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“Havana Syndrome” is the Greatest
Scandal in the History of American Intelligence

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Posted By: Christopher L, 9/6/2024 1:09:11 PM

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" one of those Philosophy 101 questions which many of us have endured as students. But is there still a scandal if the powers that be insist that there is no scandal? Such is the strange place where American spooks find themselves thanks to the unprecedented saga surrounding the so-called Havana Syndrome. Here, the leadership of the Intelligence Community has conspired with the White House and Biden administration to deny and conceal that hostile intelligence services are attacking and crippling Americans

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Timber Queen 9/6/2024 2:34:31 PM (No. 1791383)
The traitors in charge won't even protect the patriots in the intelligence community. Electing Donald Trump President again is only one battle in our great fight to win back America. Pray hard, patriots. The soul of our nation is at stake. In God We Trust.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Pnstrpilot 9/6/2024 2:35:01 PM (No. 1791384)
Interesting article. Just as an aside, I have not heard or uttered TSU since my stint in the ASA in the '70's.
4 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bgarrett 9/6/2024 4:20:13 PM (No. 1791421)
why arent we sending this weapon to Ukraine so they can defeat Russians??
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Reply 4 - Posted by: mythman 9/6/2024 7:26:41 PM (No. 1791511)
The answer to this perennial question of the tree is, "Yes it does." If the rejoinder is made, "How do you know, if nobody heard it", then you reply "How do you know it fell, if nobody saw it?"
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 9/7/2024 7:24:34 AM (No. 1791669)
If our government complains about hostile Intel agency behavior we will have to make our own people behave. That's not going to happen. Breaking the laws and having it covered up under a layer of secrecy is the name of the game and has been since the CIA was born in the 1940s.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: mc squared 9/7/2024 11:36:00 AM (No. 1791829)
"You get more of what you tolerate" If we know what it is, how can we not have an effective anti-weapon? We just accept it.
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“Havana Syndrome” is the Greatest
Scandal in the History of American Intelligence
6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 9/6/2024 1:09:11 PM Post Reply
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" one of those Philosophy 101 questions which many of us have endured as students. But is there still a scandal if the powers that be insist that there is no scandal? Such is the strange place where American spooks find themselves thanks to the unprecedented saga surrounding the so-called Havana Syndrome. Here, the leadership of the Intelligence Community has conspired with the White House and Biden administration to deny and conceal that hostile intelligence services are attacking and crippling Americans
Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO
led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine
16 replies
Posted by Christopher L 7/23/2024 2:11:37 PM Post Reply
On the frontlines near this old industrial city, soldiers in the trenches say a shortage of an all-important munition – the 155 millimeter artillery shell – has turned the war in Russia’s favor. The causes of the shell crisis began years ago. They are rooted in decisions and miscalculations made by the U.S. military and its NATO allies that occurred well before Russia’s 2022 invasion, a Reuters investigation found. A decade of strategic, funding and production mistakes played a far greater role in the shell shortage than did the recent U.S. congressional delays of aid, Reuters found.
Forbidden Fruit and the Classroom: The
Huge American Sex-Abuse Scandal That Educators
Scandalously Suppress
14 replies
Posted by Christopher L 7/20/2024 5:18:24 PM Post Reply
Every day millions of parents put their children under the care of public school teachers, administrators, and support staff. Their trust, however, is frequently broken by predators in authority in what appears to be the largest ongoing sexual abuse scandal in our nation’s history. Given the roughly 50 million students in U.S. K-12 schools each year, the number of students who have been victims of sexual misconduct by school employees is probably in the millions each decade, according to multiple studies. Such numbers would far exceed the high-profile abuse scandals that rocked the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts.
The Only Crimes Are Political Now 2 replies
Posted by Christopher L 7/19/2024 1:42:41 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One teen was charged with a first degree felony, bail was set at $15,000. On Saturday, in another Washington thousands of miles away, Hamas supporters rioted near the White House. They threw bottles and vandalized national monuments Two Park Police officers were injured, but not one arrest was made. Not a single arrest for the assault on a federal employee. If only they had done some donuts on a ’Pride’ mural, they might be in jail now.
