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Mike Pence's wife Karen stares down Melania
and refuses to shake Trump's hand at Jimmy
Carter's funeral

Original Article

Posted By: Harlowe, 1/9/2025 12:59:50 PM

Karen Pence refused to acknowledge President-elect Donald Trump and Melania Trumpas they arrived at the Washington National Cathedral Thursday for the funeral of President Jimmy Carter. The former second lady was seated next to her husband, former Vice President Mike Pence, and remained seated as the Trumps arrived. She made no effort to shake hands with Melania Trump, who she worked hand-in-hand with when their husbands were in office during Trump's first term. Mike Pence shook hands with Donald Trump after former Vice President Al Gore did the same. It was their first public interaction since 2021. Karen Pence remained seated, looking forward, the whole time.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: udanja99 1/9/2025 1:02:49 PM (No. 1870059)
Sounds like Karen is a real Karen.
74 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jasonB 1/9/2025 1:08:43 PM (No. 1870066)
Middle school level gossip. Next up; So and so has cooties!
26 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: cor-vet 1/9/2025 1:10:04 PM (No. 1870067)
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: itsonlyme 1/9/2025 1:20:01 PM (No. 1870069)
In other "related" news...... "Former first lady Michelle Obama did not attend the state funeral Thursday for former President Jimmy Carter." "Except for Michelle Obama, all of the living former presidents and their spouses were at the funeral, including Barack Obama, sitting in the front pews of Washington National Cathedral behind only President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and their spouses." "Michelle Obama’s office confirmed she did not attend the funeral but did not say where she was or why she was absent." That is all for now.
20 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: slipstik 1/9/2025 1:20:30 PM (No. 1870070)
The wife of a J6 co conspirator won't shake the hand of the victim of the conspiracy. There, I fixed it.
40 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: vrb8m 1/9/2025 1:21:11 PM (No. 1870071)
Proving that she's just as small a person as her husband is.
51 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 1/9/2025 1:23:24 PM (No. 1870072)
The Daily Fail exaggerates-I watched the vid and she Mrs. Pence sat in her seat like a good little nobody, right next to her husband Mike "Backstabber' Pence and the Inventor of The Internet himself.
23 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: vrb8m 1/9/2025 1:24:17 PM (No. 1870073)
Second post apologies, but Mike Obama is in Hawaii on vacation.
30 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/9/2025 1:27:15 PM (No. 1870076)
#4, she is still in Hawaii on an extended vacation and couldn't be bothered, it seems. As for Karen Pence, it's her choice to be gracious or not. Not likely to hear from her or her husband much in the future. Might want to ask Dan Quayle about life after being VP.
25 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 1/9/2025 1:35:04 PM (No. 1870081)
Another fine display of the Pence’s extolled “Christianity”, I guess. But, her ugly display of pettiness hasn’t matched his actions yet.
32 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: red1066 1/9/2025 1:54:05 PM (No. 1870092)
Why is she mad at the Trump's? It was her husband that screwed the country by validating an obviously crooked election result. By Jan. 6th, the amount of fraud was well known and documented.
35 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 1/9/2025 1:54:16 PM (No. 1870093)
Aptly named, I see.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Lucky5 1/9/2025 2:01:45 PM (No. 1870097)
One of the articles says Michelle 0bama was in Hawaii on vacation. lol
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Hazymac 1/9/2025 2:03:03 PM (No. 1870098)
Butthurt Karen.
15 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: FJB 1/9/2025 2:27:54 PM (No. 1870115)
Atta Girl, that'll teach them.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: downnout 1/9/2025 2:30:31 PM (No. 1870117)
Trashy. I would have expected better of her.
