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New CDC Figures Show Fauci’s Dishonest COVID-19 Projections Were Garbage

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Posted By: klezmer, 5/25/2020 11:23:48 AM

This madness has to end now. Every single lockdown order inflicted on the American people these past few months needs to be rescinded immediately. Once that’s done, Fauci has to be investigated to find out why on earth he pushed these catastrophic measures on us using projections he knew to be false.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 5/25/2020 11:48:17 AM (No. 421534)
"Needs to", "has to", and "must" but probably never will.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: VAPMAN 5/25/2020 11:54:59 AM (No. 421546)
What a shame that Dr. Fauci would lie to us and cause us to needlessly shut down our economy. All that was needed was to protect the elderly, especially those in nursing homes and those with certain existing medical conditions. He and the leftist press have caused great damage to our nation. We have seen which governors and mayors are pompous irresponsible jerks in their response to this crisis. Come November we need a massive turnout to get rid of as many democrats(communists) as possible.
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Chuzzles 5/25/2020 12:09:41 PM (No. 421566)
He was using the Brit Twit's model in the early days of this epidemic. He knew those were false numbers, but he and Birx just could not resist. No wonder Birx is claiming she can't trust anything from the CDC, for they are quickly exposing the globalist ghoul's scheme to damage Trump and do damage to this nation.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 5/25/2020 12:15:12 PM (No. 421573)
Why must being wrong because of admittedly early and inadequate data be labelled as 'telling lies'. For us to do so risks our being as stupid as the left. If tomorrow shows me to be wrong today - move on damnit.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: udanja99 5/25/2020 12:33:40 PM (No. 421605)
He’s a Hillary creature and everything he has done was done in order to hurt Trump.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: PCMM 5/25/2020 12:35:32 PM (No. 421609)
Quite the rebel today, #4. Maybe it’s a bit too stuffy in the salon with all of these facts and figures. Fauci is a virus that infected our President. The deaths from shutdowns will dwarf those from commievirus. So much damage, so much grief. Yeah, just move on. Ptooey!
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 5/25/2020 12:36:18 PM (No. 421610)
Another friend finally worked up the courage to go out to a restaurant again, she is in late 70s, so a bit more risk, and I don't criticize her at all, but my wife in our, a decade younger, have been eating in restaurants for several weeks, and never wore masks at all. In KS it is about over, for practical purposes, but I would like to get a hair cut.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: tsquare 5/25/2020 12:46:28 PM (No. 421621)
#4. Best that can made from this is that Fauci led the US on a what if worst case policy, Perhaps that was the right approach, perhaps not. It would have been good if his skepticism had been part of policy. Still...a takes a real dense person to not adjust plan to new info as It develops: here we have a clear case for returning to the precautions we take each flu season.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Daisymay 5/25/2020 12:52:46 PM (No. 421631)
I've thought from the beginning of the Shut Down that Fauci had one reason for closing down our country and that was to take down President Trump. If the Economy tanks, they figure Trump will lose his re-election. Fortunately, Trump realized the danger and started to re-open (against Fauci's wishes) our country! I think he did it just in time. We will recover and Trump WILL be re-elected!
