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Report: More Than Half of Immigrants in
U.S. Are Unemployed

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Posted By: OhioNick, 5/14/2024 1:49:36 AM

More than half of the foreign-born immigrant population in the United States under President Joe Biden’s administration is unemployed, according to a recent report. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report on Monday that showed that just 46 percent of migrants who had arrived in the U.S. “in 2022 or later” were employed as of the beginning of 2024. “Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, researchers with the CIS, wrote.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MissGrits 5/14/2024 3:34:48 AM (No. 1717465)
No need to work ... free housing, food, medical and cash from the tax payers!
26 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Agent Orange 5/14/2024 3:37:32 AM (No. 1717466)
This is a long one, but at this point in the destruction of America, this has to be said. The more I see every day that the Biteme gang of thieves is getting everything we American citizens have worked our entire lives for and just giving it to anyone that breaks into our once great country. That needs to come to a screeching halt. I hope and pray that our next President, Donald J. Trump pulls the plug on 100% of the bleeding our treasury dry. These “Alien Invaders” do not deserve our health care, unemployment, SSI, housing, or food. And what, $5,200 per month for invading our once great country? Your worthless SOBs in congress deserve to all be fired. In the process, we, the employers of these thieves in DC, need to pull in the benefits that congress receives for giving away the farm to these foreign invaders who are drawing our critical resources to the point that are heading toward empty. They are criminals, here to break the law, and the DS is encouraging it. I just read that Social Security is running out of money. Well, boys and girls in congress, then turn off the damn faucet of cash and all the rest of the crap we have to earn, but these criminals in DC are just giving them what our homeless and veterans who live in the streets need to survive. I have a suggestion for the Jackass that is the current resident of our White House. if you have the balls, call the president of Mexico and tell him that he has 24 hours to block 100% of all alien invaders passing through his country, or we declare Mexico a Terrorist State. Here are my ideas for fixing this mess. Step 1: We seal the border to all but commercial traffic. No US citizens are allowed to enter or travel to Mexico for any reason, nor can any Mexican citizen be allowed to travel to the US. Any Mexican with a current visa or a residence card dated before 21 JAN 21, may be allowed to stay. Step 2: Expel all Mexican diplomats and their families back to Mexico, plus close the US Consultant and Embassy in Mexico. Step 3: We state to the world that 100% of all the drug clans and gangs in Mexico will be declared an enemy of the state and terrorist organizations and will allow our covert forces the approval, funding, and equipment to take them out, destroy their infrastructure, and arrest or kill all of the leading heads of these organizations. Step: 4 And this one may sting. You are caught smuggling alien invaders into our country, the first sentence (no plea bargaining allowed) is ten years in a maximum-security prison, with no time off for good behavior. Step: 5 If proven in a court of law, that would be a military tribunal, not a dual just us system currently used by the resident and his minions. My suggestion is that a new terrorist prison be built on the abandoned Johnson Island US Military facility in the middle of the Pacific. The water is shark-infested and is an exclusion zone. And, 1,500 miles from the nearest land mass. Step: 6 If the illegal drugs you sold to anyone die as a result, you will be charged with ‘First-degree murder.’ And if found guilty, no plea bargaining is allowed, no good time off for good behavior, and no parole. The penalty is death, period. Step: 7 If you are caught with child trafficking, you will be confined to solitary confinement for the remainder of your natural life. The rest of your life will be void of any human contact. Your home will be an 8x12 foot room, with no window, all of your meals are in your room, and once a week, you will be let out in a walled-off courtyard with a chain-link cover in the opening of the courtyard for 60 minutes. You will speak to no one, except an attorney. When you leave the cell, you will be hooded until you meet your lawyer, but it will be talking through a bulletproof glass wall. As I said, you will be deprived of all direct human contact. You will be allowed one book, of our choosing, once a week. Step: 8 All federal headquarters will no longer be homed in DC. Homeland Security would be located on the border of Mexico in AZ or TX. Department of Agriculture would be relocated near Garden City, KS. One more for good measure, the Department of Energy would be in Odessa, TX. All senior staff are required to live in the area and all family members are encouraged to relocate with employment. There will be no telecommuting by anyone. Step: 9 Affected immediately, all SES and appointed federal government employees are to turn in their resignation on the day of President Donald J. Trump’s swearing-in as our 47th President. To be considered for being rehired, you will need to reapply for your old position, and your tenure in that position will be of no use to you, as it will not be used for consideration. Step: 1/9 Any US-employed public servant, regardless of position, found guilty of any of the numbered provisions listed will lose 100% of all government-supplied funds, and that would include retirement funds, medical insurance, and a total ban on ever holding any public office, loss of security clearances, a ban of ever being employed or a consultant of any company or organization doing business with any federal government organization ever, as a convicted felon, you can never vote again. Submitted on this date: 14 MAY 24 MSgt USAF/MN ANG (ret)
34 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 5/14/2024 5:08:00 AM (No. 1717484)
Plenty of time on their hands to learn how to vote illegally. Numerous times.
