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NYT Faces Heat After Claiming Biden Has
'Striking Stamina' Despite Repeated Senior Moments

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/4/2023 8:50:58 PM

The New York Times faces criticism after publishing an article attempting to paint President Joe Biden as a young, vibrant man who never embarrasses himself or the country. Titled "Inside the Complicated Reality of Being America's Oldest President," reporters Peter Baker, Michael Shear, Katie Rogers, and Zolan Kanno-Youngs fawned over Biden's achievements, describing him as a "fit, sharp" 80-year-old who has "striking stamina." "The two Joe Bidens coexist in the same octogenarian president: Sharp and wise at critical moments,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: WesternTradition 6/4/2023 9:03:10 PM (No. 1484666)
I don't care how crazy left a person is, no one is going to believe this insanity.
51 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jfodoch 6/4/2023 9:09:03 PM (No. 1484669)
I've said for years that biden's gaffs and treasonous remarks are due to a mental illness -- but that doesn't mean he gets a walk (whatever that means to you), BTW delaware voters, I hope you ROT !!!
26 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 6/4/2023 9:11:36 PM (No. 1484670)
Really, seriously? We all have a family member or friend who is suffering or has suffered from Alzheimer's or other form of dementia. We know it when we see it. This is it and they damn well know it. They will lie about anything and everything.
52 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: downnout 6/4/2023 9:16:43 PM (No. 1484671)
Is it April Fools Day??
29 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 6/4/2023 9:20:19 PM (No. 1484672)
The many toxic pukes at the Times wish for the praise coming from the Demented Fuhrer. He is their "Savior".
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: hoopsfan 6/4/2023 9:23:53 PM (No. 1484677)
From the NYT piece: Titled "Inside the Complicated Reality of Being America's Oldest President," reporters Peter Baker, Michael Shear, Katie Rogers, and Zolan Kanno-Youngs fawned over Biden's achievements, describing him as a "fit, sharp" 80-year-old who has "striking stamina." They needed 4 writers to come up with this fable? Or just wanted group coverage for their lies? I sometimes think the NYT reporters actually believe the garbage they put out, but really...?
38 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 6/4/2023 9:30:51 PM (No. 1484681)
Zero stamina.
23 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Lawsy0 6/4/2023 9:33:01 PM (No. 1484683)
I wish Peter Baker, Michael Shear, Katie Rogers, and Zolan Kanno-Youngs lotsa luck as they whistle past the Used Politician Car Lot. If I were feeling a bit more prophetic, I'd have said ''past the graveyard of broken liberals.'' Maybe they are the false prophets; ones who can see clearly, but choose to lie about it.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 6/4/2023 9:45:05 PM (No. 1484687)
Peter Baker went to Oberlin. That's all we need to know. Stop reading.
36 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: jasmine 6/4/2023 9:51:25 PM (No. 1484690)
Having to watch a senile old man fall down hard, lose his train of thought, and forget where he is is is bad enough. Being told he is “sharp” or has “striking stamina” exposes the desperation of the radical left and its media lapdogs. Nobody believes that nonsense. As another poster noted, Biden’s age related decline is obvious to millions of Americans who know from experience how elderly loved ones and their need to be cared for goes in only one direction. It gets worse. Biden’s condition can no longer be hidden. How ironic that Democrats spent four years trying to get Donald Trump thrown out of office as “unfit” even as he put Americans FIRST. Today Democrats are on a fool’s errand, trying to persuade Americans Joe Biden is perfectly fit, and no one should worry about what we can see and interpret for ourselves, and with no need of “help” of the NYT.
34 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Chiritwo 6/4/2023 9:58:56 PM (No. 1484695)
I play golf with people who are about 5-6 yrs older than biden. They can run circles around him. It's such an insult to American's that soros, obama etc really running America. (the press is very quiet on this -shame on them) Jill, you should be ashamed of yourself for letting Joe be the butt of their disasters.