Jack Phillips Is Back in Court 12 replies
Posted by Christopher L 6/20/2024 1:39:12 PM Post Reply
America’s favorite baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, is back in front of the Colorado supreme court today for yet another round of state-sponsored persecution. The question before the court: Does the First Amendment apply in Colorado, or can the state continue to harass, target, and bully speakers who don’t ascend to the state’s view of cultural issues, in direct contradiction of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings? That is not hyperbole. The Supreme Court already ruled once that Colorado unconstitutionally targeted Phillips for his religious beliefs. It also ruled a year ago that Colorado law to compel speech violates the First Amendment. 
Today’s blacklisted American: Federal
court rules conservative kids have no
free speech rights
14 replies
Posted by Christopher L 6/12/2024 1:05:25 PM Post Reply
They’re coming for you next: In a ruling that completely contradicts long standing court rulings that had insisted the first amendment allowed students to wear T-shirts and armbands with whatever political statements they wished, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on June 9, 2024 ruled that a Massachusetts middle school had the right to censor and ban a 12-year-old boy wearing a shirt that said “There are only two genders.”
Lenin everlasting 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 6/1/2024 1:39:31 PM Post Reply
Later in this issue, Gary Saul Morson writes about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s masterwork The Gulag Archipelago. Much of that book is devoted to the details of the dehumanizing brutality of the Stalinist regime: in which terror had its roots in the brief but brutal reign of Vladimir Lenin. This year marks the centenary of Lenin’s death. In January 1924, the consummate communist, having blighted as many lives as he could in his two years of rule, finally shuffled off his mortal coil, aged fifty-three. “That was young,” you may say. But we reply, “Not nearly young enough.”
Will Argentina Save The West? 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 5/8/2024 11:53:56 AM Post Reply
That’s not a headline I ever expected to write, even in satire. But the current experiment in Argentina, under the presidency of Javier Milei, is perhaps grounds for hope that at some point when things get so bad, voters return to their senses. (I’m looking at you, California and Minnesota.) He may not succeed, but the attempt is certainly inspiring. Milei gave a speech a few days ago at the Milken Institute’s annual conference. Here are some of the best parts:
EVs Enter the Doom Loop 10 replies
Posted by Christopher L 5/1/2024 10:32:22 AM Post Reply
The irrational exuberance of the electric vehicle bubble is reaching its denouement, as legacy automakers are backing off of their previously ambitious EV sales and production goals, proposed new EV manufacturing plants are being suspended, and lithium battery manufacturing operations are laying off workers. There is an almost predictable storyline in how these ventures have played out, which is reminiscent of the dot-com bubble of a quarter-century ago, except that the dot-com bubble wasn’t suffused in eco-virtuousness nor did the companies of its era receive such heavy public subsidization before going bust.
Special Counsel Jack Smith Lacks Standing
to Defend the D.C. Circuit's ruling on
Presidential Immunity in the Supreme Court
3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 4/22/2024 11:44:45 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, April 25th the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Trump v. United States. I have signed an amicus brief in this case, along with former Attorneys General Ed Meese, Michael Mukasey, (snip)  We claim that because Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed, he therefore lacks standing to defend the order of the D.C. Circuit denying Donald Trump's claim of inherent presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for acts taken while serving as President. Smith can no more defend the lower court order than can any random person picked off the street.
Tariq Speaks 1 reply
Posted by Christopher L 4/9/2024 2:48:56 PM Post Reply
The IDF has released video of the highlights of its interrogation of Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman Tariq Salami Otha Abu Shoulf. As IDF Lt. Col. (reserve) Peter Lerner puts it, “In his interrogation he reveals in simple terms how they organize the mass manipulation of the media.” As we have all seen over the years, it’s not too difficult. The terrorists and their allies have had it worked out for some time. Lt. Col. Lerner is frustrated that this video will not get the publicity it deserves.
