Ottawa's mayor declares a state of emergency
over Freedom Convoy and says the situation
is 'out of control' with more demonstrators
than police: 500 vehicles are parked up
in the city's 'red zone' in protest of
Justin Trudeau's vaccine mandates
Associated Press & Daily Mail (UK),
James Gordon
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
2/7/2022 1:28:03 AM
The mayor of Canada's capital declared a state of emergency on Sunday as truckers from across the country continue to paralyze Ottawa's downtown.'The situation at this point is completely out of control,' Mayor Watson said on Sunday. 'The individuals with the protest are calling the shots. They have far more people than we have police officers.' Mayor Jim Watson said declaring a state of emergency highlighted the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government as the protests enter their 17th day. It gives the city some additional powers around procurement and how it delivers services, which could help purchase equipment required by frontline workers and first responders.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
chumley 2/7/2022 2:08:17 AM (No. 1064052)
In addition to the forms of intimidation the article mentions that the Canadian cops are employing, I read elsewhere that they are confiscating (stealing) people's propane tanks. Now I know why I dont "back the blue". Thy will do whatever their owners tell them to.
I hope for their sakes they fight better than the Aussie cops. We may soon find out.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
NotaBene 2/7/2022 2:55:20 AM (No. 1064057)
Truckers will overcome Luciferian globalism. Oh Canada thank you for leading the way. What do our enemies want? Vaccine Passports.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
NotaBene 2/7/2022 3:47:36 AM (No. 1064068)
I was just wondering how full are the shelves of Canadian grocery stores. Even the liberal ruling class needs food.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
singermom9 2/7/2022 5:02:36 AM (No. 1064075)
Trudeau liked the BLM Antifa protests. The truckers are being peaceful. Maybe trudeau needs them to riot, loot, burn, and harm people. THOSE are called "peaceful" but honk a horn and you would think the world is coming to an end.
54 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
5 handicap 2/7/2022 5:20:13 AM (No. 1064079)
With the 5000 trucks they originally had they could and should Blockade the city entirely, park trucks across the train tracks and on all the airport runways!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
scottj 2/7/2022 5:29:42 AM (No. 1064082)
All they have to do is end the mandates.
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That's because the Ottawa Mayor is working for the Globalists... NOT for the citizenry... Just like many or OUR Mayor's. Time for torches and pitchforks!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
mifla 2/7/2022 7:13:26 AM (No. 1064109)
Justin won't do anything until his handlers tell him what to do.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Marzipan4 2/7/2022 8:24:53 AM (No. 1064165)
The rhetoric is nauseating. First call them dangerous spreaders of misinformation. Then call them racists, terrorists, violently disruptive. Then break out the J6 rhetoric….Insurrectionists. These are free people standing up and asking tone deaf leaders to listen. Lord keep the truckers safe. They are batting for us all, especially Australia. We could be next friends.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Catfur27 2/7/2022 8:29:14 AM (No. 1064171)
Li'l Jussie hiding in a closet : "Oh Mummy...why are those mean, racist, homophobic, mysogonistic people all yelling " Let;s Go,Trudeau "?
18 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/7/2022 8:32:54 AM (No. 1064176)
Next, they will blame truckers for all the shortages. This is what happens when totalitarians are in charge. Pray for the truckers.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
ramona 2/7/2022 9:00:07 AM (No. 1064197)
Watch the live feeds from various people on the street in Ottawa. It is nothing!! like what the press and the politicians are portraying.
These are peaceable folks, picking up trash, feeding the truckers and until the latest creepy move, bringing them fuel. Unbelievable. If you want a good source of info, try Viva Frei! on YouTube. He is a conservative, religious Jew, an attorney who comments on a variety of political and law-based issues. He will be streaming live from Ottowa this morning. Live streaming scheduled for 10:45 am here:
Ramona (the Pest)
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
marbles 2/7/2022 9:00:43 AM (No. 1064198)
The mayor said the demonstrators out number the police. The demonstrators are peaceful so whats the problem? It's not like this is going on in Portland or Baltimore.Fun fact, in all countries and cities and towns, the people out number the police. You either rule by fear or you govern . At some point the people won't allow themselves to be bullied.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/7/2022 9:18:33 AM (No. 1064216)
The whole world is watching this live and they know that what the “authorities” are claiming are simply lies.
