Was Trump’s ‘loss’ in 2020 predestined?
American Thinker,
Susan Quinn
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
2/4/2025 7:56:28 AM
Recently a myriad of legacy media, political pundits, and websites have promoted the idea that Trump’s loss in the 2020 election was actually a net positive for the country, though you’ll never have Trump agree with that assessment. Yet there is something to be said for the differences between the man in 2020, and the man in 2024. More than that, there are some intriguing facts that suggest that not only was it the best outcome longterm, but it was divinely guided.
Conclusions abounded that Trump had essentially brought the 2020 loss on himself; from the leftwing BBC:
"They were put off by his aggressiveness. His stoking of racial tensions.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
NamVet70 2/4/2025 8:09:49 AM (No. 1888890)
2020 was a stolen election and there was plenty of evidence to show it.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/4/2025 8:17:41 AM (No. 1888901)
Everything is actually predestined. God knows what He's doing. All the time.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
TCloud 2/4/2025 8:28:40 AM (No. 1888915)
2020 they got the ballots...Trump got the Votes!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
kdog 2/4/2025 9:24:20 AM (No. 1888958)
Following 2020 I did not think a Republican could ever win the Presidency again. All it took was 5 cities controlled by Democrats in 5 swing states to manufacture just enough votes to win the election. They were brazen about it, shutting down the counting at about the same moment in all 5 states with Trump leading, then all reopening counting at the same time with Trump suddenly behind. It was like they were showing off.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 2/4/2025 9:29:52 AM (No. 1888962)
I'm still wondering what happened to those 8 million voters that voted in 2020 for Biden that no longer existed in the 2024 election.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
vhs68 2/4/2025 9:48:37 AM (No. 1888972)
Regardless of what or why it happened, the Trumpster will have much better results the next 4 years vs. the preceding 4 years. If he was reelected in 2020 the hounding and legal issues would still be there, including more impeachment attempts. This time he has his plan well mapped out, he has brought very Qualified people to handle his plans. He is hitting the ground running full speed. And after the disaster of the Biden presidency, the people are united too. It will be so much better this time around. Plus we are setup for JD to move right into the top spot in 2028.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 2/4/2025 10:56:31 AM (No. 1889023)
Never underestimate the impact of the Biden disaster on the American public - open borders, out of control spending, vaccine mandates, green new deal, censorship, lawfare, DEI on steroids, leftist hysteria about "our democracy," and rampant inflation. All of that made the Trump years look much better to the public and got him a second term. He's dialing a lot of the excess back and it has only been two weeks. He's hitting the dems in so many places, they can't figure out which battle to fight - they can't fight them all. It will be an interesting four years.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
john56 2/4/2025 11:52:37 AM (No. 1889065)
2020 .... I believe there was an attempt to "steal" the election. Did they steal enough to win? Maybe, but it wasn't proven in a court of law. Biden became President and that's water under the bridge.
But yes, perhaps the hand of the Lord was in the mix. Fortunately, the Lord didn't go as far as sending a plague of locusts, but He came pretty close in the Biden-Harris regime.
America ... and Donald Trump and his team ... used that time well to prepare for Trump's return to the White House. As has been stated, I anticipate that these four years will be much more historic and long-lasting than a Trump administration that would have concluded the past January 20th.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
crashnburn 2/4/2025 12:20:21 PM (No. 1889081)
I dunno. Trump 2.0 is much improved over Trump 1.0, thanks to his involuntary sabbatical, but he lost because of widespread DemonRat cheating, and "lack of standing" in the courts.
However, God has used evil people to further our salvation.
Regardless, I am amazed at how much he's getting done in a short period.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 2/4/2025 12:50:49 PM (No. 1889109)
It sure allowed him and Team Trump to figure out how to turn into an armored, supercharged bulldozer running at full speed the second time around.
Magnificent. He was fooled once, believed that everyone in DC was an honest, patriotic person. He soon learned different.
Then four years to get ready. Plan, hire the right people, armor up and hit the ground at 100 mph.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
FormerDem 2/4/2025 1:33:10 PM (No. 1889135)
Romans 8 - to those who love God, who are called in his plan, everything works out for good. Is how I see it. Or as the nuns say God writes straight with crooked lines.
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