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Democrat Officials: ‘If Anyone Should
Get the Blame for a Trump Win, It’s Biden’

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/5/2024 1:00:07 AM

If Vice President Kamala Harris loses the election, several Democrat officials believe that President Joe Biden will be to blame, a new Politico Playbook report revealed. After speaking with Democrat insiders, the outlet stated, “If Harris loses, it’ll be because… she took the reins too late.” “Already, most Democratic officials we’ve spoken to agree: If anyone should get the blame for a Trump win, it’s Biden,” Washington, DC, correspondents Rachel Bade and Eugene Daniels wrote Monday. According to the Democrats they spoke to, Biden’s long-held commitment to running at 81 years old despite his obviously faltering mental health and low approval rating cost Harris

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Reply 1 - Posted by: kono 11/5/2024 1:12:06 AM (No. 1826035)
If he picked QueMala for his running mate, then he's to blame for us having her, so ultimately the buck stops at him. That doesn't absolve her for what she did (or didn't do), though.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Northcross 11/5/2024 1:21:01 AM (No. 1826037)
Didn't step away soon enough? Seriously. The longer Kamala is in the public eye, the worse her approval. It ain't Joe. The puppetmasters need to take the hit.
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 11/5/2024 1:39:03 AM (No. 1826041)
Bullschiff. The blame falls squarely on the head honchos of the DemocRat party (the Obamas, Pelosi, Schumer, Clymer, et al) who tried to cover up Old Demented's failing faculties, blocked any serious primary challenger, and thought they could prop him up and get him through another campaign like they did in 3020 in order to keep their puppet in place, only to have it all crash and burn when they foolishly allowed him onto the debate stage. Then after being forced to topple Old Demented in a coup, they again blocked any real competition for the nomination and installed their vice-puppet, Komrade Kackles the Klown, as their substitute candidate. They only have themselves to blame for their coming defeat.
43 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Nimby 11/5/2024 2:50:20 AM (No. 1826047)
The entire Democrat establishment, including the fraudster Kamala should be blamed, if they lose
24 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: marbles 11/5/2024 2:54:15 AM (No. 1826050)
The would never blame themselves for what THEY did. Dems won't take any responsibility, it's not in their DNA
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Californian 11/5/2024 2:59:03 AM (No. 1826052)
Nonsense. They knew he wasn't fit in 20. Ran him anyway. Had to cheat to win. Knew he definitely wasn't fit in 24. Lied about it every day. Ran him anyway. Only when they could no longer lie because he blew up in a public debate did they instantly ditch him and switch to the only person Trump could best. Clowns.
30 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: billsv 11/5/2024 3:14:41 AM (No. 1826055)
The American people are to blame for electing DJT
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: ThreeBadCats3 11/5/2024 3:56:01 AM (No. 1826056)
You might say that Biden gets the credit for re-electing D.J.Trump for what is in reality his third election win. Fortunately, the second doesn’t count. The fact will be recorded in time.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Trigger2 11/5/2024 3:58:56 AM (No. 1826058)
Too late to get out of the race? I'd say he was too late to get elected in 2020. Voters were sold a bill of goods back then.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mifla 11/5/2024 4:10:53 AM (No. 1826062)
Looks like the powers that be have picked their scapegoat. Ignore Kamala's incompetence, Ignore Walz's lunacy, Ignore the manager who managed the worst campaign in history, Ignore the Dem cabal who kept propping Biden up until they did a 180 and dumped him.
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: stablemoney 11/5/2024 4:58:26 AM (No. 1826079)
All the Biden administration's criminal policies were passed by Democrats and Rino's in Congress. The Democrat Party machinery chose, elected, and set the policy for puppet and illegitimately elected Biden. Democrat voters have not chosen their candidate in several election cycles, due to superdelegates, or no primary at all for Commiela.
11 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: PChristopher 11/5/2024 5:12:09 AM (No. 1826082)
It's because "she took the reins too late"?! Really?! You don't think it might be because she's a totally unqualified for any position other than flat on her back?! Lazy.... incompetent....grating... everybody sees it!