11 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Scribelus 1/9/2025 2:30:58 PM (No. 1870118)
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Quigley 1/9/2025 2:42:05 PM (No. 1870125)
I agree with #7. The video i watched hardly shows any staring down. Maybe you had to be there. Obumbum didn’t wanna get Macrooned. Probably smart on his part. Big Mike just wants to enjoy the wealth bestowed upon her by the Deep State, muslim brotherhood, etc; i don’t blame her. Why get dressed, go to the airport, take a plane ride, travel to the funeral for some peanut farmer when you can just lounge around? Hopefully that’s all she wants and the Dim Machine won’t want to run her for president since they seem to be out of celebrities that the public wants to have burning that place down.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Harlowe 1/9/2025 2:43:25 PM (No. 1870127)
Ho, hum. So what. Gossip. In other related news. ~~ Not exactly. Considering the VIP stature of the people involved, civility/courtesy/politeness would be anticipated but such behavior seems to have become a thing of the past and replaced by hostile/rude/unprincipled behavior . From an honest human nature perspective, the behavior of Karen Pence is disgraceful/frustrating. From a Judeo-Christian perspective, the behavior of Karen Pence is understandable based on whatever wrongs she harbors within her being that might include such a demonstration being in defense of her husband in what she may perceive to be the victim of unjust accusations by President Trump. If that might be the rationale for her behavior, to be so rude to Melania Trump was disrespectful/impolite/needless. Without judging/condemning Karen Pence, such behavior is, sadly, a poor reflection of how people of faith are to behave.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: dwa 1/9/2025 2:50:29 PM (No. 1870131)
What an arrogant little tool Karen Pence is. She talks a Christian game but acts anything but Christian. Pathetic.
14 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 1/9/2025 2:56:52 PM (No. 1870135)
Mike Pence did it to himself on January 6, 2021, then compounded his mistake by trashing his former boss, never imagining that Trump would rise again. He chose poorly. Not Trump's fault.
18 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: hershey 1/9/2025 2:58:47 PM (No. 1870136)
Small there were some tense moments...chuckle....
7 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: keep_right 1/9/2025 3:10:08 PM (No. 1870145)
Mrs. Pence didn't snub anyone. She is the spouse of a former VP and remained seated while the former VP's politely shook hands with former and future president Trump. Mike Pence also shook hands with Melania as she was standing next to her husband. There was no need for Mrs. Pence to stand and greet anyone. It's a funeral for Pete's sake - not a political meet and greet.
10 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: rytwng 1/9/2025 3:59:47 PM (No. 1870159)
Real Christianlike Karen.
3 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: lynngirl122 1/9/2025 4:25:43 PM (No. 1870175)
Melania looked like a seething queen.
2 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: legalart 1/9/2025 6:05:13 PM (No. 1870204)
No class. As expected.
0 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: earlybird 1/9/2025 6:10:58 PM (No. 1870207)
Stumpy little brown mouse Karen was always visibly jealous of gorgeous talented Melania. Intimidated by her - but intimidation is in the eye of the beholder.
4 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: earlybird 1/9/2025 6:29:16 PM (No. 1870220)
Althougth we weren't there the pjhotos only show Karen staring at her lap as the Trumps rentered. She did not acknowledge Merlania when she came toward her. PDJT did not ask Pence to trash or throw out any electoral college votes. He did ask, per the rules, that any that were questionable could be sent back to the respective state(s) for review before being certified. Pence declined to do so;
9 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: YorkieMom 1/9/2025 6:47:28 PM (No. 1870230)
The news people love to stir up trouble. I don't know what the Pences and it's not Pence's, were thinking, but I'll be catty about Michelle Obama and say she probably thought she was too good to attend because of how they were treated for eight years. Yep, that's what I think.
