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Who is Controlling the Biden Presidency?

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Posted By: DogFacedPonySoldier, 9/22/2021 11:06:49 AM

To answer the question of who is controlling the Biden presidency, we should consider the Biden administration's disastrous policy decisions. "Cui bono?" – Who benefits? Why would Biden abandon Bagram Air Force Base? It is key to all of Southwest Asia – just 400 miles to China and 500 miles to Iran. It is a vitally important geopolitical, military and intelligence platform with consequences...


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Reply 1 - Posted by: marbles 9/22/2021 11:15:45 AM (No. 922829)
Very interesting reading.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Son of Grady 9/22/2021 11:27:04 AM (No. 922843)
I know that Obama is one of the puppeteers. Obama phrases have been showing up in Biden admin speeches since Joe's first week in office. Phrases like "That's not who we are" or " It was a Righteous strike"
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: ByteGuru 9/22/2021 11:27:16 AM (No. 922844)
Several replies to the article are spot-on IMHO. The Xiden regime is really Hussein Obama's third term. He and the usual cast of characters (Rice, ValJar, Clinton(?), Soros, etc) and other deep state folks are running the show. I hope that I live to see all of these folks swing ...
48 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: planetgeo 9/22/2021 11:28:49 AM (No. 922849)
This is a question that needs to be asked every day at every opportunity at White House press conferences, and more importantly in Congress. Joe Biden is clearly not the actual President. He is a figurehead, a puppet. Other persons are making up the policies and executive actions and then trotting him out to sign them or read them off a teleprompter. This is subverting our election process and our constitution. It is imperative that we find out who exactly is/are "The President of the United States." Given the actions so far, my opinion is that Barack Obama and his followers are in fact leading and coordinating the anti-American cabal that is directing and using the hapless Joe Biden as their puppet.
38 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Come And Take It 9/22/2021 11:30:06 AM (No. 922851)
It ain't Xiden. He can't even control his own bodily functions.
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/22/2021 11:31:28 AM (No. 922853)
While it is obvious that Mike Donilon and others within biden the cheater's brain trust control biden's feeble mind, keep in mind that Obie and his girls (valjar and riceroni) also have a seat at the table and that Donilon's team routinely confer with them.
19 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: snakeoil 9/22/2021 11:40:16 AM (No. 922866)
Who was the biggest crime duo in American history? Snorter and Sniffer. Snorter lined up a 1.5 billion deal with Communist China and Sniffer delivered the executive action. The Tally Bun got all the state of the art US weapons and turned some of them over to CC so they could reverse engineer them and enhance their weapons. And some were delivered to Iran. And Sniffer gets his 10%. One of the claims that left wing woosies make that burns me up is that PT used the Office of POTUS to put money in his pocket. PT lost about a billion in his net worth. Meanwhile, Sniffer was never paid more than $ 200k per year by the government during his 50 year career feeding at the public trough. And Sniffer is worth more than $ 30 million. How did that happen?
21 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 9/22/2021 12:04:04 PM (No. 922894)
It’s not a presidency it’s a regency. The only question is who is the Regent? Obama I suspect.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 9/22/2021 12:07:36 PM (No. 922901)
No question that Biden is simply a political “Trojan Horse” for the large Obama connected crew that is actually running the White House. That fact is now clear, as the Obama crew running the White House is now openly controlling Biden’s every move and word. As an example, regarding the out of control borderline, all during the 2020 presidential campaign the leftist and socialist Democrats said that they were going to “open” America’s borders to all comers, and that’s exactly what the Biden crew has been doing since taking over the White House. The long-term objective of that leftist and socialist Democrat plan is to flood the USA with as many poor and uneducated so-called migrants as possible who under the current immigration laws are illegal aliens. To then legalize those illegal aliens under proposed Democrat designed “path to citizenship” amnesties that would transform them into future leftist and socialist Democrat voters by the tens of millions, in the years ahead. It appears that most of the wimpy Republicans have either not yet figured that out, or are scared to death that if they do, that the Democrats will fraudulently call them out as being racists. The overall long term Democrat plan is to eventually permanently change the voter demographics of enough areas of the USA, to keep the leftist and socialist Democrats in permanent political power controlling the Congress and the White House indefinitely, bolstered by a coalition of racial and ethnic identity based growing constituencies, many of foreign origin, that at some point the Democrats believe, lumped together will constitute the majority population of the USA, bound together by Democrat identity based politics, promising all sorts of monetary handouts, and government funded “free” benefits and services, to “buy” enough votes from that coalition racial and ethnic minorities to transform the country into a socialist utopia.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: A.I. 9/22/2021 12:11:50 PM (No. 922913)
Question: “To answer the question of who is controlling the Biden presidency, we should consider the Biden administration's disastrous policy decisions. ‘Cui bono?’ – Who benefits?” Answer: China! 🤔
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: glenw 9/22/2021 12:15:29 PM (No. 922916)
