The Top 5 Lies Democrats Have Told Their
Voters: A Message for My Lefty Loved Ones
PJ Media,
Athena Thorne
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
6/30/2024 7:35:37 AM
I am dedicating this article to my lefty friends and loved ones. Yes, I still have some of those. I made a pledge to myself years ago that I wouldn't let politics destroy my relationships with good people with whom I have wonderful personal histories.
This pledge is getting harder and harder to keep. Thursday's debate has put it under the greatest stress test yet, and I'm not sure I can keep it much longer.
My lefty friends and I have been getting along for the past eight years by agreeing not to talk about politics. This was necessitated in 2016 when Donald Trump won, and so many people —
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
franq 6/30/2024 7:48:08 AM (No. 1746403)
A friendship is a mini-marriage. I don't understand how one can bond to others who have such deep soul differences. Stepping gingerly around sensitive issues? That's friendship?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
anniebc 6/30/2024 8:09:02 AM (No. 1746420)
I find the policy of not talking about politics to be one-sided. My family members are the ones who get enraged and scream as they talk, and they make comments about conservatives whenever they feel like it. When I hit them back, I'm the villain. I get accused of being enraged and screaming as they angrily scream their points. I only initiate communication with most of them when I have to, and I only see them on family occasions--I pick and choose. I have one sister who's blown with the wind in her politics, but even she thinks when she disagrees with me that somehow that means her POV is superior; she does this because she knows I base my beliefs on a biblical perspective. Since biden had the election stolen for him, they have been like church mice. You can't get them to defend biden to save their lives. It's been nice, but they're such hypocrites; they know biden is crap, but all of a sudden, they have no political POV. It's something to watch, and I don't say, "See, I told you every five minutes," but my silence screams it.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 6/30/2024 8:40:48 AM (No. 1746444)
I agree that trying to engage with Leftists is impossible. I like to discuss, but I don't have to win to be OK. Leftists explode in your face and they MUST win. From my perspective, there is no point in talking with them or engaging with them in any manner. Life is too short to subject myself to such abuse.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 6/30/2024 8:47:52 AM (No. 1746448)
Athena Thorne's friends will never ever admit they were wrong. Don’t bother talking politics with them or any Democrat because nobody likes losing face. In private, they are embarrassed knowing they are wrong but will never admit it, so just move on if you want to keep them as friends. They will sense your superiority and may drop you. Let the chips fall where they may and enjoy your own life.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 6/30/2024 8:48:41 AM (No. 1746449)
I have a sister-in-law who is just as you three posters describe. She can't even stand to be in the same room as my husband and me so it's rare for her to attend family gatherings and we don't talk politics at family gatherings. Three years ago, at my mother's funeral, my son went up to her just to say hi. She kind of grunted at him and then walked away. Tells you something about her right there.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Lucky5 6/30/2024 9:09:36 AM (No. 1746470)
I agree with what others have said. Not talking politics has always been one sided for me. The left wing people I have had to work with and be around my entire life assume I agree with them and say the most rude and horrible things to me. Growing up in this environment, I learned it is pointless to try to talk to left wing people because they are so closed minded and sure they are right. I recently moved out of Silicon Valley and to a conservative lovely rural town in the Sierras.
I am very happy here and people say "God bless you", I will pray for you, and Thank the Lord and Merry Christmas. It is so lovely.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
red1066 6/30/2024 10:06:28 AM (No. 1746524)
The democrat party are full of people who so firmly believe in the anti-American ideology of the party, that they can't see the forest for the trees. In this respect, they stopped being a political party and became a cult. The only thing missing is the tainted Kool-Aid. Once that mind set is in place, it's difficult to get rid of it. No evidence pointing to how wrong they are works. To me, one of the most offensive things they do is celebrate the Fourth of July when everything they believe in is the antithesis of the meaning of the fourth.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
RubiconDan 6/30/2024 10:15:22 AM (No. 1746531)
I don't discuss politics or climate change with leftists/Democrats. They either explode in anger or they get behind a lie and then accuse you of some evil design. My last sister alive (I had 4 sisters and one brother and all have now passed away except for my sister and I) cut me off from all communication about 10 years ago when I told her that it was likely a jihadist who murdered the 50 people in that Miami nightclub. I was later proven correct, but I doubt she accepted the truth.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 6/30/2024 10:22:45 AM (No. 1746536)
The author (a woman) is a better man than me. I stopped sharing bread with lefties some time ago; a hard decision but important to me nonetheless. The future of our country, for the benefit of my grandchildren, is simply too important.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
chagrined 6/30/2024 10:49:36 AM (No. 1746555)
Yeah, it's a fool's errand trying to have a conversation, discussion, or a debate with lefties. If it's not what THEY know, then it is absolutely wrong and you are some backwoods hick, or you've been duped by a liar (President Trump) or Big Oil, or some such other tripe. And YOU are the idiot according to these all knowing lefties because they have "peer-reviewed" evidence indicating as much.
