Epoch Times,
Salena Zito
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3/10/2021 5:39:35 PM
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Marty Jorgensen likes to fish for walleye, hunt for elk and deer, and give a pheasant a good chase every once in a while.(Snip)“As a pipeline contractor, we built this work with pride, with safety and quality,” he said. “It’s a different world than it was 50 years ago, and we take that into account. We know how to protect the environment and make the landowners pleased with the way we leave the land and their property.”
It is an attitude that underscores his stridency about the precautions put in place by the company and the industry he has been working in for over 30 years. In short, what happens here
Epoch Times,
Jack Phillips
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3/10/2021 4:35:45 PM
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A U.S. Border Patrol official in Arizona is warning that illegal immigration is on track to overtake the past three years combined because of a surge of migrants at the U.S.–Mexico border.
“So right now, we’re about a hundred percent over where we were this time this last fiscal year,” John Modlin, interim chief in charge of the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, told independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson.
“We’ve already surpassed in the first four months of this fiscal year; we’ve already surpassed all of 2018. If the flow continues at the rate it is here, by the end of this fiscal year, we will have surpassed ’18, ’19, and ’20, all combined.”
James Stavridis
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3/10/2021 2:38:11 PM
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China and the United States today are on a collision course. No less an authority than Henry Kissinger said just over a year ago that the U.S. and China are in the “foot hills of a Cold War.” (Snip)
The two nations are significantly at odds over the status of the South China Sea, which China claims as territorial waters, potentially giving them control over rich oil and gas deposits and dominance over the 40% of the world’s trade that passes through these strategic seas. (Snip)China and the U.S. are also in disagreement over a wide variety of trade and tariff rules attendant to an unbalanced trading relationship;
770KTTH [Seattle],
Jason Rantz
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Posted by
3/10/2021 2:00:57 PM
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Seattle Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) loves to tout her progressive bona fides, but when it comes to a racist smear of a Black Senator, she was all smiles.
Jayapal was a guest on MSNBC’s program The Reidout, hosted by Joy Reid, best known for scorchingly bad hot takes and blaming a non-existent hacker for her homophobic blog. During a segment on the minimum wage, Reid played a clip of a Republican press conference. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), who is black, was in attendance.(Snip)Rather than argue the merits of the case Republicans made, Reid called out Scott as a token who offered the “patina of diversity.” (Snip) Jayapal smirked.
Conserative Treehouse,
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3/10/2021 1:29:33 PM
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The headline here is a twist on a great book about how to not be a participant in your abuse called “Codependent No More“. The message directly relates to something CTH discusses frequently in both articles and in the comments section.
In order to stop being abused, you must first stop making excuses for your abuser. Accept things as they are, not as you interpret them to be. (Snip)_ When you finally accept that the RNC wing of the UniParty hates you, literally hates their base of voters, only then can you begin to break the cycle known as “Battered Conservative Syndrome.”
Conservative Treehouse,
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Posted by
3/10/2021 12:50:00 PM
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White House Press Secretary Baghdad Jen Psaki was asked about the scale of the escalating border crisis today. Her response is a little sketchy: “talk to them (DHS) …it’s not our program.” (Video)Moments later, this happened… (Tweet)Breaking911@Breaking911 NEW DHS Secretary Mayorkas has requested volunteers to help at the southern border amid an “overwhelming” migrant surge
Epoch Times,
Jenni Julander
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3/10/2021 12:34:48 PM
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When two teenagers from Peterlee, UK, threw mud at a passing police van, the department helped them “clean up their act,” enlisting them to clean police vehicles … using toothbrushes.
“The consequences of throwing things at moving vehicles can be far more serious than these two realize, which I’m sure they’ve had time to consider while washing the cars,” Inspector Emma Kay, with the Peterlee Neighborhood Police Team, said in a press statement.The two 16-year-olds, who were spotted wearing balaclavas and slinging mud at the police van, were arrested on Feb. 21.
By enlisting their help in cleaning police vehicles, the department hoped to give the youngsters a chance to rethink
Breitbart Europe,
Rebecca Mansour
Original Article
Posted by
3/9/2021 8:51:49 PM
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Oprah Winfrey has called her interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex “the best” of her career. (Snip)Harry and Meghan Markle’s “divorce” from the royal family predated Oprah’s interview with the couple Sunday night on CBS. The legendary broadcaster is being hailed by her colleagues for scoring the first post-Megxit interview with the bitter duo. And it was definitely ratings gold for Oprah and CBS, pulling in over 17 million viewers (more than the Emmys and Golden Globes combined).
It was also history-making (Snip) The last time the British royal family tangled with an American divorcee it ended in an abdication that put the current monarch’s father
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell
Original Article
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3/9/2021 4:44:56 PM
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My colleague Jeff Charles wrote a great article on how the Nevada Democrat Socialists of America (DSA) have taken over the Democrat Party in the state, and why the traditional leadership chose to resign. (Snip) The far-left socialist wing of the Democratic Party just scored a significant victory against the moderate establishment faction, and we can best believe they won’t stop there. In Nevada, socialist Democrats wrestled control over the state party from the moderate establishment, which triggered a mass exodus of employees who tendered their resignations.
Judith Whitmer, who is aligned with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), became the new chair of the Nevada Democratic Party along
Anita Kumar
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3/9/2021 4:17:16 PM
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Since he took office, President Joe Biden has sworn to overhaul draconian Trump-era policies, crafting a kinder, gentler immigration system where everyone — from refugees to asylees to students to billionaire CEOs — is welcome.
There’s just one problem: Despite the massive immigration package he introduced on Day One and the flurry of executive orders that soon followed, Biden's policies have yet to catch up with his rhetoric.
To be sure, Biden inherited a complicated puzzle — a convoluted system designed to do the exact opposite of what he wants it to do. He’s only been in office for six weeks. And much of his energy has been focused on battling the
Epoch Times,
Samuel Allegri
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3/9/2021 4:01:19 PM
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Arizona and Montana are taking legal action (pdf) to block new Biden administration immigration regulations, saying that these would cause negative consequences for the states.
The new rules would limit the capability of ICE to detain some illegal immigrants unless they pose a threat to national security, entered through the border after Nov. 1, or committed aggravated felonies.
The Biden administration says that the rules don’t impair arresting or deporting people, but the officers in the field would need to request permission from their superiors to arrest people outside of the aforementioned cases.“If asked about the poorest policy choice I’ve ever seen in government, this would be a strong contender,”
Taki´s Magazine,
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3/9/2021 2:40:45 PM
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Get ready, black America! You’re about to get forty acres from a fool. President Biden has announced the formation of a commission to study the feasibility of giving reparations to every black American as a way to make up for that slavery thing that The New York Times tells us America couldn’t have existed without. But even as Biden christened the exploratory committee, one of his own senior advisers declared that black America ain’t gonna wait on no “committee” or “study.”“(Snip)We’re going to start acting now,” White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond told Axios last week.
Are you sitting down? Richmond is…black! Ha! What a twist! Didn’t see that coming, huh?
When questioned just last week, Mayorkas blithely said everything was under control.