28 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: NorthernDog 6/4/2023 10:12:26 PM (No. 1484699)
I seem to recall the media claimed Ruth Bader Ginsburg was as fit as a fiddle. She even left her exercise coach in the dust. In reality she was battling cancer for the third time and confirmed sightings of her became rarer than the Loch Ness Monster.
27 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Krause 6/4/2023 10:26:14 PM (No. 1484703)
When actually he’s the biggest eff-up we’ve ever had as a president. He’s done nothing right!
26 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/4/2023 10:31:34 PM (No. 1484704)
All the lies that are fit to print.
24 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: leonardo 6/4/2023 10:55:29 PM (No. 1484708)
People @ The NY Times seem to just be addicted to lying. And there are so many fools who just believe them. “The COVID VACCINE prevents infections and transmission.” “The illegals’ invasion is designed for humanitarian reasons.” Get over it Dems and stop being SO gullible!
18 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Birddog 6/4/2023 11:15:31 PM (No. 1484715)
"If it walks like a lame duck, quacks like a lame duck, its clearly a...SWAN, an amazing, Super Swan of Brilliance!"- NYT
20 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Birddog 6/4/2023 11:29:35 PM (No. 1484720)
Noooo...."Striking Stamina" would apply to Mick Jagger, the same age as Biden. Compare the two.
19 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Omen55 6/5/2023 12:10:50 AM (No. 1484725)
The Grey Lady is as senile as Joey.
16 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 6/5/2023 3:03:29 AM (No. 1484748)
I read two paragraphs and realized that this article could have been describing a member of the Soviet Politburo before Gorbachev when drooling and feeble old men were running Russia. This NYT's article was pure pro-Democrat propaganda.
14 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: HisHandmaiden 6/5/2023 3:03:38 AM (No. 1484749)
Pray for him, and America… I sincerely believe The Almighty is allowing all this evil to happen in America to bring others around the World to a saving knowledge of Himself, Christ, The Lord. MAGA
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: mifla 6/5/2023 4:31:54 AM (No. 1484754)
The President who is on vacation 40% of the time, wraps up his day in the early afternoon, and takes no questions has stamina. Whatever.
12 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Mr Clean 6/5/2023 5:47:16 AM (No. 1484780)
9 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: nwcudagal 6/5/2023 6:08:27 AM (No. 1484782)
Good grief! I'm 69 and I definitely have "senior moments". Biden is brain-dead.
11 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: BirdsNest 6/5/2023 6:20:36 AM (No. 1484785)
"Striking stamina" keeps striking him right to the ground.
10 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: rytwng 6/5/2023 6:35:30 AM (No. 1484794)
He has always been an idiot.
10 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: franq 6/5/2023 7:36:19 AM (No. 1484822)
Ha, he'll just Power Through™ it, like Sir Edmund did with her pneumonia. The press takes us for stupid.
6 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: bpl40 6/5/2023 7:36:37 AM (No. 1484823)
Gobbelsian gaslighting. Tell a lie repeatedly and growing percentage of people begin to believe you.
5 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: privateer 6/5/2023 7:41:44 AM (No. 1484825)
The Shameful, Traitorous And Hideous Travesty Of Being America's Crookedest Fake President.
6 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Hazymac 6/5/2023 7:49:31 AM (No. 1484831)
"...Fit, sharp, striking stamina...." Utterly ridiculous. The Resident has one foot in the grave, and it's clear to all except those in the thrall of political lies. Why does the NYT have to lie its ass off day after day? The national press really is the enemy of the American people. They should all be unemployed.
6 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Rather Read 6/5/2023 8:46:37 AM (No. 1484864)
Go to youtube and look up some recent videos of Mick Jagger. He is the same age as Joe Biden and still gives concerts. He also is very athletic and has real stamina. Joe is weak and disoriented.
4 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: LadyVet 6/5/2023 8:49:34 AM (No. 1484869)
Pollyanna here, looking on the bright side: the NYT loses credibility whenever they print garbage like this and people are less likely to believe other interpretations of "news," knowing for sure that they cannot even see what is in front of their face.
3 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Strike3 6/5/2023 8:53:33 AM (No. 1484874)
How about "barely sparking synapses?" Biden's light bulb is about to go "pop."