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rather Read 5/14/2024 6:19:20 AM (No. 1717499)
I just got my car insurance bill which has gone way, way up. I might get a 1% increase in my salary which won't help much at all, since my utility bills, grocery bills and everything else has gone up. I am getting social security which I have paid into all my life and I am still working. Sometimes people ask why I am still working at my age. It's because everything, absolutely everything has increased in price and is not going to go down. Thank you so much Brandon
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: rightdog 5/14/2024 6:21:22 AM (No. 1717500)
This means that employers that have hired the illegal immigrants have broken the law. Why not? The lawless administration has set a new low standard.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: minuteman 5/14/2024 6:30:33 AM (No. 1717510)
They are all being employed to vote for Biden.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: privateer 5/14/2024 6:43:52 AM (No. 1717521)
No job, everything free, and living the American Dream. No problem if one has no integrity, no scruples, no empathy for those from whom one steals; and criminality is a family tradition. it's a POC thing. And that includes yellow. Just look at the pictures! Someone needs to tell the Commiecrats that you can't actually build a civilization out of ashes.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: downnout 5/14/2024 6:52:06 AM (No. 1717527)
Why work when you are provided with shelter, food, medical care, clothing and education? American citizens have become the new slave class - working to support others.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: bpl40 5/14/2024 7:03:45 AM (No. 1717539)
Did a simple calculation the other day. If my wife and I had been allowed to keep the contribution to Social Security we made and we had earned as much on it as we have on our 401ks, our monthly earnings would be thrice as much as the SS checks we are getting.- just from the earnings. The principal would remain in our estates. This does not include the employer contribution which could have been reinvested by our employers. I can understand part of our contributions going to less fortunate Americans. But squandering it on the dregs of humanity who are allowed to come here - to commit crimes and vote illegally? This issue alone should be deciding the election.
17 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 5/14/2024 7:10:44 AM (No. 1717543)
No shite sherlock. And they demand free food, five star food, free board, free booze, free shite all around. JRB gives them carte blanche. Who would ever work when they can live like kings? Deport the ungrateful b@@@@@ds back where they came from, asap, no joke.
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Strike3 5/14/2024 7:16:35 AM (No. 1717547)
#2 should run for president in 2028! You will be called heartless, bigoted and many other names that the democrats use for people with common sense but all of that needs to be done if we are to survive.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 5/14/2024 7:53:59 AM (No. 1717565)
You meant to call them "Illegals" not "Immigrants", right, Elizabeth?
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rumblehog 5/14/2024 8:37:52 AM (No. 1717596)
Europeans are certainly experiencing a majority of male migrants only being there for the "FREE" healthcare, housing, handouts, and to build a harem.
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: 3XALADY 5/14/2024 8:45:47 AM (No. 1717603)
I would add to #2's list that anyone who worked for an NGO or even thought about working for an NGO would be jailed for treason. Too bad hanging isn't still in vogue. Right on, right on, #2!!!!
