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The FDA Expanded Pfizer Vaccine EUA based on a Failed Trial

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Posted By: Leo G., 7/6/2021 9:24:21 PM

The EUA expansion for Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine for kids aged 12–15 was done after it failed (as I will show below) its pro-forma clinical trial. Only 1,131 kids received the experimental vaccine. Most of them experienced side effects. Within a few days after the second shot, 66% of the kids developed fatigue, 65% developed headaches, 42% developed chills, and so on. The first shot was tolerated only slightly better. Symptoms varied from mild to severe. More than half of the kids had to resort to painkillers or antipyretics after the second injection.


The trial failed to show efficacy, too.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: GoodDeal 7/6/2021 9:49:24 PM (No. 837956)
How many kids died and how many were hospitalized? This is child abuse and shame on their parents for allow their kids to be lab rats.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Come And Take It 7/6/2021 9:57:16 PM (No. 837961)
The 'vaccine' doesn't have to work or be safe. It just has to make money for Big Pharma, who will then kick some back to those responsible for pushing it. Life (or occasional accidental death) under our wonderful kleptocracy.
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The FDA Expanded Pfizer Vaccine EUA based on a Failed Trial 2 replies
Posted by Leo G. 7/6/2021 9:24:21 PM Post Reply
The EUA expansion for Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine for kids aged 12–15 was done after it failed (as I will show below) its pro-forma clinical trial. Only 1,131 kids received the experimental vaccine. Most of them experienced side effects. Within a few days after the second shot, 66% of the kids developed fatigue, 65% developed headaches, 42% developed chills, and so on. The first shot was tolerated only slightly better. Symptoms varied from mild to severe. More than half of the kids had to resort to painkillers or antipyretics after the second injection.
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Posted by Leo G. 4/20/2021 1:37:37 PM Post Reply
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