybird 3/16/2022 9:10:59 PM (No. 1102134)
Christoff goes on to compare Russia today (at least Russia pre Ukraine) and there are surprises. I’ll just include #7 though all are worth a look and she is not fantasizing: (7) While the U.S. is demoralized by identity and gender politics, professors and teachers fear for their careers in the event of using the wrong pronoun, and men and women are increasingly hostile or sterile toward each other, Russia is, shall we say, old-school. By law, the country does not permit what it calls “gay propaganda” (for example, exhibitions and events cannot be publicly advertised as gay, nor are “parades” allowed, etc.), and marriage is officially defined in the constitution of the country as that between a man and a woman. (Specifically, a constitutional amendment of 2020 is defined as “a defense of the institution of marriage as a union of a man and a woman; the creation of conditions for a decent upbringing of children in the family, as well as for the responsibilities of adult children to care for parents.” The U.S. State Department responded by hanging a rainbow flag outside the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.)
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Reply 4 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 3/16/2022 9:59:27 PM (No. 1102157)
Russia has a tsar all right. Not Ivan the Terrible, but Vladimir the Terrible. Tsar Vladimir the Terrible, the rapist of Ukraine.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: LadyHen 3/17/2022 12:36:49 AM (No. 1102211)
It always gets me. The media craps all over Conservatives for years and years. Then all of a sudden we are supposed to not just believe them but we are supposed to fall into line, willing to shed our blood for whatever cause de jour they have fashioned. And people fall for it.. hook, line, and sinker. Now, this is the same media you wouldn't have believed 6 months ago had they told you the sky is blue but you believe it now because America good vs Russia evil... no matter what, every time, even if we know there are evil people in charge of our nation right now. /shakes head Putin is no doubt is a horrible guy but Ukraine ain't lily white in all this. Lots of stuff had been going on that we have never been privy to. Their government and ours and many in Europe made some slimy corrupt choices and choices have consequences. Sometimes one of those consequences is war. Maybe they and we should have thought better than to provoke Russia time and time and time again. Backing a bear into a corner is never a smart move.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: bighambone 3/17/2022 9:06:24 AM (No. 1102447)
Right now President Zelensky is regarded as an international hero built up by Western psychological warfare propaganda to be a international hero with the stature of Winston Churchill. But after the current Russian-Ukrainian War is negotiated to an end, chances are many in Ukraine will regard Zelensky as the man who refused to negotiate with the Russians, would not declare Ukraine to be a neutral country, grant Russia rights to a Black Sea seaport, or reach a settlement with Russia about the disputed Russian speaking Eastern Provences of present day Ukraine. Therefore bringing down the destruction of Ukraine through a brutal Russian military invasion. It remains to be seen, whatever happens to Ukraine, that if after the current war ends, if Zelensky and his family will end up residing in a luxury condominium at Miami, Florida with millions of dollars in banks.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 3/17/2022 12:01:34 PM (No. 1102612)
Excellent article and must read. Accurate historical facts and interesting comparison between Russia and the US. If the world descends into chaos, Russia is better prepared to survive than we are. While we are busy downgrading our schools to illiterate levels of sexual deviation and racial animosity, they strive for excellence. If one major flaw can be blamed for the destruction of what was once a superb society, poor education is it. Our kids were better educated in the 1950s. We spend money like drunken sailors while Russia has a better hold on their economy in spite of underdevelopment, undoubtedly due to the restrictions of communism. Their manufactured goods are often laughable but they also make an excellent combat rifle, the AK-47, a nearly century-old design which is relatively inexpensive, accurate and hard-hitting and for which ammunition is always available. I have plenty of firearms but the AK is the one that sits by my bed. The Russians have a good grasp on priorities while our resident Nero in the White House fiddles with his private parts and lies to us worse than the kid who wets his bed and blames it on the dog.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 3/17/2022 12:58:51 PM (No. 1102652)