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Venturer 5/14/2024 8:50:12 AM (No. 1717607)
Would anyone work if they were given free food and shelter?
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 5/14/2024 9:20:11 AM (No. 1717626)
I think most of them are begging at intersections in my town.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 5/14/2024 9:29:39 AM (No. 1717628)
And the other half took all the jobs in Biden’s job « growth «  numbers
4 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: FormerDem 5/14/2024 9:46:49 AM (No. 1717635)
They are not allowed to work. It does not seem fair to blame for not working. They are not allowed to work for 150 days after filing the asylum application as I understand.
1 person likes this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: berthabutt 5/14/2024 10:33:33 AM (No. 1717660)
"fear it would incentivise more illegal immigration" ??? That would have to be our Natl. Guard storming a slum & kidnapping a few million more, right?
1 person likes this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: MickTurn 5/14/2024 10:38:00 AM (No. 1717670)
Take away OUR MONEY and they will self Deport!
4 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: DVC 5/14/2024 10:40:42 AM (No. 1717675)
They didn't come to work, they came for the welfare.
6 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: jasmine 5/14/2024 12:52:17 PM (No. 1717772)
The quickest and dirtiest way to redistribute wealth away from the Americans who earned it, is by importing impoverished, uneducated "newcomers" with a giant sense of entitlement. A long list of Democrats and their associates support Biden for making that happen. For now, Dems want illegals unemployed because they want to make a meaningful dent in the quality of life for middle America. The more they can take away, the more they can give away. I was once a Democrat, but they are now the party of elites. They're grooming their newcomers without regard for the citizens they swore to serve. There was a time after the 2020 election when millions of Americans had good reason to be skeptical that Biden actually won the election. Today, whether or not we had a duly elected president then, we know for certain that "President" Biden isn't running the country now. His job was to bring in the poverty, crime and disease, along with inflation. He got that scheme over the finish line by betraying our own citizens.
2 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 5/14/2024 6:38:10 PM (No. 1717922)
What did you do expect? Who want to hire them? Some do for cheap labor.
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Reply 24 - Posted by: JimBob 5/14/2024 9:10:02 PM (No. 1717994)
I remember many years ago, reading polls that people who came here from Central or South America would vote 80% Democ'RAT. Foreign-born people -legal and illegal- from who-knows-where are now something on the order of 15% of the US population. THAT is what drives the whole rotten operation. The open borders, The illegal drugs, The human trafficking, The crime cartels The 'RATS are inviting -they have even flown in something like 340,000- illegals, with the aim of swamping the immigration and legal systems, then getting these people driver's licenses, then abusing the motor-voter laws to get them registered to vote. At that point they can tip the scales in their favor in pretty much every election. With that majority in the Congress (and of course the Presidency), they can establish 'Their Democracy', a One Party Totalitarian State, directed not by any elected official, but by the Powers Behind the Green Curtain in the Democ'RAT party. The America that we love, that we grew up with, the once greatest nation in history, will be no more.
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Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 3:23:52 PM Post Reply
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Despite Hamas Ties, Biden Removes Cuba
From List of Terror States
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 3:09:29 PM Post Reply
The Communist regime in Cuba has a long history of terrorism, and not just the Marxist kind either. [SNIP] Cuba and Iran have long-term relationships with terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and a decades-long hostility toward Israel, a U.S. ally in the Middle East. Since Oct. 7, Iran and Cuba have publicly backed Hamas and refused to condemn its terrorist attacks against Israel. Hamas is also receiving support from Beijing and Moscow.
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Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 2:18:30 PM Post Reply
After weeks of pro-Hamas campus riots, Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch, was due to speak to the UCLA chapter of Young Americans for Freedom with a talk titled “Why Everything You Know About Palestine is Wrong”. Going in, we knew that UCLA would do everything possible to stop the talk even as Hamas supporters were holding Nakba Day ceremonies commemorating the failed Muslim effort to exterminate the Jews. [SNIP] While the doors were supposed to open at 5:30 PM, they were instead locked. UCLA wanted the event to go somewhere else, anywhere else, after threats and lies from terror supporters.
