New York Post,
Amanda Woods
Tina Moore
Larry Celona
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5/25/2021 11:03:26 AM
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At least six people — including two teens — were shot in separate incidents across the Big Apple overnight, cops said. The youngest victim was a 17-year-old boy who was blasted in the back around 10:15 p.m. Sunday during a dispute at Frederick Douglass Boulevard and West 120th Street in Harlem, cops said. He was taken to Harlem Hospital in stable condition. Shortly before 1 a.m. Monday, an 18-year-old woman was shot in the back when someone fired rounds from a car at Beekman Avenue and St. Mary’s Street, near St. Mary’s Park, in Mott Haven, police said.
Red State,
Sister Toldjah
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5/25/2021 5:47:13 AM
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Though relationships between the press and politicians are supposed to be adversarial by nature, it’s no big secret that Ron DeSantis and the mainstream media’s exchanges are more combative than most.There are two big reasons for that. He’s the popular Republican governor of a red state and one who chose a vastly different (and what appears to be a far more successful) approach to handling the coronavirus outbreak than the more draconian ones preferred by the MSM in blue states with Democratic governors like New York and Michigan.Not only that, but DeSantis was a staunch ally of President Trump
Trending Politics,
Kyle Becker
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Posted by
5/25/2021 5:41:21 AM
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President Joe Biden certainly wasn’t elected for his oratorical skills. But the American people who did vote for him at least expected their incoming president would be able to speak basic English in speeches and at meetings.Those people would be wrong. On Monday, President Biden was called in to receive a hurricane briefing from FEMA. The Washington Post gave the set-up.“President Biden said he would ‘insist on nothing less than readiness’ as he visited the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Monday ahead of the official June 1 start of the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season,” the Post reported.
American Thinker,
J.B. Shurk
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Posted by
5/25/2021 5:29:25 AM
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The world is so plagued by contradictions right now that I sometimes find myself quietly mouthing the opening sentences of Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities (and I bet I'm not alone in this admission). In terms of safety, health, opportunity, and prosperity, there has never been a better time in human history, but hardly anyone living anywhere is celebrating. Barack Obama sold "hope" on his march to power, but Black Lives Matter and Antifa preach only despair at every turn. An American government invested in projecting strength abroad stokes fear at home. It has never been easier to acquire knowhow of almost any kind,
Gateway Pundit,
Patty McMurray
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Posted by
5/25/2021 5:20:54 AM
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Lucas Gerhard is a 21-year-old man. Instead of celebrating his graduation from Lake Superior State University in Sault St. Marie, MI, in the criminal justice field and looking for a job in law enforcement, Lucas is locked down in his father’s home, wearing an ankle bracelet. (Photo) Lucas is an Eagle Scout and has no criminal record.(Photos) During his trial, the prosecutor attempted to paint Lucas as a threat to the school community, claiming that he had numerous “contacts” with Law Enforcement at LSSU.
Associated Press,
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Posted by
5/25/2021 1:52:51 AM
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The Biden administration said Monday that it would appeal a judge's order directing it to release in its entirety a legal memo on whether President Donald Trump had obstructed justice during the Russia investigation. But it also agreed to make a brief portion of the document public.U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson earlier this month ordered the Justice Department to release the entire March 2019 memo as part of a public records lawsuit from a Washington-based advocacy organization. She said the department, under Attorney General William Barr, had misstated the purpose of the document in arguing that it was legally entitled to withhold it
New York Post,
Mark Moore
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5/25/2021 1:44:55 AM
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The White House on Monday reiterated that immigration czar Vice President Kamala Harris has no plans to visit the border — as new video shows a group of about 50 illegal immigrants overwhelming Border Patrol agents in Texas on Sunday, in the latest example of the ongoing crisis on the southern crossing. Despite the alarming footage, White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday said Harris, who was appointed by President Biden to oversee the border in March, still has made no arrangements to surveil the situation in person and talk to local officials there.
Red State,
Sister Toldjah
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Posted by
5/24/2021 10:22:24 PM
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Though they rarely practice what they preach, Democrats often pretend that America could be a better place for all if everyone could simply put their differences aside in the name of love, peace, unity, harmony, and all that jazz.Once he made it past the presidential primary campaign, this was more or less Joe Biden’s entire mantra, which his supporters in the mainstream media enthusiastically picked up on and ran with well beyond Election Day.What he (and they) mean, of course, is that they would prefer their political opposition abandon their principles and shut up while the left does all the governing and ruling and making the laws.
American Greatness,
Anthony Esolen
Original Article
Posted by
5/24/2021 9:56:38 PM
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That is the virtue of piety, honored in every human culture of which I am aware. When I was a boy, I had a powerful experience of this virtue every year, on Memorial Day. Early in the morning, a parade led by veterans in uniform would proceed up the hill to the Lutheran cemetery near our house. A group of us boys followed them, because we wanted to see and hear the rifles when they fired the 21-gun salute, to honor the men who had served their nation in war. Then, under the tall fir trees and among the gravestones and the smoke, a single veteran with a bugle
Daily Mail (UK),
Rob Crilly
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Posted by
5/24/2021 9:41:19 PM
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Former President Donald Trump angrily rejected reports that social media bans had sent him sliding into irrelevance, insisting Monday that he was staying out of the headlines so attention would stay on President Joe Biden's troubles with inflation, the border and the Middle East.His comments come as his lieutenants plan a new social media platform to propel Trump back into the daily conversation.And a new poll suggests the former president retains his grip on Republicans, with a majority of the party still proclaiming Trump to be the 'true president.'But in a statement published on his website, Trump hit back at media reports
Daily Mail (UK),
Harriet Alexander
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5/24/2021 9:29:47 PM
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The father of a Minneapolis man shot and killed outside a nightclub, hours before he was due to graduate, has called for an end to the soaring violence in the city - as commemorations are planned for the anniversary of George Floyd's death.Minneapolis, like many big cities in the U.S., has seen its gun crime soar in the past few months as lockdowns end and police numbers fall.Floyd's May 25 murder by police sparked revulsion against officers, and strengthened a movement to cut their funding and reduce their presence.As a result, record numbers of police are taking early retirement in some cities, or simply walking away.
Washington Free Beacon,
Joseph Simonson
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5/24/2021 9:01:27 PM
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The nation's largest wire service is pressuring reporters to adopt the vocabulary of liberal activists in its coverage of racial issues, going so far as to add the obscure term "AAPI" to its style guide.Alien to most Asians, "AAPI"—short for "Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders"—reflects the Associated Press's commitment to adopting the language of left-wing activists. Although no physical style book will be released this year, an email from the AP emphasized several major changes in 2021. They include "new additions [that] relate to Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders," such as the introduction of the term "Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders" and the acronym "AAPI,"