3 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: Kafka2 6/5/2023 9:21:51 AM (No. 1484894)
The gray lady of media should update its motto. “All the propaganda to push our agenda “
2 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Venturer 6/5/2023 10:05:47 AM (No. 1484943)
I am 80 years old, the same as Joe Biden. That buffoon could not work with me for an hour. Fit-Sharp- Cmon man, let him work with me for a day and he will be in bed for a week if he survives.
5 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: chagrined 6/5/2023 10:56:09 AM (No. 1484978)
I'd say a bad case of Syphilis many moons ago affected 'ol pervy joe's mind.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 3:10:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 1:36:57 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris made remarks from the South Lawn of the White House Monday as President Joe Biden remains missing in action after a COVID-19 diagnosis on July 17 and in the aftermath of ending his 2024 campaign Sunday afternoon. (X Video) While Biden still has no scheduled events on his official calendar Harris, the presumptive Democrat nominee after landing a series of high profile endorsements over the past 24 hours, is headed to Wilmington Monday afternoon for a campaign event later this week. "At 3:10 PM ET, the Vice President will travel to Wilmington, Delaware for a campaign engagement," official White House guidance states.
Where's the President? Biden MIA After
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 12:49:04 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden hasn't been seen in public since last week when the White House announced he contracted COVID-19 and was headed to his Delaware beach house to recover. "Earlier today following his first event in Las Vegas, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19. He is vaccinated and boosted and he is experiencing mild symptoms. He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. The White House will provide regular updates on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation," White House Press Secretary
I’ve Been Right About EVERYTHING So
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 12:46:26 PM Post Reply
Why doubt me now? My track record is the best in media history. I’m batting close to 1000%. Here are just a few of my recent hits… *On 12/24/21 right here at TGP, I predicted the great Donald J. Trump comeback. When no one else thought he had a chance, I predicted Trump would steamroll the 2024 GOP nomination and become the favorite for President. At that time Trump had a fan club of one- me! *Since the first Alvin Bragg indictment of Trump, I’ve predicted each indictment and conviction would make him stronger.
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 12:42:26 PM Post Reply
The Secret Service's director Kimberly Cheatle has been slammed for her 'stupidity' and 'BS excuse' that snipers were not present on the roof used by would-be assassin Thomas Crooks because it was 'too sloped'. Speaking to ABC News on Tuesday, Cheatle claimed that agents were not positioned on top of the sloped building, deeming it too dangerous - despite images from the scene showing Secret Service snipers set up on a sloped roof behind where Trump was delivering his speech. Former Army Ranger Sean Powell was among those who registered his outrage with Cheatle's 'BS excuse' a rage filled tweet.
Mega migrant caravan from dozens of countries
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 3:07:45 AM Post Reply
A major migrant caravan is making its way towards the United States, hoping to reach the southern border before the November election out of fear that if former President Donald Trump wins, he may close the border. 'We are running the risk that permits [to cross the border] might be blocked,' said Miguel Salazar, a migrant from El Salvador. He said he worried that a new Trump administration might stop granting appointments to migrants through CBP One, the app migrants use to enter the US legally — by getting appointments at U.S. border posts, where they make their cases to officials.
A look back at Biden’s more than 50-year
career in politics
18 replies
Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 2:47:40 AM Post Reply
When President Biden leaves the White House in January, it will mark the spectacular end of a career in politics that spanned five decades. Biden, 81, ended his 2024 re-election effort Sunday in the wake of his disastrous June 27 debate performance against former President Donald Trump, which precipitated calls from the Democratic establishment for the octogenarian career politician to drop out of the race. Here’s a look back at the president’s more than 50 years in public office: It all started in Delaware (Photo) Biden got his first taste of politics in 1970, after winning a seat on the New Castle County Council
Look Who's Eyeing Vance's Senate Seat 7 replies
Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 2:34:00 AM Post Reply
Former Republican presidential candidate and Ohio businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has signaled he would be interested in taking Sen. JD Vance’s (R-OH) Senate seat if he becomes the next vice president. Ramaswamy said he feels he has a strong obligation to serve the country and that his main concern is the regulatory state. “If I was asked to serve, I would consider it. Absolutely," he said during the Republican National Convention (RNC). “But I would also want to have a serious conversation with President Trump about the other ways I could have an impact on the country.”