0 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Harlowe 1/9/2025 6:54:52 PM (No. 1870237)
#23~ “Mrs. Pence didn’t snub anyone. ... There was no need for Mrs. Pence to stand and greet anyone. It's a funeral for Pete's sake - not a political meet and greet.” / A variety of news sources described Karen Trump’s behavior as a “snub” to Melania Trump: ~ Watch: Mike Pence's Wife SNUBS Trump at Jimmy Carter Funeral › watch-mike-pence-wife-snubs-195441223 Karen Pence appears to want nothing to do with the man who supported hanging her husband. ~ VIDEO: Mike Pence wife SNUBS trump jimmy carter funeral - Daily Mail › video › news › video-3348285 › VIDEO-mike-pen... 8 hours ago • Mike Pence's wife, Karen, snubs President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania at Jimmy Carter's funeral in Washington D.C.. ~ Karen Pence refuses to shake Trump's hand at Jimmy Carter's funeral › news › article-14267397 › karen-pence-snubs-don... Karen Pence refused to acknowledge President-elect Donald Trump and Melania Trump as they arrived at the Washington National Cathedral ... Regarding "no need for Karen Pence to stand and greet anyone and that a funeral and not a political meet and greet," it has been customary not only for family members of the deceased to greet guests with warmth, but also for guests to greet guests with warmth. To insist that Karen Spence’s behavior was not a snub, reference the article and video pasted below that was posted to this salon at 2:12 PM and take special note of Karen Spence’s animated greetings for George and Laura Bush at the 2:01 mark and for Hillary and Bill Clinton at the 2:48 mark. ~ YIKES: THE TENSE AND AWKWARD MOMENTS AT JIMMY CARTER'S FUNERAL Matt Margolis | 2:12 PM ON JANUARY 09, 2025 #28~ Correct, Karen Pence did not acknowledge Melania Trump as evidenced by the video posted at the link above but clearly show Karen Pence’s greeting for George and Laura Bush as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton. #28~ Correct, Karen Pence did not acknowledge Melania Trump as evidenced by the video posted at the link above but clearly show Karen Pence’s greeting for George and Laura Bush as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton.
6 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Harlowe 1/9/2025 7:21:36 PM (No. 1870260)
#25~ Considering Melania Trump’s dignified manner and proper etiquette, the look on her face is not likely that of a “seething queen” but more a mix of hurt for the personal affront by Karen Spence with a rekindling of how President and Mrs. Trump have been treated by political elitists and the mainstream media these past years—a sad confirmation of the next term in office likely to be no different. While there may be little, if any, comfort for her to know, there are people of faith appreciating, respecting, and praying for President Trump and his family. “Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. ...” (Psalm 37:1-9)
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Pete Hegseth Makes The Definitive Case
Why He’s Qualified To Be Trump’s Defense Secretary
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Posted by Harlowe 1/14/2025 5:29:03 PM Post Reply
During his Tuesday Senate confirmation hearing, Pete Hegseth provided his best case yet on why he’s the perfect man to be President-elect Donald Trump’s defense secretary. Speaking before the Armed Services Committee,...“the primary charge” given to him by Trump was to “bring the warrior culture back to the Department of Defense.” [Snip] President-elect Trump “believes, and I humbly agree, that it’s time to give someone with dust on his boots the helm. ... Someone with no vested interest in certain companies or specific programs or approved narratives,” Hegseth said. [Snip] “[T]his is not academic for me; this is my life. I led then, and I will lead now.”
Garland Seeks To Trample Americans’
Due Process Rights To Get Trump
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Posted by Harlowe 1/13/2025 5:17:38 PM Post Reply
The release of the special counsel report by the attorney general would severely prejudice the due process rights of the individuals identified in that report, a brief filed late Saturday in a Florida federal court argued. [Snip] Clark is not the only one who might suffer this concentration of prejudices. Multiple individuals described in either the original or superseding indictments in the Election case are also facing related criminal prosecution in one or more States, and/or related bar disciplinary proceedings, [Snip] The release of Volume I also risks violating Trump’s due process rights,...after Trump leaves office, he still risks prosecution.
Los Angeles arsonist is arrested for 'purposely
starting Kenneth Fire'
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/10/2025 12:41:02 AM Post Reply
An apocalyptic, fast-moving fire that sparked mass evacuations in Calabasas and the Hidden Hills is being investigated as an arson incident, with one suspect arrested. The Kenneth Fire is tearing through the West Hills... [Snip] Now, LAPD senior lead officer Charles Dinsel has told NewsNation that a suspect is in custody, who is believed to have intentionally caused the out-of-control blaze. [Snip] Dinsel was asked directly if he believed the fire was set intentionally,...'At this time, that's what we believe. Yes.' Sources told that a resident called 911 to report a male attempting to set a fire at the 21700 block of Ybarra road at around 4.30pm.
Elon Musk announces SpaceX will provide
free Starlink terminals in LA amid raging fires
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/9/2025 10:17:53 PM Post Reply
As raging fires ravage California, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, wealthy business magnate Elon Musk announced that SpaceX will supply free Starlink terminals to impacted areas in Los Angeles. He made the announcement when retweeting footage of a reporter crediting Starlink internet service with connectivity. The reporter said that Starlink is "the only reason we're able to hear and communicate...right now because there's absolutely no cell service at all in this whole area." Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., has asked Musk to utilize his money and social media platform X to assist poor families whose residences and workplaces have been destroyed amid the devastating wildfires.