18 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 11/5/2024 5:47:23 AM (No. 1826087)
Ole Joe, first gets booted from his own party's nomination, replace with a dunce, and now will be blamed for her failure! LOL Say Joe are you just gonna let them finish you off? Ya know that all important legacy you care about is already in the toilet, now they are gonna flush it! AND deservedly so!
13 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 11/5/2024 6:43:43 AM (No. 1826115)
This downhill slide of the dems started with BO, who corrupted the government in an attempt to "fundamentally change America", to make it run by the state (bureaucracy), not the American People. He partially succeeded but as People started to sense what he had been really up to, they resisted and elected Trump. However, the established Cabal of corrupt dems, Deep State, and propaganda media fought evilly against Trump (and still does and will). However, there is a problem with this kind of evil fight against a man like Trump. He doesn't give in. To continue fighting Trump, BO's evil State had to come out of the shadows and become recognized. Slowly, the depth of BO's corruption has become known. The dems have become seen as not only corrupt but fundamentally stupid. The media, even more stupid and ham handed. In the sunshine, these two groups are greatly despised and weakened. The final cleanup will be of the Executive deep state bureaucracy. As President, Constitutionally THE Chief Executive, Trump is empowered to wield a YUGE broom to clean out the Executive branch of government. The SCOTUS has confirmed this is true. If Trump doesn't like obstructionists in government, unless there is a specific law that says they are required, their position can be eliminated. Even required positions can be restaffed with people who will work as Trump wants them to. I have a feeling this Executive review and cleaning out will hit like a Lightning Bolt soon after Trump is sworn in. Trump knows he will not get anything else done until these people are GONE from government. He DEFINATELY needs lots of new people in DOJ, all the law enforcement agencies, and the Intelligence Community agencies to shut down lawfare and legal corruption. The key thing will be to find RELIABLE replacements to run things, although in some agencies, being headless for a while and pausing their activities may actually be a good outcome.
17 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Strike3 11/5/2024 6:47:36 AM (No. 1826119)
Not just Biden, it was a team effort and the democrat bench is still not very deep.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Oldenoughtoknowbetter 11/5/2024 7:20:15 AM (No. 1826148)
God works in mysterious ways. It took a Trump loss to show just how bad the Dems are. Hopefully, if Trump wins, things will really be better as the bad has been exposed.
13 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 11/5/2024 8:19:54 AM (No. 1826192)
I thought everything was Trump's fault.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Venturer 11/5/2024 8:23:31 AM (No. 1826199)
Who put Biden where he is?? If anyone is to blame it is the Cabal that has been running Biden since he was Inaugurated. The Biden Cabal of leadership whoever they are, but certainly Obama, Pelosi, and Chuck the Schmuck are to blame. Put the blame where it belongs. It's easy to try to hide the blame by placing it on a demented old man whose political game is dead, but its BS place the blame where it belong on the Cabal that picked him and BJ queen of California to begin with.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: kdog 11/5/2024 8:26:10 AM (No. 1826204)
I think most rank and file Democrats know they were cheated of a choice during the primaries. Harris doesn't represent them so they aren't going to go vote for her.
6 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: udanja99 11/5/2024 8:27:13 AM (No. 1826205)
If anyone in the WH is to blame, it’s Jill. But I blame the leftist media.
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: FunOne 11/5/2024 8:34:42 AM (No. 1826214)
Biden was screwed by his own party democrats. That was a personal,public insult, He needs to get his revenge as he wants to say he would have beaten Trump.
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 11/5/2024 9:01:48 AM (No. 1826232)
Puppets make great scapegoats. Blame the people behind the puppet. They are likely the same people making these comments. Blame it on the bad policies they created. Policies designed to wreck America. It wasn't an error or a mistake. Instead of fixing the bad policies, they doubled down again and again. There are so many examples. That is why I find it impossible to vote for a Democrat at this point. These jerks won't own what they have done so it is time to hold them responsible.