Frank Biden makes shocking statement about
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 2:31:18 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's youngest brother said Sunday that he believed the 81-year-old was bowing out of the race due to health concerns. Frank Biden made comments to both CBS and ABC News, telling CBS 'in my humble opinion absolutely' the president's health was part of Biden's decision to announce that he wouldn't run for reelection - endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in the process. 'Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we has left,' Frank Biden told CBS. He also told ABC News that the decision 'boils down' to Biden's 'overall health and vitality' but also 'beating this genuine threat t
Report: Joe Manchin Considering Rejoining
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Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 2:27:53 AM Post Reply
Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) is considering rejoining the Democratic Party and jumping into the presidential race, according to several reports. Fox News’s Bret Baier reported that Manchin, who left the Democratic Party in May and registered as an independent, is “considering re-registering as a Democrat and throwing his hat into the ring for President.” Manchin has been described as being a moderate Democrat.Baier added that CNN anchor Jake Tapper had been the first to report the news. (X) In a post on X, Tapper wrote that “sources close to” Manchin had revealed the senator is “considering re-registering” with the Democratic Party.
Pro-Trump Super PAC HAMMERS Kamala Harris
in Brutal Ad After Biden Drops Out of
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Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 9:30:05 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. “My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.” Biden said on X.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/21/2024 2:06:35 PM Post Reply
President Biden made the historically rare decision Sunday to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, less than four months after being declared the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee and days after a dismal debate showing. The 81-year-old president’s exit from the race – months before Election Day – comes after a debate performance against former President Donald Trump in which the incumbent appeared infirm and was at times incoherent – alarming Democratic donors and strategists. Biden’s withdrawal is expected to set off a free-for-all for the Democratic nomination for president.
Barack Obama doesn’t endorse Kamala
Harris, says Dems will pick ‘outstanding nominee’
38 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 4:24:36 PM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama didn’t endorse Kamala Harris — saying Democrats would pick an unnamed “outstanding nominee” in his first statement on President Biden stepping aside from the party’s ticket. “We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” said Obama, 62. “But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.” Some Democrats fear that Harris, the 59-year-old vice president, could further diminish the party’s chances against former President Donald Trump, 78, in the Nov. 5 election.
It’s Happening: Alex Soros Calls For
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30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 5:34:33 PM Post Reply
Shortly after Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 Presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee, Alex Soros, the son of billionaire philanthropist George Soros, also supported Kamala Harris as Biden’s replacement. Alex Soros, who chairs the Board of Directors of the Open Society Foundations, wrote in a post on X, “It’s time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump.” Soros continued, “She is the best and most qualified candidate we have.” “Long live the American Dream!” concluded Soros.
People are questioning whether Biden actually
resigned or was the victim of a coup
29 replies
Posted by DVC 7/21/2024 11:31:18 PM Post Reply
For now, I’m taking at face value that Biden has withdrawn from the presidential campaign via a tweeted-out letter, with the promise of a live statement to follow. However, a surprising number of people believe that, considering how consequential Biden’s statement is, a tweeted-out letter suggests a coup rather than a voluntary resignation. More than anything, this reveals how the Biden administration has destroyed all trust in the government. To catch you up on things, Biden put out two separate tweets. The first, at 1:46 p.m. Eastern Time, announced his resignation:
Whom could Kamala Harris pick as VP? Here
are 10 top contenders
29 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 5:27:29 PM Post Reply
All eyes are on Vice President Kamala Harris after President Biden’s Beltway-shaking decision to drop out of the 2024 race — as speculation runs wild over whom she would tap as a running mate if she snags the nomination. Harris quickly emerged as the front-runner to replace Biden as the Democratic Party’s standard bearer but has not dropped any major hints about whom she’d like to have as a running mate. Given the rushed circumstances of the decision, she will have very little time to vet them and ensure that they’d work well together. (Snip) Here are 10 people she could choose from:
You Knew It Was Coming: Lib Writer Pushes
for Hillary Clinton to Replace Biden on
Democratic Ticket
27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2024 8:27:31 AM Post Reply
I’ve argued previously that former first lady and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would like one more bite at the apple, and as Biden’s reelection candidacy implodes, her name has popped up once again. Frankly, I’m surprised it’s taken this long. The Hill opinion contributor Pablo O’Hana thinks Rodham Clinton is just the woman who can save the president’s chances: “But who?” "The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Where's Joe? What's Going On? Is Any of
This Really Happening?