I tried to read this, and while a lot is interesting, even sensible, much is at serious odds with the reality I saw traveling and doing government-industry partnerships in Russia for almost a decade. It doesn't match with things I saw and learned from listening to friends and colleagues born in the Soviet Union who either still lived there, or had emigrated to the USA, and were back as partners or business advisors. First, a very intensely Christian friend, born in Soviet Armenia, raised in the Soviet Union, and ultimately a wealthy and powerful man because of his black market entrepreneurship ( with such evil products as gum, candy, and fine crystal), told me when we went to an Orthodox Russian church every Sunday, that all the church leaders and priests were in the employ of the KGB during Soviet times, now in the employ of the FSB. But, the church, tightly controlled, and limited, is permitted to exist, and many churches are newly rebuilt on the foundations of those blown up by the Soviets, funded by oligarchs nervous about the hereafter, and trying to hedge their bets. But never imagine that their "Church" is anything remotely beyond another path to control people, or a possible 'indulgence' to maybe keep them out of a Hell that they don't really much believe in, but are still a bit fearful of. And the other is that Putin and the oligarchs are fundamentally, deeply, TOTALLY corrupt and extremely vicious, with zero scruples. Do anything which interferes with their massive, total corruption and you may get a warning and then you will be dead, often very publicly, clearly intended as a warning to others to not cross this government-mafia-large company ruling group. ALL of the courts, laws, police, judges, patent office and government agencies are 100% corrupted, all a sham working to keep the government-mafia-large oligarch owned companies in control of everything. This crushes smaller entrepreneurs as soon as they start to build a good business, which is nearly impossible since the banks won't lend money in any useful way to small businesses. Russia is a mafia state. Everything is a sham, everything crooked. Unfortunately, it seems as if the USA is headed rapidly in a similar direction. And as to Ekaterinaburg, I've been there, visited the site where the tsar's family was executed in the forest and buried, now surrounded with a small museum and carnival-like food, souvenir and T-shirt stands. I don't think that there is any chance that the mafia chieftan currently running things, by the name of Putin, is going to let power ever move to any sort of a 'constitutional' government, monarchy or not.
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New York Times Admits Hunter Biden Laptop
Evidence Was Accurate, The Intelligence
Community Was Lying
9 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/17/2022 4:31:50 PM Post Reply
Apparently, the motive everyone inferred about Joe Biden to making those bizarre statements about compromising sexual material and blackmail was accurate. Less than 12 hours after his weird comments, yesterday the New York Times released a devastating article finally admitting that every previously denied allegation surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop was accurate.(snip)All of their denials, false statements, malicious attacks against the people telling the truth, and all of the Big Tech censorship that was purposefully and intentionally deployed to keep the lies retained, was done in an effort to manufacture a protective shield for Joe Biden. (Snip); they willfully and purposefully lied.
US Olympic Figure Skater, Father Targeted
in Alleged Chinese Spy Plot
4 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/17/2022 3:26:33 PM Post Reply
An American Olympic figure skater and her father were among those targeted in an alleged conspiracy by secret agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to silence dissidents abroad, according to a report by the Associated Press. Olympic figure skater Alysa Liu and her father Arthur Liu were allegedly targeted by the CCP’s effort to stalk and intimidate critics of the regime living in the United States. The FBI informed the elder Liu last year that he and his daughter Alysa, then aged 16 (snip), were being targeted by the CCP. The elder Liu said he didn’t tell his daughter because he worried it would frighten her,
The Last War for the Neocons 13 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 9:28:58 PM Post Reply
The history of Western man is the history of war, and no war looms larger in the West than the Peloponnesian War. Fought in the fifth-century BC between the Delian League, led by Athens, and the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta, the war has come to define the two natures of the West. One side is the austere, efficient men of war and the other is the creative men of culture and philosophy.(snip)We see the same thing shaping up with the war in Ukraine. The Russians are now talked about as if they are bloodthirsty murder robots. (Snip) Athens is always cast as the good guys
Slouching Towards Ekaterinburg: The Case
for Constitutional Monarchy in Russia
8 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 8:58:39 PM Post Reply
Once upon a time there was a dashing Russian prince who died in a beautiful American town. The world had known him, in the later bloom of his adult years, as a wealthy New York entrepreneur, publicist, socialite, and man about town, the toast of Manhattan society, (snip) there was a quality about the prince that was somewhat inscrutable, intangible. He had been a hero. But a hero of two worlds, two civilizations, and, in a sense, two centuries, in Russia and America. A childhood companion of the young Tolstoy counts, a constitutional monarchist trained in British law, and a member of an early-20th-century generation of aristocratic reformers
The Great Pivot of Spring 2022, V. 2.0 8 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 7:32:01 PM Post Reply