8 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: NorthernDog 11/5/2024 9:11:28 AM (No. 1826242)
The blame goes back to 2020 when Biden did poorly in the first 2 primaries but all the other Dems dropped out of the race after So. Carolina. If the primaries had played, out perhaps a better candidate would have emerged - although they were all pretty pathetic.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 11/5/2024 9:15:09 AM (No. 1826249)
The dems trapped themselves - they ran a man in the early stages of dementia in 2020, and strong-armed him into choosing a minority (let's say) black woman as his running mate. He may have legitimately won, but there's serious doubt he did. Then, for three years, they covered up his accelerating mental decline, humoring him when he insisted on running again, denying dem voters a choice during the primaries and as a result, setting the stage for RFK Jr. (and his running mate) to bolt into the Trump camp. Confident that they could juice up Joey one more time (or setting him up, take your pick), they agreed to an early debate that clearly showed he wasn't up to the job. Pelosi et al pushed Joey out without a clear plan for picking a replacement. Then, confronted with the reality that they couldn't dump a black woman in favor of a while male (Gavin Newsome), they had to run with her. No one person is at fault. I could name half a dozen who contributed to this disaster.
5 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: clayusmcret 11/5/2024 9:21:02 AM (No. 1826254)
There's a long list ranging from the mainstream media for covering for Biden's loss of cognitive abilities, to Jill Biden covering for Biden's loss of cognitive abilities, to Kamala Harris for covering for Biden's loss of cognitive abilities, to the permanent government sector (deep state) for covering for Biden's loss of cognitive abilities. It all goes back to the many layers covering for Biden's loss of cognitive abilities. Biden hasn't been "running" the government since the 2020 election. It's been a cabal of political and permanent government employees chugging along in spite of Biden's declining state. On top of that, Pelosi and obama's freezing out of any other potential nominees when they clearly agreed to the earliest pre-nomination debate (for the purpose of forcing Biden out)... No matter who wins today's election, big changes must be made or we'll never make it to 2030 as a single nation.
5 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: jhpeters2 11/5/2024 9:30:06 AM (No. 1826260)
Democrats listened to himbo Clooney and Meathead. They forced the only candidate to "beat?" Trump out of the race. Democrats had no apparent plan other than to oust Joe - picking his successor would be done after they could convince kamala to step aside. Joe's autopen notification to the American people of his intention to drop out was not written on White House letterhead. It could have been written by anybody. His recommendation of kamala was via X. And we know Joe never posted to X - he had nitwits do that for him. As far as Joe knows he might still be running.
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Reply 27 - Posted by: Edgelady 11/5/2024 9:39:29 AM (No. 1826263)
It’s Obama who should get the blame.
7 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Italiano 11/5/2024 9:46:49 AM (No. 1826271)
What's really funny about all this is that if the Democrats had not stolen the 2020 election, the country would be in great shape instead of the shambles it's in now, we'd have a secure border, energy independence, Mideast peace, Russia out of Ukraine, and Trump would be on his way out permanently. The Republicans aren't the only Stupid Party.
6 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/5/2024 9:58:28 AM (No. 1826280)
Ole Joe is and was always a self serving politician...spent 50 years in Washington DC and accumulated a fortune selling out he's mentally twisted and has become a nightmare for Barack HUSSEIN Obama who has been pulling his strings for four's a classic...if you pray for just might get it...and now obama and his Iranians in the White House have a mess on their hands...and now what.....
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Reply 30 - Posted by: ARKfamily 11/5/2024 10:11:27 AM (No. 1826290)
How about Democrats blame themselves?
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Reply 31 - Posted by: Lawsy0 11/5/2024 11:23:28 AM (No. 1826330)
Well shucky darn; Walmart has just brought out a new line of flimsy little "Jill" dresses for some Inaugural. Fooey!
3 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: paral04 11/5/2024 2:36:24 PM (No. 1826418)
Au contraire. The more you see Harris the scarier she gets. Why they picked her is a question nobody wants to address. She is incompetent and skated on her gender and color. However, there are some Democrats who would vote for Satan if he were a member of the party.
4 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: doctorfixit 11/5/2024 6:22:02 PM (No. 1826534)
Wrong. Obama. Pelosi and their handlers tossed The Demented Psychopath out the window
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Reply 34 - Posted by: MickTurn 11/5/2024 8:12:26 PM (No. 1826590)
I'm sure, as Joey is an extremely upset puppy with Scamala's Knife in his back, he's just playing Payback!
