Kamala Harris Proposes Expansive Housing
Subsidies, ‘Price-Gouging’ Regulations
in First Economic Plan
National Review,
James Lynch
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
8/16/2024 10:52:34 AM
Vice President Kamala Harris laid out more than a dozen policy proposals on Friday aimed at lowering costs for middle-class Americans and supporting young families, marking her first attempt at laying out an economic agenda since becoming the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee.
Harris’s campaign unveiled the policy proposals ahead of a speech in North Carolina on Friday afternoon, where she is expected to tout her economic agenda and contrast it with her 2024 GOP rival, former president Donald Trump.
The move comes as Republicans have criticized Harris’s campaign for its lack of concrete policy proposals, besides her abandonment of several progressive policies
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
kono 8/16/2024 11:05:07 AM (No. 1779076)
The authoritarian socialists don't seem to notice how the bulk of economic volatility results from our efforts to control the market, so they think they can fix the problem with more government control over the market. As is so often the case, the government's effort to fix the problem they created will most likely exacerbate the problem, instead of fixing it.
I thought we BEAT the Soviets in the Cold War... why is their way now taking over our country?
11 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
jalo1951 8/16/2024 11:15:39 AM (No. 1779085)
Big, bad, all controlling, powerful, you will do what I say, communist leaning, over taxing, overspending, freebie giving, no borders, no security, run by asshats is not the answer. Our DEI VP is a loon. America had better wake up.
8 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Digger 8/16/2024 11:16:03 AM (No. 1779087)
Here’s how the scam will work:
1) Take the subsidy
2) Buy a house
3) Take out a second mortgage or refinance
4) pocket the cash
5) Don’t pay the mortgage and live rent free until eviction
6) Hire a creepy lawyer and fight eviction
7) leave the debt with the creditors and disrupt the mortgage and housing industries
If a dumb engineer can figure this one out, why can’t thousands of leeches?
Didn’t we try this once before?
6 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
mifla 8/16/2024 11:25:18 AM (No. 1779101)
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Dems must love inflation.
4 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Strike3 8/16/2024 11:46:38 AM (No. 1779111)
So, people who put their house on the market at the going rate will be found to be price gouging? The lucky buyers will be selected from the protected class. See how that works?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
kono 8/16/2024 11:58:27 AM (No. 1779120)
Is "expansive" what we call vacuous these days? And when did you notice that Kneepads was really a stealth member of the squad?
0 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 8/16/2024 12:02:14 PM (No. 1779123)
Just what we can expect from financial numbnuts. FHA loans already exist for first times, down payment as low as 3.5% v 20% for conventional. Credit ratings in the sewers. And what happens? 4x delinquecies compared tomcommercial lines. And we taxpayers eatbthose, while in commercial,loans its stockholders. In the real world, this plan makes it worse. Of, they also want to cut the 1.8% profit margin on groceries. That will close stores.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
planetgeo 8/16/2024 12:27:14 PM (No. 1779140)
Kamala's giveaway proposals mean she wants to become America's Evita. But her ignorance of basic economic principles means she will more likely become known as Evicta.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jasmine 8/16/2024 12:38:37 PM (No. 1779147)
This is about a lot more than "housing." What Dems want to do to the suburbs (not to mention the people who live there) is discussed in the link below.
Dems want the feds, not your local authorities, deciding what can be built in your neighborhood. They want apartments built in neighborhoods zoned for single family homes. They want to allow homeowners to add one or more "accessory" buildings to their single family home lots, thereby making cheap housing available in the suburbs. They intend to bring in more cars, pollution and people with subsidies. These ideas have not been well publicized, as our MSM doesn't care how much it costs Middle America to have their property values diminished. Most Americans must work hard and save before they can afford a down payment. Most people living in the suburbs today have worked their tails off to be able to do so. Kamala and the Dems want to take that lifestyle away from Middle America, and replace it with what they think we deserve. Dems neither respect, nor value Middle Class America, and they prove it with every one of their Americans LAST proposals.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Krause 8/16/2024 1:56:26 PM (No. 1779189)
Are we allowed to ask who her economic advisors are?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 8/16/2024 2:07:42 PM (No. 1779192)
The biggest out of control cost, and my largest expend, is federal taxes. Our servants are overpaid compared to industry, many…but not all are underperforming and/or doing work that is not in the fed wheelhouse. It is price gouging on an unimaginable scale.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
TarAndFeathers 8/16/2024 3:08:29 PM (No. 1779228)
The debut of Caracas Kamala merely hints at much more woe to follow as we lurch into Kamalalaland.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
rytwng 8/16/2024 4:42:39 PM (No. 1779289)
She's even dumber than we thought. Even more stupid than Biden
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