Fani Willis' testimony evokes long-standing
frustrations for Black women leaders
Associated Press,
Matt Brown
Jocelyn Noveck
Original Article
Posted By: halfnorsk,
2/17/2024 4:47:28 PM
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is used to prosecuting high-profile, challenging cases. But as she parried questions about her own personal conduct from the witness stand against the legal teams for defendants her office has accused of election interference, many Black women recognized a dispiriting scene.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
mc squared 2/17/2024 4:56:44 PM (No. 1659809)
Tragedy in many acts. Disagree with an ABW and you're a hateful racist, regardless of her lies and deceit.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Birddog 2/17/2024 4:57:28 PM (No. 1659810)
Fanni campaigned for the job by bashing the former holder of it because he had a "Relationship" with a subordinate...not only did she eviscerate him for doing so, she swore it would NEVER happen on "Her Watch".
HE didn't give $Hundreds of Thousands in County funds to HIS paramour.
Another Fulton judge at that time was caught having an affair with a public defender...28 cases were thrown out, nullified.
BOTH Fanni and Wade were well aware of those cases and their causes, as BOTH had been judges/Magistrates during that period. And had both been practicing attorneys as well.
33 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
marbles 2/17/2024 5:02:07 PM (No. 1659812)
" Back women must over perform ............... " ? That include breaking the law? Didn't think so.
26 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Northcross 2/17/2024 5:08:27 PM (No. 1659817)
This applies particularly to corrupt and immoral black female leaders. AP desperately trying to come to the rescue of this corrupticrat and failing miserably.
26 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Vesicant 2/17/2024 5:15:35 PM (No. 1659822)
Does putting your bright pink dress on backwards count as job performance or not?
18 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
czechlist 2/17/2024 5:23:29 PM (No. 1659827)
entitled victims
9 people like this.
I couldn't make it through this drivel. APee never fails.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 2/17/2024 5:27:19 PM (No. 1659830)
All I see is a black con artist shucking and jiving her way out of answering the questions.
35 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 2/17/2024 5:28:25 PM (No. 1659831)
Utter hogwash!
14 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
chumley 2/17/2024 5:30:12 PM (No. 1659833)
Shes a barely literate, obnoxious dolt. If she wasn't black she'd be cleaning rooms at the local no-tell motel. The only reason she prosecuted the case is because Soros paid her big to do it. She was too stupid to know it would destroy her ill-gotten career. Bet she knows it now.
26 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Califedup 2/17/2024 5:30:15 PM (No. 1659834)
Gee, How stupid of me. I thought that in this country under our Justice System, no matter who you are or what color skin you happened to be born with, if you break the law you will be held accountable for your crime and made to pay for your wrong doing. According to this disgusting race card article by a couple of communist death democrat propaganda hacks, I totally forgot that if you are a black women in any position of authority you automatically are not subject to the same laws as the rest of us. I understand this now and will go forward completely disregarding that blacks are 12% of the population and commit the majority of crimes in our country and are instead wonderful people just like in all the commercials on tv. Makes total sense. I guess I am wrong again.
20 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
FJB 2/17/2024 5:33:26 PM (No. 1659838)
Shouldn't their headline read: "...Frustration WITH Black Women Leaders?"
Or is AP just playing a kissy-black face, the same as the sap judge did with that nasty Fanny dame in Georgia?
7 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Subsuburban 2/17/2024 5:41:38 PM (No. 1659844)
This article is a joke, right? It's one of the outright funniest--in the sense of "absurd"-- attempts I can remember to deflect attention from the utter disaster that is Fani Willis. Talk about pointing and yelling "Look! Squirrel!" Fani is a grifter, a poseur, and embarassment, a black hole (pardon the pun) of incompetence, a tragic excuse for an officer of the court and law enforcement official who got where she is by dint of pure, abject racism and once there, failed to rise above her racist roots and remained mired in the typical lifestyle of the ghetto negress that she has proven herself to be, through and though.
12 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
thefield 2/17/2024 5:46:14 PM (No. 1659848)
Her admission that she had an affair after he was hired is even worse. It is called 1st degree sexual harrasment.
11 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
JimBob 2/17/2024 5:51:41 PM (No. 1659850)
I made it about 3 or 4 paragraphs in before the urge to vomit stopped me.
This woman is such a pile of garbage.
Re-read #2's informative comment.
I recall a conversation I had, years ago, with a co-worker who happened to be black.
In the course of the conversation, he said "When you ain't right, you got to BE right."
I asked, and he explained that, for instance, if your driver's license or insurance had expired (when you ain't right) you had to drive carefully and obey all the traffic laws (you got to BE right) to avoid attracting attention, being pulled over, your license and insurance checked and their expiration being discovered.
Likewise, this broad should have 'been right' and kept a low profile until the case was over.
Apparently, that did not enter her head, and her flagrantly immoral and improper -not to say illegal- behavior has put her -and her Democ'RAT backers 'behind the green curtain' - plans in jeopardy.
Now she's using the universal [Enword] defense..... scream "RAAAAACCCCIIISSSSTTTT!!!" at anyone who points out her blatantly wrongful behavior.... and the Antiamerican Press plays right along with her.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Snow Possum 2/17/2024 5:53:28 PM (No. 1659851)
The blame for this rests squarely on the shoulders of affirmative action diversity hires who are given more than they can achieve and, as a result, not only fail to live up to the demands of the job, but also face constant suspicion that skin color is the reason they got the job to start with.
Fani Willis is the Peter Principle right out of the gate without the benefit of having been promoted just one level above her competence. She was voted into a position that is 3-4 levels higher than her abilities.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
ironchefw 2/17/2024 6:05:49 PM (No. 1659857)
How come y'all were so quiet when people slammed Justice Clarence Thomas and Condeleeza Rice?
19 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
daisey 2/17/2024 7:42:27 PM (No. 1659914)
Surprised it took this long for the race card to be played. Yeah, everyone wants equality and equity, just not when it comes to equal application of the law and the punishments when broken. Fani is a liar. She did exactly what her predecessor did and she excoriated him for it. But Fani checks more boxes.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Italiano 2/17/2024 7:44:44 PM (No. 1659916)
Try keeping your fingers (and other body parts) out of the public till.
None of them on the Democrat side seem to be able to, sadly. Same deal with the men.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 2/17/2024 8:40:49 PM (No. 1659945)
Maybe black women are just...awful?
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 2/17/2024 9:00:48 PM (No. 1659956)
Oh poor, poor Fanis. As if the sex ives of white men haven't been spread to eviscerate them for centuries. Alexander Hamilton, Clinton, Trump, John Edwards, Gary Hart and on and on. But a poor innocent black woman can't be held to the same standard. Oh not, that's racism. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with politics. Fanis just got a dose of the hard nose hardcore politics on a national stage. And the A ball minor leaguer Fanis was so smug in her blackness that she thought she was immune. Wake up, sisters!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
DaBigGuy 2/18/2024 12:12:18 AM (No. 1660037)
Wow, leave it to AP to interview the most out-of-touch-with-reality grievance mongers they could find.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
mifla 2/18/2024 6:26:35 AM (No. 1660137)
Like Marilyn Mosby, Patrisse Cullors, Beverly Hall?
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 2/18/2024 6:34:45 AM (No. 1660140)
Ah, mendacity is a black thang.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Muguy 2/18/2024 7:27:19 AM (No. 1660162)
Here comes the race card!
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Since when did this trainwreck become about skin color? Arrogant, stupid, and entitled come in all colors.