'Signs of Senility': Brit Hume Calls
Out Biden's Slipping Mental State
Nicholas Fondacaro
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
7/27/2021 7:02:54 AM
Between his bumbling about during a CNN town hall last week and his over the weekend episode where he seemingly says “my butt’s been wiped,” the condition of President Biden’s mental faculties had drawn increased scrutiny in recent days. And during an appearance on Monday’s Special Report, Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume did what the liberal media refused to do and called it out, noting “these are signs of senility.”“You know, Brit, the President obviously receives some pretty good press overall from the media,” anchor Bret Baier prefaced as he broached the subject. “But, there have been a couple answers
Reply 1 - Posted by:
jalo1951 7/27/2021 7:20:19 AM (No. 858343)
It's obvious to see there is a MAJOR problem when you watch biden stumble through these episodes. But it is even more obvious when you read it. There is something about reading his so called answers that says oh so much about his state of mind. He should have stayed in the basement eating chocolate chip ice cream and watching reruns of "The Golden Girls".
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 7/27/2021 7:30:01 AM (No. 858358)
Who's running the, Country? Joe certainly isn't.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Daisymay 7/27/2021 7:45:12 AM (No. 858373)
As I said a few days ago, we all know Joe is not all there and should never have been put in the position of running for this Office. That said, do we REALLY want Kamala to be our President? That is what is going to happen if everyone keeps harping on Joe. I think we're safer just letting him be, at least until 2022 when we hopefully will take back the House. That will allow Joe to be President, but with very little Power. Nancy will be gone and we might even gain a Seat or Two in the Senate. I think it's a better plan than EVER letting Kamala have the Power of the Presidency. She is dangerous!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Venturer 7/27/2021 7:53:38 AM (No. 858383)
Is Kamalla Harris any more dangerous than our Muslim President Barrack Obama.?
Obama set back race relations 50 years or better. He and his racist wife.
Now we have another racist mulatto coming up to be President.
Can she damage us much worse?
Biden has already set us back to the bad days previous to Trump with his Executive Orders, how can Kamalla do us any worse than Biden already has.? Won't the same people who are in hiding but running the country be running Harris also?
35 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 7/27/2021 7:56:11 AM (No. 858387)
I suspect Taiwan will belong to China by Christmas without so much as a wimpier out of this WH and the loon residing there.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rather Read 7/27/2021 8:03:59 AM (No. 858395)
I've said this before and I'll repeat it. My own dear father suffered from dementia for three years and Biden is showing all the signs I saw as my father sunk deeper into the dementia. Biden is nothing but a puppet and shame on his family and his handlers for using him.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bpl40 7/27/2021 8:05:52 AM (No. 858400)
The surest sign of Joe's dementia is watching how the Left Wing 'psychiatrists' at various Ivy League schools who had not the slightest hesitation in jumping to conclusion about Trump are now completely tongue tied. In fact we know exactly who ties their tongues!
36 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Clinger 7/27/2021 8:18:27 AM (No. 858415)
My grandfather started to slip in his mid 90's. On a good day he was still the smartest man in the room on bad days he struggled. One thing I do know is that handling the pressures of daily decision-making took a toll on him before any obvious cognitive decline. The last thing Biden needs is the burden of enormous responsibility. If he even has the capacity to grasp that.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
TJ54 7/27/2021 8:22:11 AM (No. 858418)
Duh! Brit must have cognitive issues himself since most of us witnessed China Joe’s decline during the campaign
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Lazyman 7/27/2021 8:23:56 AM (No. 858421)
Anyone who thinks this addled man is running the country, I have a bridge to sell.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 7/27/2021 8:27:05 AM (No. 858424)
Note that he is only seen in public for brief periods of time. I wonder what he's like behind the scenes the other 22 hours of the day? Probably babbling incoherently.
24 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Crosscut 7/27/2021 8:44:48 AM (No. 858452)
As predicted America is being destroyed from within by Democrats and the media. The nation's enemies can just sit back and wait. Let's pray that the 2022 midterms can put somewhat of a halt to this disaster and in 2024 it will be totally defeated.
30 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 7/27/2021 9:01:03 AM (No. 858464)
There were ongoing stories and discussion about Trump's mental capabilities with fact checking everything he stated. In this case let's be fair start asking the same question about Biden's metal capabilities and fact check if Biden really did "wiped his butt" I want to know the truth.
18 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Nimby 7/27/2021 9:04:58 AM (No. 858467)
Waiting for the day when the senile doddering fool will undress in front of all the MSM!
17 people like this.
Well Brit - welcome to the party, pal.