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 11:41:21 PM Post Reply
Especially while trying to paint your party as The Defender of Muh Democracy? Gee, they may be on to something here! This took place relatively late in the evening, which makes the tentative nature of this discussion so very, very amusing. The chyron that appears below NBC's Lester Holt and Biden flack Jen Psaki shows NBC's call of the state of Washington, which took place as all three Blue Wall states flashed red for at least an hour. The New York Times "dials" had at this point given Trump >70% chance of winning each of them, as I recall, with Pennsylvania and its decisive 19 Electoral College electors already a near-lock.
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 10:16:44 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 9:53:11 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 9:34:00 PM Post Reply
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Did God Rapture Some 15 Million Democrat
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12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 9:14:56 PM Post Reply
Before the election I wondered if this would happen. After universal mail-out ballots had been curbed in some places for the 2024 election, and despite same-day registration and voting and even outlawing voter ID in California, would America have the same numbers of voters as 2020? Would they show back up? At this point, it looks as if there could be a significant reduction in Democrat voters from 2020 to 2024. Votes are still being tabulated, however. Some of these votes may reappear. Questions abound. Take a look at one of the graphs put out on X by ZeroHedge: t's a serious concern. Explanations poured in all day Wednesday
No Mercy 8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 3:44:12 PM Post Reply
Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump because they wanted to "preserve norms," whatever that could possibly mean coming from the mouths of people who broke every political rule in the book to destroy him. Presented with as clear a choice as possible between the establishment and a crew determined to crush it, Americans were very clear: TEAR IT DOWN. Trump didn't run to be a modest correction to the status quo, and he didn't win because of any particular policy proposal. He won because a majority of Americans are disgusted by our establishment and how it has abused us.
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Like Clockwork: Van Jones Blames Sexism
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/6/2024 3:15:02 AM Post Reply
In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, as they were waiting for the election workers in the so-called “blue wall” to tell them what they already knew, CNN’s Van Jones blamed sexism and racism for why Vice President Kamala Harris lost to President-elect Trump. “I am thinking about the people who are not a part of anybody's elite, who are hurting tonight,” he bloviated. Speaking as though he was delivering a sermon, Jones opined about how this election supposedly told black women that America rejected them, how they hoped Harris would essentially liberate them, and lamented how their hard work didn’t pay off:
Today is a day of despair for America.
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37 replies
Posted by cjjeepercreeper 11/6/2024 10:08:17 AM Post Reply
Today is a day of despair, and it would be futile to tell those who fear and grieve for what is to come in America that they will be OK. It would also be dishonest: many of us, in truth, will not be OK. Donald Trump has decisively won the American election. He and his Republican allies have promised mass deportations that will ruin lives and sunder families; they have threatened to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and appoint the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F Kennedy Jr to a position of authority on public health. They have pledged vast cuts to social security and Medicare, .
Sharpton Blames Voter Race and Gender
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/6/2024 12:34:47 PM Post Reply
Wednesday, during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the morning after the presidential election, network host Al Sharpton speculated on who was to blame for Vice President Kamala Harris’ apparent defeat. Sharpton took a shot at the American voter, attributing race and gender bias to Trump’s success. “Probably ‘shock’ would be the word for many at the Howard University party, and then ‘disbelief,'” he said about his view from being at the Harris’ election night event. “I think that is also what we’ve got to deal with —
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/6/2024 12:26:16 PM Post Reply
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Here's What Liz Cheney Had to Say After
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32 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 11/6/2024 10:29:11 AM Post Reply
Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney issued a statement Wednesday morning commenting on Tuesday's election results, giving Donald Trump a landslide win.[snip]“All Americans are bound, whether we like the outcome or not, to accept the results of our elections,”[snip]“We now have a special responsibility, as citizens of the greatest nation on earth, to do everything we can to support and defend our Constitution, preserve the rule of law, and ensure that our institutions hold over these coming four years. Citizens across this country, our courts, members of the press and those serving in our federal, state and local governments must now be the guardrails of democracy."
So far, Democrats Are Down 15 Million
Votes from 2020 ‘Miracle’ – What Happened?