22 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 5/25/2020 12:56:03 PM (No. 421635)
And the Scarf Queen is telling us that it's okay to play tennis this Memorial Day weekend as long as we write our names on the balls. IOW, the virus can apparently be transmitted from human exhalation to tennis balls to human inhalation. Thau is right - this madness has to end now.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: aasilver 5/25/2020 1:00:28 PM (No. 421639)
Fauci didn't lie. His projections were based on models. Models are ALWAYS WRONG because they are based on past and present information on how a country, state or city reacted to a threat based on past actions and reactions. Fauci had no idea how the USA would react to the threat. He was never asked to predict how the numbers would look if we shut down the economy because nobody believed we would be stupid enough to shut down the USA. Remember statistical models are ALWAYS wrong because they can't predict the future.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: kono 5/25/2020 1:21:39 PM (No. 421658)
I won't impugn the character of scientists or engineers for making errors in their work. But for being dishonest about their data, that's entirely different. Doc, next time you want to Fauci us, kiss us first.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: bigfatslob 5/25/2020 1:25:14 PM (No. 421664)
The doctor's work during the summer cold season hoax pandemic is pathetic to say the least. I wouldn't follow this deep state dweeb's advice to buy a box of Band-Aids.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 5/25/2020 1:42:09 PM (No. 421672)
"overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza " EXACTLY as Trump surmised at one point. I don't blame Fauci for throwing out numbers that at the time may have been the best estimate that could be made. The problem is presenting the estimates of the models he works with as being accurate. It was virtually impossible that they would be. The data coming in was incomplete and skewed. It still is. In fact, it is almost guaranteed that such initial numbers will be skewed upward because you have a more accurate sense of who died from the disease than who had been infected. Tests always lag and never test everyone who actually was infected. All the missing information dilutes the CFR or IFR to lower numbers. Fauci had one real value, to tell us how such viruses spread, the steps to reduce contamination, and the possible treatments. The numbers that he produced were only informed guesses and he should have been clear on that point or kept his mouth shut. Unfortunately, the media, hating Trump, worked to drive a wedge between Trump and the people working with him. Fauci was naive enough to fall for the attention, had enough ego to over emphasize his work, and didn't realize how he was being manipulated. He was an unwitting media tool. He started to wise up and I will bet his statement in the Journal reflects the reality of his awareness. What we should take out of this is that statistical projections are ALWAYS unreliable. The people who make such projections have a vested interest and will ALWAYS exaggerate the severity, importance, and accuracy of their projections. THEY cannot be decision makers. Most politicians also make bad decision makers because they are always trying to take political advantage of the situation. The media takes exaggerated predictions and hypes them to hysterical threats. Given the mess this was, Trump did a pretty good job balancing the conflicting and inaccurate information. He got dragged into a shut down that may have not been necessary for most of the Country and was too late for the parts of the Country most affected. However, his best people were telling him he had to do it. So he did it and tried to mitigate it. The dems tried to muddy that up but it exploded in their faces. Now we need to get back up and running.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: GoodDeal 5/25/2020 1:44:40 PM (No. 421674)
Why??? because Doktur Fakie is a left-wing liberal and did everything he could to sabotage Trump's re-election.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: Zarin 5/25/2020 1:46:34 PM (No. 421677)
The problem is that the data the government had relatively early on was showing a much lower death rate. They did not publish that widely at all and thus lied to the citizens. Fauci is an entrenched bureaucrat and is reflexively more interested in keeping his power & influence while pretending to himself & others that he is 'serving the people.' This was a big countrywide High School Science Project that broke all the protections of the Constitution. The blue state governors (and too many red state bigwigs) all jumped into the Stalinist/1984 mode and showed their true colors as tyrants. The CDC etc should have said - oops! - it is not as bad as we thought and you all can go on being adults - just if you are in a high risk group be more cautious. We had better educate ourselves if we are going to survive - about how to read the numbers, about the lying media & about our blessed Constitution.
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Reply 17 - Posted by: doctorfixit 5/25/2020 1:46:57 PM (No. 421678)
Fausciism is destroying the nation. This fascist little runt Fauci used up his 15 minutes decades ago when he spread lies about AIDS infecting every American. He is a menace.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: stablemoney 5/25/2020 2:33:13 PM (No. 421707)
Fauci and Birx caused the deaths of thousands with their recommended policies, which resulted in Cuomo's sending patients with highly infectious viruses into nursing homes, and all the deaths that followed. Fauci and Birx own this debacle. Fauci knew the models were wrong, and didn't care, because he is a Democrat, and advised Trump to do what would ruin him, which has always been Fauci's goal. Fauci is a hero to the left. How can there be such evil in the world?
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Reply 19 - Posted by: Anti_democRAT 5/25/2020 2:34:41 PM (No. 421708)
just another attack by the entrenched bureaucrat to get trump at all cost. in this case significant collateral damage to the U.S. citizen regardless of party affiliation. a real bipartisan effort by the left.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: DCGIRL 5/25/2020 2:45:13 PM (No. 421722)
There needs to be some sort of punishment for this man to destroy so many lives. He truly needs to be punished. Someone needs to sue him out of existence.