Shocking video reveals how California
thieves are stealing Tesla charging station
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16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 1:55:26 AM Post Reply
Footage has revealed how thieves in California are stealing copper-filled cables from Tesla charging stations. Viral video shared on TikTok by Joshua Beckler shows the aftermath of a recent theft at a Tesla Supercharger station in Vallejo, California. The nine stations are seen without any of the cables attached to them as Beckler shows the core of the heavy duty cable, which is clearly rich in copper, whose value has soared in recent years. The incident happened sometime over the weekend before it was reported to Vallejo police on Sunday morning.
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Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 1:37:29 AM Post Reply
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While Leftists Block Roads, Woman Gets
5 Years in Prison for Protesting Abortion
5 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 1:21:10 AM Post Reply
One system. Two sets of rules. Eco-terrorists have attacked priceless works of art and history. Hamas supporters have blocked roads, bridges, and airports. They’ve shut down campuses and assaulted students and faculty. And all of it has gone unpunished. But one woman is going to prison for almost 5 years for protesting abortion. [A] federal judge sentenced the leader of an anti-abortion group to more than four years in prison Tuesday for orchestrating a conspiracy to violate patients’ rights by forcibly blockading a D.C. clinic in 2020.
Report: More Than Half of Immigrants in
U.S. Are Unemployed
24 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/14/2024 1:49:36 AM Post Reply
More than half of the foreign-born immigrant population in the United States under President Joe Biden’s administration is unemployed, according to a recent report. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report on Monday that showed that just 46 percent of migrants who had arrived in the U.S. “in 2022 or later” were employed as of the beginning of 2024. “Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, researchers with the CIS, wrote.
After Dems Spent $30M to Flip Wisconsin
Supreme Court, Ballot Boxes Will Come Back
4 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/14/2024 1:34:04 AM Post Reply
As I’ve said over and over again, the left plays chess while the right plays checkers. If even that anymore. The Left knows the game it’s playing and has a strategy for winning it. It’s once again operating in plain sight. It’s possible that looking back we will say that the 2024 presidential election was decided in 2023 with a Supreme Court race in Wisconsin. Democrats have scored a major off-year election victory in Wisconsin, winning the state’s open supreme court seat and flipping control of the court to liberals for the first time in 15 years.
Christian Veteran Now Facing Hate Crime
Charge for Toppling Satanic Display: The
former Navy pilot is looking at 5 years
in prison thanks to Soros-backed D.A.
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/14/2024 1:32:30 AM Post Reply
FrontPage Mag readers may recall that back in December I wrote about Michael Cassidy, a conservative Christian and former Navy pilot who tore down a Satanic altar competing with a Christmas display of the Nativity in the Iowa State Capitol. Originally charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief, Cassidy was subsequently hit with a hate crime charge by Polk County Democrat Attorney Kimberly Graham, a prosecutor funded by – surprise – left-wing billionaire financier George Soros. Cassidy is now looking at a possible five years in prison.
Fentanyl pills are getting deadlier amid
deepening ties between Mexico's cartels
and China: DEA report warns
11 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/13/2024 4:06:35 PM Post Reply
US drugs chiefs are warning of deepening ties between Mexico's cartels and China as the fentanyl pills that claim lives from coast to coast are becoming more potent and deadlier. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has found evidence of Chinese middle men laundering more of the profits cartels make from selling narcotics in the United States. Meanwhile, the fentanyl that claims some 70,000 US lives each year has become even more dangerous, so that now some 70 percent of pills contain a fatal dose of the opioid.