On the question of - WHO is responsible for giving up Bagram, the answer is HUNTER... Russia and China have enough dirt on Hunter to bury him and the entire Biden family were they to share it. So, if Putin and/or Xi tell The Big Guy to do something, he's gonna do it - - - to h*ll with the USA.
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: bpl40 9/22/2021 12:25:11 PM (No. 922933)
This is a lot more complicated than it looks. Sure 0bama is in the control chain. But who is controlling HIM? I have wondered that since the 2008 S. Carolina primary. When Bubba was asked to shut up and sit down. And he did!
15 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: udanja99 9/22/2021 12:33:52 PM (No. 922948)
#12, I believe that would be George Soros who, BTW, attended Chelsea’s wedding which was held at one of his estates.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 9/22/2021 12:38:14 PM (No. 922951)
They work for the ChiComs and the globalists, ultimately.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: rochow 9/22/2021 1:17:47 PM (No. 923001)
Someone just as stupid as Bidet, the community organizer and this Kain guy whoever he is. Then there is Rice who gets her marching orders from the punk.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 9/22/2021 1:21:57 PM (No. 923005)
Writer forgot one important group, RINO running dogs of the Democrat Communist Party.
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Reply 17 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/22/2021 1:33:51 PM (No. 923029)
To add to #13's observation, I would also add that Soros is a disciple of the Rothchild family. It is the R family who rule the world's future directions. Always keep in mind who controls and owns the world's financial system. And that is the Rothchilds.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: SweetPea3 9/22/2021 2:39:46 PM (No. 923102)
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Reply 19 - Posted by: web 9/22/2021 4:27:29 PM (No. 923197)
"If we suggest that there is a combination or passing alliance of these various interests and groups, each seeking to advance their own agenda behind the official, hollow, front of 'President Joe Biden'", then you are describing Washington politics in realistic terms. In no way is this a "conspiracy theory." It is how things are done in Washington. Since when is describing lobbyist activity a "conspiracy theory?" They spread money and influence around, advancing their agendas. It's easy to see who is spreading the money around and attempting to influence the American people. Just watch TV and note all the commercials from insurance companies, drug pushers and the like. Medicare, medicare, medicare, covid, covid, covid. 24/7 Everywhere you look.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: judy 9/22/2021 4:59:03 PM (No. 923226)
Rice, Valerie, The Obamas, Hillary, Sanders, Soros...And The Media & social media Is Biden' biggest cheerleaders!!!
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Reply 21 - Posted by: bighambone 9/22/2021 5:07:06 PM (No. 923232)
Remember Biden’s pledge during the 2020 Presidential campaign to open” America’s borders to the oppressed of the world that could include about a billion poor and uneducated people three times the entire current population of the USA, along with Biden’s mantra of “build back better”. When that “build back better” comes to USA population, in leftist and socialist Democrat minds it means to knock down the current majority (White) US population in all respects ranging from their critical race theory concepts to flooding the USA with poor and uneducated diverse migrants (illegal aliens) and foreign refugees from all over the world in unlimited numbers, who fit within one of the categories of Democrat identity based politics, that will be the basis for the leftist and socialist Democrats “to build back the US population better” than the the USA majority population has been situated in the past. Looking to the future; the Democrats expect that in concord with their identity based political plans that a burgeoning coalition of racial, ethnic, and foreign origin tribal groups will eventually become the future majority population of the USA and also new leftist and socialist Democrat constituencies that will keep the leftist and socialist Democrats in permanent political power able to keep control the Congress and the White House indefinitely and able to transform the USA into some sort of socialist utopia.
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Reply 22 - Posted by: psych53 9/22/2021 5:41:27 PM (No. 923261)
Speculation. Rumor. I think the answer is that no one outside the White House can answer this question right now. We all have our pet theories, but no one who knows is talking. The only thing that we agree on, I believe, is that it sure as heck isn’t Biden running the show. I can tell you that this is a favorite topic of speculation in my neighborhood.
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To answer the question of who is controlling the Biden presidency, we should consider the Biden administration's disastrous policy decisions. "Cui bono?" – Who benefits? Why would Biden abandon Bagram Air Force Base? It is key to all of Southwest Asia – just 400 miles to China and 500 miles to Iran. It is a vitally important geopolitical, military and intelligence platform with consequences...
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Posted by Imright 9/22/2021 3:34:02 AM Post Reply
Does anyone like living like this?This was the question presented to me by a friend of mine recently as we were discussing the current state of America under the Joe Biden administration and the deep malaise that has been ushered in by the man who promised over and over again to 'heal the soul of America'. No one is healing. Nothing is healed. The wound Donald Trump ripped open has done nothing but fester since Scranton Joe was inaugurated. Eight months since President Biden was sworn into office, the anticipation of a tone change and 'return to normalcy' has utterly disappeared.
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Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 9/23/2021 5:20:03 PM Post Reply
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