From where I sit, we appear to be on the threshold of yet another propaganda about-face. The Ukraine “war” is increasingly looking like it was all about Russia having found a moment when the NATO-associated World Economic Foundation client states were distracted by other matters, and then seizing the opportunity to put a halt to the gradual assimilation of Ukraine into the NATO alliance. If one looks at the situation from a Russian geopolitical-realpolitik frame of reference, the gradual development of a NATO-aligned state along the Russian border, replete with US-sponsored “Biolabs” that were (at best) working with biothreat agents (toxins, pathogens) collected from the Ukrainian region (snip)represented a legitimate
Fauci Braces for House GOP Investigations:
‘Benghazi Hearings All Over Again’
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 6:26:01 PM Post Reply
White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said he expects to be investigated by Republicans if they take back control of the House during the 2022 midterm elections. “It’s Benghazi hearings all over again,” Fauci told The Washington Post on March 15 in reference to numerous GOP lawmakers saying they will look into alleged gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, located near where the first COVID-19 cases were officially reported in late 2019. Fauci, an unelected federal official who has headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, claimed that potential hearings “will distract me from doing my job,
Ukraine: State Of Negotions And More 5 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 2:11:14 PM Post Reply
There appears to be continuing discord in NATO. (snip)when the US, Poland, and Germany appear to be at odds, that’s more significant ‘going forward’, (snip) Yesterday Poland proposed a NATO “peace keeping” force be deployed in Ukraine. I’m sure Putin had a good laugh at that one. It didn’t take long for a German reaction. One interesting aspect of what’s going on here is that the current Polish government must be very much conflicted as to how to react. The vice premier referred to in the tweet below(snip)is notoriously anti-Russian but also anti-German (he has said, perhaps correctly, that the EU is basically a stalking horse for a Fourth Reich).
Big Yuan: Big Gov and Big Biz's Titanic
Russia-China Hypocrisy
0 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 1:38:17 PM Post Reply
The Zeitgeist is demanding the total evacuation of Russia by every government and business on the planet. (snip) No business dealings. Massive sanctions. As the response to Russia invading its neighbor Ukraine. Never mind that these things never, ever work properly.(snip)Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen in 2014 — as a part of a Yemeni civil war that still rages. And we’ve been helping Saudi Arabia — the invader, not the invad-ee. And in the bramble-bush thicket that is the Middle East, that puts US on the same side as Al Qaeda. The Zeitgeist has done its very best to ensure you know none of this.
Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early
COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Potentially Alarming
5 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 12:41:00 PM Post Reply
How safe are COVID-19 vaccines? Should everyone be taking them? Are people who get vaccines more likely to get COVID-19? Can genetic material in the vaccines be incorporated into the human genome? These are some of the unknown questions that researchers around the world are currently investigating. With more initial findings and hypotheses now released to the public, a group of free speech and information advocates last week during a presentation in Pennsylvania gave their “uncensored” take of the current science. They are currently traveling around the United States sharing concerns about how public health policy (snip) The speakers were Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist whose own research is highly-cited;
Exclusive: Rep. Chip Roy to Seek Impeachment
Proceedings Against DHS Head Mayorkas
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2022 12:21:48 PM Post Reply
Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) will attempt to bring impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, documents obtained by The Epoch Times show. The move caps off a full year of Republican dissatisfaction with Mayorkas, who as the DHS secretary is in charge of border security. In the past year, the United States has seen unprecedented levels of illegal immigration. Estimates of how many illegal aliens have entered the country since Biden took office vary, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection data show that about 2 million people illegally crossed the border in 2021, a nearly fourfold increase from illegal crossings a year earlier. (snip) deportation rates have plunged under Mayorkas’
Boon for Big Tech alternatives as Google
challenger DuckDuckGo joins 'disinformation' purge
15 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/15/2022 9:12:43 PM Post Reply
Government and corporate purges of COVID-19 "misinformation" are looking more like a beta test to control the whole range of allowed debate in every society, regardless of how democratic it appears to be. The next target is purported Russian propaganda related to its invasion of Ukraine, and even a tech platform that has long advertised itself as a less domineering version of Google is joining the bandwagon. Privacy-friendly search engine DuckDuckGo shocked its user base Wednesday when founder and CEO Gabriel Weinberg disclosed it had started to "down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation" in addition to highlighting "quality information for rapidly unfolding topics" at the top of search results.