28 replies
Posted by VietVet68 11/6/2024 10:43:41 AM Post Reply
It’s still a bit early in the counting but it appears that Democrats and Kamala Harris not only lost the 2024 election to former President Donald Trump but they lost around 15 million votes in the past four years.
NY AG Letitia James says ‘We are prepared
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presser with Gov. Hochul after Trump wins presidency
27 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/6/2024 5:11:53 PM Post Reply
New York Attorney General Letitia James vowed to “fight back again” as she and Gov. Kathy Hochul treated President-elect Donald Trump as the enemy in a divisive post-election press conference Wednesday. A defiant Hochul announced she formed an “Empire State Freedom Initiative” to prepare to fight “policy and regulatory threats” from the incoming Trump administration. The Democratic governor said she’s prepared to work with Trump, but spent much of her time talking about readying for political and legal war.
NBC Panel: So, Were Dems Right to Push
Biden Aside?
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/6/2024 11:09:48 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday night, an NBC panel began discussing whether the Democratic Party was right to push President Joe Biden aside in favor of his vice president, Kamala Harris. "Jen, has the conversation begun yet about Joe Biden and about the decision to ask him to step aside?" Lester Holt asked former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. "It will begin,” she said. “It will begin depending on the outcome. And obviously, there hasn’t been a race called yet. If this is not a Harris win, that will certainly be part of the discussion. She’s run a campaign over the course of 107 days. That is not something we’ve seen in history,
Antifa Is Already Rioting 27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/6/2024 6:48:39 AM Post Reply
Antifa agitators are already rioting in Democrat-led crime cesspools, calling for chaos on Election Night no matter who wins the White House. Black bloc militants in the city of Seattle mobilized early in the evening to launch an Election Night attack at the former site of the deadly Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). Seattle cops swiftly shut the anarchist occupation down and arrested several leftist activists, according to on-the-ground footage captured by The Post Millennial's Katie Daviscourt. "There is a heavy police presence on the ground tonight," she said, noting that the Seattle Police Department is "not playing any games." At least four Antifa suspects were arrested for obstructing traffic
The Greatest Comeback of All Time 27 replies
Posted by DW626 11/6/2024 6:34:29 AM Post Reply
The “experts” said it couldn’t be done. They called him a “loser” and an “illegitimate” president whose time in office should be stricken from the pages of history. Political pundits said his refusal to accept the mail-in-ballot-fraud-tainted 2020 election results made him an “insurrectionist” and a “dangerous threat to democracy.” Democrat prosecutors and judges threw his supporters in jail. Democrat operatives in the FBI and DOJ insinuated that he is a “Russian spy” and “domestic enemy” who should be convicted of treason. The most hoity-toity “reporters” from the fanciest newspapers in the land said that Americans would never elect a criminal defendant
‘WORLD IN SHOCK’: Leftist Drudge Report
Mourns Trump’s Stunning Victory
26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/6/2024 3:11:11 AM Post Reply
The Drudge Report has bet against Donald Trump and lost. Having once been the most influential conservative media website in America, the website appears to have conceded that Trump is heading toward an extraordinary victory. [Tweet] The lead headline links to an article from The Associated Press, which does not state that Trump has won the election but admitted that he had weakened the Democratic coalition. It stated: Even with the outcome uncertain Tuesday night, the 2024 presidential election already has exposed the depths of a fractured nation as the candidates navigated political shifts based on class, race and age under the near-constant threat of misinformation and violence.
R.I.P. Hollywood Celebrity Presidential
Endorsements: Taylor Swift, George Clooney,
Robert De Niro, Beyonce Fail to Secure
Victory for Kamala
25 replies
Posted by Imright 11/6/2024 5:21:15 PM Post Reply
The combined star power of Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Cardi B, Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Bruce Springsteen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro and many, many more failed to carry Kamala Harris over the finish line on Tuesday — a humiliating defeat for the entertainment industry, which had mobilized many of its biggest celebrities this election cycle in the service of the Democrat party. President-elect Donald Trump’s resounding victory — he won the electoral and popular votes — signals the diminishing power of Hollywood stars as political influencers and message amplifiers.
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