Better late than never I guess.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
red1066 7/27/2021 9:10:01 AM (No. 858472)
Good thing Brit finally noticed what all of America noticed and knew about more than a year ago. Biteme moves because his hypothalamus is still functioning and that's it. The cerebral cortex that surrounds the hypothalamus isn't functioning properly because the blood flow to it is reduced resulting in reduced cognitive function which results in the shuffling walk, and the out of context comments. Plus Biteme is an idiot.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Pearson365 7/27/2021 9:12:30 AM (No. 858477)
Biden’s mental state doesn’t matter since the Federal government is run by Democrats no matter who is President. If a dynamic, fully capable Trump couldn’t get his DoJ and FBI to prosecute the 30 to 40 coup plotters seeking to destroy him and our Constitution as well as indict the openly corrupt Hillary and abide crime syndicates, why worry about Biden’s failing mental state. The Federal government is comprised of 95% Democrat loyalists, with the remaining 5% unregistered Dems, so no matter who is President, the Federal employees do what is best for their salaries, their benefits, their generous pensions and their Party.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Blue Hen1 7/27/2021 9:18:13 AM (No. 858487)
Hunter’s dad gets worse by the day
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
OK state mom 7/27/2021 9:22:17 AM (No. 858490)
A few posters are attacking Britt Hume. This is unnecessary. This isn't Hume's first mention of Biden's mental decline. Britt Hume is 78 years old. He's talked about the natural decline of mental acuity with aging and has questioned someone his own age having the responsibilities of the number one world leader.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
smokincol 7/27/2021 9:31:57 AM (No. 858502)
he's only stating the obvious, do all of these talking head people think we have vacuums inside our skulls? the people who, actually, make this country run, saw the inadequacies of comrade joe a long time ago but had to wait until our elected representatives voiced what we already knew. come on you elitists!! do you think we have nothing that you don't have?? we might not have all the scholastic degrees and other extraneous stuff you have but, we have tons of common sense and that beats any scholastic degree any day.
16 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
Edgelady 7/27/2021 9:45:20 AM (No. 858523)
By now everyone knows and accepts Biden is slipping rather hastily into advanced senility - and with continued stress he'll slip even faster. The problem? Kamala - no one wants her at the helm. Besides being a horrible, fake person, she's mean and basically incompetent. So no one will make a move.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 7/27/2021 9:55:17 AM (No. 858536)
Parkinson's Disease is no picnic for the patient or the care giver, but if I had to pick a disease of the week, I'd pick Parkinson's. Maybe when the the ticket windows open, I'll take Parkinson's in the Third at Wilmington.
5 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 7/27/2021 10:13:11 AM (No. 858565)
I believe he meant to say "my bud has been wiped", as in ear bud.
I've suspected for a while he has been wearing an ear bud to help him say what they want him to say.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Donna M 7/27/2021 10:29:06 AM (No. 858594)
Brit Hume is 78. For that remark, he just made it to Fox's short list of forcible retirements.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 7/27/2021 10:34:14 AM (No. 858604)
Rumors are that Joe has had a serious medical issue and is hospitalized in secret at some location and that the guy acting as Joe is the product of high tech Hollywood makeup artistry and so far seems to be getting away with it. A buddy double complete with a mask manufactured from a scan of Joe and reproduced with 3D printing technology. He’s a puppet and we are watching a puppet show.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Dr. Constant 7/27/2021 10:34:47 AM (No. 858608)
At least Hairass can remember her name.
You want her in as soon as possible so she could only possibly be reelected once. If Bidet gets through 1/2 his term, she could run twice more rather than once more.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
RCFLyer98 7/27/2021 10:39:58 AM (No. 858616)
I used to have a lot of confidence in Brit Hume, along with several others, including Brit's protege, Bret Baier. Haven't watched Fox since Nov.3rd, when they were almost gleeful to see the vote count, albeit mostly fraud. Several of us knew what we were going to get with Biden and the Ho. I guess they now are seeing it too?
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
bobn.t 7/27/2021 10:43:36 AM (No. 858624)
Who wipes his butt?
Who ties his shoes?
Who wipes his drool?
Who dresses him?
Who feeds him?
Who - a thousand times
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
TXknitter 7/27/2021 11:00:24 AM (No. 858657)
It would be nice if Mr. Hume would go live and say was #17 did. Its the unvarnished truth. Rush said years ago D.C. is owned and run by Democrats. Republicans bow to it and are satisfied being allowed to just be part of it however they can.
Mr. Hume knows exactly what his network helped to do on Election night. His analysis
means little to me.
8 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
DVC 7/27/2021 11:17:31 AM (No. 858683)
It has been obvious since well before the election that his brain is fried. Starting from being a mean, nasty, backstabbing dunce....this is a real running disaster.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
Krause 7/27/2021 11:36:38 AM (No. 858712)
Whoever is running the country is doing a really lousy job. Of course, from their stand point, they're doing exactly what they want to do, making things worse for most Americans, but trying to strengthen the democrat party..
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
stablemoney 7/27/2021 11:59:28 AM (No. 858756)
Brit Hume is irrelevant. I quit watching him 20 years ago.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
pmcclure 7/27/2021 12:50:50 PM (No. 858859)
When my mother was mentally declining, I remember when she reached the point that she couldn't maintain a thought long enough to complete a sentence. Biden is also at that state, and he is supposedly the head of the free world.
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 7/27/2021 3:19:02 PM (No. 859061)
He sounded like a yelping dog on CNN with Don Lemon. His stuttering was almost out of control. When he was a loser Senator from Delaware, he used that shoulder shrug, "c'mon man" crap to cover his lies and stupidity. Now that he's in senile dementia those things are getting more clumsy and stupid sounding...
"Stand up Chuck"
"Where's Mom?"
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
rochow 7/27/2021 6:09:54 PM (No. 859231)
If the first vege were to drop his pants, starts fiddling with his private parts and then sits down to defecate in public, trust me, the lefty media would still protect him. In glowing colors there would be a report about his 'natural' behavior unlike any we have ever seen before. Right!
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