Inside the bitter personal battle between
top FBI and DOJ officials over Mar-a-Lago
NBC News,
David Rohde
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
9/4/2024 12:07:40 AM
On Aug. 1, 2022, senior Justice Department and FBI officials gathered on the seventh floor of the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., for a historic meeting.
They exchanged pleasantries, shook hands, and took seats in Room 7427, the FBI general counsel’s conference room, a nondescript gathering place with a long rectangular table surrounded by no-frills office chairs. Each official wore a suit, mandatory attire on the storied floor that houses the office of the FBI director and his top advisers.
The senior DOJ officials had left their headquarters, an elegant mix of Classical and Art Deco architecture, and met their bureau colleagues across Pennsylvania Avenue in the FBI headquarters, a Brutalist structure
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Noj15 9/4/2024 12:18:11 AM (No. 1789929)
“You know what the reaction was in the department?” recalled a former FBI official involved in the case who asked not to be named. “We were like, ‘Oh shi&, we don’t want any part of this. The real enemies are Russia and China.’” Yeah. This is CYA because the Trump train is rolling into the station. Treason it was and is. Treason.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
D S Craft 9/4/2024 12:25:32 AM (No. 1789930)
What a steaming pile of manure this article is. A lot of blah, blah, blah, without one word regarding the boxes of documents Biden kept in his garage with no questions asked. Typical MSM garbage.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
OhioNick 9/4/2024 1:05:12 AM (No. 1789932)
Not one mention in the lengthy article that President Trump had the legal authority to declassify and retain those documents. Also, the article failed to mention that it was Obama who was desperate for the government to get those documents back because of the damaging information they contained.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Jethro bo 9/4/2024 5:05:45 AM (No. 1789988)
So Democrat political hacks At the DOJ-U)were afraid that foreign goobernment could get into Mar A Lago with SS protection and steal classified documents? And there wasn't this textiles out effort to get Hitlery;'s data before she took a hammer to it. Or concern that a padlock on a decrepit wooden door on a garage was a security concern. Nope, just get Trump. Agreed, CYA by the FBI cause the DOJ-U will hopefully have a clean house AG soon. The political hacks there can be fired. The FBI the political hacks are like Herpes, always there and erupting from time to time.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
judy 9/4/2024 5:28:40 AM (No. 1789997)
Seeing the letters NBC was all I need to stop reading.....
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Venturer 9/4/2024 6:33:28 AM (No. 1790026)
For the FBI to storm the residence of a former President , already being guarded by the Secret Service with machine guns/
Machine guns? Come on , what moron figured that one out?
First: Who pushed the Archives into this moronic move. Someone in the Archives should be looking for a job.
Then the FBI? All they had to do was send 2 agents in to get what they wanted, and don't forget someone wanted to look at Malania's underwear.
The Democrats pulled off this atrocity and then they cry that if trump get elected he might investigate them.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 9/4/2024 6:34:35 AM (No. 1790027)
What garbage.
WHY was there ANY type of criminal investigation under way? By LAW, documents are under control of the President. ALL Presidents have retained documents. There is ALWAYS some legal give and take of what documents should be returned and what a President will retain. NONE of this is a criminal matter.
Trump held the bureaucracy's feet to the fire. He pointed out their foibles and illegal actions. Comey, the HEAD of the FBI was acting as a political agent. That was CORRUPT and ILLEGAL. The agency rots from the head. The rot has been well documented throughout the government as certain actors decided that is was their job to assault Trump. This is INSANE. The President IS the head of the Executive branch, invested with sole power as Chief Executive, defined in the Constitution. ALL these others are bit players. If Trump says "You're FIRED", for any reason, Constitutionally, he WINS.
All the actions described in the article are corrupt and fundamentally illegal. Trump is a former President, not a crime lord. He was entitled to the respect of his office. These stooges rolled right over the Presidency over trivialities. It's a disgrace and as their cases and actions fall apart, they and their agencies are exposed as the thugs that they are.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
downnout 9/4/2024 8:18:30 AM (No. 1790080)
This so-called news piece reminded me of why I should disregard anything coming from NBC. The bias is palpable.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Laotzu 9/4/2024 8:32:35 AM (No. 1790087)
They issued a subpoena to surrender documents. In response, Trump staff started pulling boxes from storage and FBI/DOJ used that naturally responsive act as the basis to raid Melania's underwear drawer. It's like a cop shooting you at a traffic stop when he asks you for your license and registration and you reach in your glove box.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
montwoodcliff 9/4/2024 8:47:50 AM (No. 1790093)
After the fifth paragraph, I came to realize that this article is an attempt to whitewash the entire Mar-a-Lago affair. A little while ago, I remember reading that the FBI was after certain incriminating documents and they wanted them back. And who provided the tip about the surveillance cameras? Somebody was being thorough about pursuing those documents. If we get complete control of the legislature, I hope that we give these Democrats and DOJ/FBI peolple a thorough proctological exam; no more of “we take the high road” stuff!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
TheTruthHurts 9/4/2024 8:51:44 AM (No. 1790096)
Interesting how Nancy P. gets a free ride on destroying Trumps's speech which was the property of the National Archives. The issue just faded away.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
3XALADY 9/4/2024 9:09:49 AM (No. 1790108)
FTA: "They said that Bratt pursued all cases aggressively, noting that he had a long history of investigating the handling of classified documents by Democrats, including Hillary Clinton." And he was so talented that NOTHING EVER GOT DONE. IIRC she destroyed 30,000 government documents with not even a slap on her ugly hands. Old Yeller had confidential documents spread all over the northeast. Judas Pence even got in the act and said he had some too. The picture of the secret docs spread on the floor ---- we already know they were thrown there by the agents and the covers added by the agents. This article is a bunch of hooey. And don't forget - there was a shoot to kill order on PDJT that day.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
felixcat 9/4/2024 9:47:14 AM (No. 1790134)
So some classified records are more equal than others...
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
FormerDem 9/4/2024 10:09:02 AM (No. 1790151)
it is a very well written article but mendacious, aiming to tantalize the reader with a point of view at FBI headquarters, from which POV they can state as a premise of a personal drama that Trump was being uncooperative. which he was not iirc. they choose sides in the premise more or less and try to slide the audience past it with this supposed drama. their modus operandi
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
curious1 9/5/2024 12:28:11 AM (No. 1790563)
Next year, everybody involved in the mar-a-largo action and decisions, including that temp judge that signed off on it, should be publicly put up against a wall and shot. Right after their fair, 5-min trial when they are found guilty. Leave their stinking corpses where they fall and make all the bureaucrats in DC walk by a couple times, all the while being reminded that is their fate if they decide to cross the line ever again.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
msjena 9/5/2024 7:58:23 AM (No. 1790695)
Why didn't the DOJ go to court to enforce the subpoena? Executing a search warrant was overkill and never should have happened.
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