The Biden administration’s war against
the government of Israel
6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 4/8/2024 10:01:32 AM Post Reply
The war rages in the Gaza Strip, northern Israel, Lebanon, Eilat and on the streets of Israel’s cities as Iran’s Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni proxies maintain and escalate their operations against the Jewish state. Unmoved by this state of affairs, Israel’s far left is reinstating the anti-government riots that occurred regularly through the first three-quarters of 2023. (snip)  there are a number of reasons this is happening. But perhaps the main one was revealed by riot leader Ami Dror.  In that communication, Dror told his colleagues that the White House was asking them to reinstate the riots.
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Lifelong Republican and former Vice President
Dick Cheney breaks with GOP to back Kamala
Harris, daughter says
67 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/6/2024 4:51:51 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Dick Cheney, a lifelong Republican, will vote for Kamala Harris for president, his daughter Liz Cheney said Friday. (snip) In a campaign ad for Liz Cheney as she sought a fourth term as Wyoming’s lone congressperson, Dick Cheney called Trump a “coward” for trying to “steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him.” The ad did little good for his daughter in a deep-red state that once held the Cheney family dear but is now thoroughly in Trump’s corner. By a 2-to-1 margin, Liz Cheney lost her Republican primary to Trump-endorsed attorney Harriet Hageman.
Liz Cheney Says Her and her Father Will
Vote for Kamala Harris
56 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/7/2024 10:49:40 AM Post Reply
There are many people who still do not quite fully understand and accept the role of the Intelligence Community (IC) in the manipulation of American politics. Perhaps this recent announcement by Liz Cheney and her father, Dick Cheney the former Defense Secretary, will awaken a few more. Go back to the 2016 election and the rise of outsider, then candidate Donald Trump. There was one other genuine outsider in the race, Ben Carson. Who was moved into position as Carson’s campaign manager during that well-documented “splitter strategy” effort to install the Hillary Clinton/Jeb Bush illusion of choice? Answer: Mary Cheney. Yes, the IC has a lot of ways to wrap their tentacles
Scientist calls for Americans to cut off
air conditioning in summer, claiming it
causes global warming
47 replies
Posted by Wetenschapper 9/7/2024 10:41:16 AM Post Reply
A scientist is calling for Americans to cut off air conditioning after refusing to use it for 25 years during the throes of the summer in order to combat climate change. Stan Cox is an Ecosphere Fellow at the Land Institute who also believes the U.S. military is an "enemy" to mitigating climate change. He wrote a guest essay in the New York Times on Saturday, "I Swore Off Air-Conditioning, and You Can, Too," claiming that "air-conditioning is making our summers even hotter" due to climate change.
I'm Outta Here! 'Disgusted' Alan Dershowitz
Announces He's Ditching the Democratic Party
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/6/2024 10:51:30 PM Post Reply
Harvard Professor of Law Emeritus Alan Dershowitz has proven to be a wealth of (often but not always) solid commentary and analysis in recent years, as he is one of the few on the left side of the political aisle who’s been willing to point out that much of the endless Democrat lawfare against Donald Trump has been a banana republic style of justice and runs counter to our Constitution. He’s also been a lifelong Democrat, which has been head-scratching to me. I sometimes wish I could ask, “How can you be a lifelong Democrat—did you hear what you yourself just said?”
