Gateway Pundit,
Cristina Laila
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Posted by
7/26/2024 9:22:05 PM
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The Justice Department agreed to pay former FBI special agent Peter Strzok a $1.2 settlement over the release of his anti-Trump text messages.
Peter Strzok sued the DOJ for ‘unlawfully disclosing’ his text messages to his paramour Lisa Page.
Strzok and Lisa Page discussed an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of office.
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to Andrew McCabe.
Daily Mail (UK),
Jon Michael Raasch
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 12:18:27 PM
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The FBI wants to question Donald Trump about his near-death experience when he survived an assassination attempt earlier this month.
It has yet to receive a victim statement from the former president as it collects evidence to investigate the horrifying event, one official said.
The bureau's director Christopher Wray sparked a firestorm on Wednesday when he testified to lawmakers on Capitol Hill that there are still 'some question' about whether the former president was struck with a bullet or shrapnel. In a subsequent statement he sought to clarify that remark.
Trump was quick to refute any suggestion that he was hit by shrapnel, saying
Daily Mail (UK),
Nikki Schwab
Emily Goodin
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 9:01:38 AM
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Both former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama have officially endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president.
The Harris campaign released a video early Friday morning showing the likely Democratic presidential nominee taking a call from the political power couple where they reveal they're endorsing her.
The video was filmed Wednesday in Indianapolis, where Harris traveled to address the Zeta Phi Beta sorority. The couple's decision to stay silent for days on Harris's candidacy had fueled speculation they weren't supportive of her bid.
Washington Free Beacon [D.C.],
Joseph Simpson
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 5:04:25 PM
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Vice President Kamala Harris said the public should no longer use the terms "radical Islamic terrorism" and "illegal alien" during a speech she gave at a Los Angeles mosque in July 2016.
"We must have the courage to object when they use that term, ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ which ignores how Muslims have overwhelmingly been the greatest victims of terror," she told the crowd at the Islamic Center of Southern California. "We must also have the courage to reject the term ‘illegal alien.’"
Harris’s remarks, which are available on her Facebook page, are yet another example of her history
Breitbart Politics,
Elizabeth Weibel
Original Article
Posted by
7/27/2024 4:09:16 AM
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Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) praised the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, France, as being “imaginative, inventive and memorable.”
The opening ceremony featured an opening dance number that showed women being “flung around on poles,” while another dance number showed three dancers, two men and a woman, who had been dancing through the streets, going up the stairs of a building as they began kissing. The dancers then went into a room and began to kiss some more. Lady Gaga also sang French songs in a prerecorded opening, while Celine Dion sang from the Eiffel Tower.
PJ Media,
Kevin Downey Jr.
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 5:35:56 PM
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Like it or not, I believe Kamala will be the 47th president of the United States. No, I don't think the Mad Cackler can beat Trump, but I do believe President Shartshispants is going to resign before Inauguration Day, making Harris the 47th president and checking a ton of boxes for those who pray to the false god of DEI.
FACT-O-RAMA! The Democrats would likely install Harris as #47 just to p**s off those of us with Trump 45-47 swag.
Needless to say, I'm odds and ends when it comes to attacking Kamala Harridan. I've got a junk drawer full of reasons she's a troglodyte.
Kamala has a garbage, commie-rific platform
New York Post,
Katherine Donlevy
Original Article
Posted by
7/27/2024 2:56:03 AM
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A crew of drag queens and dancers performed an apparent “parody of the Last Supper” at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony Friday, drawing intense criticism across social media.
“This is crazy. Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper with men in drag,” Clint Russel, the host of the Liberty Lockdown podcast, fumed on X.
“There are 2.4 billion Christians on earth and apparently the Olympics wanted to declare loudly to all of them, right out of the gate NOT WELCOME,” said Russel.
New York Post,
Allie Griffin
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 2:41:32 AM
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Donald Trump tore into FBI Director Christopher Wray Thursday after the bureau head raised questions about whether the former president was actually struck by a bullet when a would-be assassin opened fire at his campaign rally earlier this month.
“FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively ‘uneventful’ – Wrong!” Trump wrote on Truth Social, getting in a dig at President Biden as well.
Wray was answering questions during a House Judiciary Committee meeting on Wednesday when he said there was
Daily Mail (UK),
Charlie Spiering
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 4:44:35 PM
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Kamala Harris was all smiles when she arrived at Joe Biden's former Delaware campaign headquarters on Monday.
She was there to lift the spirits of blindsided staffers, who after 15 months of toiling to re-elect the president, suddenly found themselves working for her.
'It is my great honor to have Joe's endorsement in this race,' she boasted to cheers from a crowd who were now on her payroll.But as the assembled readily applauded, some must have harbored private concerns.
For, behind the recent public self-branding of Harris as a kindly, jovial 'Momala', she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged 'soul-destroying' workplace 'bully'.
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 12:37:41 PM
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In a heated discussion on the latest episode of his podcast, content creator Anton Daniels confronted the troubling implications of identity politics when a guest openly admitted she would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris solely because she is a black woman.
During the episode, Paige of the Pressher Podcast said she’s voting for Kamala, saying, “I’m going to just be real honest with this. She’s a black woman.”
You could see the disappointment in the room when Paige said that she’s only voting Kamala because of identity politics.
The admission elicited an immediate reaction from Daniels, who challenged her
Real Clear Politics,
Frank Miele
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 8:51:00 AM
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Calling Seymour Hersh!
The investigative journalist who broke the story about the CIA blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines may be the only reporter brave enough to pierce the veil of secrecy surrounding the political coup that was waged against President Joe Biden this summer.
It looked for all the world as though Biden would survive his June 27 debate debacle. Biden had revealed himself to be woefully unprepared to challenge Donald Trump effectively in what many have called the most significant election of our lifetimes. Republicans warned that Biden was showing signs of senility or even dementia, and even Democrats worried
New York Post,
Ryan King
Original Article
Posted by
7/26/2024 6:52:16 AM
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Former President Barack Obama, one of the most prominent holdouts among Democratic party luminaries, and his wife, former First Lady Michelle Obama, have officially given Vice President Kamala Harris their endorsement for the presidency.
Obama, 62, who had at least one publicly known call with Harris on Sunday, lavished praise on her, saying she has the “vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands.”
“Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris,” the former POTUS wrote on X Friday.
Higbie wondering where donations really came from...