‘Ivan McMuffin’ Rides Again! 8 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/15/2022 5:26:33 PM Post Reply
Evan McMullin, whom I affectionately dubbed Ivan McMuffin years ago, rides again. As you might remember, McMullin is the dunce who ran for president in 2016 to “save America from Trump” and ended up getting a whopping 732,273 votes nationally—roughly one half of one percent of the vote. But have no fear! After face-planting into the brick wall of reality six years ago, McMullin is back, this time running for the U.S. Senate seat in Utah as an independent against Republican incumbent Mike Lee. The good people of the Beehive State should know McMullin has no business running for that office, or even dogcatcher for that matter. Let’s start
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A nervous Fauci cites Benghazi probe to
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Posted by Imright 3/17/2022 12:28:35 AM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci is getting a little nervous. The White House chief medical advisor, whose handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn either abject endorsement or stinging rebuke depending on whom you ask, expects to face some tough questions come next year. In an interview with The Washington Post, a mouthpiece not known for its hostility to the good doctor, Fauci speculated that he’d likely be in the hot seat if Republicans take Congress in the upcoming midterm elections.“It’s Benghazi hearings all over again,” Fauci told the Post, an odd comment for a supposedly apolitical and neutral medical advisor and chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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Posted by Ribicon 3/16/2022 4:34:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 3:20:05 AM Post Reply
Thousands of American soldiers trained to use surface-to-air missile systems, High Mobility Artillery Rockets and unmanned aircraft are bound for Australia as tensions grow with China.The rotational US Marine force of about 2200 servicemen and women will be based in the Northern Territory during the upcoming dry season from September.It is the 11th deployment to the Top End and for the first time will include 250 US Army personnel, the Australian Defence Force announced. The contingent is part of an ongoing US initiative in the Indo-Pacific region to prepare for a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan in coming years.
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Posted by Imright 3/17/2022 1:21:09 AM Post Reply
Google and YouTube have declared former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to be inappropriate viewing.Ms. Gabbard posted a three-minute clip on Twitter on Wednesday evening, most of which was of an appearance by her on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle.” (Tweet/Video) But she labeled the clip “this is what Google/YouTube doesn’t want you to say,” based on the first several seconds.The video shows someone logging in via Google and, before the Gabbard-Ingraham interview begins, the viewer is warned that “the following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
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Posted by Imright 3/17/2022 1:43:54 AM Post Reply
Woke Yale law students have been filmed threatening speakers and staff for attending a free speech event which saw a humanist speaker invited to debate a high-profile conservative on First Amendment rights. Police were forced to escort guest speakers from Yale Law School's free speech debate after more than 100 students intimated a conservative panelist and caused a riot in the auditorium by yelling and blocking exits out of the hall.The chaos broke out last week at the start of a panel featuring progressive Monica Miller from the American Humanist Association and conservative Christian Kristen Waggoner of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) nonprofit.
Zelensky urges Biden to be the 'leader
of the world' and invokes MLK in heartbreaking
speech telling Congress to 'do more':
Tells US to shut the skies because it
is 9/11 'every day' and says 'I stopped
when the hearts of children stopped beating'
30 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 10:00:13 AM Post Reply
President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukraine is going through 9/11 and Pearl Harbor every day, urged the US to protect his skies as he invoked Martin Luther King and the Founding Fathers in a heart-wrenching speech to Congress on Wednesday morning.He also confronted President Joe Biden and told him to become the 'leader of the free world', demanded more sanctions for Russia to stop the 'war machine', asked for fighter jets and shared devastating footage of civilians being maimed in Kyiv as he called on lawmakers to 'do more' to protect his country.'I am addressing the President Biden. You are the leader of the nation, of your great nation.