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Reply 21 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 5/25/2020 2:59:49 PM (No. 421737)
That's the problems with models. You can have a dozen different models, and none of them are accurate. What's telling is how the reaction to CV19 is so different than any other pandemic. Its an election year. Trump's enemies pushed the worse case scenario, panicked the general public, and the government had to react. In this case over react. In many cases, deliberately. What's important is now we have real data. It shows the worst case scenario is not accurate. That doesn't stop Trump's enemies. On Good Morning America, they were talking about the 'Memorial Day Disaster' because the beaches were crowded and nobody was practicing social distancing. They are also talking about a second wave of CV cases. They are still trying to panic the public. The Democrats are still acting like they are in worst case scenario and using that to justify all their actions. This is our government folks. They are locking us down, taking away our freedoms, crashing the economy, deciding who lives and dies, and it goes way beyond Fauci. Fauci is just a willing actor all too happy to help Trump's enemies because it makes him more prominent on the national stage. If Trump's enemies hadn't found Fauci, they would have found someone else out to make a name for themself.
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Reply 22 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 5/25/2020 3:57:55 PM (No. 421774)
Give me hard, reliable numbers and I can make up my own mind.
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Reply 23 - Posted by: bighambone 5/25/2020 4:01:57 PM (No. 421777)
Clearly the Chinese Communist engineered COVID-19 pandemic that was covertly introduced to America and other countries, has ended up doing a lot more damage to the US economy and people then the Pearl Harbor attack ever did, mainly because the Chinese were thereafter aided by useful and very greedy idiots inside the USA who counseled the President to shut the country down to keep the Chinese virus from killing millions of Americans. Then just by coincidence this happens to be an election year funny season with President Trump’s greatest achievement a booming US economy taking a severe hit. You would have to be a complete moron not to see that the Chinese objective now is to try to get Biden and the Democrats back running the USA so that they can collude with those corrupt politicians and keep ripping the USA off big time.
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Reply 24 - Posted by: RedWhite&Blue2 5/25/2020 4:14:14 PM (No. 421787)
Bigger than Pearl Harbor...AND they get away with it? Their PLANDEMIC worked.
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Reply 25 - Posted by: Heraclitus 5/25/2020 5:31:23 PM (No. 421819)
Birx and Fauci were influenced by British epidemiologist modeler, Neil Ferguson. He was the one (to my understanding) who terrified everyone by asserting that the Brits would lose 200,000 people and we would lose at least 2 million citizens. yes. Once the "experts" went to President Trump's office and gave him the grim news, he had no choice. But here I would say there was something else he could have done: he could have gathered a panel of doctors, epidemiologists, behaviorists, economists, and others. Nevertheless, as soon as the huge mistake in Ferguson's models was discovered, Birx and Fauci ought to have put the breaks on the shut-down, concentrating only on the elderly in long-term care and nursing homes and elderly housing. As the "slow the spread" postcard said from the beginning, special attention needed to be given to the elderly and infirm. And, wash you hands; keep your hands off your face. I can only guess at why POTUS did not stall or stop the fearmongers from throwing all the wrenches into our complex economic machinery. All of the doctors with contrary views were shut out of whatever discussion was to be had. Or at least, that's the impression. He did close travel to and from China quite early on, against the "experts'" advice. We need an investigation: Fauci is too connected with WHO which is too connected with China, and China with all our enemies. The Dems love Fauci, Fauci is pretty keen on the Dems, too. The circle of corruption.
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Reply 26 - Posted by: MickTurn 5/25/2020 6:30:24 PM (No. 421861)
Fakie is nothing but a dog stuff cracker...and it goes down hill from there.
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Reply 27 - Posted by: GO3 5/25/2020 8:23:03 PM (No. 421940)
#7, it is over in rural Texas. Was driving back to West Texas from Austin Friday, and every restaurant in small to mid-sized towns I passed through were packed, literally. Every parking lot was full. Phased opening? Forget about it.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: Strike3 5/25/2020 11:24:35 PM (No. 422004)
Nobody knew his name before January but everybody knows it now. I hope that was not his only motivation.
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New CDC Figures Show Fauci’s Dishonest COVID-19 Projections Were Garbage 28 replies
Posted by klezmer 5/25/2020 11:23:48 AM Post Reply
This madness has to end now. Every single lockdown order inflicted on the American people these past few months needs to be rescinded immediately. Once that’s done, Fauci has to be investigated to find out why on earth he pushed these catastrophic measures on us using projections he knew to be false.
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