Somewhere along the way all these leftists, democrats, independents, or rinos had their heads filled with a lot of stuff that ain't really so. I firmly believe our educational system played a large part in all the ignorance all of them share. Once they got started down that path, say high school, or even grade school, they were well on their way to fantasy land aided and abetted by the enemedia in particular. The worst part by far is when any of the four groups mentioned above is part of your family.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
nwcudagal 6/30/2024 10:53:47 AM (No. 1746560)
I used to have some great friends many good times and memories. Obama ended that. That's when I was first exposed to their metastatic hatred of conservatives. Nothing was ever said, no harsh words. But that was the last time I socialized with them after 40+ years of friendship. I'm sure it would be worse now. Very sad.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
marbles 6/30/2024 11:11:53 AM (No. 1746579)
The dem base voters consider republicans to be neanderthals. The believe themselves to be superior to us in every way. They cannot even consider believing what we know as truth because it would shatter them. It would be like telling a 4 year old that there is no Santa Clause, no tooth fairy and no Easter Bunny all at the same time.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Kate318 6/30/2024 11:25:33 AM (No. 1746590)
Good article. Very sad what has happened to dialogue in our country. It seems as if it began in earnest with the Clintons and accelerated into warp drive with the Messiah. Liberals hear their worldview echoed back to them through every avenue of the culture, so they have come to believe it is the default position of the universe. It takes a lot of courage to overcome that message, and if your whole world springs from liberal “principles,” you must hang onto that in order for your world not to come crashing down. Little by little, the truth is chipping away at the edges, but I fear many are simply lost.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
3XALADY 6/30/2024 12:13:32 PM (No. 1746656)
I wasn't so nice. If you weren't conservative you weren't in my life. It has been very simple.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 6/30/2024 1:12:02 PM (No. 1746714)
I've excised two leftists out of my orbit - the one who made cracks about my autographed Trump picture every time she walked into my house, and the one who praised Biden's first faux press conference and then went psycho during COVID (I'm not the only person who thinks that). They were both 20+ year friends, but as far as I'm concerned, they went insane in 2016. They just couldn't shut up and suffer in silence like I did during the Obama years.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Italiano 6/30/2024 1:18:43 PM (No. 1746715)
"It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so."
-Ronald Reagan
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
crashnburn 6/30/2024 1:47:50 PM (No. 1746735)
As the guys on Red Eye Radio are fond of saying “It’s easier to con someone than to convince them they’ve been conned. “
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
walcb 7/1/2024 7:21:19 AM (No. 1747138)
My wife could have written this, I on the other hand, am not so tolerant.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
BaldGuy 7/1/2024 7:57:11 AM (No. 1747159)
for my leftist friends, if it comes to discussing politics, I usually just pick out a simple point or two:
- I just want gas at $2.00 a gallon again
- if I had a daughter, I wouldn't want her showering with a grown man
another bonus question:
- are you sure the news your getting is 100% true?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Calamity Kate 7/1/2024 9:30:42 AM (No. 1747213)
The largest barrier? We think they're wrong and mistaken; they think we're evil, not simply wrong, so dangerous and must be eliminated.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 7/1/2024 9:51:10 AM (No. 1747230)
Athena lists five very important leftist lies swallowed whole by leftist dupes - - but she didn't have time to cite so many others - - like St. Trayvon Martin - - Hands Up Don't Shoot - - the Duke Lacrosse hoax - - the Mattress Girl - - Jussie Smollett - - George Floyd "murder" - - Tawana Brawley - - Ballsey Ford - - Anita Hill - - Cassidy Hutchinson - - and many others STILL believed by those dopes.
Our fellow posters are right. You can't argue with leftists. The either have no consciences and are impervious to embarrassment - - or - - they are so naîve as to be utterly irrational.
Give them up - - all of them, Athena. They're not worth it.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
dbdiva 7/1/2024 10:22:02 AM (No. 1747249)
I'm piggybacking on the quote #16 mentions. In addition to knowing so many things that are patently untrue, they are beyond arrogant concerning the "knowledge" they think they have. My message to them is .... buckle up buttercups, Thursday night is just the beginning. You'll be faced with unexpected truths and exposures that will blow up every opinion and ideology on which you've staked your lives. Your obstinate ways of thinking and your closed-mindedness all these years will ensure this blow up will be quite harsh on you and your mental outlook.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Zigrid 7/1/2024 10:28:59 AM (No. 1747256)
It's much more difficult when the lefties are family...they are angry and upset and trying to get my opinion to change on the debate debacle...lots of luck with that!!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Brooks 7/1/2024 1:49:54 PM (No. 1747453)
I was standing on a curb at a Trump rally. A friend and neighbor happened to drive by, yelled something to me and then drove back around to drive by where I was standing, yelled something and spit towards me. Mind you we are in our early 70's! Have not seen her or her husband since.
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