UNC Chapel Hill abolishes DEI department
and transfers all funds to campus cops
after frat brothers were left to defend
the flag from anti-Israel mob
14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/13/2024 4:05:13 PM Post Reply
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has abolished its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program. UNC Chapel Hill's Board of Trustees voted Monday to cut funding for diversity programs in next year’s budget - and approved a change that would divert $2.3 million toward public safety and policing. The vote to shift more funding to public safety comes as continued pro-Palestinian protests on UNC’s campus have resulted in several arrests in recent weeks. The campus made national headlines after members of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity took it upon themselves to shield the US flag after protesters replaced it with the Palestinian flag.
UN slashes estimate of women and children
killed in Gaza by 50 PERCENT
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/13/2024 4:01:07 PM Post Reply
The United Nations has dramatically slashed the estimated number of women and children killed in Gaza by 50 percent. Without announcement, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) altered their data on May 8 - reducing almost half the number of women and children previously reported killed in the Gaza conflict. The data which they base their reports on is collected from 'Gaza's Ministry of Health,' run by Hamas, the terror group that started the war on October 7.
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Petition to boot Harrison Butker from
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signatures after the kicker's 'sexist,
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and racist' college graduation speech
34 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 3:24:47 AM Post Reply
A petition demanding the release of Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker from the team and NFL has gone viral in wake of his controversial graduation speech at a private college in Kansas. Butker, an outspoken Catholic and married father-of-two, congratulated the women receiving their degrees at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, last weekend, and said most of them were probably more excited about getting married, having children and staying at home to raise them, rather than establishing their careers. He also assailed Pride month, a particularly important time for the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and President Joe Biden's stance on abortion.
Joe Biden is carrying a MASSIVE personal
debt as it's revealed the President and
wife Jill failed to sell books - netting
zero royalties from three titles
25 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 1:26:47 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are carrying a personal debt of up to $815,000, their financial records show, and no one is buying the president's books. Most of the couple's debt is the mortgage on their Delaware home and an equity loan on that home. Additionally their debt consists of a term loan of about $15,000 and a loan against a mutual fund for about $50,000. In total, the Bidens reported assets between roughly $1 million and $2.6 million and liabilities between roughly $350,000 and $850,000, according to an Office of Government Ethics form
CNN's Jake Tapper, who called Trump's
presidency a 'nightmare,' tapped to moderate
presidential debate
18 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 10:17:15 AM Post Reply
CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who in recent years has become one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices in the liberal media, was selected to moderate CNN’s Presidential Debate between the former president and President Biden. It was announced Wednesday that Tapper will co-moderate the debate with CNN colleague Dana Bash on June 27 in Atlanta after both candidates agreed to the terms. But Tapper's hostile coverage of Trump and Republicans will perhaps offer a preview of what Trump should expect going into the key political showdown.
Biden Moves to Block House GOP From Getting
Interview Tapes With Special Counsel
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/16/2024 11:39:21 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON—President Joe Biden has asserted executive privilege over the tapes of his two-day interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur in his probe of the president’s alleged mishandling of classified information. The tapes are at the center of a dispute between House Republicans and Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has defied a subpoena for them and today faces contempt proceedings. Mr. Garland, in a May 15 letter to the president, said that the “committee’s needs are plainly insufficient to outweigh the deleterious effects that the production of the recordings would have on the integrity and effectiveness of similar law enforcement investigations in the future.”
Shocking video reveals how California
thieves are stealing Tesla charging station
cables for their $3 per pound copper
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 1:55:26 AM Post Reply
Footage has revealed how thieves in California are stealing copper-filled cables from Tesla charging stations. Viral video shared on TikTok by Joshua Beckler shows the aftermath of a recent theft at a Tesla Supercharger station in Vallejo, California. The nine stations are seen without any of the cables attached to them as Beckler shows the core of the heavy duty cable, which is clearly rich in copper, whose value has soared in recent years. The incident happened sometime over the weekend before it was reported to Vallejo police on Sunday morning.
Despite Hamas Ties, Biden Removes Cuba
From List of Terror States
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/16/2024 3:09:29 PM Post Reply
The Communist regime in Cuba has a long history of terrorism, and not just the Marxist kind either. [SNIP] Cuba and Iran have long-term relationships with terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and a decades-long hostility toward Israel, a U.S. ally in the Middle East. Since Oct. 7, Iran and Cuba have publicly backed Hamas and refused to condemn its terrorist attacks against Israel. Hamas is also receiving support from Beijing and Moscow.