26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/22/2024 2:56:09 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday afternoon. Everyone saw his post on X. In a follow-up message on X, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidential nomination, and Democrat leaders began lining up (with the notable exception of Barack Obama) to endorse her. The controversy over Biden’s dementia and ability to perform the duties of president appears to be over, although the nagging and quite large issue remains of whether he is able to perform the duties of president for the next seven months. And yet almost immediately, questions about the way Biden withdrew began to swirl,
Woke media goes into meltdown as CNN's
Van Jones CRIES on air and MSNBC's Rachel
Maddow shares utter disbelief after Biden
steps down
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2024 4:18:58 PM Post Reply
Liberal media spiraled into a meltdown on Sunday afternoon following the historic news that Democrat Joe Biden stepped out of the 2024 presidential race. CNN's Van Jones broke down in tears live on-air while speaking about Biden's decision to back out of the race and give the Democratic ticket up to Kamala Harris. Meanwhile on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow gave viewers an emblazoned speech about how Biden's decision to shy away from the election is not what he would have truly wanted - instead it's something he's done for the good of the country.
Treasury warns that anti-woke banking
laws like Florida’s are a national security risk
22 replies
Posted by sunset 7/21/2024 4:36:49 AM Post Reply
The Treasury Department is warning that state laws that restrict banks from considering environmental, social and governance factors could harm efforts to address money laundering and terrorism financing. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter sent Thursday to lawmakers. The letter singled out a law signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May that says it would be an “unsafe and unsound practice” for banks to consider non-financial factors when doing business. The letter concludes that “such laws create uncertainty and may inhibit” national security efforts. Conservative Republicans such as DeSantis have sought to block environmental and socially conscious standards for investing,
Where's the President? Biden MIA After
Bailing From His Campaign
21 replies
Posted by Imright 7/22/2024 12:49:04 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden hasn't been seen in public since last week when the White House announced he contracted COVID-19 and was headed to his Delaware beach house to recover. "Earlier today following his first event in Las Vegas, President Biden tested positive for COVID-19. He is vaccinated and boosted and he is experiencing mild symptoms. He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. The White House will provide regular updates on the President’s status as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation," White House Press Secretary
Hollywood Celebrities Pay Tribute to Biden,
Rally Behind Kamala: ‘Now We Have Our
Marching Orders’
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/22/2024 1:02:38 AM Post Reply
Hollywood celebrities who have despondent for weeks over Joe Biden’s political prospects went wild Sunday following the president’s announcement that he won’t be seeking re-election. Numerous stars paid perfunctory tribute to Biden’s so-called “accomplishments” while prematurely anointing Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s next nominee. Stars including Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Bette Midler, Mark Ruffalo, and Jon Cryer all weighed in. Biden “has a record of accomplishments unmatched by any president in our lifetime. He restored honesty, dignity & integrity to the office,” Disney’s Star Wars actor Mark Hamill
The Dems May Have Found Someone Worse
Than Kamala to Replace Biden
21 replies
Posted by DW626 7/21/2024 1:44:20 PM Post Reply
Can you think of anyone worse than President Joe Biden to run the White House? I can— and that’s twice-failed presidential Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton. An op-ed published by “The Hill” argued that America is desperately “ready for round two” of a Clinton ticket. As Democrats work to push Biden out of the 2024 race, the outlet asks who would be the strongest candidate to challenge former President Donald Trump, suggesting that Clinton is “not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for office.”
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