What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not
really vaccines?
30 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/16/2022 9:01:17 AM Post Reply
Evidence has come to light strongly indicating that the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are not really "vaccines" in the medical and legal sense of the word, but rather "experimental gene therapies." If proven true, the significance and legal ramifications of this allegation are profound. (snip) "By their own patents and reference material, neither Pfizer nor Moderna claims this. Rather, they only classify their products as 'gene therapy.'" Dr. Martin states the Moderna and Pfizer products "do not prevent you from getting the COVID-19 infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They are really experimental gene therapies
Horrifying video shows final moments of
LA DUI suspect who died screaming 'I can't
breathe' after being pinned to ground
face-down for refusing to give blood sample
over fear of needles
27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/16/2022 11:36:36 PM Post Reply
A California father's harrowing final moments have emerged in harrowing police footage showing him scream 'I can't breathe' while dying as he was held face-down on the ground so cops could extract a blood sample. Edward Bronstein, 38, died on March 31, 2020, less than two months before George Floyd was killed by police in Minnesota, after an altercation during his arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence. He was pulled over for a DUI, but taken to a police station after refusing to give a blood sample, which his family says was due to a fear of needles.(Snip)Five officers can be seen kneeling on him
Jussie Smollett is back on the streets again 26 replies
Posted by Magnante 3/17/2022 3:54:32 AM Post Reply
Just five days after going to jail to begin his 150-day sentence, Jussie Smollett is a free man again. Considering what’s been happening in D.C. to people who, at most, trespassed, the whole Jussie saga has been disgusting and this is one more chapter to irritate or even enrage those who believe in the rule of law. However, much as I hate to say this, the appellate court that released him while his appeal is pending probably made the correct legal decision. (snip) Smollett’s attorneys had argued that he would have completed the jail sentence by the time the appeal process was completed
Andrea Mitchell Hopes War In Ukraine ‘At
Least Is Helping the Democrats’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 6:56:18 PM Post Reply
On her MSNBC show early Wednesday afternoon, host Andrea Mitchell hoped that the war in Ukraine “at least is helping the Democrats” politically heading into the midterm elections. Washington Post deputy national editor Phil Rucker agreed with her partisan assessment and touted how President Biden was trying to falsely use the conflict as a “scapegoat” for high gas prices.“And I want to quickly ask both of you about midterms because we have seen the President’s declining poll ratings stabilize and even edge up with the way he’s responded on Ukraine,” Mitchell told her guests in the 12:00 p.m. ET hour.
Blundering Biden says 'I may be Irish
but I am not stupid' before calling Putin
a 'murderous dictator and pure thug' in
St Patrick's Day speech
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 3/17/2022 4:38:08 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a 'murderous dictator and pure thug' in his St Patrick's Day speech on Thursday that started with the quip: 'I may be Irish but I am not stupid'. Biden ramped up his attacks on the Russian leader, a day after finally calling him a war criminal, in remarks that started with him going through his Irish heritage at the annual Friends of Ireland Luncheon. 'Father before I began, bless me, father I'm about to sin,' Biden cracked, making the sign of the cross as he addressed Rev. Thomas O'Connor while standing between Irish and American flags inside the wood paneled Rayburn Room
Mass deaths feared as Putin's forces bomb
Ukrainian theatre where hundreds of people
were sheltering - despite the word CHILDREN
being written outside it - leaving many
trapped in the rubble and rescuers unable
to get close due to continued shelling
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2022 8:36:59 PM Post Reply
Russian forces bombed a theatre where hundreds of civilians, including children, were sheltering in the encircled port city of Mariupol on Wednesday, the city council said.Officials said it is impossible to know how many people were killed or injured in the attack on the Mariupol Drama Theatre because the shelling of residential areas continues in the city, meaning rescuers can't reach those in the rubble. Satellite imagery from Monday showed the word 'children' written in large white letters in Russian in front of and behind the theatre building in an apparent effort to stave off any attack by Putin's forces. But two days later, Russian forces bombed the theatre
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