Hillary Clinton called out for suggesting
Americans should be arrested over disinformation:
'Quite chilling'
Fox News,
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
9/21/2024 11:28:23 AM
Author and constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley sounded the alarm on Hillary Clinton's "chilling" suggestion that Americans who share disinformation should be arrested. Turley addressed the former secretary of state's controversial remarks on free speech during "America's Newsroom," warning that the global effort to stifle free speech has reached U.S. shores. JONATHAN TURLEY: I talk about her in my new book, ‘The Indispensable Right,' and how she's been one of the outstanding voices in the anti-free speech movement. Her views on free speech are quite chilling. What's interesting is that for years, the left has been trying to get people to embrace censorship, but it's hard
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
sw penn 9/21/2024 11:36:56 AM (No. 1799764)
Politicians who conspire to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens
should be arrested, tried, and imprisoned for
conspiracy to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens...
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Ismeme 9/21/2024 11:42:58 AM (No. 1799768)
PIAPS should have been locked up years ago! She escaped because of crooked deep state power and two tier justus. I so badly wanted to see her perp walked in an orange pants suit. MAGA47
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Hermit_Crab 9/21/2024 11:47:17 AM (No. 1799773)
Why is anyone surprised at this?
Four years ago she said we should be sent to "Camps"
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 9/21/2024 11:51:01 AM (No. 1799775)
Hillary "Commie" Clinton
Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy/Steele Dossier
I Did Not/Cigar Bill/Stained Blue Dress
12 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 9/21/2024 11:56:31 AM (No. 1799778)
The Hildebeast means what she says and says what she means. Her call for arrests are no surprise. It's what the Hildebeast does.
11 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 9/21/2024 11:58:20 AM (No. 1799780)
No surprise as #3 mentioned. Years ago when Rush Limbaugh was becoming hugely popular, this wannabe dictator told another leftist cohort, "We need to do something about that". She would have cheerfully shut him down and pulled the license of any station that carried his show. The US Constitution means nothing to these people if it gets in the way of their attaining complete power.
21 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 9/21/2024 12:01:04 PM (No. 1799782)
OK, arrest her for disinformation fake reports about Trump.
23 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
chillijilli 9/21/2024 12:03:10 PM (No. 1799787)
This is so easy. First, ask her to define "disinformation." Next, use her own words against her:
“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
― Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 9/21/2024 12:08:17 PM (No. 1799793)
As himself has said: "You'd be in jail."
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/21/2024 12:08:33 PM (No. 1799794)
Here is the low-life that invented and paid for the Russian Hoax.
How crazy is she to speak of disinformation.?
How crazy are the MORONS who listen to her.?
She was an unfit mother, and unfit First lady, and unfit Senator, and an unfit Secretary of State
And IMO she is unfit to be called an American.
14 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
padiva 9/21/2024 12:12:36 PM (No. 1799800)
Can PDT sue her for all his legal bills and the cost to the federal government for her lies?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
FJB 9/21/2024 12:14:30 PM (No. 1799802)
That'll teach us! Thanks, Sweet Cheeks, what would we stools do without you showing us which way to circle the drain? MAGA Vet.
8 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 9/21/2024 12:20:45 PM (No. 1799809)
Webb-ster's Dictionary:
- disinformation /dĭs-ĭn″fər-mā′shən/ :
1) Deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by a government or especially by an intelligence agency in order to influence public opinion or the government in another nation, OR by the act of private citizens abusing using their Constitutional right of "free speech," saying anything not entirely provable fact before writing or saying to others to thereby risk arrest and punishment, as determined by mostly foreign-born judges from rot-in-hell Communist countries before getting a "magic ticket" to the U.S. to become citizens under lax Democrat immigration laws.
2) Dissemination of such misleading information using any means, including text messages and family conversations.
3) The dissemination of intentionally false information to deliberately confuse or mislead, exception being that entire Democrat Trump-Russia Collusion hoax and several others, like the JFK assassination, lone-gunman assertion.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
JunkYardDog 9/21/2024 12:23:46 PM (No. 1799813)
Hillary accusing others of spreading misinformation...what a JOKE. The Steele Dossier? The bathroom server that the Russians and the Chinese hacked? The bleachbit wiping (What? With a cloth?) The missing 33K emails? This hag should be serving multiple life sentences for espionage.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
paral04 9/21/2024 12:24:22 PM (No. 1799814)
Great! Time to frog march Hillary to the cooler.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
msliberty1937 9/21/2024 12:26:53 PM (No. 1799817)
#8...Thanks for that reminder. I can still see the hate in her eyes and hear the vitriol in her voice as she spewed that remark. Nice to see that the old PIAPS hasn't changed a bit.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 9/21/2024 12:38:32 PM (No. 1799826)
She should be held to her own standards. Lock her up!
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 9/21/2024 1:37:20 PM (No. 1799854)
I continue to be surprised that anyone still listens to this corrupt, lying, pile of poop. Hillary, get it through your thick brain that you will never be president and most of the country cannot stand you.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Felixed 9/21/2024 3:10:44 PM (No. 1799885)
Which is the worse?
Those who don't grasp the implications of Hillary's desires?
Those who don't give a damn (maybe even agree with her)?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 9/21/2024 4:28:56 PM (No. 1799922)
I honestly don't see anything wrong with any public influencer promoting whatever misinformation they choose.
That issue tends to correct itself, because people quickly learn to ignore liars.
The only problem with that approach is that it requires an honest media will hold them to account...which has not happened in decades.
What Hillary is really trying to squelch are the only truth-tellers in the whole equation...the conservative bloggers on the internet.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Strike3 9/21/2024 6:20:32 PM (No. 1799967)
Sir Edmund is one of the biggest purveyors of misinformation in history. She was one of the main causes of Trump's first impeachment and should be rotting in a cell somewhere, anywhere. I would mention John McCain as well but he's dead now.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
mifla 9/22/2024 4:27:37 AM (No. 1800094)
I am done with you Hillary.
God will deal with you soon enough.
I hope you are ready to meet Him.
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