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Why They Hate Trump

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Posted By: Imright, 2/23/2020 6:47:18 AM

Nearly 50% of the American political world hate President Trump. Truly hate him. This is no mild disregard like it was for President Bush 43 “Dubbya,” he of the cowboy foreign policy. This is not the “He’s a total lightweight but he’s pretty harmless so we can sandbag him,” disrespect they had for George HW Bush. This is even deeper than the outright derision and scorn in which they held for Ronald Reagan.No, this goes farther. This is hatred on a deep, visceral level. A we’d-revert-to-violence-if-we-could-get-away-with-it hatred. They really, really hate him -- personally, politically, any way you can slice it.Here’s why: He’s not one of “them.”

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: John C 2/23/2020 7:09:59 AM (No. 327117)
Steve nails the hate. FTA: And he rubs the Democrats’ nose in it every single day, unashamedly and accurately pointing out that he’s accomplished in just three years what the Democrats couldn’t get done over many decades. He’s shown that his way is the right way. It produces results. The Democrats and the Fake News are too preoccupied with trying to derail his leadership, all because he sends out critical, no-holds-barred tweets that unapologetically pull back the curtain on D.C. corruption and the insidious insider nod-nod/wink-wink behavior that puts the needs of unethical bureaucrats over the needs of the American people. His success shows the Democrats that their way is wrong and his way is right.
63 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: franq 2/23/2020 7:10:31 AM (No. 327118)
I'm not one of "them" either, thank God. Pray for our President.
68 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: wilarrbie 2/23/2020 7:32:55 AM (No. 327135)
That much hate does not stay contained. Know they also hate every American citizen who does not activly confess that they hate him too.
68 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 2/23/2020 7:33:39 AM (No. 327137)
I'm hoping the hate brigade is less than 40%. I think some independents and minorities and youth and women that have benefitted from Trump's policies are at least recognizing that he has done some good. They may not agree with all his actions or his tone but they probably don't hate him either. Plus, those who do hate Trump have gone way past the line in how they are attacking him. Then it becomes obvious what they have done. Some have been fired. Some voted out of office. Many have been embarrassed. Some fair minded people have seen all this and realize how crazed the opposition is and Trump's often highly Presidential responses and I suspect there is no hate in these people either. Also, one of the repeating stories we hear is from Trump non supporters who go to one of his rallies and can't believe the sense of celebration and unity and their acceptance by the crowds, even when they make it clear they are NOT Trump supporters. People that go through an experience like that will find it hard to hate and question those who do. Some people that read about their experiences will also start to wonder whether anger against Trump is justified. We won't know until November how much hate there is in the Country.
33 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rob_NC 2/23/2020 7:37:38 AM (No. 327143)
Well the feeling is mutual.. God Guns Trump Wonder what the founders would think about the climate of todays politics.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mobyclik 2/23/2020 7:40:12 AM (No. 327146)
No offense Steve, but this is old news.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Rob_NC 2/23/2020 7:42:07 AM (No. 327148)
And yes I'm a card totting independent.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Daisymay 2/23/2020 7:42:38 AM (No. 327149)
I don't know where they get their numbers. Go to the Rallies! Every person there has been screened. The Trump people know exactly who was at the Rally. They know how many Democrats and how many people who didn't vote in the last election were there to hear him speak. I think there are vastly more who, if they don't love Trump, they respect him for what he has accomplished. Add them to those who really do love and support Trump and you have way more than 50% for Trump! I would bet 60% for Trump and a measley 40% for the Haters and freebie grabbers!
24 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: RuckusTom 2/23/2020 7:42:40 AM (No. 327150)
"... he’s accomplished in just three years what the Democrats couldn’t get done over many decades." "His success shows the Democrats that their way is wrong and his way is right." Add "and Republicans" after "Democrats" to the above.