LA Already Shipped Firefighting Equipment
To Ukraine, And Now Biden Is Planning
Another Handout As California Burns
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Posted by Harlowe 1/9/2025 2:15:41 PM Post Reply
The Los Angeles County Fire Department shipped equipment to Ukraine in 2022, and now the Biden administration is working overtime to send the country millions more in handouts as wildfires devastate California. [Snip] The fire department donated its own “surplus” supplies to help a foreign regime and is now caught flat-footed without the capacity to respond to the Pacific Palisades wildfire,... [Snip] In a reactionary move...the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has cut a deal with California to reimburse the state for having to hire more firefighters, providing compensation for up to 75 percent of “eligible firefighting costs” for things like equipment, supplies, and mobilization efforts.
Mike Pence's wife Karen stares down Melania
and refuses to shake Trump's hand at Jimmy
Carter's funeral
31 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/9/2025 12:59:50 PM Post Reply
Karen Pence refused to acknowledge President-elect Donald Trump and Melania Trumpas they arrived at the Washington National Cathedral Thursday for the funeral of President Jimmy Carter. The former second lady was seated next to her husband, former Vice President Mike Pence, and remained seated as the Trumps arrived. She made no effort to shake hands with Melania Trump, who she worked hand-in-hand with when their husbands were in office during Trump's first term. Mike Pence shook hands with Donald Trump after former Vice President Al Gore did the same. It was their first public interaction since 2021. Karen Pence remained seated, looking forward, the whole time.
AG Merrick Garland intends to release
Special Counsel Jack Smith report on Trump
election case
19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/8/2025 12:56:28 PM Post Reply
Attorney General Merrick Garland will release Special Counsel Jack Smith's report on the 2020 election interference case against President-elect Trump, according to a court filing. The Department of Justice told the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday that Garland intends to release Volume One of Smith's final report to Congress and the public, which covers the allegations that Trump attempted to illegally undo the results of the 2020 presidential election. However, Garland will not release Volume Two,...classified documents case against Trump, "This limited disclosure will further the public interest in keeping congressional leadership apprised of a significant matter within the Department while safeguarding defendants' interests,"
“This is Not Normal” – LEAKED: Veterans
Affair Insider Reveals HHS Memo Detailing
“Presidential Inauguration Medical Personnel
Support Deployment Request”
10 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/8/2025 11:07:49 AM Post Reply
The O’Keefe Media Group obtained a leaked memo detailing an unusual “presidential inauguration medical personnel support deployment request” for Trump’s inauguration. The Department of Veterans Affair insider told James O’Keefe that she has never seen a request like this before. [Snip] “What concerned me was that this has never been requested before, especially not from HHS,” an insider within the Department of Veterans Affairs told O’Keefe Media Group, revealing an internal memorandum requesting medical personnel ahead of the 2025 Presidential Inauguration. The documents, addressed to Dr. Paul D. Kim of the Veterans Health Administration’s Office of Emergency Management, detail a formal appeal for paramedics, emergency nurses, and doctors.
Judge Merchan denies Trump's request to
delay sentencing
7 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/6/2025 6:19:28 PM Post Reply
New York Judge Juan Merchan denied President-elect Donald Trump's request to delay sentencing in the New York v. Trump case. "Defendant's motion for a stay of these proceedings, including the sentencing hearing scheduled for January 10, 2025, is hereby DENIED," Merchan wrote in his decision Monday. Earlier Monday, Trump's legal team filed a motion to delay sentencing in the case. Trump is set to be sentenced on Friday, Jan. 10, at 9:30 a.m., 10 days ahead of his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States on Jan. 20.
Trump makes shock claim about Alvin Bragg
after judge rules he will be sentenced
before inauguration
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/6/2025 12:37:45 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump made a shock claim that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was 'forced' to prosecute him by the Biden Administration just days after a judge ruled that his sentencing will take place ten days before his inauguration. [Snip] Trump accused DA Bragg and the judge overseeing his trial, Juan Merchan, of orchestrating a 'lawless' case against him under pressure from the Biden administration. [Snip] Trump wrote about himself in the third person as he suggested that Bragg was forced into action by the Department of Justice, stating that the 'Biden/Harris DOJ forced Bragg to concoct anything to embarrass Trump.'
