Williams Worries 'The Texas Brand' Will
Spread Like Jim Crow
Alex Christy
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/16/2021 7:27:31 PM
Republicans in Texas are doing what might be expected of red state Republicans and that has The 11th Hour's Brian Williams very concerned. On his Friday show on MSNBC, Williams worried that "the Texas brand" will spread to other states, just like Jim Crow did.To make his point, Williams began by reading from a Charles Blow article in the New York Times, "'when Jim Crow was originally established, it spread from state to state like a contagion. Each subsequent state taking lessons from the ones before it. Mississippi was one of the states at the vanguard of the first Jim Crow. Texas may well be at the vanguard
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 10/16/2021 7:36:23 PM (No. 948018)
Dropping SAT and ACT is Crow Jim.
So Charles Blow is the sacred text now?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jimincalif 10/16/2021 7:50:42 PM (No. 948032)
Let’s hope the Texas Brand spreads like COVID in a New York nursing home.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 10/16/2021 7:54:29 PM (No. 948039)
How about spreading "like the dawning of a wonderful new day of freedom, equality and less government intrusion"?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 10/16/2021 7:54:52 PM (No. 948041)
Brian "Whopper" Williams..........
"Our thoughts have a profound affect on us—whether they are true or false. Although we cannot know exactly why Brian Williams lied to the public about his experiences in the Iraq war, it is quite possible that he believed his lies when he told them. And when any of us lie to ourselves, we will lie to others. For we will communicate our lies as if they are fact even when they are fiction."
Fitting that he lands at MSNBC. The land of lunatics.
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MSNBC should be banned as communist propaganda.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
stablemoney 10/16/2021 8:04:26 PM (No. 948055)
You don't live in Texas, Brian. Texas wouldn't have you.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Condor44 10/16/2021 8:17:53 PM (No. 948067)
Brian and Blow you jerkwads, Jim Crow laws were a Dem concoction.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Kumoan 10/16/2021 8:18:02 PM (No. 948068)
Isn't that the famous war hero Brian Williams who single-handedly did all kinds of brave things in all kinds of unspecified places over decades if not centuries? Truly a Hero of the Soviet Union.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
singermom9 10/16/2021 8:31:59 PM (No. 948084)
Ya mean Jim Crow developed by the dem party? Along with the KKK? The same dems that voted no to give blacks the right to vote or allow them to become citizens in the 13, 14 and 15 amendments? Look it up. 13th to abolish Slavery R 100% support dems 23% support/ 14th right to vote for all Rep 100% support dems 0% support/ Citizenship to freed slaves Rep 94% support and dems 0% support. https://www.google.com/search?q=image+of+republican+and+democrats+voting+on+13,+14+and+15+amendment&rlz=1C1AWUC_enUS738US738&sxsrf=AOaemvJD3KkZcQuyHi_aipWuvV9zkfnRxA:1634430295853&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=u9HBXZafHFTxRM%252CUVEYI_nG6hVboM%252C_%253BLvP-qnVJu08fXM%252Ck_5l90GbMwaFlM%252C_%253BsdUMWS5Q1dhHBM%252CeBqeHUzbkik59M%252C_%253B3G9IguD3Fm5jdM%252CM3bOVi6I-nko0M%252C_%253BimYw1223FRHDFM%252Ckkb6L9uvXkLshM%252C_%253BBKj-Om978QZl7M%252CXkoFe8KGGIuAPM%252C_%253Bgy4a64795P7yxM%252Cq_IoSxj_FrSM8M%252C_%253Bx1sq_9_b4CnTVM%252CrtgkWAOXO_-z6M%252C_%253BnynpcNFMU-X18M%252CDcnPP9xuFS8KtM%252C_%253BBnJK5WNQCK0maM%252CjPOOp9NGMfXh5M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQYVUEv77STLpyDenl00szaVNzWJw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw1sapl9DzAhVFCs0KHSQRAl8Q9QF6BAgnEAE#imgrc=LvP-qnVJu08fXM
Dems and Jim crow laws. Southern laws were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Southern Democrat-dominated state legislatures to disenfranchise and remove political and economic gains made by black people during the Reconstruction period.
Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
SALady 10/16/2021 8:48:44 PM (No. 948100)
Does he mean the Jim Crow laws that were created and enforced 100% by Demon-Rats?!?!?!?
Those Jim Crow laws?!?!?!?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Gruntmedic 10/16/2021 8:54:39 PM (No. 948104)
Jim Crow Was started be President Wilson,who also segregated the Military.
I believe he was a Dem
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 10/16/2021 9:21:38 PM (No. 948118)
I completely understand the reference to the Dem party of years past but they are nothing like the party today. Yes, they were brutal on blacks after the war but if you read unbiased accounts of reconstruction and its treatment of the South you might understand where some of that came from. That said the old Dem party is nothing like the communist entity that it now is. In fact, they never miss an opportunity to denigrate and mock Southerners as knuckle-dragging, uneducated hillbillies since we have become red states. You might as well compare the Taliban with the Christian Church. That's how much difference there is now. The Dems should really change their party name to the Socialist (actually now communist). Party.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bad-hair 10/16/2021 10:14:54 PM (No. 948149)
The Republic of Texas approaches.
Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, S Dakota, N Dakota, Montana, Alberta (Canada), Saskatchewan (Canada), Manitoba (Canada), and a few states along the sides. Let's go EAST. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
We have every shipping port in The Gulf of Mexico and half the Atlantic and more oil than the Saudis ever dreamed of.
California and New York can print their own money. If they want to trade they can use Panama. We WILL protect our borders ,north, south, east, and west.
If you're coming to visit Texas bring your US passport with the pre-approved visitor's visa.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/16/2021 10:58:50 PM (No. 948181)
Hey Willie, Come down to Texas and we'll teach YOU some MANNERS...after a few Lessons, you'll be right as Rain...if you survive.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
mifla 10/17/2021 5:07:16 AM (No. 948293)
Still making stuff up, eh Brian?
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