As the old saying goes, “If you’re getting flak, you know that you’re over the target”.
Amen, #6. They might as well - the mandates are all about control and they have already lost control.
16 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
mc squared 2/7/2022 10:20:39 AM (No. 1064299)
The mandates are insignificant in the Global War, it's just the MacGuffin. It's power they want. Anyone who knows history sees it.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/7/2022 10:28:15 AM (No. 1064320)
A word of advise to this might want to think twice before you confiscate to many tanks...remember these boys are teamsters and their heritage is Sicilian...just saying...politicians can huff and puff...but WE the people...American or Canadians...make a country run...and empty food store shelves aren't good for the ruling call up your pansy Trudeau and tell him to negotiate and end the caravan...that is if it's okay with the biden cabal and china...oh...and don't forget to call nervous nancy...she's running the world...these days...or so she thinks
13 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
DVC 2/7/2022 10:44:44 AM (No. 1064341)
"Out of Control"----he says it as if that's a bad thing.
More demonstrators than police? Yes, that's a GOOD thing, as far as I am concerned.
And think hard totalitarians, about that "more demonstrators than police" thing. There are also more armed patriots in the USA than there are ALL the military in the whole USA, by about 100X. Likely true in Canada, too. Think hard.
They forgot the part about "the consent of the governed".
That "consent" has been about worn out. We are starting to retract our consent. So, far things have been pretty peaceful. Let's hope it can stay that way. Is Soy Boy Justin smart enough to do this? Is Soy Boy actually in charge?
In history, this is the point where missteps by the thugs-in-charge have caused things to go very sideways in many countries, at many times in the past. Think hard, thugs. Think hard. But, I wonder if they are smart enough to figure it out no matter how hard they think.
Remember the "old Chinese curse"? May you live in interesting times. is the way I heard it, the first time at about age 16. Things have been getting pretty damned "interesting" lately. Might be getting a lot more "interesting", too, unfortunately, whether we like it or not.
And I was looking forward to a nice, peaceful retirement.
10 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 2/7/2022 10:46:16 AM (No. 1064342)
How about all truckers just stop delivering to capital cities around the globe? Just a truck embargo on all capitals? That could be a lot of fun.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/7/2022 11:05:26 AM (No. 1064381)
It's not your job to "control" the citizens of Canada, Mayor.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
stablemoney 2/7/2022 11:09:28 AM (No. 1064385)
Canadian jury's should nullify any charges brought against the truckers.
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Hoping that the emptying shelves in the stores start influencing the Canadian public to get involved in this Trudeau created mess. For such a jocular guy in public, he sure has an evil heart doesn't he? Shame on the RCMP and other LE authorities for allowing the politicians to continue this mess.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 2/7/2022 6:29:07 PM (No. 1064792)
Without the road warriors who truck our food, clothing, and other goods to us, we'd get very cold and hungry. It is hard to find anything in the sparsely stocked stores anyway that wasn't made in China, so if the truckers need my prayers and moral support, they will get it.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Mushroom 2/7/2022 7:27:08 PM (No. 1064838)
19/20 First remember Canadian *subjects* have no rights. Just governing suggestions.
And that brings us to the basic difference between US and Canada.. They are subjects. I am a citizen. They are ruled, we are governed. Our agreement with government limits the government. Thiers's provides a framework for control.
Here you are Canada. You didn't finish the job in the 1800s. It's up to you now.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
danu 2/7/2022 7:56:03 PM (No. 1064851)
Trudi's over-reach knows no bounds or logic.
Now he wants to pursue American donors as criminals....citizens and residents of another country.
His own ex-wife donated generously to the freedom convoy; is she a criminal as well?
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
rochow 2/7/2022 9:04:39 PM (No. 1064891)
This dumb mayor should start arresting Trudeau, put a new government in place, his VP successor and I am sure everything will settle down. One might want to inform the underinformed mayor there is no crisis and there are no violent demonstrations, so he might want to resist to make an ass of himself!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
MickTurn 2/7/2022 10:32:52 PM (No. 1064970)
You Leftists are all over loving Democracy...Democracy is 1000 Truckers telling 500 Politicians to Pound Sand!
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