Why Chefs Like Me Support RFK Jr.’s
Crusade To Make Food Better And Healthier
7 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/3/2025 12:34:31 PM Post Reply
The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is to enhance the health and well-being of Americans. Somewhere during its journey of growth and influence, however, HHS lost its way. If this is to be corrected, new leadership is required to move us back to an era of less processed food, healthier ingredients, and logical choices that enhance our health. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has the focus, knowledge, enthusiasm, and influence to effect much-needed change in our food system. In my 20-plus years as a professional chef and restaurant owner, I watched as food quality deteriorated.
Police thank Elon Musk for help in investigating
Cybertruck attack at Trump Hotel
4 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/2/2025 1:55:21 PM Post Reply
A law enforcement official leading the investigation into an attack outside Trump Hotel in Las Vegas thanked Elon Musk by name for his help. Someone exploded a Tesla Cybertruck outside the hotel on Wednesday morning. Colorado media have named Matthew Livelsberger as a suspect. “I have to thank Elon Musk specifically,” Las Vegas Sheriff Kevin McMahill told the media on Wednesday, citing evidence Musk had sent. He also said the probe is focusing on motives, suggesting that the attack’s use of a Tesla truck outside Donald Trump’s hotel raises questions. Tesla also unlocked the vehicle for law enforcement.
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Michelle Obama will not attend Donald
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Posted by Imright 1/14/2025 12:40:36 PM Post Reply
Former first lady Michelle Obama is set to snub President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration next Monday after skipping former President Jimmy Carter’s funeral last week — where she would have sat next to the one and future commander-in-chief. “Former President Barack Obama is confirmed to attend the 60th Inaugural Ceremonies. Former first lady Michelle Obama will not attend the upcoming inauguration,” the Office of Barack and Michelle Obama said in a statement to the Associated Press. The former first lady’s team did not provide a reason for skipping the inauguration, but Michelle Obama, 60, has been an impassioned critic of Trump, 78, over the past eight years.
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Posted by Trapper 1/13/2025 10:33:16 AM Post Reply
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Disney’s ‘Star Wars’ Star Mark Hamill
Bravely Announces He Won’t Watch Trump’s Inauguration
31 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/13/2025 8:42:12 PM Post Reply
Star Wars star Mark Hamill is wondering how many of his fans plan to boycott watching any part of the coverage of President-elect Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration ceremony, weeks before the historic event. The rabidly left-wing Luke Skywalker star jumped to his BlueSky account once again to gin up hatred for Donald Trump and Republicans with a post reading, “Who else is really looking forward to not watching the Inauguration?” The post also had a meme reading, “I will not be watching the sad mockery of someone swearing an oath they have no intention of upholding.”
Special counsel report found Trump engaged
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/14/2025 3:16:24 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith concluded that Donald Trump engaged in an "unprecedented criminal effort" to hold on to power after losing the 2020 election, but was thwarted in bringing the case to trial by the president-elect's November election victory, according to a report published on Tuesday. The report details Smith's decision to bring a four-count indictment against Trump, accusing him of plotting to obstruct the collection and certification of votes following his 2020 defeat by Democratic President Joe Biden. It concludes that the evidence would have been enough to convict Trump at trial, but his imminent return to the presidency, set for Jan. 20, made that impossible.