33 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: The Remnants 2/23/2020 7:48:03 AM (No. 327153)
I've read that some hate him because he is a white, heterosexual. Christian man who is a husband, father and grandfather. Maybe for some, some of those traits annoy Some are annoyed that he behaves like a Chief Executive; remember the hearings when he, so obviously, upset the intelligence people because he did not always choose to do things their way? The globalists hate him because he sincerely loves this country, and people who love this country know they can believe him. Some are upset because he says he is going to accomplish things for the country and he does them. Might be more envy than hate.
28 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: bpl40 2/23/2020 7:55:02 AM (No. 327157)
Sorry for the second post. But I am more scared of a Deep State rogue Secret Service agent.
22 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Muguy 2/23/2020 8:04:12 AM (No. 327165)
This is not the first time we have seen this kind of hate-- and for many it has not subsided. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is STILL getting it, even after all these years. It has been going a LONG TIME tho the point that House Speaker Newt Gingrich was bringing books to press conferences to document the falsehoods. AS Rush has said, "It's not the facts of evidence of the matter, only the seriousness of the charge" they come up with is newsworhty. The common bedrock theme is this: The President and Justice Thomas are daily victims of what Justice Thomas said was a "high-tech lynching". In the case of the President, there have been CONSTANT false charges made with NO FACTS OR EVIDENCE and they are spewed 24/7 by the "drive-by" media, which is ALMOST ALL MEDIA these days. Both have survived and thrived WITHOUT coming through all the liberal programs that have hindered and enslaved others. They have had NO NEED for all the government programs to "help" them, and have repudiated the abject failure of such programs. There always seems to be one "crisis" after another in the media spin program wheel and it is NOTHING MORE than the latest "shiny object" to keep the public amused and the light OFF of the corruption that their leadership is trying to keep hidden.
34 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 2/23/2020 8:22:38 AM (No. 327185)
The root cause of the hate is, indeed, that the President is "not one of them"". The President is providing us with a glimpse under the skirt of the federal government and its inner workings. It's very bad and much worse than we all thought. The deep state and msm have been exposed for what they are. Greedy, corrupt and evil. These are the very things our founding fathers feared the most and sought to protect the citizenry from them with a Constitution. Feinstein hints that the political world would attempt to harm the President and/or his family if they thought they could. Don't fool yourself into believing that the deep state and msm have not raised the topic among themselves. This is my highest concern between now and November 2024. May God and His Divine Intervention continue to protect the President of the United States and his family. Meanwhile, the dims, deep state, msm, and the globalists will have to just keep on hating the President as they live out their miserable lives in the swamp.
38 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Catfur27 2/23/2020 8:48:48 AM (No. 327207)
I'm so glad I'm not "one of them " too...the dems used to be the party of the they are the party of the PPP...Parasites...Perverts...and Partial Birth baby killers.....I'm so glad I'm " not one of them "
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: HotRod 2/23/2020 9:01:02 AM (No. 327224)
FTA: ''Nearly 50% of the American political world hate President Trump.'' Another big reason, that is at the root of the hatred, is that many in the political world are there to make money from government corruption. It has become very easy to become rich as a politician, if you are willing to compromise principles. Many of those ''50%'' probably have a lot to lose because of President Trump. Legally, as well as financially!
21 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Mekkkk 2/23/2020 9:02:05 AM (No. 327226)
Many enemies much honor...or not?
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Strike3 2/23/2020 9:02:28 AM (No. 327227)
Most of the haters are clueless, ignorant sheep who hate but are unable to provide a reason. They were stirred up by the lies of the Congress, democrats, FBI, intelligence agencies, Hollywood, crooked judges, lawyers and "witnesses." I used to have some friends, otherwise intelligent people, who I no longer call friends. I know they can't help themselves but they must pay for their unreasonable hatred of what I believe in by remaining pariahs forever. There is no room in my life for such fools.