Joe’s pardoning of Hunter will seal
historians’ judgment on Joe
22 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 9/6/2024 7:02:57 PM Post Reply
Hunter, it seems, just can’t get a break. First, he gets convicted of all three counts on an illegal gun purchase. That doesn’t sound like much but it carries a potential 25-year sentence. Bad luck, that conviction. This week, his trial for tax evasion was to begin. At the last minute, he trotted out a scheme where he pleads guilty without admitting guilt. (It’s a lawyer thing.) The prosecutors were having none of it, and the judge was skeptical. So then, Hunter just entered a straight guilty plea on all nine counts. They carry a potential 17-year sentence. If he were sentenced to the maximum on both the gun and the tax charges,
Who Really Is Barack Obama? A Counterintelligence Inquiry 22 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/6/2024 3:20:18 PM Post Reply
Donald J. Trump is back in the news regarding intelligence. The former president who’s again the GOP’s nominee for the office announced that he won’t be receiving classified intelligence briefings as our Nov. 5 election approaches. Although major party nominees for the White House have received such briefings from the Intelligence Community in recent decades, to prepare them for the national security demands of the Oval Office if elected, Trump is refusing such briefings on the grounds that he doesn’t want to be accused of leaking any classified information
Guess Who Showed Up as Cops Were Arresting
Fani Willis' Daughter
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/6/2024 12:24:52 PM Post Reply
Just when you thought you were safe from headlines about Fani Willis, she somehow manages to make news. This time, Fani is in the news not for something she did but because she inserted herself into her daughter’s legal issues. This week, we’ve learned that police arrested Fani’s daughter Kinaya Willis on Aug. 24 for driving with a suspended license in Tyrone, Ga., a suburban area south of Atlanta. Atlanta News First has the details: Around 7 p.m. on Aug. 24, a Tyrone police officer saw a Nissan Altima with “a female driver holding a cellphone to her ear” on Highway 74
Chicago columnist says he'd rather get
rid of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu than Hamas
20 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/6/2024 12:01:03 PM Post Reply
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg wrote this week that he’d sooner see the world rid of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu than the terror group Hamas. In a recent column decrying the horrors of Israel’s war in Gaza – which he stated are being unleashed by both sides – Steinberg mentioned his belief that Netanyahu is a more destructive force than the terror group that killed or kidnapped nearly 1500 people in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. "If I had a choice between getting rid of Hamas and getting rid of Netanyahu, I’d choose Netanyahu," Steinberg said,
Florida Doctor Allegedly Removed Patient's
Liver Instead of Spleen, Killing Him
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/6/2024 8:29:38 AM Post Reply
An Alabama man entered a Florida hospital for a procedure to remove his spleen. On Aug. 21, medical records provided to USA Today by Zarzaur Law show that "Dr. Thomas Shaknovsky performed a hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy procedure on William “Bill” Bryan, 70, from Muscle Shoals, Alabama." Bryan's widow claims that Shaknovsky mistakenly removed his liver instead of his spleen. “Dr. Shaknovsky removed Mr. Bryan’s liver and, in so doing, transected the major vasculature supplying the liver, causing immediate and catastrophic blood loss resulting in death,” the statement from the law firm said. “The surgeon proceeded with labeling the removed liver specimen as a 'spleen,' and it wasn’t until following the death
Jonathan Turley Says He Thinks ‘Merchan
Was Aware’ Sentencing Trump Before Election
Would Help Him Win
19 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/6/2024 5:02:59 PM Post Reply
George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley on Friday said that Judge Juan Merchan’s decision to delay former President Donald Trump’s sentencing could be an effort to avoid boosting his campaign. Merchan had scheduled Trump’s sentencing for Sept. 18, but on Friday, he postponed the date to Nov. 26 “if necessary,” according to his order. Turley, on “America Reports,” claimed that Merchan’s rulings against Trump during his case were advantageous to his reelection bid, suggesting that maintaining the September sentencing date would have further intensified support for the former president.
Alarm grows over possible RFK Jr. role
at HHS if Trump wins
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/6/2024 12:07:54 PM Post Reply
The possibility of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. becoming Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary if former President Trump wins has rankled Democrats and the public health community as he gains influence within the former president’s transition team. Speculation about Kennedy’s future role has grown after Nicole Shanahan, who was Kennedy’s running mate before he suspended his campaign last month, said recently that he would do “an incredible job” at HHS should Trump win in November.
Scientific ‘Experts’ Are Upset That
COVID Vaccine Propaganda is No Longer Working
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/6/2024 12:14:53 PM Post Reply
Infectious disease experts are upset that four years on from the coronavirus pandemic, members of the public are no longer listening to their “recommendations” regarding vaccines and other supposed prevention methods against COVID-19. According to a report from the leftist The Guardian newspaper, infectious disease experts are complaining that COVID-19 is still a massive threat to the public and people need to continue taking booster vaccines at every opportunity. The report states: Infectious disease experts say many people are not taking the latest Covid-19 wave in the US seriously enough and are not getting vaccinated
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