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Posted by NorthernDog 1/13/2025 9:45:12 AM Post Reply
New York — Veteran opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin is becoming the latest in a long list of Washington Post figures to leave the troubled institution. Rubin is partnering with former White House ethics czar Norm Eisen and launching something new: a startup publication called The Contrarian. The startup’s tagline, “Not owned by anybody,” is a pointed reference to billionaire Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos and other moguls who, in Rubin’s view, have “bent the knee” to President-elect Donald Trump. “Our goal is to combat, with every fiber of our being, the authoritarian threat that we face,” Rubin told CNN in
The Washington Post Has Officially Lost
90 Percent of Its Readership
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2025 10:43:12 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post is dying, like Democracy does in darkness. Cringe-worthy slogans aside, the Washington Post's downfall is well deserved as the rag has become an ultra-biased outlet that not only proved itself to be an unreliable social narrator but proved that the ideology that it supported is an absolute failure. So it's not a surprise that over the course of the years, its audience has more or less completely abandoned it, leaving it a shadow of its former self, a Goliath in the news industry. According to, WaPo has bled out its traffic, and that bleed was heavy. From 2021, it's lost 90 percent of its daily users:
Hamas expected to release 33 hostages
in first phase of emerging ceasefire deal,
Israeli officials say
19 replies
Posted by FormerDem 1/14/2025 8:26:05 AM Post Reply
Hamas is expected to release 33 hostages during the first phase of an emerging ceasefire agreement being finalized by negotiators in Doha, two Israeli officials said, the first positive sign in months that a truce in the Israel-Hamas war may be in sight. Officials have expressed cautious optimism that a deal could soon be announced to halt 15 months of fighting that has destabilized the Middle East and devastated Gaza, allow for more aid into the besieged Palestinian enclave, and ensure the return of dozens of hostages held by Hamas since its attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.
Reed to Hegseth: You are unqualified,
lack character
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/14/2025 11:37:41 AM Post Reply
Sen. Jack Reed (R.I), the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, told Pete Hegseth, President-elect Trump’s pick to head the Department of Defense, that he is plainly unqualified and lacks the necessary character to lead the nation’s armed forces. I do not believe that you are qualified to meet the overwhelming demands of this job. We must acknowledge the concerning public reports against you,” Reed said in a stinging opening statement at Hegseth confirmation hearing, which began at 9:30 a.m. EST Tuesday morning. Reed said committee members must pay close attention to allegations of sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement against Hegseth in recent years.
Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad to California
Wildfire Victims (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/14/2025 7:09:17 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris convened Senior White House and Administration officials for a briefing on the federal government’s response to the Los Angeles wildfires. The Los Angeles fires have killed at least 24 people and destroyed more than 12,000 structures, and the reported estimated damage is around $150 billion. The damage is largely due to Democrats like Governor Newsom and LA Mayor Karen Bass after they slashed fire department funding and didn’t fill reservoirs. On Monday Biden announced his Regime is giving $770 to people impacted by the California wildfires.
Here It Is - DOJ Releases 134-Page Jack
Smith Lawfare Report Detailing Trump Targeting Operation
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2025 6:34:24 AM Post Reply
Shortly after midnight the DOJ released a 134-page volume 1 report [SEE HERE] outlining a political narrative used by the Biden Dept of Justice in their targeting effort of President-elect Donald Trump. We are reading it along with you in real time and will have more analysis following complete review. In the interim, everyone knows the timing and release of this report is being done as part of a sequential series of steps intended to undermine the administration of incoming President Donald Trump.
Nearly 1,000 sign petition calling on
Brooklyn cinema to ban ‘Zionist propaganda’
film about 1972 Munich massacre
17 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/14/2025 3:21:25 AM Post Reply
Nearly 1,000 people have signed an online petition calling on a cinema in Brooklyn to stop screening a film about the Munich massacre during the 1972 Summer Olympics. September 5, directed by Tim Fehlbaum, follows the terrorist attack carried out by the Palestinian militant organisation Black September. [SNIP] A petition organised by a group of New York cinema workers is calling on the cinema to stop platforming the film and has amassed more than 1,000 signatures. The workers describe the film as “Zionist propaganda”, which misrepresents the militants who carried out the massacre as “antisemitic terrorists”.
Man Seen Starting Fires With Blow Torch
in LA County Not Charged With Arson
17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2025 11:11:55 AM Post Reply
A suspect seen starting fires with a blow torch in a Los Angeles neighborhood Thursday afternoon is not being charged with arson because a police investigation found “no probable cause.” The man is still being detained on a felony probation violation amid the ongoing investigation, Los Angeles Police Department Assistant Chief Dominic Choi said in a press conference Friday. The arrest comes amid growing speculation that at least some of the LA fires were started by arsonists. The suspect was arrested Thursday night on suspicion of arson near the Kenneth fire, a wildfire that started at about 2:30, Thursday afternoon. The suspect, believed to be a homeless man, had reportedly been
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