22 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Yuban 2/23/2020 9:05:29 AM (No. 327231)
There are plenty of Republicans that also hate the man. If the underbelly GOP would back our POTUS we could fix America. But alas, hate wins out over love of Country and thus Trump is merely postponing the inevitable. You think things are bad now, wait until 11/4/2020.
11 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: iraengneer 2/23/2020 9:05:35 AM (No. 327232)
The "in crowd" at the RNC hates him as much. The creeps who forced the Bush cabal on us, the ones who adored Ford and Romney and McCain ain't Rubio and ....
18 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: pros7767 2/23/2020 9:31:47 AM (No. 327262)
And all those reasons are why we LOVE him! And he loves us and America!
14 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Laotzu 2/23/2020 9:53:29 AM (No. 327280)
The hate him because he effectively stands in their way. And there is no tactic that is out-of-bounds when you're a zealot. So they tell any lie; they abuse any power; they destroy any person. You are correct #3. They hate us just a much, but we don't have the individual power that PDT does. So we just get unfriended. And our kids get lower grades on school work.
16 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: starboard 2/23/2020 10:08:33 AM (No. 327302)
50% is not accurate. It's an assumed number. If I had to guess the number of haters is closer to 25% and that's on the high side. These journalists are always making numbers up to get a headline. Liberal Democrats in this country are a fast track to Shrinksburgh. Many are throwing in the towel and crossing over to the Red side. The MAGA rallies don't lie. They had 20,000 people in Colorado Springs this week. The people of this country, whether Democrat or Republican, are Americans First. We love our country and want what's best for our children and grandchildren. We see President Trump as one of us. He speaks our language, maybe a bit rough at times. Let's be honest, isn't that how we speak at times. He fills people with optimism and inspires them to a higher ground. The Democrats have been absolutely brainless choosing identity politics as their party theme....instead of finding a person or persons who can bridge the divide and unite the country, not a group of complaining angry people who will circumvent their base and try to throw candy bars at non-American immigrants to pander for votes. The haters are fewer in number than is being reported. When it all boils down, the Democrat party needs to stop sounding like robotic fools with idiotic talking points from their media bros. They need be reborn again not for the few, but for the millions. Will they that... absolutely not! They just don't get it.
15 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Rinktum 2/23/2020 10:14:33 AM (No. 327305)
#13, Speaks for me. I believe most of us share those same thoughts regarding the state of politics today. The President has pulled back the curtain and revealed an extremely corrupt political system and political class. There is no going back to the way it was, Americans have seen too much. What we always feared has been conformed. There remains but two options. Destroy the deep state or it will destroy the country. God help our happy warrior to keep fighting against those who would enslave us in order to control us. God bless the President and every supporter out there in the country who is willing to reveal their support and those who are afraid to outwardly show their support. All we have to do is go to the polls on November 3, 2020 and ring the bell for freedom from the deep state. Now more than ever, Trump 2020 and every “R” down ballot! Dispatch the haters to the pit from which they came and watch the country unite and soar. Just to watch them wail and gnash their teeth will be totally satiafying.
15 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: NotaBene 2/23/2020 10:45:30 AM (No. 327332)
Democrats cheat. Voter fraud, illegals voting, vote harvesting. We need paper ballots an voter ID everywhere, this is not a fair system of government. Just look at Roger Stone versus Andy McCabe.
16 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Wendybird 2/23/2020 10:57:03 AM (No. 327348)
I’ve been waiting for an article that puts it straight out for a long time. Now I’m waiting for people (News people as well as we regular citizens) to start asking, when someone like Sanders claim that President Trump is “most dangerous” for America, or that he lies continuously, to give examples for their statements. That usually ends the conversation.
11 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: bamboozle 2/23/2020 11:04:17 AM (No. 327359)
Another reason that should be obvious, Mr. Trump opposes abortion which has become the unholy grail of the left. That alone would drive their psychotic rage.