Abbott pardons army sergeant sentenced
to 25 years after murdering BLM protester
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/16/2024 5:49:59 PM Post Reply
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday issued a pardon for Daniel Perry, an Army sergeant who was convicted of murder for fatally shooting a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protester in 2020. (snip) The proclamation grants Perry a full pardon and “restoration of full civil rights of citizenship.” (snip) Perry was working as an Uber driver and dropped a passenger off in downtown Austin. He was attempting to move his car through a crowd when he said Foster, who was legally armed, aimed his rifle at him. Perry also legally had a gun on him and fired the pistol at Foster because he feared for his life.
Jewish Biden appointee resigns over president’s
stance on war in Gaza: ‘Blood of innocent
people on his hands’
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/16/2024 2:35:25 PM Post Reply
A Jewish Biden administration official resigned over President Joe Biden’s stance on the war in Gaza, becoming the first Jewish staffer appointed by the president to resign publicly. Lily Greenberg Call, special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department, cited her Jewish heritage as the reason for her resignation. In her letter, she related her deep ties to the United States and Israel but expressed deep opposition to Israel’s conduct in its war against Hamas in Gaza, calling it a “genocide.” “The President has the power to call for a lasting ceasefire, to stop sending weapons to Israel, and to condition aid
Boeing jet forced to make an emergency
landing after engine catches fire
13 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/16/2024 12:56:37 PM Post Reply
A Boeing plane carrying 468 people was forced to make an emergency landing in Indonesia after the engine suddenly caught fire just after takeoff. The Garuda Indonesia jet was taking off from the Indonesian city of Makassar en route to Saudi Arabia — with many passengers heading on pilgrimage to Mecca — when the drama unfolded at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, the airline said. Dramatic footage posted on social media apparently shows the Boeing 747-400 plane’s engine engulfed in flames right as its wheels were lifting off the runway. The pilot immediately returned to the original airport, according to the airline.
Biden asserts executive privilege over
Hur audio files ahead of House contempt
proceedings against Garland
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 10:17:12 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has asserted executive privilege over the recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, according to letters from the White House and Justice Department to House Republicans. Republican lawmakers had previously subpoenaed the audio recordings of Biden’s interviews, along with his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer and other items from Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of classified information. The House Oversight and Judiciary committees are scheduled to begin the process of holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with those subpoenas on Thursday.
Hunter Biden's 'sugar brother' Kevin Morris
'tapped out' of cash after funding President's
son's legal battles for almost five years
13 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 8:45:06 AM Post Reply
Hollywood lawyer and Hunter Biden's 'sugar brother', Kevin Morris, is said to be 'tapped out' of cash after financially supporting Hunter's legal battles over the last four and a half years to the tune of $6 million. Morris, 61, decided to step in after believing Hunter had little support, but he has since confirmed he is no longer going to continue to lend money to him to fight his battles. The withdrawal of financial support for the president's son comes at the worst possible time for Hunter, 54, with two trials looming which could end up seeing him serve jail time.
Is There a Creepier Newscaster Than MSNBC's
Wannabe Poet Lawrence O'Donnell?
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/16/2024 8:01:33 AM Post Reply
I watch plenty of newscasts and opinion shows (in all my free time), and I’m used to seeing detached-from-reality takes from Whoopi Goldberg and the harridans on "The View," or nonsensical diatribes from Joe Scarborough and wife Mika—an odious pair who are disturbingly obsessed with their Trump hatred despite being extremely tight with the former president just a few years ago—or CNN anchors twisting themselves into pretzels attempting to defend Biden’s indefensible failures. But there’s another pundit out there who routinely drops lunatic commentary that makes you think, “How on earth did this guy get hired by a major U.S. news network?" His name is Lawrence O’Donnell,
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