12 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: red1066 2/23/2020 11:25:27 AM (No. 327379)
I disagree with the accepted notion that fifty percent of the people hate Trump. Watching nothing but network TV one would believe it so simply because 100% of the networks hate Trump.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: DVC 2/23/2020 11:26:24 AM (No. 327380)
Good points, all.
9 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 2/23/2020 11:44:38 AM (No. 327401)
"he accomplished in just three years what the Democrats couldn’t get done over many decades". No they hate him because he has done what they have refused to do for decades. Sure the swamp promises to do these things every election but they never intended to do them, in fact they usually do the opposite.
13 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Smart11344 2/23/2020 1:25:48 PM (No. 327512)
Why is being successful something you hate? Rottem, despicable democrats.
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Reply 31 - Posted by: or gate 2/23/2020 2:08:27 PM (No. 327556)
They hate Trump because they are loosing money flowing in from all over the world in their crooked trade deals. The old one for you and two for me trick.
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Reply 32 - Posted by: XCenturion 2/23/2020 3:39:28 PM (No. 327612)
Poor establishment Democrats, RINO's and their pathetic minions. Having someone like President Trump live rent free in your pea brains must be agonizing. We can only hope that people like you, that are filled with so much hate and rage, will rot from the inside out!
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Reply 33 - Posted by: udanja99 2/23/2020 6:56:10 PM (No. 327731)
They hate him because he’s not Hillary.
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Reply 34 - Posted by: Falconer 2/23/2020 10:08:59 PM (No. 327864)
I agree with #26. The elephant in the room is abortion. The lefties are terrified that Trump will get to nominate more conservative justices to the Supreme Court. This is IMO, the root cause of their vitriol.
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Posted by Imright 2/26/2022 10:09:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 2/26/2022 7:22:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 2/27/2022 3:04:38 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 2/26/2022 9:50:11 PM Post Reply
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30 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/26/2022 2:00:34 PM Post Reply
Even as the omicron variant loosens its grip on the world, destinations continue to require travelers to show proof of vaccination. And, increasingly, a paper CDC vaccination card is not cutting it. While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights. And very soon,
US Freedom Convoy Trucker Left Stranded
After Penske Corporation Turns Off Power
Remotely to His Rental Truck
28 replies
Posted by Imright 2/26/2022 12:59:29 PM Post Reply
Texas Trucker Jeff Sandberg was left stranded this week after Penske Corporation turned off the power remotely to his truck.Sandberg was heading to Washington DC with the Freedom Convoy truckers. Penske shut down his vehicle on the road and later released a statement on how the company does not support the freedom protests.(Photo) Sandberg’s truck was hauling “Let’s go Brandon!” and “People’s Convoy” signs.Yahoo reported: A Burkburnett man taking part in a national truck convoy protest found himself without a ride Friday.Jeff Sandberg has been vocal in his support of the convoy on social media and was driving a rig
Democrats are using the 14th Amendment
to threaten Republican candidates
26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/27/2022 5:26:03 AM Post Reply
As the midterm 2022 elections approach, the expectation is that, with thirty Democrat House retirements and the continued unraveling of the Biden Administration, the Dems are about to experience historic losses in both the House and Senate. However, the evil geniuses within the Democrat party have identified the Fourteenth Amendment as a vehicle to thwart Republican dreams of achieving a massive political realignment. Therefore, it may be shortsighted to count the one-time party of Jefferson as down-and-out until the last glimmering frenzy has been extinguished. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment was amended to add Section 3, also known as the Disqualification Clause.
Biden admin says it will keep working
with Putin in ‘important areas,’ likely
climate change
25 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 2/26/2022 10:11:13 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s State Department said on Friday that the administration will continue to work with Russia when it comes to areas that are of “overriding importance.” While the department did not say exactly what those areas include, the spokesman’s comments come days after U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he hopes “President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.” (snip) State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters that while the U.S.’s relationship with Moscow is “very different” following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Biden administration will continue to “engage” with Putin in certain areas.
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